The Return of Beowulf - SimplyScripts · Web viewI can’t jump that far (Man) Jump or you will be following him The man sighs and backs up... The man begins to run and jumps over - [DOC Document] (2024)

The Return of BeowulfThe camera fades into....A helicopter shot of the sea... the waves are crushing, the tide is high....The fog is misty... fly into a ship traveling ...the ship is wooden and old.Ore’s on each side of it there are men at the ore’s rowing... shot around the ship in front of the ship there is a Viking statue...Shot of above the ship there is a man in a bucket attached to a post...The man is searching around....The man looks to see. There is land ahead...The land is green, there are many trees and a sandy beach, with other boats attached by post on the beach, and there is a huge fire...


A man runs up to the bow... the man is none other than Beowulf’s friend abar...

(Abar) Home, geetland...

The ship is pulled up onto the beach... Shot of a man jumping down...You see the shot of his boots and then go up to reveal...Beowulf....His men jump down behind him...Ronan jumps down...Abar and Delas follow him....Sulten jumps down last...A man dressed as an soldier runs up to the crew and stops right in front of them...

(Soldier)You are the one called Beowulf

(Beowulf) Yes that is I(Soldier)

King Higelac is expecting you and your men(Beowulf) I know

They all follow the soldier up the trail(Abar) (Looking at Ronan)Never met the king beforeRonan just nods his head

The men reach a huge castle with 2 soldier’s in front with bows 4 more watch towers surrounding the area, there are soldiers at the doors, a huge gate opens and comes down slowly Men are looking at Beowulf and his men...

(Soldier) The king is in the hall anticipating your arrival

Beowulf nods his headBehind Beowulf...


Ronan turns his head...(Delas)

Why doesn’t Beowulf feel excited about meeting the king?(Ronan)

He has met the king before.(Afar)


The king is his uncle(Delas)

So does that mean Beowulf is royalty?Ronan nods his head yes

Abar and Delas look shockedBeowulf walks up the steps first...

Beowulf opens the 2 huge wooden doors...The doors open and on the inside.There are windows on each side painted with stained glass and images. There are 2 huge, long tables of food on each side a red rug is placed in the middle of the rug, the king sits at the thrown at the end of the room, his queen next to him in a smaller chair, there are servant's preparing food and cleaning up the area

(King Higelac)Ah Beowulf, Beowulf come you and your men

Beowulf and his men walk forwardBeowulf gets on one knee and so does his men...

(King Higelac)There is no need for that Beowulf I should be the one who bows to you because of you there is no threat to Herot and peace between the Danes

and Geats (Beowulf)

My lord we have brought treasures from a far(King Higelac)

Do not bother keep the treasures, so you vanquished the creature(Beowulf)

Yes my companions and me(King Higelac)

Yes I see that you have good men and what do you and your men want in return from me....

(Beowulf) Nothing my lord, just food in our stomachs and a place to stay for the night my men and me are very tired from the journey, we will leave you

in the morning(King Higelac) Why so soon(Beowulf)

There is much for all of us too do(King Higelac)

So be it have your stomach full and rest son’s of GeatlandFade out...Fade into...

Shot of Beowulf and his men preparing their horses...(Beowulf)

Ronan where are you off tooRonan tightens his horse’s reigns

(Ronan) Back to the farm I suppose much to do there

(Beowulf) Sultan what about youSultan looks at Beowulf

(Sultan) I will return to my home country I have many friends their I will sit

with them All and tell of our adventures and get drunk

(Abar) That sounds like a good idea to me

(Delas) Me too

Beowulf mounts his horse(Beowulf)

I will see you all again my friends before I go I want you to know I cannot

Thank you enough(Sultan)

Just know that whenever you need us we will be there beside youSultan closes his hand and bends his arm to his chest and salutes

BeowulfAbar, Delas, and Ronan do the same thing

(Beowulf) See you my friends

Beowulf rides off....The other follow at a distance behind him, then they all depart in their

separate waysShot of Beowulf.

Riding his horse, the sun is rising behind himShot of Beowulf the sun is setting, he is still on his horseShot of Beowulf sitting on a rock in the dark next to a fire

Shot of Beowulf riding in the day...Fade back into an old cabin that is his home. There is a green forest

that surrounds it(Beowulf)

(Sighs) homeNext Scene...

A Helicopter shot of a huge area of mountains covered in snow...The camera flies into the mountains and into a cave.

Shot of the outside of the cave... there is an opening with a little light and snow

3 men walk into the cave wearing heavy clothingThey stop in the cave...

They gather up some straw and a big stick...One man rubs a rock across the ground to make a spark

Another man blows on the small fire...It is so cold the breath of the man is shown...

All 3 of the men are shakingThe fire is lighted; the 3 men gather around the small fire and place

their hands outOne man grabs a stick and places it in the fire... the end of the stick

is lit on fire The fire lights up the cave...

(Man) This way

The 3 begin to walk in the cave...One man walks in front of the man with the fire

(Man 2) There it is

The man begins to walk forward and dropsHe falls into a huge opening and continues to fall

The other 2 men look in awe as he falls (Man)

Stupid there it is jumps and gets it(Man 2)

I can’t jump that far(Man)

Jump or you will be following himThe man sighs and backs up...

The man begins to run and jumps over the crevasse and barely reaches the other side and is hanging onto the edge; he pulls himself up...

(Man) Hurry and get it

The man approaches something slowlyHe puts his hands out

And reaches into a statue filled with dust and pulls out ... A Bracelet The man looks at it in awe

(Man)The Bracelet of Linkina

All of a sudden.... The cave begins to shake and rocks begin to fall all around

The man on the other side of the cave shouts(Man)

Hurry throws it hereThe man throws it across the crevasse and it lands in the other man’s

handThe man looks at it and rubs it; he looks at the other man and begins to

walk off(Man)

Malik! , Malik!Malik begins to walk off

The man begins to get against the wall and pushes himself off and begins to jump over the crevasse ... he jumps and in mid-air... Malik turns and throws a knife at the man, the knife hits the man right between the eyes

and the man falls into the crevasse (Malik)

The bracelet is mineHe walks out of the cave

Next SceneRonan walks into a tavern

He walks around and nods his head at peopleHe looks to see Abar and Delas drinking at the bar and telling stories

Ronan walks up behind them and pats them on the shoulders(Ronan)

You two will never change(Abar)

Ah, Ronan come sit down have a drink with us(Ronan)

No I can’t (Delas)

Come on Ronan just one to celebrate(Ronan)

No I’ve had enough celebrating(Abar)

There is always something to celebrate(Ronan)

Not latelyShot of Beowulf on his roof putting down a huge log on his roof and

trying to fit itHenson runs down a trail to his house

(Henson) Beowulf!

Beowulf smiles(Beowulf)

Ah, Henson how are you?Henson stops right under him

(Henson) I am great how are you

(Beowulf) I’m fine just working on my home

(Henson) I have to tell you Beowulf the whole country is talking about you now

after your journey(Beowulf)

No they all think I’m a sluggish Knight(Henson)

No! They are calling you the bravest man in Geatland, perhaps the world(Beowulf)

Who told you these things?(Henson)

About 3 people on the way hereNext Scene

Shot of Higelac’s CastleHygd and Hardrid (the prince) are waiting outside the king’s room

They are pacing back and forthA man walks out of the king’s room


He will not make it through the nightHygd begins to tear up ... Hardrid is shocked

(Man) If you have anything to say to King Higelac now would be the time to do


Let me talk to my fatherHardrid opens the door and see’s his father in bed laying with the

covers over him(Hardrid) Father?(Higelac)

Hardrid come closer....Hardrid walks next to his bed

(Higelac) I’m dying Hardrid, before I pass into the next world I want you to know

that you will be a good king but you will not be a Beowulf...(Hardrid)

How can you say that Father?(Higelac)

A Respected person you may be you are no warrior, until you are a warrior you will not truly earn your peoples respect

Hardrid begins to get tense(Hardrid)

I will show them I will be a warrior and earn their respect(Higelac)

No you are no warrior you will get killed(Hardrid)

It is the only way father. As you say it isHardrid walks out of the room

Next SceneBeowulf and Henson are walking through a town...

