The Daily Sentinel from Grand Junction, Colorado (2025)

MEDWICK IS OUT TRYING TO SCORE YESTERDAY'S STARS Gene Sarazen on Spot Prospect of Swallowing is TONIGHT Boast Over Ryder Cup Team Just Year Since He Made First Appearance in New Phyllis Buchanan Playing for Fun Denver, July 17. (Jp)- Rurhunan of Denvei, twice 1 finalist In the Western om Open golf tournamint snd of the Trans-Mlssls-lppl crown I Dos Moines, In 1933, say i going to be golf Just for fun now on." The blonde veteran of the I announced last night her Iment from futuie tom nan competition, explaining she nr to devote her full time to an studio, "The 23th Colmado on Golf tourney, which Miss isnan won from 1935 thru i opens next Monday on Duiw I Cheriy Hills course. Handpicked Squad Trailing Walter Hagen Crew, Three to One, After Tuesday Rounds; Must Get Hot And Min Six of Eight Singles Matches to Saxe Faces fV, (Auoclated Fre) Bob Elliott, Piiates Drove in one run with single and another with tilple to help brat Brooklyn. Phil Cavaret Cubs Single with bases loaded stopped Giants 2 to 0, John Rigney, Whl'e Sox Stifled Yankees on six hits. George Caster, Athletlia Six-hit pitching dipped Tig'-rs, 3 to 1.

Enos Slaughter, Cardinals Hit two home runs in 4 to 3 decision over Bees. Buddy Myeis and Sam West. Senators Their singles with bases loaded eaih scored two runs toward victory over Indians Oiegon has 60 state paiks. York New York, July 17. (P) Because of the broadcast from tbe Dcimxrade contention scheduled for tonight, the Iew Jen-kius and Henry Armstrong fight has bei advanced IS minutes to (M.S.T.).

The scrap Is to lie described on Z-, B( New Yoik, July 17. (p) Lew Jenkins', the hollow-eyed little Ti with the muideioits pinch, hts great testing tonight four-1 when he fights Henry Aimstrong, the welteiweuthl champion, at the Tolo giounds. 1 It is Just a year since Jenkins, looking none to well fed, made ertrd him-" If and Lawson Little, 'his first appeal ance In New crk new nation il open champion. Into An unbroken stilng of triumphs the lineup, placing Tommy behind him and bulwaiked by timoar of Phh ago and Jimmy many a steak, he enteis the Hiom-on of ih.copce. Mm.

ting tonight as the lightweight v.i'ims of an and 7 ti immlng 1 champion of the oi Id, possib'y to vt-'inla) at the hands of Rv i on ptoie that he Is one of the sciappers Non of To'u do, Ohio, and 'great st little By GEORGE STAl'TER Detroit. July 17. (P) Fiery Gene Sarazen, oo the spot with chailty and supiemacy wss to get his team of challenges, faced ho' today and wiu sWe of the the uncomfortable prospect today eight singles matches. Even Saia-of having to swallow a boast that admitted this wan an tay his own chosen s'ars could whip'ta-k the Ryder cup team. It will take some miracle of df for the ConnecIcut gentle-man-faimer to aveii such a fate His handpicked suuad trallt Walter Hagens crew, 3 to 1, after yesterday's rounds.

sure, 1 was disappointed." was his comment as his 'cam lost three of the four Scotch soints oi et the difficult Oakland Hills couise. 'bat we aie st i iui gu in the Bii.gles To s'lengtlun his team he In- All the challenges had to do to ave face In this battle for f- 4 I i -IT Vw -i jr-1 -Y i Jk I- MiJri Puiky McdwiiY, Brooklyn left fielder, was out as he tried to second game with lilt innati on July IB. Here lie goes into the Hershberger runs in to make the piilout. The Dodgers won, 3 to streak. IP photo.

