The Extra Is Too Strong Chapter 280 - (2024)

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Extras Are Too Strong Episode 280

!! Translator – mrdual !!

!! Proofreader – xotwood !!

Secret society Silver Blood.

The three gods stand at the peak.

They rarely strayed from the Thunder Mountains, the home of the Silver Blood.

This was partly because there were no inconveniences while staying in the Thunder Mountains, and partly because there were many things to do here.

There was a reason why the home of Silver Blood was decided to be the Thunder Mountains in the first place.

Eneka, a member of the Three Gods, opened her eyes.


She opened her eyes and looked around.

Her beautiful silver bob, as if it had been made from melted silver, fluttered, and her sleepy golden eyes opened.

“Why are you doing that?”

There were 100 people by her side.

If strangers saw them, they would feel creepy.

All wizards had surprisingly similar appearances, with only slightly different ages and makeup, and the same was true for all warriors.

The 50 wizards were clones of Carian.

The 50 warriors were also warrior-type clones from the ‘Kudan series’ produced by Karian.

“It was a dream.”

Eneka yawned in response to the question asked by Karian’s clone, who had a middle-aged appearance.

The surroundings were a chaos that felt terrible just by looking at it, as if reality had been grotesquely distorted and melted.

Eneka and his 100 clones were in a demon world dungeon ruled by the Duke of Demon World.

The Thunder Mountains are a defense line set by the gods.

The ‘Conference Hall of the Gods’, a palace used as the headquarters of the Silver Blood, was a huge military facility left behind by the gods.

This military facility has several amazing functions, one of which is the ability to intentionally bring about the demonic phenomenon occurring on the continent.

Force the Demon World phenomenon that occurs randomly across the continent to occur at a desired location.

Then, the power that was always on standby is deployed to annihilate them.

The Three Gods were using this function to create a large-scale Demon World phenomenon that could occur anywhere within the Thunder Mountains and then deal with it.

This is how it has been maintained for hundreds of years.

“Let’s go again.”

Eneka stretched once and snapped her fingers once.

Then, the artifact horse made of true silver that gave off a brilliant light began to walk carrying her.

100 people walk together, surrounding her as if to protect her.

Eneka said to the middle-aged clone walking beside her.

“I’ll tell you in case you forget.”

“Please order.”

“Frozen land, Demon World Duke, 16 steps in the sky, death, death, death… Bernas? Or something else?”

“I’ll remember it.”

I wondered what this meant, but the middle-aged clone was unfazed.

This is because it is an attitude that you cannot help but get used to as you serve Eneka.

She was born with the divine blood of Uruxmon, the god of dreams and omens, and achieved godhood.

As a deity of the present world and a member of the Uruxmon family, she possessed strong powers of foresight.

And when a prophet says something is a prophecy, you may wonder what kind of nonsense this is.

“Would you like me to tell this to Master?”

“Do it. Ah, but… Is that Mord you just mentioned? Did it have something to do with Bernas’ illegitimate son? Wasn’t it?”

“you’re right. “This is an operation to eliminate Bernas’ illegitimate son.”

“Then I think you’d better be careful. I don’t know if the dream I just had was a prophecy or not… … .”

According to what Silver Blood has recorded so far, Eneka’s prophecy had only a 60% accuracy rate.

The reason was that it was difficult for her to tell whether what she saw in her dream was precognition or not.

In general, if you see elements in your dreams that you don’t even know about and remember them when you wake up, you will feel a strong sense of discomfort.

This is especially true if the elements are too realistic to be treated as a dream, and the level of detail is high.

But for Eneka, that was natural.

This is because the elements that make up her dreams were not only her own unconsciousness, but also the dreams of beings all over the world.

As a result, it was natural for her to confuse what happened in her dreams with what happened in reality, or to have difficulty distinguishing between precognitive dreams and non-precognitive dreams.

‘It makes sense that Uruxmon’s lineage was cut off… … .’

Can’t distinguish between dreams and reality. We see wisdom through dreams.

It would be crazy to go through something like this for the rest of my life.

As far as Silverblood knows, the only Uruxmon lineage left on earth was Eneka.

Most of them probably went crazy and were unable to leave a lineage, and their lineage was cut off.

‘It may be a blasphemous thought, but it’s hard to say that this person is sane… … .’

It was when the middle-aged clone smiled bitterly.


Another Carian clone said.

Under the melting red sky, an army of thousands of demons and monsters was approaching.

“I was wondering why the second wave wasn’t coming, but the first wave saw our strength and tried to gather everyone together and attack us.”

“It’s an obvious move.”

“Anyway, even if a guy who can’t move in the deepest part tries to do something… … .”

The clones snorted.

As thousands of demon armies approached, the Karian clones came forward.

– Rain of arrows of judgment!


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-The flash of destruction!

-An army of flame spirits!

-The army of thunderbolt spirits… … !

Dozens of high-fire power spells of the 8th and 9th circles were implemented at once and poured into the demon army.