People in the town are starting to look at Beowulf weirdPeople are whispering to each other

(Person) That is Beowulf

Beowulf walks into a place and is looking aroundHe turns to see

About 20 people standing behind him all looking at him in awe(Beowulf)

Can I help you people?(Person)

Your Beowulf(Beowulf) Yes I am(Person)

I have heard of your adventures and I just want to shake your hand sir(Beowulf)

Ok, nice to meet you(Person)

If you were Beowulf you would do something for me(Beowulf) Uh sure(Person)

This is my brother StallenA man walks up that is at least 7”foot high and weighs at least 280


My brother would like to fight you to see if he is greater and stronger than that of Beowulf

(Beowulf) Uh no thanks(Person)

Do you fear him?(Beowulf)

No I don’t want any troubleBeowulf turns his back and begins to walk away

(Person) I’m afraid you have no choice

The man snaps his fingers and Stallen begins to walk up behind himStallen grabs Beowulf from behind and picks him up

(Beowulf) I said I didn’t want any trouble

Beowulf chops Stallen in the back of the neck, stallen drops him Beowulf gets to his feet, Stallen approaches him and grabs him around the neck, Beowulf kicks him in the nuts and then spins around and does a twisting flip kick knocking Stallen to the ground face first stallen gets up and hits Beowulf knocking him into a wall, stallen hits Beowulf while he is pinned against the wall, Beowulf ducks and Stallen hits his fist on the

wallStallion yells in pain

Beowulf hits him on the side and then the back and knocks him into the wall, Beowulf backs up and stands on the ledge of a small cliff

Stallion yells at Beowulf and begins to runBeowulf grabs Stallion at the legs as he’s running and flips Stallion over his head and makes him fall about 10 yards down flipping all the

way to the ground..

Beowulf is out of breath The people are looking at Beowulf

(Beowulf) Any one wants some more

They all nod their head no(Boy)

He is Beowulf(Man)

Beowulf the people’s warriorThe people all cheer

The man looks over the cliff at his brother(Man)

Get up your not hurtThe man is aching down on the ground, grabbing his waist

Next SceneA huge castle in the Netherlands

Shot of a huge hall and the king sitting on his thrown in the middle of the hall

A servant approaches the king(Servant)

My lord your nephew has returned(King)

Great, great where is he?The doors swing open and it’s the man in the cave

(Servant)Here he is King, here is MalikMalik walks up to the king


Malik, come tell me of your adventuresThey walk off

At King Higelac’s castleHardrid is on his horse in front of a crowd of people

(Hardrid) People of Geatland

The people all turn and look at him(Hardrid)

King Higelac is dead, I Hardrid am now king and my first order as king is to go to battle with the few remanding thieves in this country I want

all the men that can ride a horse with me immediately...Back at the Netherlands castle

The king and Malik are in a huge bedroom(King) Drink(Malik)

No (King)

So did you find it?(Malik) Find what(King)

Don’t play games with me I know you and your companions were searching for the bracelet of Linkinia

(Malik) Yes I did(King)

You didMalik pulls up his sleeve and reveals a huge golden bracelet rapped

around his right arm(King)

Give it to me(Malik)

No (King)

That bracelet will unite us all or cause death to others(Malik)

I know of what it does(King)

Malik you do not have the goodness in you to wield itThe King goes to reach for it

Malik grabs the kings arm and twist itThe king yells

(King) Guards!

One guard walks through the door, Malik turns and throws a Dagger into the guard’s stomach

Malik throws the king into the wall upside down with one hand, the wall cracks all around

The king falls to the ground, the king crawls over his bed, Malik goes to swing at him and misses and breaks the bedpost

The king grabs the broken bedpost and whacks Malik across the face, his face is cut and blood begins to pour out slowly, Malik looks at the king and picks him up with one hand and throws him to the ground next to the

guard, the king is lying on the ground (Malik)

You know that your son was the one who found the bracelet before I killed him

Malik reaches down and grabs the guards sword(Malik)

And with him as your only ere that makes me ere to the thrown(King)

You shall rot in hell(Malik)

Not before youMalik stabs the king in the stomach and backs up

3 guards armed bust open a side door(Guard)

Don’t moveHe puts his hands in the air

(Guard 2) That is the King’s nephew idiot

(Guard) What happened?

(Malik)I came to talk to the king when one of his guards charged in here to

kill the kingI tried to fight him but I was to late he had stabbed the king before I

could thrust my knife in his stomach(Guard)

Inform the people their king is dead and the prince is lost(Malik)

I am King NowAt Beowulf’s cabin

Beowulf is outside sharpening a sword2 riders approach Beowulf in his shedBeowulf stops working to see that it is

Abar and Delas(Beowulf)

Abar , Delas? What are you two doing here?(Abar)

Beowulf it is King Hardrid(Beowulf)


Yes King Higelac died last night in his sleep, this morning Hardrid declared war on the last of the thieves of Geatland

(Beowulf)The last city in Geatland of the thieves is Merlet

(Abar) Yes

(Beowulf)How many men are with him?

(Delas) No more than twenty

(Beowulf) Oh my God he is going to get himself killed

(Delas) He was recruiting men from town to town only a few joined him

(Beowulf) We must go to Merlet

(Delas) What? Why?(Beowulf)

We have to save the KingAt the Netherlands temple.

Malik is sitting on the thrown of the king, the servants are afraid of him


Yes... king Malik...(Malik)

Where is my wine?(Servant)

Sir. We have no more(Malik)

What I am king you have everything for meMalik looks at one of the guards

(Malik) Take him around back and kill him

One guard approaches him(Guard)

Sir he has arrived(Malik) good

Malik gets out of his chair and walks down the walkway and opens the 2 huge doors and see’s the country outside and a rider on a horse approaching he is wearing all black and a hood over his faceThe rider stops and gets off the horse in front of King Malik

(Malik)A day early

(Man)For my king it’s never to early

The man lifts his hood and a shot of his face...He has dark long hair and a beard with an eye patch over his left eye

(Malik) Beck(Beck)My lord(Malik)

Was your journey from your country? (Beck)

Yes my men and me only ran into a small problem(Malik)

Good much is too be doneOutside of a city

Beowulf, Abar and Delas are riding horses they stopThey see the city on fire

(Beowulf) Come on lets go

They ride into the city and there is building’s on fire, men lying on the road dead, men slashing their swords at each other

(Beowulf) Spread out find HardridThey all split up...

Abar is riding through the streets men start to circle him around his horse

Abar slowly pulls out his swordThe men come running up, he slashes one across the chest 2 more run at him from behind Abar kicks his horse on the sides, the horse bucks and

kicks the 2 men behind himDelas looks back and sees the men all around Abar

(Delas) Abar

Delas turns his horse around and begins to ride at the men He stands up on his horse as the horse is running and flies off as soon

as the horse races across them, he lands on 3 menBeowulf is turning the corner, he looks one way to see fire and looks the other way he sees an arrow fly at him, then a hand jumps out and

catches the arrowHe looks to see Ronan

(Beowulf) Ronan. What are you doing here?

(Ronan)Aiding the king on this brutality

(Beowulf) I must get him out of here where is he

(Ronan) Follow me

They ride offShot of Delas swinging his sword at men

Abar is whacking men with his Beowulf and Ronan ride around another corner and see the king behind a

wagon with 3 guards being shot at by arrows The king see’s king

(Hardrid) Beowulf what are you here for?

Beowulf and Ronan get off their horses

(Beowulf) Getting you out of here Hardrid

(Hardrid)No I am the king and you do what I say I’m a great warrior as you I’m

going to get the respect I deserve (Beowulf) No don’t(Hardrid)Charge!