0owmms SHAVNGj NEW The British empire claims -n produce 4 3 per cent of the world's tin. rar maim RAZOR evu has been. Hi- ri-e lias been meteoric but be ha- tins one mine mountain to uo-s hefoie the piesent gen- eiatou of expeits -ay 'ou, Lew, youie the best we've land be foie the old tlmeis admit' 'him to their hall of mem ulcs along with Joe Cans and Benny Leonaid If Jenkins beats the bull-chested Armstrong tonight, then he's really good. For Armstrong, 1 'even tho he might be a yearor so past his very best, still is an lawful lot of fighting man It should be a great bout tonight, and a man could make himself lot of money If he knew the winner for sure Personally, Armstrong looks tbe better bet, and the bookmakers still have a substantial favorite. Pennants Likely to Go by Default, Bailey Believes; No Standout Now in Majors Soundest Combination in Big Show Appears to Be Cincinnati Beds; Dodgers Fold lTp in Front of Iirates; Idle Boston Only Top American Team Not Losing HARRY WEBB IN TOP FORM ESTES GOLF Runnerup in Qualifying Round Falls by Wavide In All-Stales Tourney Estes Paik, Colo July 17.

(Pi Medalist Harry Webb of Houston, Texas, remained in top fonn today as the Estes Park Country dubs annual all states go.f toui. nament entered the second round, but a runner up in the qualifying round fell by the way-side Webb, who qualified Monday with a 65, defeated Ellis McD.l! of Fort Morgan, Colo hustand of the defending woman champion, 4 and 3 In the first round match of play yesterday. Goidon Eagan. Foit Coulns. who tied for second In the qualifying wi'h a 71, was featt 1 George Crowner of Nebraska City, 3 and 2.

George Biown of Estes Paik. who tied with Hagen, eliminated Taylor of Rockport, Mo 3 and 2. In the women's 6 4-hole medal handicap play, Mrs. McDill dropped behind Jane Cook of Scot tail uff, Neb, who had 77 for her lS-hole card. Mrs.

McDill was In second place with a 75 Behind them were Mrs Leon King, Greeley, with a 76, Mrs M. Levines. Seattle, 73; Mrs A. Patterson, Fort Morgan. 79; and Mrs.

Jay Mill, Estes Park, So. Results in the mens flight Included: Ed Atkinson, Greeley, defeated E. Pruett, Fort Morgan, 1 lip, L. Roberts, Greeley, defeated Ed Dickey North Platte, yeb 2 and 1. Wolcott of Missouri defeated George Rerryhtll, Fort Morgan, 3 and 2 C.

Flower, Estes Park, defeated L. Strain, Lincoln, Neb, 2 and 1. Bob Avery, Estes Park, debated A. Gore, of Texas, 4 and 3. HOW THEY? CTTA A Jiftnuu Ki dated Prfw) EXCLUSIVE FEATURES! 1.

EXTRA-WIDE V-SLOTS permit instant rinsing of all cream. 2. TENSION-BAR stretches th skin evenly, as a barber does with his fingers. 3. 5-POINT LOCK aligns blade, holds it rigid against front stop hooks.

One-piece. Nothing to take apart. Twist, it opens; twist, it closes. Face-fitting bevel compels you to use the master-barbers gliding stroke. Chromium-plated.

Sanitary! II old (Jug I Mi 'tpadeil of m- i1 e-t I-- Lit 'o. mi a ie to play In opening it. lie-, bid ins woik i out for linn, howiyti. Ho fated Holton Miiiih of Oak Paik, ll who fea med with Taul of White plains, N. to whip Craig Wood of New Voi and Buine of Cleveland 2 up.

