The Times Record from Troy, New York (2025)

Parley Cheers Attack On Communism Caracas, Venezuela (AP)--Th tnnth Inter-American Conference a little United Nations" lor th republics of this hemisphere opened yesterday and cheered a attack of communism. Evaristo Sourdis, foreign minis ter of Colombia, was respondin to the welcoming address of Pres ident Marcos Perez Jimenez Venezuela when he was interrupt ed by applause for his denuncia tion of the "forces of evil which operate in darkness." He urged nations of this hemis phere to adopt "the necessar measures to impede or uproot activity which tends to encourag the dominance of internationa creeds which threaten free nation of the world." Almost at the same instant Sour dis spoke, a responsible source re ported that J. Villarroel, head the Communist Party undergroun organization in Venezuela, ha -been jailed, and that Jai Nairn Singh, member of the ousted left wing government of British Guin ana, had been told to leave Vene Threatens Revolt. Singh told a new.s conference here Saturday that if the Britisl do not voluntarily abandon British Guiana and give it independence they will face an "armed rebel lion." He attended the plenary session of the conference yesterday after noon. Asked what credentials had, he said he had not had to ihow any at the door.

The reasons for his expulsion from the country were not dis closed. Sourdis told "the first full session of the conference "the defense this continent is wherever totali tarian aggression presents At an organizational meeting earlier yesterday, the heads delegations of the 20 nations rep resented here defeated a Guate malan proposal to divide one the conference's major communi ties into two. Accused By U. S. Guatemala's government has been accused by the United States of permitting Communist infiltra tion.

Delegates said, however, this was not an issue in yesterday's ac tion. Guillermo Toriello, foreigi: minister of Guatemala, said he proposed the plan only to "give more attention to the important political issues which are on the agenda for this political-juridical committee." Among the items the committee is to consider is Communist intervention in the Americas. Secretary Dulles, taking part in his firit conference discussion, opposed Guatemala's proposal. He "there is much force to what has been laid" by Guatemala but iuggested that the committee's work could be divided among subcommittees. President Perez Jimenez told the NOW! REGULAR PRICES Alffid at 1:20 MAT.


Shown are, left to right, Robert Evers, Cecil ISiash, David Reichard, Jack Murray and Paul Scott. In the rear are Reginald Reichard, Frank Murray and Harvey Scott, their fathers. delegates "we do nat feel ourselves authorized, in the name of doctrines we profess or say we defend, to take a hand in the internal policy of others, for such a way of intervening, instead of helping to bring the countries closer together, sets up barriers of dislike and 'suspicion." Just before he appeared in the magnificent auditorium, word reached here that Puerto Rican nationalists in Washington had shot and wounded five mem bers of the U. S. House of Repre sentatives in the House chamber.

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles issued a statement saying he was "deeply Arturo Morales Carrion, under secretary of state of Puerto Rico and a member.of the U. S. delega tion, said he was "distressed anc shocked and I think it was an ac of sheer lunacy." Mad Moose And Dieting By LAURA Z. HOBSON (International News Service) We all have a couple of plump pals trying to reduce, and often their methods strike us as a littl crazy. Now comes some newscientifi Water Main Leak At Hudson Falls Discovered" A major leak in the water main Hudson Falls was discovered Sunday night by the Petrometer Associates of Is 7 York City and Mayor Clayton De Mers reported quick repairs so that service to business places was not affected.

The mayor stated that the leak which was located north of Clark St. had resulted in estimated loss 75,000 to 100,000 gallons of wa- er daily. The saving, was notice- ble after repairs, he said. The New York concern which vas engaged by the village to search out possible loss of supply las found numerous small leaks, ncluding one in a connection at he GE plant. They will continue heir program.