Among the Karian clones present, the middle-aged clone, who was the leader, was a 9th Circle master, half were low-ranking wizards practicing the 9th Circle, and the other half were high-ranking wizards practicing or mastering the 8th Circle.

Although they did not have the divine blood parts of the original Carian, they had human parts and were also excellent at mana and magic management abilities.


[Punch through!]

[Damn it! My order?]

The demons screamed.

The core of this Demon World Dungeon is the Demon World Duke.

The army that was now out was led by the Marquis of Demon World, and there were also many Counts of Demon World.

The number of lord-level demons below him was in the dozens.

However, when they engage in a magic battle, they are no match for him at all.

This is because there were only beings with outstanding abilities as wizards, and Eneka was at the center of them all.

“It’s boring… … .”

While an enormous magic battle was taking place, Eneka yawned while sitting on the artifact horse.

Her role now was to spread blessings that protect and strengthen allies in the environment of the demon world dungeon.

The abilities of the clones increased significantly just by blessings that unfolded as naturally as breathing without using much effort.

The speed at which Carian clones complete orders has nearly doubled, and output has also nearly doubled.

Moreover, even if I used a lot of high-power spells that consumed a lot of magic power, my magic power continued to be replenished.

This was the greatness of God.

[Kaaaa! Wizards! It’s terrible! But since we’ve come this far, the game has been won!]

However, even though the enemy forces were numerous, there were too many.

Eventually, demons began to emerge one by one, breaking through the enormous fire net of the Carian clones and reaching the allies.


However, while they were talking in triumph, their heads were cut off.

This is because the Kudan series, a warrior type clone that waited for the enemy to come close, came out.

Armed with pitch-black magic armor, they were strong.

[Everyone is a master-level magic wizard? Nonsense! What on earth are you guys?]

All 50 people were master-level magic wizards who had mastered Aura!

* * *

Karian’s teacher, the archmage Samus, who once occupied a position on the throne of the Four Gods.

He had a loyal subordinate named Kudan.

He was a man with genius talent as a warrior.

In his heyday, he was always mentioned as a candidate when discussing the strongest warrior of the Urfin Empire.

Samus was his benefactor, saving his life when he was young, giving him a chance at a better life, and later helping him seek revenge on powerful figures.

Kudan swore that he would do anything for Samus.

And Samus hoped that Kudan would cooperate with Karian’s research.

Kudan, who understood that this was necessary to protect the world, agreed to let Karian create a clone of himself.

As a result, the Clone Kudan series was born, which allows a person to become a master-level magician with sufficient training.

The level of perfection was, in a sense, higher than that of Carian’s own clones.

This is because, unlike Karian, Kudan was human.

Because it was a human clone, it was able to fully inherit all the talents of the original.

Although not all individuals are like this, some exceptional individuals have gone beyond simply mastering Aurors and have gone further than that.

The clones that Karian placed to support the Three Gods were clones that exceeded certain standards and boasted a high level of perfection.

When 50 high-level wizards and 50 warriors linked up with Eneca’s blessing, the result was truly enormous.

Silver Blood annihilated thousands of demons and advanced to the deepest part of the demon world dungeon.

[I never thought there would still be gods in this world… … .]

The Duke of Demon World, who was waiting on the throne in the deepest part, gritted his teeth.

A black cursed energy that seemed to have been plucked from the darkness hovered over the body of a large, pitch-black figure well over 10 meters tall.

The two eyes, burning bright red, gave off the power to burn humans just by looking at them.

But Eneka was facing him calmly.

[If the escape route is blocked anyway, I will eat you guys and become stronger! If I eat you guys, I can become a grand duke, no, even a demon lord!]

Then, the deepest part trembled and countless demons and monsters appeared from the walls.

“Still, you seem to be using your brains a bit as the Duke of Demon World.”

The middle-aged clone chuckled.

And Eneka closed her eyes.


At that moment, the Duke of Demon World was caught by a strange sensation.


Something happened.

I don’t know exactly, but some absurd change has engulfed this place.

His seven senses were fiercely warning him of danger.

[What on earth… … ?]

Soon he noticed an unusual change.

There were three Enekas.

Originally, Eneka wore light artifact armor made of true silver.

However, the outfits of the two new people were different.

One was dressed as a wizard, wearing an artifact robe with true silver decorations and holding a true silver artifact staff.

The other was a warrior wearing heavy Jinyun armor and holding a long Jinyin artifact trident.

“I have better control today.”

Eneka, riding the artifact horse, had her eyes closed.

His face looked as if he was sleeping and talking in his sleep.

Warrior Eneka moved.


A silver flash penetrated the space.


The Duke of Demon World was astonished.

The speed at which the warrior Eneka attacked was truly like a flash battle.


A silver typhoon raged.

Attack the Duke of Demon World with the powerful Auror Blade, while deploying the power of blessing widely to strengthen allies.

-Removing the curse of the magic eye!

-The weight of punishment!