Smith played suptibly yesterday, turning In the days outstanding shot when he dropped a second inches from the pin on the very flitt hole. Hemy Picard of Horshey, Pa and Diik Met? of Chicago got the jump at the start on young Ed Oliver of Hornell, and Llghthoise Harry Cooper, Chicago veteran, tnd won, 5 and 4 Heinaict and Ben Hogan, fellow Texans, raided a 1-up victoiy oyer Ralph Guldahl, ex-open king, and Slammin' Sammy Snead of White Sulphur Springs, W. Ya Intermountain Meandering By LOUDON KELLY Denver, July 17. (P) Milt Popovich, ex-Montana star with the Chicago Caidinalb, keeps In shape as a hodiarrnr at Missoula His pay with tbe Cards will be hiked next srahon Johnny Sullivan, an Alamosa, Colo, high school athlete, played most of football season and the entile ba'ketball campaign before it was found he had hiokena vein a In a gild game last September A 1 1 0.000 donmiBry will be built for Wvoimng utii-veisltv athletes Matt Mesih, associated with Denver sandlot baseball. for 35 or 40 years, never saw a major league game until his vacation this summer -Still imitating the btiy bee, Jackie Burke, Ogden battler, will fight Jitnniv Best of Billings at Butte this Friday and Buddy McCiae, Colorado welterweight champion, at Monte Vista July 31 The Denver Nuggets apparently have at least fight playets assured for next winter A.

A. cage dove. Bill Thorne, who competed In the Colorado open tournament last i week, Is No. 2 man on the Yale tenuis team and hails fiom New leans Plavers-nn the Missoula team In the Montana State league vvonldn go Into their dugout for a twilight game with Great Falls, complaining the setting sun was in thrlr eyes The umpires wouldn't stait play until they did. After 10 minutes of wrang-jling, an accommodating cloud I ame along and ai bitrated the Lean and Dour Herb Thomp- I) IIIDIHjl.

son, ev-roloiado university hui 1- I er, 'bowed plenty of pluck In i Pi Ching a full game for the Colo- indo' Splines Oiioes fn't week! with a biolfn blood vi tlnovvin- arm ow old mill ran take nnn now this I Gom a vacation. i State Temperatures Were Above Normal 1 i I I 1 Ry JtDSON UI.KY Aoi lat Pie's Sports YViiler Its fast coming apparent that theie isn't a standoutf ball club in either major IcagUtv this year and the pennants ate likely to he aw at tied by default. The only ron'enders In either fit cuit that did themselves any good ye. today wet tli only ones that idle. The soundest combination In the tiig show seems to be th Cini innati Reds, who can repeat their National league champion- YESTERDAYS RESULTS (Associated Press) YMFIilCYN I.KYGl'E Philadelphia Detroit 1.

Chicago New Yoik 1. Washington 11; Cleveland 8. St. Louis-Boston played pievi-ously. XVI ION AL I.EXGIF Biooklyn 3.

Ctneago 2: New Yoik 0. St I.miis Boston 3. Phlludi lphia Cincinnati postponed, rain. AMERICAN' ASSOCI TION St. Paul Indianapolis 2.

(Only game scheduled). TEWS I.KAM San Antonio 11; Dallas 7. Foit Worth Shievepoit 2. Tulsa Houston 4. (Three scheduled).

putfic rowr ikygve Hollvwood San Diego J. San FianeHeo Los Angfjcs 3. Seattle 3: Oakland 2, (Thiee scheduled). Golf Champion 1, mini I srore In the ninth Inning of the plate following Phelps' single as to breuk their four-game losing ship If they don't diop over dead. Even the Reds areu li 1 esistable and the rain In Cincinnati yesterday didn't do them any bairn.

The Brooklyn Dodgeis folded up In front of the Pittsburgh litates 5 to 3 and Increased Cincinnati's first place margin to 3 v2 games. In the Ameiiean league the only ft i st division club that didnt bite the dut was Boston, whose Red Sox had an Idle day. Cleveland lost its thiid straight and the senes to tlfe weird Washington Senatois, who made four eiiors-and still couldn't give the game back to the Indians Washington won 11 to 8. The Detroit Tigers bowed to the Philadelphia Athletics 3 to 1, but continued to hold a slim lead In the league race, Fred Hutchinson, the $75,000 pitching wonder of the Tigers, made his firt start since returning fiom the minois and rendered a six-hitter, striking out six and walking none. But three of the hits coupled with one of two mors by Pinky Higgins gave the Vs two runs In the third Sam Chapman added a bonier in the eighth.