At 12:30, 3:37, :51 LUCILLE BALL DESI ARNAZ flu, 2:21, 5:27, 8:34 FRANCIS SULLIVAN CftrkrTtQMCOlOR NOW TYRONE POWER tack Hit in PLUS THE RETURN OF FRAM JANES Government Fired 355 As Subversives Washington CAP) Chairman Philip Young of the Civil Service Commission told Congress yester day that 355 out of 1,782 "security' separations in the government las year involved persons with subver sive data, in their files. long-awaited breakdown-classifying the suspects as alleged subversives, sex perverts, criminals arid persons other derogator backgrounds--came after weeks of public outcry by Democrats for de tailed information on the subject President Eisenhower said in his State-of-the-Union "message to Con gress in January that 2,200 gov ernment workers had been let out under the new security program he ordered into effect in April, 1953 Eisenhower gave no breakdown however, nor was there any from his administration, showing how many were ousted for loyalty rea sons. Democrats on both sides of Capi tol Hill have charged that some Republican speakers were trying to put across the idea that most the 2,200 were Communists or sub versives left over from the Tru man administration. Young i yesterday 1 breakdown to Chairman Rees (R- Kan.) of the House Civil Service Committee at Recs' request. The total of 1,782 firings and resignations docs not- include 211 "terminations" and 231 resignations in the Defense Department.

Young said details of the defense separations would be furnished later. In all, Young's report listed 2,008 showings of security risk, outside of the Defense Department. But some of these fell in more han one category, as for instance a loose talker who was also an in- emperate drinker. Here is the breakdown of the 1,008 security findings: 1. "Information of a subversive 2.

Sex perverts--190. 3. Felonies or misdemeanors --504. WILLIAMS "EASY TO LOVE" A GLENN" FORD "TERROR ON A TRAIN' 4. 959.

Other unspecified causes-- SEE IT THURS. AT THE TROY 2 GREATEST GANG-UNO HITS EVER MADE! NOW ON Young said the list covered a even-month period between May 28 and Dec. 31, 1953, and included 983 persons who were fired and ,241 who resigned, including those the Defense Department. The report did not show how many, if any. took jobs in other cderal agencies and are still on payrolls.

The Interior Department led the ist with 72 "subversive informa- ion" cases, followed by the Veterans Administration with 45, tate Department 43 and Justice Department 41. The super-sensitive Central In- elligence Agency showed a clean zero" score on subversive cases, but had 31 sex perverts--second )nly to the State Department's 49 that category. Sex perverts are rated as dangerous security risks on the ground hat they might be blackmailed nto betraying secrets. The list showed the White House 3d one security separation, but ndicated that neither subversion nor sex perversion was involved, 'residential press secretary James Hagerty declined to comment )n the single White House case. Sen.

Olin D. Johnston (D-SC) told newsmen recently that even if the Civil Service Commission gave a public analysis, he would continue to press his demand for a Senate investigation of the whole issue. data that seems to boar us out. It's kind of reverse proof, but nimble minds have no trouble taking their science hind end to. And I do mean hind, for a hinc female deer, and deer is re lated to moose, and it's a bunch of mad moose up in Nova Scotia that lead us straight back to diets anc craziness.

have never heard of a herd psychotic moose, but they're now being studied by Canadian biolo gists and the research already in dicates a connection between their diet and their madness. With the mad moose, the dietary lacks aren't voluntary, but arise because certain plants that feec their motory and sensory nerves have been dying out in Nova Scotia's increasingly mild climate. Down here, diet--at least for people--is usually a free choice, and though most doctors urge fat folk to reduce, they also urge going about it in a perfectly sane way. But once the diet frenzy hits, it does seem that the first thing reduced is brain power. One season the fad is to eat nothing but lambchobs and pineapple, till it's wonder the dieters don't sprout permanent leis and start bleating.

The next season it will be bananas--baked! fried, broiled mashed or strictly on the hoof. The third time round, "high pro tein" become the magic words, anc then it's day in and day out on lean fish for the poor and thick steaks for the rich. This kind of thing inevitably leads to such frustration and mis placed aggression that our dieters soon feel as demented as deer, as mad as moose, and as hollow a flutes. Then they'll sneak five hot buttered rolls when nobody's looking, or order a double chocolate sundae with nuts, maraschino cherries and a dollop of whipped cream to top off the whole guilt-ridden mess. The first weeks of March always turn a woman's fancy to thoughts of new clothes, and if she's at all overweight, she starts following the newest diet, in the afternoon paper or the magazine she reads while her fingerwave sets.