Men run from behind the wagon and get shot by arrowsHardrid turns the corner and gets shot by 2 arrows Hardrid looks at them and then falls to the ground

Beowulf and Ronan look in shock(Beowulf)

Ronan get him out of hereRonan runs out behind the wagon grabs Hardrid and puts him over his

horse, gets on his horse and then takes offAbar and Delas ride up

(Delas) Come Beowulf

Beowulf runs and jumps on the back of Delas horse and hangs on to Delas as they ride off

They ride next to Ronan (Beowulf) Ronan stop

They stop in the woods with green all aroundBeowulf jumps off of Delas horse

Ronan grabs Hardrid and puts him on the ground The 2 arrows are still in him

Beowulf leans down next to a Dying HardridBeowulf goes to pull the arrow out

(Hardrid) No. Leave it...My father was right I would die in Battle... He wanted

you to be king, because you can lead the people (Beowulf)

Be still my king(Hardrid)

I am no king Hardrid takes his necklace offAnd places it in Beowulf's hand

(Beowulf)You are...

His grips loosens in Beowulf’s hand and his eyes close (Beowulf)

I would have followed you my kingHe leans over and grabs him

Beowulf puts the necklace on and stands upRonan, Abar, and Delas all bow on one knee

(Ronan)Hail King Beowulf

(Beowulf)Rise come on you don’t have to do that

They all stand up (Delas)

What now Beowulf(Beowulf)

You’re coming with me

(Abar) We serve our king

(Beowulf)To the King’s palace to inform the people

They all ride offShot of Sulten Riding his horse fast as he can through the forest

Shot of Sulten still riding hard as he rides in front of the horizonAt Malik’s Castle

Beck and Malik are sitting in a room(Beck)

So you found it(Malik)

Yes I haveHe raises his sleeve to reveal the bracelet

(Beck)What is the next move?

(Malik) What country has the power in this world?

(Beck)Why ... Geatland

(Malik) We will invade and conquer geatland

(Beck)But that’s impossible ... no one has ever invaded and defeated Geatland

(Malik)Yes I am aware but my informants have told me that their armies have

crumbled since the death of their king (Beck)

Death... who is king now(Malik)

His son he is not of importance(Beck)

We still have no way of gathering our people(Malik)

Yes we do be in the courtyard today Malik gets up and walks off

At the Geatland CastleBeowulf, Abar, Delas, and Ronan ride up to the gates

The guards stop them(Guard)

Lord Beowulf where is the kingBeowulf reaches under his necklace and show’s the man the kings necklace

The guard looks at Beowulf confused(Guard)

Enter... MY KINGBeowulf nods his head and the door s open and they ride in

At Malik’s CastleMalik walks out of the middle doors above the city in the center

Malik shout’s at the crowd(Malik)

Netherlanders I am KIng and I command you to follow me The crowd looks in awe

(Malik)I want every man available to fight in the upcoming battle

One man speaks up(Man)

Battle against whom

(Malik) Geatland

The crowd starts to look around and gets afraid(Man)

Geatland we cannot win against Geatland(Malik)We will(Man)

I will not fight against Geatland(Malik)You will

Malik nods his head and Maliks men surround the city with their bows pointing at the crowd

The people get frightened(Malik)

All of you will fight or dieMalik turns around and begins to walk off

The man shouts at Malik(Man)

King you will have your men shoot at us from above like cowards then you are a coward

Malik makes an evil face and begins to runMalik jumps off the balcony and does a back flip and then a twist and

lands on the groundMalik stands up and looks at the man

(Malik)Come fight me if I am a coward

The man grips his fist and runs at Malik.Malik grabs his fist and twist it around, turns him around and kicks him in the ass and makes him fly upside down with his head facing the ground (IN SLOW MOTION) Malik grabs the man’s head and snaps the man’s neck

while he is upside down(Malik)

Who’s next 3 men run at Malik

Malik blocks the 2 on the sides and hits them in the stomach, the one runs at him, he moves out of the way and kicks the man in the back, he picks the man up by the back of his shirt by one hand and flips him over like a pancake on the ground, the 2 men gets back up, one goes to punch him Malik, grabs one’s arm and has it pinned behind his back and does the same to the other man and then grabs them by the back of their

shirts and picks them each up on each hand and slam’s them together many times and then throws them into the wall . . .

Malik walks off and shot of the men getting up slowlyMalik turns and looks at Beck

(Malik)Gather the men and kill them

Shot of the guards picking up the menAt the Palace . . .

Shot of Beowulf walking through the doorsHe sees many nobles and women, one-man approaches him, and he is the

king’s assistant(Assistant)

Beowulf where is King Hardrid(Beowulf)

Hardrid is slainThe people all gasp and look around

(Assistant) What is to become of a king?

Beowulf pulls out the necklace from under his shirtThe people all look in awe and then get on one knee and bow to him

The assistant gets on his knees (Beowulf)

RiseThey all rise(Assistant)

I’m sorry my lord(Assistant)

I am sorry sir(Beowulf)

It is all right... what is on the king’s agenda(Assistant)

Our messengers have sent word the king of the Netherlands has died and the king of Geatland must be present to pay homage to the king

(Beowulf)The Netherlands(Assistant)

Yes you must leave now (Beowulf)

I will take 10 men with me(Ronan)

We are coming as well(Assistant)

Who are they? Beowulf looks at Ronan, Abar, and Delas

(Beowulf)They are my royal guards and friends

(Assistant) What about the people should I tell them of the new king?

(Beowulf)No I will speak to them when I return it may confuse and frighten people

of the news of an another king(Ronan)

When do we leave?(Beowulf)

We ride out nowShot of all of the men riding their horses out of the castle

Next Scene. . Sulten is riding through Beowulf’s town

He sees a crowd of people walking down the streetHe looks and sees Henson

(Sulten)Kid, kid where can I find Beowulf

(Henson)Beowulf is not here he has gone to the king’s palace

(Sulten)Thanks kid

Sulten tosses him a golden coin and then rides offShot of in a castle . . .

Malik is slouched down in the king’s thrownBeck opens the doors behind him and walks up to the thrown and whispers

(Beck)The king’s ships have arrived at shore


GoodShot of the 2 ship arriving at shore

There are horses at the shore the men jump off the ship(Abar)

This is a strange landShot of the woods in front of them

(Ronan)Beowulf I do not have a good feeling about this

(Beowulf)Nor do I but we must go

All of the men are getting off the ship(Beowulf)

(He stops two men) stay here with the ship has it ready to go when we return

Beowulf turns and looks towards the woods(Beowulf)

It may be sooner than we expectedShot of them riding through the woods

Another rider approaches them(Rider)

King of the Geats(Beowulf)That is I (Rider)

We have been expecting you.... Follow meThey follow the man up to the castle . . . they ride around back to a

graveyardThey see many civilians and a priest in front of the king’s body

Their are graves everywhereIt is only Beowulf, Ronan, and 2 other men

(Priest) Come my Geatland friends

The people all turn and look(Priest)

I was just saying the good facts about the king’s lifeThey all get off their horses and look around cautiously and walk up to

the priestThen all of a sudden men on horses surround everyone around the


What is the meaning of this?Malik rides out of the men, Beck close behind him

(Malik)You are not Hegelian or his son Hardrid

(Beowulf)I am the king of GeatlandHe shows Malik the necklace

(Malik)Ha ha where did they find you, you seem like nothing but a thief

All the men laugh(Malik)

What is your name thief?(Beowulf)

MY Name Is BEOWULFThe men all stop laughing and then look at each other


(Malik)So you are the bravest of men that everyone knows of the slayer of monsters... well I am no monster I am Malik the new king of the

Netherlands and will you slay me (Beowulf)

Perhaps not now but later(Malik)

I’m afraid you will not have that opportunity as you are outnumbered(Beowulf)

You’re not as absent minded as I thought(Malik)

The strongest man in the world you could not beat me even if you wanted too . . .not as long as I have this

Malik rolls up his sleeve and exposes the bracelet(Ronan)

The Bracelet of Linkina (Malik)Kill them

Beowulf whistles loud Abar, Delas, and other men run out of the woods with swords in hand

(Beck)Get your swords out men

The horsem*n run up to Maliks men and begin to sword fight them(Beowulf)

Arm yourselvesThe men on the ground arm themselves and run up to the men on horses

Malik and Beck back up out of the fightBeowulf runs and jumps off a grave and kicks a man off his horse

Ronan grabs a man and pulls him off his horse and then stabs him when he hits the ground

Abar is sword fighting another man on a horse, he slashes at the mans legs and then stabs him in the chest

Delas is standing up on his horse as they ride into 2 men on horses he jumps off and spheres both of them to the ground

Beowulf jumps up as a man is riding at him and close lines him off his horse, the man does a back flip off his horse . . .