In addition George Caster held the Tigeis to six hits with better spacing. Johnny Rigney stopped the world champion New York Yankees again on six hits as the Chicago White Sox plastered Marius Russo for an even dozen and the ball game, 5 to 1, The New Y'oik Giants, third place in the National league, again showpd up everybody In the futility department by getting shut out 2 to 0 In Chicago. It was tho fifth loss In seven western games for the Giants, The only bright spot on the baseball map continued to be St. Louis, where the Cardinals beat the Boston Bees 4 to 3 for their sixth consecutive victory. BS OSS (AiiocUtfd Pr.i) Albany, X.

Knox, inn, Davton. Ohio, outpointed Joige Riemia, 204 1i, South America (10). Los Angeles A1 Smith, 149 Los Angeles, stopped Irwin Kny 147, Los Angeles (7). Storkton, 1 4 0 1 4 L01 Deudo Cabnnela, drew (10). Boise, Idaho Tiger Jack Fox, 182, Spokane, out Tlo lieo, 1 8.0.

Mexico (9). Jimmy Garrl-Angeles, and 14 2, The largest recorded flie loss' in New Y'ork City was In when $22,743,000 worth of prop-, erty was destroyed. ICE CREAM All Flnvore Erery Day. Drive In. Qt.

29b HOTEL DHAMBURGER "PUSHING 13 Licenses ami i BrxTnn ticiclf Lynch1 Thnne etMl SPORTS ROUNDUP By EDDIE BR1ETZ New Y'oik, July 17. (P) Fight extra- The Broadway boys, always uneasy be'oie a big fight, have a case of jitters over the las! minute switch in smart "sentiment" to Lew Jenkins, the sweetheart from Sweetwater, Texas. We're hanging onto Hennery Armstrong. Tip from the coast says that 10-wav split in the Ro-e Bowl swag was voted as anothei lure to the "Big Ten" Tulsa 1-eanipaignlng with real dough for tho na'ional amateur In 1942 or '43 The swanky Southern Hills layout would be the scene. Dne-mltftite lntervleiir Lew Jenkins- 'If ah dont lhk Armstrong ah aim to mahr Ah got niahsrf enough money to buy a two-row plow.

Will Hat ridge, the A met Iran league piez, has the J)sehal! scribes confused by his luling that pichlng records stand In that pio-tested White Sox-Y'ankee game. John, Rigney gets ciedlt for a shutout he didn't win and-Mat-cellus Monte Pearson Is chatged with a. loss when his tYam wasn't beaten, at least yet. The game has to he replayed. Prlnteis are going to get an awful shock If the Detroit Tlgeis one of these days bring up PlUher Fiancis Dierlckx.

Nixson Denton, Cincinnati Times-Star: "Mr. Godov has had his tonoils cut out. If he had asked Joe Louis, the heavyweight champion probably would have knoiked them out for him." The Yankees ought to take a le'son from some of the ir minor league cousin'. Kansas Citv, Akron, Binghamton and But If aie leading their sportive! leagues and Newaik Is soumd in the International The Cincinnati Reds who drew approximately a million paid admissions last Rummer, may fall as ninth as 100, b00 undn- their figutes even tho they repeat in the Na-; tional league. Double Amateur pWj OSIN view Vo i-W A ,) A 4CL long, Full' with brush Rain Makes Clean Sweep Of Softball Exhibition Between Bachelors and Montrose Feature for Tonight Wednesday, July 17 North diamond: 7:15, Goodwill vs.

G-2C; 8-15, Bachelors vs. Montrona (exhibition). South diamond: 7:15, Rio Grande vs. DeMofay; 8:15,1 Eagles vs. Ciesient.

i Rain made a clean sweep of the Grand Junction softball! league games last night at Lin-1 coin paik and all thp frays were cancelled because of the weather. They probably will be played at a later date. i This evening at 8:15 on the north diamond a team from Montrose will play the Bachelor, club In an exhibition game that promises to be a lively affair. Thui delay night both Vorbecks 1 and Cooks play, the former meet-1 Ing the hot SCS-12C club, the1 latter taking on the Bachelors, (AnocUted Pru) American League Batting Wright, Chicago, Appling, Chicago, .357. Runs McCosliy, Detroit, 6 67 Williams, Boston, 65.