The trouble is, she won't really 'follow" for more than a few days --then she starts leading the diet around by the nose, and wonders very morning whether the scale stuck and needs oiling. Every published diet warns you not to cheat on yourself, not to expect miracles, and above all, not go too fast. But have you ever yet seen a dieter who didn't do all three? One trouble is that patience, elf-control, and ordinary good ense are things you can't measure out on those fancy charts and cal- rie tables. That's why they're the unknown quantities and big question-marks the most scientific reducing cheme ever devised. So, if you have pounds that you hate, on your hips or wherever, here's one piece of advice any good friend would ofTer as you tart out hopefully on your new pring diet: Stay with it, and stay reasonably ane.

Don't be an elk! Albany (AP) The Assembly last night voted to double the salaries of the governor and lieutenant governor, effective next Jan. The Assembly passed two resolutions to increas the governor's salary from $25,000 to $50,000 a year and the lieuten ant governor's pay from $10,000 to $20,000. The increases were made possi ble by a constitutional amendmen approved by the voters at last November's election. It permits the Legislature to fix both salaries, up to limits of $50,000 and $20,000 The measures do not have to be signed by the governor. The two resolutions, sponsored by Assemblyman William H.

MacKenzie, Allegany County Republican and chairman of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, are expected to win easy approval in the Senate. NOW ON ONf DOUBIF TMRIU i 1 little HARRY WHITON ILL The condition of Harry F. Whiton, 5 Euclid referee of the State Workmen's Compensation Board, was reported "greatly im- pToved" yesterday. Mr. Whiton, who was taken ill Friday while presiding as a referee in Compensation Court in Middletown, is in Norton Memorial Hospital, Middletown.

Schuylerville John W. Cummings of this village, agent for the Railway Express, terminated his services with the company yesterday, after an employment record of 49 years. The years of service, according to Mr. Cummings, have been marked by numerous experiences. Outstanding in his estimation is the fact that in all these years, he has not lost a single day through illness.

Mr. Cummings' duties with the company began in Schuylerville, Sept. 1, 1904, as a wagon driver. He has been employed in Cambridge with supervision of the company's Schuylerville, Greenwich and Cambridge business for nearly 20 years. Lenten Church services will usher in the lenten season tomorrow." Preceding the masses at 7:30 a.m.

in the Church of the Visitation and Notre Dsrne de Lourdes Church on Ash Wednesday, the ashes will be, blessed, and imposed following mass and in the evening following the lenten devotions which will be held in both churches. Third Atom Gun Battalion Will Be Sent To Europe Washington (AP) The Army announced yesterday that a third atomic cannon battalion will be sent to Europe within the next few months. The new unit, equipped with 280 MM guns capable of firing either conventional or atomic shells is now stationed at Ft. Sill, Olda. It numbers between 500 and 600 men and will man six of the big guns when it moves into its undisclosec defense position in Europe.

The United States Command -in Europe recently announced that two atomic gun battalions were al ready on'the scene, the 868th anc the 269th. When the third battalion arrive: in Europe the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Alliance commands will have at their disposal a total of 18 of the big pieces. LEGAL NOTICE FLOOR--CAPITOL, ALBANY, Y. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for Terrazzo Floor, First Floor, Capitol. Albany, N.

in accord- with Soccifiaction No. 1S538 and ac- companyinx drawings, will be received by Henry A. Cohen. Director, Bureau of and Accounts, Department or Public 14th Floor, The Governor A. E.

Smith State Office BuildinK, Albany. N. until 2:00 o'clock P.M.. Eastern Standard Time, on Thursday, March 18, 1854. when they will be publicly opened and read.