Men are slashing it out in the backgroundRonan is walking through stabbing men he steps and stabs a man in the stomach, he ducks and stabs a man in the chest, he turns and a man knocks Ronan’s sword out of his hand the man goes to slash at Ronan,

then a sword runs through the man’s chest from behindHe’s a see Delas behind him

(Delas)You’re getting slow. . Old man

Ronan picks up his swordBeowulf is sword fighting a man, the man swings at him and Beowulf ducks, and the blade hit s a grave, Beowulf stabs the man in the

stomach, picks him up and throws him over him into the air... Beowulf looks around to see most of the men are down

He’s sea only 4 of his men are left with Ronan, Abar, and DelasMalik claps his hands

(Malik)Good job you all

Malik gets off his horse(Malik)

But that was nothing Beowulf stands tall and looks Malik in the eyes

(Malik)Beowulf . . . King of Geatland today you die

(Beowulf)Give it your best shot

Malik swings back super-fast and goes to hit Beowulf Beowulf grabs his fist before he could hit him


They are both straining, Malik hit’s Beowulf with his right hand and makes Beowulf fly back into the air and lands on a grave and cracks it .

. .Beowulf gets up and runs at Malik. . Malik runs out of the way and picks Beowulf up with one hand and throws

him over himself Beowulf gets up again furiously . . .and begins to swings at Malik, Malik blocks all of his hits with one fist and kicks Beowulf into a

horse, the horse runs off, Beowulf gets up and wipes the blood from his mouth(Malik)

Pitiful . . .I expected more of a challenge than thisRonan is standing behind a grave and shoots an arrow at Malik. Malik catches the arrow right before it hits him in the head, He smirks and looks at Ronan and throws it back the arrow flies into Ronan and hits

him in the stomach, and Ronan falls to the groundAbar and Delas run to Ronan’s side

(Delas) Ronan . . .Beowulf lets go

Delas puts Ronan on his horse with him. .Malik whistles

Another 100 men come riding over the hill on horsesBeowulf is looking at Malik in awe

Abar rides up to Beowulf(Abar)

Beowulf . . . come we cannot win this battleAbar extends his hand and Beowulf grabs it and gets on the horse with

Abar . . .They are riding fast through the woods

(Malik)See you soon

They are riding and can see the ship Delas yells(Delas)

Pull the ships The 2 men begin to pull the ships out

Beowulf jumps off the horse(Beowulf)

Delas grab the torchThe other men are helping with the boatAbar is helping Ronan onto the boat

Beowulf and Delas grab the torches, they go into the woods and begin to light trees on fire and make a trial of fire they throw the torches on

the ground and see the riders approaching(Beowulf)

Get to the boatThey see the boat shoving off the shore

Beowulf and Delas ride next to the boat and jump off their horses onto the boats

They are in the water . . . some of the riders are going through the

fire Abar and the other men are shooting them with arrow

The men get shot and fall of the horseOn the Boat . . .

Beowulf leans over to see Ronan(Beowulf)

Ronan are you all right(Ronan)

I will be fine(Beowulf)

We have to get back to GeatlandShot of the ship in the water

Back in the Netherlands Beck rides up to Malik

(Beck)Sir they have escaped

(Malik)No matter they will die just today

Malik rides offA man rides up to Malik

(Man)Sir what about our wounded

(Malik)What about them

(Man)We have no way to get them back . . . what do we do

Malik looks up(Malik)

Leave them(Man)Sir

(Malik) You heard me leave them if they cannot make it back they are not fit

for this armyBeck smirks

The man looks in disquiet (Man)Yes sir

They ride offShot of the men riding into Beowulf’s castle . . .

They walk through the doors Beowulf is helping Ronan walk

(Beowulf)Get him a doctor

2 servants grab Ronan and walk into another room with himThe king’s assistant comes up to Beowulf

(Assistant)My king how was your journey

(Beowulf)It was an ambush

Beowulf hears noise(Beowulf)

What is that noise(Assistant)

All the kingdom is outside they want to know what has happened to the king and I can’t lie anymore you have to speak with them


Bring me to themOutside . . .

The assistant opens the doors over the balcony, he sees hundred of men women and children

(Assistant)My countrymen I promised you to see the king and here he is

Beowulf walks out of the shadowsThe crowd begins to boo

(Man)That’s not the king

(Man) Where is the king?

(Beowulf)Geatland. Here me

Beowulf pulls out the king’s necklace from under his shirtThe people all gasp and are in awe

(Beowulf)I am Beowulf

The people look at each other(Beowulf)

I am the king’s cousin, your prince Hardrid was slain in battle and he appointed me king

(Man)You are a warrior not a king

(Beowulf)I am your king and your warrior and being both I will do everything in my power to always protect our country from any threat I will show what other kings of the past have not shown the ability to defend his country

that he loves(Man)So what(Beowulf)

I have given my blood for this country and it’s people I have fought many men, monsters I have seen things that no normal man has ever seen,

through this entire quest I have always thought of the country I love . . . Geatland

The crowd looks around(Man)

Hail . . .Beowulf. . King of GeatlandBeowulf lifts his arm in respect to the crowd

And walks back into his castleNext scene. .

Sulten tired and dirty riding his horse into the front gates of the castle

The people look at him funnyHe stops one man on the street

(Sulten)Where... is the one called Beowulf?

(Man)King Beowulf(Sulten)

. . ... . KingHe rides his horse up the street to the castle

4 guards stop him as he is going to walk into the castle(Guard)

Stop right their raider(Sulten)

I have to see Beowulf(Guard)

No one sees the king without his permission(Sulten)

Listen . . .I have not traveled 4 days without sleep or food to be stopped by 4 guards I am going to see Beowulf

(Guard)Oh no you’re not

The guard goes to pull his sword out of his holster, Sulten grabs his arm not allowing him to grab the sword and punches the man with his

right hand he pushes the 2 off his side and kicks the one behind him at the same time, the one runs up and grabs him from behind, Sulten head

butts him twice and elbows him in the stomach, one guard runs up to him, Sulten kicks him in the nuts and then knee’s him in the face, Sulten double kicks one man to the ground the last guard grabs his sword, the

other get up and grab theirs and surround Sulten Beowulf looks from the door openings

(Beowulf)Stop that’s enough!

The guards all get on one knee(Guard)

Sorry my kingBeowulf walks up to them

(Beowulf)Rise it is alright

Beowulf looks at Sulten(Beowulf)

Sulten what are you doing here(Sulten)

We need to talk Next Scene

Ronan is sitting on the table; Beowulf and Sulten are standing on opposite sides of the room

The door opens to see Abar and Delas walk in(Beowulf)

Sit They sit down

(Sulten) As you know I left here to return to my home country I did . . .I

journeyed for daysShot of him riding in the woods, in a field, and through a town

(Sulten)And when I returned home . . .