And the wizard Eneka lifted the power of the curse on the Duke of Demon World and weakened him by casting the Gocircle curse spell.

A warrior who wields power that should be called a walking disaster.

A wizard who overwhelms the Duke of Demon World with just his firepower.

As these two created a synergy effect through perfect linkage, the Duke of Demon World was unilaterally pushed out.

Other demons are of no help at all.

Because the Karian Clone and Kudan series were being wiped out.

[What on earth are you? Cloning oneself in this way, there is no way something like this is possible!]

The Duke of Demon World could not believe what had happened to him.

It has already been 500 years since the myth ended.

But how is it possible that there are such powerful gods left on earth?

“It can’t be possible? “Why do you think that?”

The wizard Eneka laughed at the Duke of Demon World.

“hey! “Don’t play, work!”

Eneka, a warrior who continued to beat up the Duke of Demon World, became irritated.

“Hey, don’t be like that. Anyway, victory or defeat has been decided. The Duke of Demon World is curious. “I have to answer your questions.”

“Ah, that habit is showing again! “Why do you become so sick of not being able to explain things when you become a wizard?”

The personalities of Eneka the warrior and Eneka the wizard were very different from the original Eneka.

Wizard Eneka explained the reason.

“I am a descendant of Uruxmon, the god of dreams and omens. And he is also a god who has achieved complete divinity. “That me and this me that you are seeing is a dream.”

[what? What bullsh*t!]

When Wizard Eneka stopped attacking, Warrior Eneka also became irritated and stopped attacking.

The Duke of Demon World was able to breathe a little easier because only small checks were put in place to prevent him from engaging in useless tricks.

“When everyone dreams… hmm. Is it like that for demons too? In any case, in the case of humans, the self in dreams is different from the self in reality. Sometimes it is slightly different and sometimes it is very different. “There are times when humans dream of being so great that they seem absurd.”

Eneka has the ability to freely manipulate dreams of chaos.

And by using this ability, you can bring your ‘self in your dreams’ into reality.

“This and that I are just such a dream being. “I am different from the real me.”

In a dream, Eneka became an archmage and Eneka became the strongest warrior.

The dreams of those who inherit Uruxmon’s lineage are based not only on their own dreams but also on the dreams of the entire world.

Therefore, the normal ‘dream self’ can be realized in a highly complete form only if it is originally vain and has poor details.

“Originally, this was something I couldn’t control, but as I lived for a long time, some ‘I’s’ became more stable. “Now your curiosity has been answered, right?”

[that… Unbelievable abilities… … .]

The Duke of Demon World trembled.

He is also a being who is not satisfied with the power granted by the great root of darkness and studies magic, and has the identity of a wizard.

That’s why Wizard Eneka’s explanation was not only surprising but also terrifying.

“Ah, in our opinion, demons make more sense. Are you creating beings imprinted with high-level magic as if they were stamped from a mold made by some kind of blacksmith? anyway… “Shall we finish this now?”

Wizard Eneka snapped her fingers.

-The devil with six faces!

In an instant, the world turned gray.

Karian’s middle-aged clone was astonished.

‘Time stops… No, just my mind is accelerating?’

Matter and spirit were separated.

My mind, accelerated to its limit, felt as if time in the world had stopped.

Inside, the darkness rises in the shape of a monster with six faces and opens its mouth.

[…] … !]

And as the acceleration was released, the colors of the world returned to their original state… … .

-The devourer of hellfire!

-The sentence of the God of Destruction!

-The prison fortress of lightning!

-The destroyer of Gwangse!

-The eyes of the sun!

-The deadly sin of life!

Six ultimate spells were activated simultaneously and struck the Demon World Duke.

[This spell is the devil’s mythical spell! How come humans do this… This can’t happen… … !]

The Duke of Demon World screamed,

The Duke of the Demon World was engulfed by six ultimate spells activated by the power of Eneka, the god of this world.

“… “What is this mythic spell?”

The middle-aged clone asked, breaking into a cold sweat.

It was a question he asked because he knew that, unlike other wizards who cared about their secrets, Wizard Eneka was good at answering them.

“I don’t know either.”


“I think someone saw this mythic spell somewhere recently. “It remained an element of his dream, and for a moment it became mine.”

“… … .”

“I am myself in a dream. “The elements that make me up are just a dream that will disappear when I open my eyes.”

Wizard Eneka hummed and raised her staff.

“In your dreams, you don’t know in detail what you are and how you do it, right? I became an invincible archmage in my dreams. What reason do I need to use mythic spells? “I just do it.”

Wizard Eneka muttered as she watched the Duke of Demon World dying miserably due to her spell and the warrior Eneka’s onslaught.

“In the end, that’s the only difference between a dream and reality. It’s just passing by anyway… But I still want a world to dream about while drinking delicious tea.”

God, a madman who had lived confusing reality and dreams for a very long time, muttered his lonely sincerity.


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The Extra Is Too Strong Chapter 280 - (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.