Each proposal must made upon the form and submitted in the envelope provided therefor and ehall be accompanied by a certified check payable to the State of New York, Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, of 57i of the amount of the bid aa a guaranty that the bidder will enter into the contract if it be awarded to bisn. upecification number must be written on the front. the envelopt. Tht blank in propoial roust be filled In, and no be made in the phraseology the that carry any omissions, alterations or additions be rejected aj informal. State reserves right to reject any or all bids.

Successful bidder will be required to give a bond conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and separate bond for the payment of laborers and matcrialmen, each bond In the of lOOTi of the amount of the contract. Corporations wubmlttlnjc proposals ahall authorized to do business in the state of New York. Drawings and specifications may examined fret of charge at the following offices: Static Architect, 270 Broadway, New York City. Stain Architect, Gov. A.

K. Smith State Office Albany, N. Y. District Engineer, 100 N. Genesee Utica.

N. Y. District EnEincer, 301 Water Syracuse, N. Y. District Engineer, Barps Terminal, Rochester, N.

Y. District Engineer, 65 Court 8L, Buffalo, N. Y. District Engineer, 30 West Main Hornell, N. Y.

District Knjfineer. 444 Van Diuee Wa- tcrtown. N. Y. District Engineer, valley Road.

hkcrpsle, N. Y. District Engineer. 71 Frederick Blng- hamton, N. District Engineer, Babylon.

Lone Inland, N. Y. Drawings and specifications may be chained by calllnp at the office of the Architect. The Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office BuildinK, Albany, N.

amd makinR deposit for each set 120.00 or by mailing; such deposit to the Bureau of Contracts and Department of ubllc Works. The Governor AKrert K. Smith State Office Building, Albany. N. Y.

Checks shall be made payable to the Detriment of Public Works. Proposal and enveloped will he furnished without charge. Dated: NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. i of the Board of Education of i School District of the City of Troy, New York. Notice is hereby given a scaled proposals will be received by the Board Education of the i School District of he City of Troy, New York, at i the new high school.

TOTiO Burdctt Avenue, Troy, New York. Tuesday, March 1934 at 10 a.m.. Eastern Standard Time for the Thin procurement for additions to and rebuilding of old trwimminc pool equipment at School IS, Troy, New York. Specifications for above may be iccn at the i of the Board of atlon, 1950 Burdett Avenue, Troy, New iTork. At shove i and place the pro- osalp for the items will publicly opened and officially declared by said board.

A certified check, payable to the Board if Education for five per cent fit he iwnount of rach proposal must accompany each bid. No bidder may withdraw "his bid -wittiin orty-five 4 5 days a the actual date if the opemnK thereof. successful bidder win be required i adequate security fnr the faith- ul performance of this- contract by Surety Bond or otherwise. Subject to the richt of the Board in amy and all bids. By order of Board.

THELJuA KIGGS Clerk. Classified Information Indtx ANNOUNCEMENT 1- 9 EDUCATIONAL 10- 19 EMPl OYMENT 20- 29 FINANCIAL 30- 39 FARMERS MARKET 40- 49 MERCHANDISE 50- 69 BARGAINS 70- PERSONAL SERVICES 80- 89 BUSINESS SERVICES 90- 99 REAL ESTATE, RENT 100-109 HOOMM AND BOARD 110-119 REA'- ESTATE-SALE 120-129 AUTOMOTIVE 130-145 Hours Classified Ad Department Office: 8 A.M. 10 7:30 P.M.. Monday through Friday; 8 A.M. to 5 P.M Saturday; 6 to 7:30 P.M.

Sunday. Convenience An Ad-Taker is as near to you aa you: telephozie. Just pick up your telephone and tn ad-taker will help you word your ad- Whether place a ad. cancel an ad. or pay a classified advertisement bill, call or phose anv ot thest offices: Main Office-Broadway and 5th Ave.

AS 2-2000 Cohoes Branch Ontario SL CE 7-3900 Waiervliet Branch office-1547 Broadwar AR 3-1001 Mechanicvilie Office-- 3t North Main St. McV. 81 advertisement counted as less than four lines. To estimate cost flrsl tStermine number of lines by figuring flv words' to the line. Then by the raie.