Shot of him riding a horse into a town of flames(Sulten)

The town had been torched; my friend’s dead, the home was gone even as a raider I still considered this my home

Shot of him walking down the streets and looking at people running from men, the men stop chasing the people and turn and look at Sulten

Shot of Sulten standing in the middle of the road6 men approach him all with weapons in hand

Sulten slowly pulls out his huge axe from behind his backThe axe has a long shaft with a black grip and beads on it with a huge

bladeThe men surround Sulten, the first man jumps at Sulten from the front Sulten extends his right arm out and slashes the man in the stomach while in the air and flips him over and lands the guy on his back and

pulls the axe out2 more men run at him he grabs one man’s arm as he goes to swing at Sulten and kicks the other on the side, he swings down and chops the man’s leg off with the left hand, the man falls and yells in pain, one man goes to swing, he grabs his hand and twist him and bends him over

and knee’s the man in the face 4 times, one man runs up and Sulten grabs him and throws him into the air into some crates, Sulten turns and kicks a man in the nuts, punches him on the side and grabs him and DDT’s the man’s face into the ground and then snaps his neck his eyes turn and

he’s sees a man behind him with a bow and arrow, he turns fast and then throws the axe, the man shoots the arrow as soon as he throws the axe the arrow skims past his face in slow motion, the axe flies and lands

right in the mans skull, he pulls the axe out with a mad lookShot back to all of them looking around at Sulten in the castle.

(Sulten)And then I saw him

(Delas)Saw whom

Shot back to Sulten on the street, a man comes across on a horse and it is BECK(Sulten)

They call him Beck he was a general in my countries army, he was presumed dead, be betrayed our country

Shot back at the streetBeck looks at Sulten and then yells in the distance and points at Sulten then alote of men go running at Sulten . . . Sulten runs and jumps on a

horse and leaves the town(Abar)

Delas and Malik must be together(Beowulf)

That is what I fear(Delas)

Who is this Malik and what is that shiny Bracelet on his wrist(Beowulf)

I don’t knowIn the shadows Ronan is sitting

(Ronan)It is the Bracelet of Linkina

(Sulten)What is that?

(Ronan)Long ago, in a land lost to time a king was dying and his two son’s were to rule but neither knew who would rule the king sent his best welders out to make 2 bracelets his son’s Linkina and Sandra, were to rule, the king made a bracelet for each, then the king’s wizard some say the most powerful wizard ever put a magic spell on each of these bracelets so

that there would never be an uprising(Delas)

Wait what power does this thing has(Ronan)

People say that it gives the one who has it enormous strength, endurance, and almost godlike powers

(Abar)So what happened to these 2 brothers

(Ronan)The 2 brothers were sent to each corner of the country to split it in two, Linkinia had always been the jealous brother and hated his brother

so one night he snuck into his castle, murdered his brother and stole his bracelet, when the guards awoke to their new king they were displeased and did not believe linkinia’s story and were going to

execute him, Linkinia refused and a huge battle perused even with all of his power he could not defeat the entire kingdom, his arm’s were severed from his body and he was executed , the royal guards decided that these 2 bracelets were two dangerous for any king to hold so they separated the bracelet's to the far corners of the country, the Bracelet of Linkinia was sent to the mountains of the north and the Bracelet of

Sadnar is located in the unholy temple of Acclam Malik must have found the Bracelet of Linkinia , the bracelet still holds within it the evil of its master and also all of his power

(Beowulf)is there any way to find the Bracelet of Sadnar

(Ronan)yes the unholy temple is located west of here , but I must warn you only one may go it is guarded by an ancient guardian whom none have been able

to defeat(Beowulf)

I must go to the unholy city of Acclam(Sulten)

what you cannot leave the kingdom , we are under attack as we speak(Beowulf)

Sulten, I want you to be my General, my friend you have seen these men and how they fight, know there tack ticks and abilities, If I do not return on time I am holding you as my country’s leader , but I must go

it is the only way to defeat himSulten nods his head and then extends his hand

Beowulf grabs his hand(Sulten)

go in peace my kingShot of the sunset at the kingdom, Ronan, Abar, Delas, and Sulten are

watching Beowulf leave on his horse; the Gates open and then close . . .Shot of a Village on fire . . .

people are running out of it . . .men are grabbing men and fighting

one man slits another’s neckMalik rides around the corner to meet Beck

(Malik)how many towns must me destroy before we reach Beowulf’s Castle

(Beck)sir it was your order to destroy every town

(Malik)I do not like this why hasn’t he faced me does he know I cannot be


pardon me my king but I believe you may underestimate Beowulf(Malik)

do you think he can beat me(Beck)

no of course not your majesty, it’s just that he has defeated numerous men and monsters he is a legend in not only this country but mine and

yoursMalik reaches over and grabs Beck and pulls him face to face with him

(Malik)I’m tired of your worries , you have no country your home is my country,

and I do not underestimate him , he underestimates me . .

he lets go of Beck(Malik)

come to the next town . .Malik rides off

Beck stares at him as he rides off Back at the castle . . .

Sutlen and Ronan are sitting in the king’s roomAbar and Delas and many other men walk in

(Abar)Sulten, Delas and I have been researching Malik’s moves and we know

where he is going to strike next . . .(Sulten)where (Delas)

the town of Elmdar (Sulten)

evacuate that town Sulten stands up

(Sulten)Ronan gather about 20 men with us to ambush them

(Ronan)what about being outnumbered

(Sulten)his army is not all here there is not enough boats located in the

Netherlands , that means there is only a small number we may be able to make a stand at Elmdar

(Delas)until the rest of his army arrives

(Ronan)how many men do Geatland

(Abar)no more than 400

(Sulten)my God if he attackes us we will be outnumber by at least twice that

(Delas)we need help

(Ronan)who can help us this fast

(Sulten)Herot , King Hrothgar will help us

(Ronan)yes , yes I will send out a falcon with a message from Beowulf telling

of our situation it should reach him in timeshot of Beowulf approaching this old dusty temple with holes everywhere

almost looks like it is made of clayBeowulf gets off his horse and pulls out his sword

Beowulf walks into the darknesshe can see only the light from out of holes , he is walking cautiously , he begins to walk forward and then looks and keeps going , then stops and looks back and turns down a tunnel , he is walking to see a room lighted up with candles ,. he is looking around and see’s no one , he looks in the distance to see a box that contains the bracelet . . . he begins to walk towards it and then out of nowhere a foot kicks the sword out of his hand and then kicks him in the side and then he gets a fist

to the face, he spins and falls to see. . . an old china man with white long hair and a grey beard , he is skinny

and small, in a grey robe . . .

(Beowulf)listen I just need the . . .

Beowulf reaches his hand out . . .the man twist’s his hand and then chops him in the neck

Beowulf is knocked back(Guardian)

you seek the bracelet , you seek your death (Beowulf)

listen I do not want to fight y....the man hits Beowulf with both his fist in the thighs , Beowulf leans over in pain, the man snaps up and head butt’s Beowulf in the chin , Beowulf flies off his feet and land’s back first onto the ground . . .

(Guardian)now you die

Beowulf goes to swipe the guardians feet from underneath him , but he jumps over them . . Beowulf gets to his feet

(Beowulf)I need that bracelet to defeat the one who hold the Bracelet of Linkinia

(Guardian) it has been found


(Guardian)by whom(Beowulf)

an evil war lord named Malik(Guardian)

evil , no the bracelet contains evil more than any other thing in this world

(Beowulf)I need the Bracelet of Sadnar to defeat him

(Guardian)sure the bracelet will give you equal strength, and speed but you could

beat him with so much more(Beowulf)

like with whatShot of Ronan on his horse with a falcon on his hand

he places a note in the falcons leg carrier (Ronan)

go my friend fly to Herotthe bird flies off into the sky

about 20 men are behind Ronan, Delas, and AbarSulten is in front

(Sulten)to Elmdar

the men all leave the castleBack at the Unholy temple. . .

The Guardian is in fighting stance at one end of the room and Beowulf is standing at the other . . .

(Guardian)I want you to attack me , do not hold back

(Beowulf)listen I don’t have time for . ..