Part lines count ed as lull lines. advertisements are pub. listed in both The Troy Record (morning:) and The Times Record (evening) of the same day lor one price. All auvertisementa start in the morning edition and appear in evening edi- tioi constituting a full insertion, NON-BUSINESS HATES day 20 cents per line ur 16 cents per line per day days 14 cents per line per day Situation Wanted 14 cents per line per day BUSINESS RATES One day 24 cents per line Four daya 19 cents per line per day SI', days 17 cents per line per day Contract Rate on. Application.

National Rate 24c per line per day. VITAL NOTICES Deaths, Card ol Confirmations, Engagements. Births, Marriages, Anniversary Masses. In Memoriams, Resolutions of Respect, etc. cents per line per day.

CHECK YOUR AD The Ti-oy Record Co. will not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion, also The Troy Record Co. reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting any advertisement (even after acceptance by an ad-taker) which it deems objectionable, and to change the classification of any advertisement from :hb.t ordered to conform to the policy of tnis Company. ANNOUNCEMENTS I 2 Lost and Founo BOXER DOC lost. male, fawn color.

Answers to Major; wandered vidnitv of North Troy. Child's pet. Generous reward. BE COLLIE, aable and -white, lost vicinity of- Green Island. Answers to "Prince." Children's pet.

Reward. ARsenal 3-1386. HANDBAG, ladies small black, iost Saturday night on short 7th and Congress Sts. Contains red wallet, important papers and some cash. Papers badly needed, please return, AShley 6-7317.

KITTEN. black female. recently spayed. Wandered from vicinity Brunswick and Highland Avcs. Phone AShley 2-2554 after 6 p.m.

PERSIAN KITTEN found. Owmr may Call BBdford have by 5-3514. SUITCASE, sreen, lost on 2nd between B'way. and at 2:15 on Saturday. Call AShley 4-0600.

Reward. WALLET, brown, containing money belonging to church, lost Saturday aft- prnoon in Watervliet Central Market. Finder please return to Central Market or AR 3-5485. Reward. LEGAL NOTICE COHOES TAX NOTICE FOR 1954 Treasurer's Office C1XV TAXES.

STATE AND COUMT TAXES AND WATER RENTS Public notice is hereby Riven that the Common Council has delivered to the ax rolla for City Taxes for 1954, and State and County Taxes for and the Water Rents chargeable from July 1, 1953, January l. 1954, together with, its warrants commanding me to collect such taxes and water rents, that I will attend at my if ice in the City Hall with such rolls and warrants commencing March 1, 1954, Sun- ays, Holidays and Saturday afternoons cx- epted, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. to City Taxes. State and County and Water Rents.

City On alt City Taxes paid on or before vtarch 20, 1954, no interest or penalty vill be charged; If the whole amount of uch City Tax is paid on before March 20th, 1904. a. deduction of win be allowed; if one-half of the amount of City Tax is paid on or before March 20th, and the remalnins: halt is paid on or before October 1, 19.X, no deduction is allowed, and no Interest or penalty will i charged. On all City Taxes remaining unpaid after Merch 20th. 1954, except us herein other- provided, intereit will be charted at he rate of 12 percent per annum from March 1, 1954.

AH City Taxen remaining unpaid after October IS. 1954, will be delivered to lommog Council to enforce collection of the same by law. and County Tnxen. On State and County paid on or before March 20th. 1954, no interest or pena.ii- will charted.

On all County Taxes remam- ne unpaid after March 20th, 1934. in- crest will he charged at the rate of percent, per annum from March l. All State County under this varrant remaining unpaid after October will delivered to the Common Council to enforce collection of the under law. Water On all Water Rcnli paid on or befoH 2(lth, 1054, no interest or penfcltv vili be charged. all Water remaining unlrt ftcr March 2nth, 1951, interest win harjtcd the rate of 12 percent nnum from March I.

19M. AH Water Rents remaining unpaid after ictober 1. 1051. will delivered to Common CounciJ to enforce the collectloo same under law. 6S-A Statement of Taxes.

The collector hall immediately, after the receipt of tux roll and warrant, mail to each owner real property included In such tax mil ifiose name and address he is able uncertain, a statement, of the amount o) axes assessed against his property with notice of the dates and places fised by Im for rrceiviriK taxes. The expanse of raee. priming arid stationery sending statements shall be charged painst. the tax district. The provisions of i section In mailing or Statements for cnefit of tax payers jwid a i to such utatemcnts or of the art- to receive the same shall not in manner affect, the validity thf axes or the penalties imposed by law! ith respect thereto.

Anr-nclcd by 1936. ch. 443, la effect 4. 1936. WILLIAM F.

FIN-X, Treasurer, i of Cohoes, N.Y. WRIST WATCH lost, man's stainless steel Li bar. calendar watch. Reward. Call AShley 2-S063.

3 Notices DRINKING OUT OF CONTROL? II so contact Alcoholics Anonymous, P.O. Box 771, Troy, N. Y. OLD PIANOS taken away free. Albany 4-2953 or Albany 4-69SS.

4 Perionals HAIR removed permanently, electrolysis. No guaranteed. 27 years' experience. Ernest and Mildred Swanson, 11? Stare Albany 3-49SS. 5 Auto Transportation RIDERS--Steady riders to Schenectady -wanted.

Leave Mechanicville 6:55 a.m.; returning, Schenectady 5:05 p.m. Call M'ville 1497-J, EDUCATIONAL 10 11 Correspondence A RECEPTIONIST. wages, big need, interesting -work. Lessons come to you by mail. Includes Glamour and Personality velopment.

Write for free information. Wayne School, Box 154, Troy Record Co. DIESEL POWER. Mechanically inclined men get frea book "Earning Power in Diesel." Covers big new field of Diesel Engines for road- 1 building equipment, trucks, tractors, locomotives, power plants, ships. Scientific JVIotor Tune-Up included.

We train you in your time. Write giving agp and present occupation. Utilities "Diesel 155 Troy Record Co. ACHINIST, I'rpx Record Co. or AShiey after p.m.

MEAT CUTTER, Ut 'clam. VETERAN with 3 children IOLNG MARRIED MAN time work 5 Saturdays. Can do office work, and vill bf to do other. ARsenal 3-0430. 4 p.m.

Altar Help EAST SITTER wanted. Sycaway Be Financially Independent A SHOW you HOW TQ SUPPLEMENT'YOUR INCOME IN A PLEASANT MANNER FULL DETAILS SENT WRITE BOX 165, TROY RECORD CASHIER FOR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Experienced Preferred Apply in Person ECONOMICAL MKT. 75 FERRY TROY CO iiv in. private preferred. Ajrency," AShley 2-111 Highland Ave.

COUNTER GIRL WANTED. ner. First and Schuj'ler ten-list. ARsenal 3-9S35. FORELADY for Manufacturing Concern ST Must Have Experieucr on All of Reply to BOX 136, TROT RECORD CO.

HOUSEKEEPER, reliable, 30 years, live hi, -wanted by with children. Write Txncis to 20 Help-Wanted--Men 20 INTERVIEWER, unusual for career-minded -woman. 28-35 years. College background. encp in personnel work 1 Must be aggressive, food pleasant telephone personality mad managerial ability.

Phona for pointmenL Moore me at. Agency. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN, full 0 part with tlie ability to brins: in outside business. Hagie's Sales 336 First St. No telephone calls.

COOK, extra, wanted for 2 days ,4 week. Apply Callaghan's Resturant 51 4th Troy. COST ACCOUNTANT to take charge all phases of cost operations in small manufacturing concern Opportunity for young accountant with some experience. Excellent pay: pleasant working condition; permanent position. Apply NOLD-MILLER PRINTING INC.

7 Grand Street, Troy, N. T. DISH-WASHER, apply in person, th" Crossroads, Latham, N. Y. No phone calls.


Apply Fulton Fish Mai-krt, 266 4th Trov. MEAT CUTTER, experienced, rcliablr nra.1. Top ways, benefits. Apply Mr. Lambert.