(Guardian) attack me(Beowulf)


Beowulf walks up to the guardian and begins to punch at him, the guardian blocks all of his punches and punches Beowulf in the gut , and

then slaps Beowulf across the face . . .Beowulf takes a step back and begins to get angry

(Guardian)Anger will never win a battle

Beowulf runs at him and goes to punch him in the chest, the Guardian grabs his arm and pulls them apart and then punches him with both hands in the chest, the Guardian kicks for Beowulf , put he moves, Beowulf goes to hit the Guardian but he ducks and puches Beowulf twice in the stomach, Beowulf grabs his arm as he swings and pulls it up , the

Guardian does a backflip and then kicks Beowulf in the stomach before he lands on his back , Beowulf goes flying and then lands on his stomach, Beowulf gets up and picks the guardian up and slams him into the wall, the Guardian begins to kick him in the face , Beowulf lets him go, the Guardian continues to kicks him in the air and then stops and lands

Beowulf goes to uppercut him ,the guardian grabs his arm in slow motion and swings around his arm and body and knee him in the stomach and then

chops him across the face , Beowulf falls to the groundThe guardian is standing walking up to Beowulf

(Guardian)I told you no one can win by anger, you must have faith in yourself

The guardian kneels down(Guardian)

not a single kickBeowulf looks at him above him and lifts his leg and kicks him in the

stomach, the Guardian stumbles back(Beowulf)how’s that

Beowulf gets up(Guardian)

good your learning . . . againBeowulf calms down and closes his eye’s and stetches his muscles . . .

Beowulf walks towards the guardian and begins to chop at him, the guardian ducks, Beowulf goes to knee him but he grabs his knee and

pushes it back, Beowulf goes to hit the guardian on the shoulder, but he grabs his fist in the air, the guardian goes to kick him, so does

Beowulf their feet meet , they push their feet off one another and both do back flips across the room and land, Beowulf runs up to the Guardian and kicks twice in the air, the Guardian just chops him away, he lands and kicks for the guardian, the guardian ducks when he comes back up Beowulf swings super fast and stops his fist at the guardians face

the guardian is shocked(Beowulf)had enough(Guardian)

yes , you are the most difficult person I have ever battledhe sits down(Guardian)

then the prophecies were true (Beowulf)

what prophecies?(Guardian)

when I was told to guard this Bracelet I was told the only one that could take it was the most difficult person I would ever battle and the

person I thought should hold it (Beowulf)


I think that person has comethe Guardian stands up

(Guardian)come kneel learn my powers

Beowulf walks up to him and lands on one kneethe guardian places his hand on his head

the room starts to shake, then blue lights and green rays fly across the room and all of the energy in the room is observed in Beowulf

Beowulf is pulled in by the powerthen it all stops

the guardian takes his hand off (Guardian)

you have the power of Sandar, the power of good . . .you have all my skills, abilities and most of all you hold the power of good inside you

Beowulf stands upAt Elmdar. . .

Sulten is preparing men for battle . . .(Sulten)

place those torches over theremen are moving around . . .men are placing gas on the ground around the


I want you men on top of that roof Abar walks up to Sulten

(Abar)are you sure their going to come

(Sulten)they want to destroy everything . . .they will come

Shot of Nighttime . . .Beowulf rides his horse into the castle. . .he walks into the doors and sees no one . . .

he opens a door and sees his assistant writing with his ink feather(Beowulf)

where is everyone(assistant)

sir . . oh you scared me(Beowulf)

where is Sulten(Assistant)

my lord. . .they went to Elmdar to battle (Beowulf)

what he runs down the hallway into outside and jumps off the balcony and

lands on his horse and begins to ride off Back at Elmdar . . .

Sulten is inside of a building next to Ronan . . .(Ronan)

I see something(Sulten)shhh

shot of the darkness and men come running out . . . Malik and Beck come in riding horses in the middle. . .

the men run in houses and torch them . . .Men on the roof look down at the open window of Sulten

Sulten nods his head

the men nod back . . .they pick up their bows and arrows and light them on a torch that is

next to them . . .they shoot the arrows in the airMalik and Beck see this . . .

the arrows lands behind them on the oil , the grass begins flame up around behind them . . so high they can’t get out . . .then men come

running out of the houses and begin to battle the other men . . Abar and Delas run out of a house . . . they begin to slash with others

Sulten and Ronan get out of the house and slash menAbar is fighting a man he kicks the man and then slashes him across the

stomach with his sword. . . Delas stabs a man in the foot and then uppercuts him, pulls the sword out of his foot and then stabs him in the

stomach . . .men are fighting all over . . the fires are everywhere . . men are on

the roof shooting their arrows at the enemy Sulten tackles a man and then stabs him while he is on the

ground . . .sulten stabs a man behind him over his head in the stomach and kicks another away from him and spins and slashes the guy in the

chest . . .Ronan throws a man through an opening in a house , he throws another into a wooden post and it breaks a man runs at him , he ducks and

slashes him in the stomach, another runs at him, he elbows him in the face and then slashes him on the side

Malik and Beck are still on their horses . . .Malik looks and sees Ronan fighting off his men

(Malik)Beck give my your bow and arrow. . .

Shot of Beowulf as he stops outside the town to see the town of fire , he looks in awe and then kicks his horse and rides to the town

Back at the town. . .Malik grabs the bow and arrow and points it at Ronan. . .

Malik lets the arrow go and it flies the camera follows the arrow as it’s flying to Ronan. . .

Ronan senses it as he’s battling and he moves just in the right second the arrow misses him Ronan looks at Malik

from the side a man runs up and slashes ronan on his side with his sword . . Ronan is cut bad on his side and begins to bleed . . . Ronan slashes

the man’s head offRonan looks back at Malik and see’s an arrow let go and flies at him . .

.the arrow in slow motion hits him in the stomach . . .

Ronan jolts back and drops his sword . . . (all in slow motion)Beowulf comes riding through the flames in slow motion and the first

thing he sees is Ronan shot with an arrow , he rides up next to him and looks at Malik and see’s an arrow let go in slow motion . . .

Beowulf is riding towards him in slow motion . . .(Beowulf)

nooooooo!!!!!!another arrow is shot and lands in Ronan’s chest Ronan stumbles back

and falls on his back Beowulf jumps off the horse and lands next to Ronan . . .

he looks down at his friend . .and looks at Malik Malik begins to laugh with Beck . . .

Beowulf gets up slowly and begins to walk towards Malik

a man goes to slash at BeowulfBeowulf grabs his arm and turns his arm around and makes him self slash

himself in the stomach. . .Beowulf kicks a sword out of a man’s hand and reaches back and punches

the man so hard his neck spins and he does a back flip a man runs up behind him and grabs him around the neck . . .Beowulf grabs his arm snaps it around the man is bent over he snaps the mans

neck . . he falls to the ground Beowulf is still walking towards Malik

Delas runs up to Ronan Delas gets on one knee and puts Ronan’s head up

(Delas)oh God hang on Ronan

2 men run up to Beowulf one on left and another on right , they go to swing their swords Beowulf grabs the one on the left by the arm and jump over the one on the right as he swings his sword under him. . .he lands

and grabs the mans wrist so hard the man yells and drops his sword . . .Beowulf grabs the sword and stabs the man on the right . .

the man on the right drops his sword and he stabs the man on the left in the stomach

Malik shoot’s his arrow at Beowulf Beowulf spins and grabs the arrow and his sleeve rolls up to reveal the

Bracelet of Sandar Malik and Beck look in shock

(Malik)the bracelet of Sandar

he looks frightened as Beowulf begins to run at him(Malik)

retreat ! Retreat ! they ride off on their horse and the other begin to run . .

Shot of Abar stabbing a man . . Sulten close line’s a man as he is leaving

Beowulf stops and looks at Malik as he turns his horseBeowulf lifts his arm in the air to reveal the Bracelet in the air at

Malik . . Malik staires back and then rides off

Delas , Sulten and Abar are bloody and by Ronan on the ground(Abar)Beowulf!

Beowulf comes running up to them to see Ronan about to die on the ground . . .

Beowulf leans down and puts his hand under his friends head(Ronan)

Beowulf. .(Beowulf)

shh be still my friend(Ronan)

this is the death that I always. . . had wanted . .with . .my friends(Beowulf)

You are not going to die(Ronan)

my time is ending . . .avenge me my friendRonan’s eye’s begin to close


Ronan opens his eye’s (Beowulf)

you shall be avenged my friend . . . Ronan closes his eye’s and DIES. . .