Rpnwn Market, 200 Remsrn Cohow-. MEN 2) niv Albany Troy Arra. only in $7.500 apply. for appointment. PART TIME Young man.

not over oo. for cleaning. Nightly from to 10 and Saturday iiorninjr. A i a be. hone5t and rciiabk.

A in person i at St. and 2nd RADIO AND TV REPAIR MAN wanted, cxpprience needed; to work in Troy Aroa. Write Box 152. Troy Record Co. NOTICK is herci.y given to A I LEWIS, 5S North T-ark Street.

Albany. New York, that, a 1919 Buick Super Sedan S-cylinder. Serial No. ami Motor No. will be nt i a i on R.

at. 10 a at 2S Street, Troy. XCH- York, to a i a balance of 51.480.71, cost of repossession, storage anrl sale. STEPHEN P. I A Attornev for Union a i a of Troy.

N.Y., First Troy, N.Y. NOTK'K is hereby civen to DOXALD .1. Box 52, New- York, a a Packard sedan S-cylinder. Model Xo. 240.

Serial No. 21P2-71I20 Motor No. he soil nt public am-- tion on March ft, 39r.1, at. i a.m. at 2S First Troy.

York, to a i a a a of $1.120.29, plus cost of repossession, storage and salr. STEPHEN P. I I A A for Union a i a a of Troy, X.Y., 2S First Troy, N.Y. IALES Liberal training and overwrite to local sales manager 30-63i capable of handling riiircj. saios of The Child's World.

Good not an encyclopedia! have car and a to Tvork for OVT 57.500 per yj'ar. Give anrl ing rxpfriencn with phone number to Box Troy Record Co. Stitching Room Foreman Apply To BOX 140, "ROY RECORD CO. LADIES--Earn good income represent- mg Avon cosmetics. Two establishecr territories now open in yille.

Write Mrs. Marjorie fi gtewart Glens Falls. N. Millinery Manager For a 'department tfith prestige. Experienced sales person ability as manager and Someone with initiative.

Excellent FLAH CO. PERSONNEL OFFICE No. Pearl Albany MOTHER'S HELPER, hijrh 4-chooJ, girl- or younr woman wanted to help cift for 3 children. Live ia, AShley 6-5S50. SALESLADY--We have a good tion opon for an experienced top- saleslady for our main, floor swpsir who like? can" fashion merchandise.

ploye benefits. Apply to Mr, Muhlfelder's. SECRETARY--5 40 hour Wonderful opportunity for rifht party. Call Albany 3-1203. SHIRT OPERATORS, experienced; fill collar banders.

F. Jacobwir Sons, 509 River St SHIRT PRESS OPERATOR, i-nced wanted. Full time poaitiot. Fennell 773 River fit. river regular bus STENOGRAPHER-- 5 days.

Call Albany 3-1203. 40 Experienced preferred. Apply in person. PAUL'S RESTAURANT 295 RIVER ST. Hosiery tall tractive WILBAR'S ry handbag clerk.

Any experience will At- wage. No phons cans. COR. 3RD AND RIVER WOMAN--Ambitious woman ot ehar- actor, education, refined. 26-60, for Marshall Field Family owned enterprise, experienced in teaching, club or church Vork.

Must be ready copt position by March 22nd and 4t Jirous rendering service of national importance. Be capable earning above J4.000 annually. For Falls In- tfmew i fully to H. P. 0.

Box r.S5, Chicago 54. in. Statft education, experience, number. OMAN wanted to care for boy from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

from March through vicinity of Snv- ders Corners. AR 3-9320 after 6 p.m. 1 WOMEN--If yon are. part or time employment an rsting rtrld. phone or contact Credalt.

State Albany. Clasiified Display-Merchandiie sTATK OF XKW YORK--Suprcmr County of Kenssclaer in the a i of assiRnment for the benefit of creditors Alfred I. Freedman. rtoint; business as 'roy Appliance assignor, to Richard Bayly, II, AssiRner. To creditors the above named assignor ami the puhic: N'oUcf! is hereby civcn that the un- ersignert will jit public auc- ion, under the direction of Aasociatert lT.Udator!! Auc'Jonecrii.

on March l. 95'1 ''m 11 a.m. p'ace of i the AssiK.nor. SO-S2 GoncrcM i roy. the tansib assets of trie I ssignor consis'inc of the, real I ropeny premises 7S-S2 Cnncress i treet.

Troy. N. stock of appliance television ration, reins- ratorst, ironers. i i waffle Rrills, toasters, iim ware: 5« and Incinrtinj: a i letter file, ivorlt bench and 1349 lymouth Station Wagon. February RICHARD Y.

BAYLY.II. Assignee. Geonre J. Hatt. i Attorney for Assucnoe.

74 Chapel Street, Albany, X. EAST GREENBUSH Your nrw or old homp TOH iDftxinmrn of plemurc. cimfort nnrt pride i nrw floor, wall nnd coimtrr from Lifetime Plastic Co. PAWLING CENTER AS WANTED 2 Men With Cars iarpe fleid for system. Contract J.

M. FritlaV, 10 a.m. at 606 River Troy. VvOME.V--if you are 30 to 63, ble. ambitious and able to you work with our district salesmanager, and you n-ant a position ti-ith a tve can teach to over $100 per week in one week's time.

jriviar phone number. E. S. Brockwav, Box M- XPW York. YOUNG MAN" to work on i rontrr.1 Must he intelligent, fliul in a i for a a Apply in person, Ben Katz i Store, 223S 5th Troy.

22 Positions Wanted--Men FARM HAN'D. experienced i ma- i i i or a operfft.c all i of Trai'tors, chauffeur's license, desires position. Married with family. 4 i i Furni-ili'd house, if a Write Box 166. Trov Record I'o.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY REAL ESTATE s'OTTCK is hereby jriven to MEDOS J. CARKT. Star Route, Keene, York. TO Floyd J. Carey.

7 ChMtnur. StTMt, a ew Ywfc, a a 19M ria! No. KSH-013335 a No. will he pr.Mic a i rh f. 1955.

10 a.m. a 2S Troy. York, to i 51. 112. cos; STEPHEN r.

Attr.m^y for nioTi N' Tonal a of 2S Fir.n Troy, WATERVLIET N. E. COR. 4th ST. and 2nd AVE.

1 FAMILY Liv. Din. Kitchen, 3 Bath $4,500 1 FAMILY Liv. Din. Kitchen.

3 Both $2,500 2 FAMILY 1st--Liv. Din. 2 Bedrms. and Both 2nd--Extra Bedroom $8,500 1 FAMILY Liv. Din.

Kitchen. 3 Toilet $2,000 GILBERT GEER JR. CO. THE OLD ftiUASLE 200 BROADWAY AS 2-1220 WOMEN (2) to work in retail bakery store, day.s and eveninjra. Apply person.

Golden Krust Bakery, ISO Ontario Cohoes. YOUXG GIRL, combination bookkeper and salesgirl, no experience necei- and Wilber, antiques. mi. south Traffic Circle. Koute Latham.

10LNG LADT for typing and bookkeeping. Must be jfood at fig-" 11 res. Steady, very interesting i -with opportunities Advance ment in an office with pleasant pociafs. Apply Miss MacKenzie, Rice Bids. YOUXG ape 21 to 32.

for fire work. to assume, responsibility. 6 day sood chance for Reply in own handwriting, qualifications to Box Troy Record Co. 26 Positions Wanted-WOMAN" desires jrenera! or Loudonville Ref' Call STate 5-7418 or STttf 5-9SS1. (YOUNG WOMAN would like i work, waitress or baby-Ktt.

I STate i S7 Men And Women Wantet BOOKKEEPER wanted, to I book? for place of busintif. i work. AS PRESSERS WANTED APPLY ROXY CLEANERS DYERS 'ATS Broadway. Albany Ifttt ftft.

The Times Record from Troy, New York (2025)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.