Sulten turns around . . .Abar and Delas Bow their heads . . .Beowulf puts his head on his friends shoulder and begins to tear up. . .

Next shot. . . .the body of Ronan on a huge bed of sticks and straw on Fire

Beowulf stands in front with Sulten, Abar, and Delas behind him and many other around. . .

(Beowulf)good bye my friend . . .

Beowulf turns and walks away . . the 3 follow him . .Inside the castle

Beowulf is sitting on his thrown . . .(Sulten)

he was a good man(Abar)

yes he was (Delas)

Beowulf what about the Netherlanders (Beowulf)

what about them(Sulten)

you have embarrassed their leader , they will return in full force. . .Beowulf does not respond . . .

(Sulten)what do we do. . .

Beowulf does not respond(Sulten)

Beowulf !!!Beowulf gets up

(Beowulf)what should I do , I do not have enough men to claim a victory , my best friend has been slaughtered and everyone looks to me for answers . . . I

cannot win this battle . . .A figure opens the door and is standing behind them

(Hrothgar)No you can’t but we can . . .

Beowulf turns in shockBeowulf walks up to Hrothgar and hugs him

(Beowulf)how is this possible

(Hrothgar)I recieved a message that you are in need

a bird flies on his arm(Beowulf)

that is Ronan’s Bird(Hrothgar)

yes he even lead us here . . my King we are here to help(Beowulf)

thank you I am most appreciated(Hrothgar)

it is only a small service for the help you have given me . . come Hrothgar opens the door to a huge army standing in sequence . . .

(Beowulf)where did you get all these men

(Hrothgar)after you and your men left our army was reformed and some are villagers

that heard that we go to help Beowulf so they also came . . .(Hrothgar)

Son’s of Herot . . .I give you Beowulf. . . .all of the men yell for Beowulf

Beowulf raises his arms to stop yelling(Beowulf)

Herot. . I cannot say how much I thank you but that will go for later . . for now their is an enemy at my doorsteps , the enemy has

showed no mercy on my people , if we lose Geatland I fear he will show the whole world no mercy, we must stop him, we must, together . . united

. . as one. . . my brothers. . .all the men yell and cheer

Back into a field with a tent . . . all of Malik’s men are outside shot of Malik sitting in a chair thinking . . .

Beck walks in. . .(Beck)sir . .

Malik turns to look at him(Beck)

all of the ships have arrived . . we are ready for battle(Malik)

good . . leave meBeck looks at him confused

(Beck)sir. . if I may ask what is wrong


sir what is the matter!(Malik)

he has the Bracelet of Sandar (Beck)

the Bracelet of Sandar?(Malik)

Sandar was the brother of Linkinia he has the same power as I doShot of the Bracelet of Sandar on Beowulf’s arm

Shot of Beowulf standing on the edge wall of his castleall around him men are setting up defenses. . .

one man is putting arrows in cases next to the wall one after another. . .

others are barring the doors . . .Sulten walks up to Beowulf

(Sulten)Beowulf the defenses are set . . what now

(Beowulf)we wait . .

Next Scene . . .Night Time at Beowulf’s Castle . . .

Shot of all of Malik’s men with torches walking out into the field in front of the castle. . .

they all have torches . . .Malik is in his armor so is Beck . . .

Malik lifts his arm to stop . . and looks Shot of Beowulf staring back at him on the wall of the castle . . .

all of his men are on the wall . . .Hrothgar is on one end of the wall Sulten is on the opposite . . .

Shot of Malik drums are pounding

(Malik)ATTACK! ! !

all of the men yell and begin to run . . at the castleBeowulf looks in awe

there are hundred’s of men running towards the castle (Beowulf)archer’s

all of the men pick up bows and arrows and light them on the end with the flames . . .

(Beowulf)FIRE ! ! !

all of the arrows fly into the nights air light up hundred are floating as birds in the sky. . .

Malik and Beck are at the end of the field watching thisthe arrows fall on the men . . .

arrows land in men’s chest , head , legs , arms , neck , stomach there are dozens of men down on the ground , dead , some yelling in pain

men have caught on fire and are burning dead on the ground . . .(Malik)

send in the others Beck raises his arm and twist it around with his horse . . .

men run out of the woods on the left and right of the castle . . .(Delas)

Beowulf look men are attacking on the left and right(Abar)

our defenses are too weak on the sides to keep it up(Beowulf)

do not worryBeowulf looks at Sulten in the Distance on the right and nods his head

Beowulf looks at Hrothgar on the left and nods his headSulten grabs a bow and arrow and light’s up the end of it and shoots it

Hrothgar does the same . . .the arrow lands where the men are standing on each side . . .

the ground all around them begins to burn . . .the whole field is on fire . . .

men are being burned alive it begins to rain . . .

the fire’s are being put out by the rain . . .the fire’s around the castle are going out . . .

(Malik)men do not fear the fire is out

(Malik)kill them all


send all the men(Beck)

all side’s attack . . .hundred’s of more men run out of the woods on each side. . .they begin

to run(Malik)

I have to finish this once and for all(Beck)

yes my king

they begin to ride behind the menBack at the castle. . .

men are shooting arrows at the others . . .Sulten yells at Beowulf

(Sulten)Beowulf . . we are almost out of arrows

(Hrothgar)so are we what next . .

Beowulf looks around . . .(Beowulf)

prepare yourselves. . .shot at the castle. . . the men are running towards them

Shot inside a room of the castle. . the women and children are scared in a basem*nt room . . .

Shot back to the outside of the castle . . .Shot of Abar as he slowly pulls out his staff with the blade at the end

of it out of a blanket and begins to swing it Hrothgar pulls out his sword with a golden end and the blade is shiny .

. . Shot of Delas . . he has 2 swords crossed behind his back he pulls both

out slowly with each hand . . and holds both of themShot of Sulten . . he has his axe behind his back and swings it over himSwing in shot of Beowulf . . he pulls out his huge sword and swings it

over him . . .the men are running over their own men . .

they reach the gate and begin to bang on it they cannot get through it is boarded up . . men are also holding it on the other side. . .

Beowulf sees Malik riding his horse towards the gate . . .Beowulf yells at 2 archers

(Beowulf)you 2 shoot him on the horse . . .

they shoot at Malik and Malik catches one arrow in his left and right hand . . .and looks at Beowulf and keeps going . . .

Malik runs at Jumps off his horse and tells all of the men to move . . .Malik rears back and punches the door . . the door begins to crack , he punches it again and it is almost broken and punches it the last time

and the door’s fly open . . .all of the men begins to follow Malik and Beck in . . .

(Delas)the gates are breached . . .Men are climbing up the step’s

Abar stabs one on the way up , another runs up and grabs the stick, Abar kicks him and knocks him down the steps and grabs his stick and the man

falls and knocks all the others down . . .Delas is on the wall . . .

he is standing on each side , men are pouring in from each side . . .(Delas)come on

one on his left goes to swing at him , Delas blocks it with his left sword and then slices his leg off with the right, the man falls off the

wall, 2 run at him from each side he jumps in the air and does a helicopter twist with the blades hanging out and stabs the 2 men, a man

jumps over the body and Delas reaches under him and stabs the man through the stomach, the blade is sticking out of his back, another

comes running behind him, Delas throws the sword out of his left hand , it goes flying by and lands in the man’s stomach and makes the man fly

back, Delas grabs both his swords

Hrothgar is powering his sword with another man. . he swings the sword down and punches the man on the face and then picks him up and throws

him over the wall . . . 2 men are slicing at Hrothgar , he grabs one and pulls him in front of him, the man slashes the other across the chest , Hrothgar sticks his sword through the man’s back and through the other

mans stomach, they falls and land on each othermen are fighting all over

Malik is stabbing men off his horse . . Beck is fighting men on his horse . . then all of a sudden a man flies at him and knocks him off his horse, he lands face first in the dirt . . .he looks up to see the man standing in front of him, shot of his legs ,

then a bloody AXE , he looks to see Sulten . . .he stands up and faces Sulten . . .

(Sulten)you killed the only people I considered family, betrayed our country, and now want to kill us all . . .you will not live to see another

sunrise . . .Beck goes to pull out his sword . . .

(Beck) You are right about everything except . . .

he goes to swing at Sulten . . .Sulten captures his sword with his axe(Beck)

You will die not Ithey begin to slash it out . . .

Beowulf is fighting one man kicks one man back, and slashes another one, he spins and stabs a man through the stomach, Beowulf picks a man up

with both hands and Shot of his ear , he hears a person drawing an arrow back at him, he turns to see the man on the ground pointing an arrow at him, the man shoots an arrow at Beowulf , he throws the man in front of the arrow, the arrow lands in the man as he is falling and then he lands on the man

with the bow . . .Quick shot of Abar and Delas back to back fighting off men . . .

shot of others fighting all around . . .Back to Sulten vs Beck . . .

Beck is slicing at Sulten he is going at it . . . Sulten spins around and slashes Beck in the back Beck goes forward and then looks and grabs

a torch and then begins to slash at Sulten with a torch and sword, Sulten is backing away from both of them, Sulten blocks his sword, Beck slams the torch into Sulten’s Left arm . . .Sulten screams in pain and then looks at his arm and then tosses his sword into his right hand and

then knocks the torch out of Beck’s hand and then goes at it with him . . .

Beowulf kicks a man off the side of the castle and looks in the distance and see’s Malik Making men fly as he hits them, Malik looks in slow motion and sees Beowulf they lock eyes and growl and begin to run at

each other, they are running in slow motion , they jump at each other in slow motion the camera zoom around them . . they begin to fly and then grab each other , they miss the wall and begin to fall to the ground . . .they are spinning in the air hitting each other falling, they both fall

through a wooden tent and land on the ground . . .Back to Hrothgar fighting off men . . .

Beowulf gets up and see’s Malik looking over him . . .Malik grabs Beowulf’s leg and then throws him leg first into the

wall . . .he picks Beowulf up and lets him go and does a spin around kick to his chest , Beowulf flies through the brick wall . . .Malik

jumps in after him . . .

Back to Sulten . . .Sulten is slashing Beck as they are making their way up the steps . . .

they reach the wall . .another one of Malik’s men run up behind Beck . .

Sulten ducks a slash from Beck and stabs the other man in the stomach, Sulten gets back up and is slashed across the chest , he begins to bleed

. . . Back to Beowulf vs. Malik

Beowulf is hitting Malik faster than any normal man . . Blood is spit out of Malik’s Mouth , Beowulf finally hits him and makes him fly into a weapons hold . . .he picks up a sword and begins to run at Beowulf . . Beowulf is ducking and dodging the attack, Malik swings

and Beowulf ducks the sword goes into a wall . . .Beowulf kicks him back . . Malik runs and picks Beowulf up and slams him up into the roof and kicks him when he is almost to the ground, Beowulf

goes flying across the room . . .Malik smirks as he sees Beowulf on the ground . . .

Shot of Abar and Delas . . .they run into each other . . from the backs

they go to turn and strike and they realize it’s them(Abar)

pretty intense huh (Delas)

I’ve seen worse . . .they separate and begin fighting again . . .

Shot of a huge stain glass window inside of the castle . .the glass breaks as Beowulf flies through it . . .

shot of Malik walking out of the glass . . .Malik surrounds Beowulf . . .

(Malik)pathetic . . your old friend put up more of a fight than you . . .

Beowulf has a flash of Ronan . .Beowulf growls and then jumps up and kicks Malik twice in the air in

the chest . . .Malik runs at Beowulf . .Beowulf grabs his arm and twist flips him into a table and flips with him and breaks the table . . . Malik gets up and looks to see Beowulf already standing looking at him . .Beowulf begins to hit and kick Malik . . .Beowulf spins and kicks Malik in the gut and makes him fly through a wooden door into the outside where the battle is

continuing Men are falling off the side of the wall . . others are getting shot at with arrows . . there are dead bodies of Beowulf’s men and Malik’s Men

everywhere . . .Sulten is fighting off Beck’s attack . .

Sulten’s hand is cut by Beck’s sword and Sulten drops his sword . . Beck kick him over a dead body . . Sulten is tending to his cut . . .

Sulten sees the man’s sword lying next to his body . . .Beck approaches Sulten . . .

(Beck)weak . . you see why I had to kill all of them . Because they were like

you . . .Weak . .Beck goes to lift his sword in the air to stab Sulten . . .

Sulten grabs the man’s sword off the ground and thrust it into Beck’s stomach . .

Beck drops his sword . .Sulten stands up . . .


for my Country . . .Sulten grabs the sword and thrust it through Beck’s stomach and out of

his back(Sulten)

For my Friends . . .Sulten grabs Beck and throws him off the wall

Sulten watches Beck fall all the way to the ground and land DEAD!!!!Beck has been KILLED . . .

(Sulten)And for Me . . .

Sulten looks and then walks away . . .Back to Beowulf . . .

Malik is hitting Beowulf with all he’s got Beowulf grabs his fist and flips him on the ground .. Malik kicks

Beowulf as he bends over one of Malik’s men has a bow with fire on the arrow and shoots it at

Beowulf and he ducks the arrow catches a bail of hay on fire behind Malik . . .

Malik goes to hit Beowulf , Beowulf blocks it and throws him into a wall , the wall crack’s all around . . .Malik is beginning to be scared and runs through the fire to the other side. . he turns and see’s Beowulf

walk through the fire . . .Malik goes to hit Beowulf but Beowulf blocks it and hit’s him . . in slow motion they fight every punch by Malik is blocked , Malik goes to

hit him with the bracelet and Beowulf blocks it and hit’s Malik’s Bracelet with his . .

Maliks’ Bracelet falls off . . . and lands on the ground . .Malik cannot believe it . .

he goes to pick it up and Beowulf kicks him into a wall . . .Beowulf picks it up and places it on his left arm . . the 2 bracelet’s glow up and then Magnify together and lights and beam begins to flow

around Beowulf and then it stops Beowulf opens his eye’s and looks at Malik . . who is terrified . . .

(Malik)I do not understand how can this be

(Beowulf) Good always triumphs over Evil

Malik goes to hit Beowulf . . Beowulf blocks it and then rears back and Hits Malik with both of his arm’s

Malik goes flying through a wall and then through the outer wall and then lands in the field of fire . .Beowulf looks to see a Beaten Malik laying in the fire . .He tries to get up but can’t and is Burned to

death . . .Malik is Dead . . .all of the men see

(Malik’s men)retreat . . .! ! !

all of the men begin to run . . Beowulf looks around and see’s all of the dead men

Abar leans on Delas . . (Abar)

woooooo !!! !all of the men cheer . .

Beowulf raises his hand . . .(Sulten)

all hail the king Beowulf . .(men)

all hail Beowulf . .the men begin to cheer . . .

The castle Daytime . .Beowulf is shaking hand’s with King Hrothgar . . .

all of his men are packing for their journey home . . .(Beowulf)

I thank you . . me and my men will not forget this deed we owe you (Hrothgar)

you owe us nothing . . we are even . .Hrothgar gets on his horse

(Hrothgar)for now . .

Hrothgar rides off Beowulf smirks . . .

Shot of Beowulf sitting on his thrown . . .flying through to see a shot of Abar , Delas and Sulten . . .

then a shot of Beowulf . . .(Beowulf) (to himself)

I am Beowulf king of the Geat’s, protector of my land until the end . . .

Shot of the 4 riding their horses in the field . . CREDITS . . .

THE END . . . . . for now . . . .the song “Ring of Fire” by Strata comes on. . .

The Return of Beowulf - SimplyScripts · Web viewI can’t jump that far (Man) Jump or you will be following him The man sighs and backs up... The man begins to run and jumps over - [DOC Document] (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.