Hits Finney, Boston, 109; Radcliff, St. Louis, and Wright, Chicago, 106. Home rurs Foxx, Boston, 20; I Gieenberg, Detroit, Keller, New' Y'ork, and Trotsky, Cleveland, 17. Stolen bases Case, Washing-1 ton, IS, Walker, Washington 15. Pitching Newsom.

Detroit, 13-1; Smi'h, Cleveland 9-2, National League Batting Danning, New York, 3 47; Walker, Brooklyn, .331. Runs Chicago, 58; Frey, Cincinnati, 67. Hits Herman, (hbago. 101: Danning, New Y'ork, 96, Home rijtis Mize, st Louis, 23; Fletcher, Pittsburgh, nd -'M 'I, 1 U'BIUH Ni holson, Chicago, 12. Stolen bases J'rfy, Cincinnati, Reese, Brooklyn, 10.

Pitching lvn, S-l -Fitzsimmons. Brook-Sewell, Pittsburgh, 6-1. Elks Would Deport Alien Elements; Elect jNew Ruler an 1 C- "arnPr Dixon, 111 giand exalted ruler. Classified Ada Make ProUl Todays Games New York at 1i'tsburgh. Brooklyn at Chicago.

Boston at Cincinnati (nig MODERNIZE YOUR SHAVING this Great Combination! Barbasol is the modern shave! No No lather No rub in ith Barbasol and the new Gem Micrn-made CJog-Pruf Razor, you ha'C the wonder shaving combination of all time. Discover the last ord in brushless shaving technique! Take advantage of this incredible, "get-acquainted offer' today! End' I OClock Shadow Om Dtvition, Bafttr Brook Jyw, II T. Today's Games Cleveland at New Y'ork. Detroit nt Bo-ton (2 St. Louis at Philadelphia (night).

Chicago at Washington. Confirms Sale Of YTankce Club Niw Y'oik, July 17. (A1) Gairison billet -J rt, one of the cxecufffrVtif the Jacob Buppeit etate, today conf limed the New Yoik Y'ankerb will be sold to a evudicate loaded by PottmusUT Gineiai James A. Farley for $4.. 000,000 hut added it would he pti'elbly two months, befoi the I s-ale Is completed.

He paid non would he in cash and the rfvt would be lepiescnfod by a i I ChalledonTavorite ntVrV.f si todaj's sixth running of the $30-1 on' dlfd MassachuseUs handi. cap at Suffolk Downs. I I Houston; Texas, July 17. Joseph p. Iluch of Trenton, N.

today was elected grand exalted ruler of the Benevolent and Pro--teethe Older of Elks. mnl, the fedeial deputnirnt of1 succeeds Heni C. Warner agi Iculture and coopeiating Dium, 111. ageneles lepoitid toliv The Bnnrvolpnt and Protectiye A 37-veaY- rcoid was exceeded Cider of the Lilts, meeting In na-' at Delta with a lihh of ion Uonal convention hei e. Is expected glees.

Spi ingfieUl's 112 Was hli'10 con-lder proposed resolutions I for the s'ate and Lamar liad a I '01 lug compulsory militaiy con-peak of 1 6 8. Kadptlou and the deportation of A continuing shortage of Irt Fncl-i-, xJ7l, an(1 Coniniunists. gallon water was irpoi ted, being Leaders piedicted the rfiand Denver. Julv 17. (p, roloiado tempeiatutes la- Pck avriagrd' ftom 3 to 7 degiees above nor-' flreas "na Calif, unm H.mic curls heard 1 330,000 cases In 1939, emvisi gARBASOL Hud Ward of Spokane, iialloiial nm.ileur golf ihani-plon, added (lie Ue'lern Vnuiliiir title-to Ids rolleitfoii by" defeat Ing iitor of Idingo (bin kground) it and I at tint ore shown on the llth Minne.ipolix Golf course.

Ihcy OEM RAZO 6M glAD AP photo..

The Daily Sentinel from Grand Junction, Colorado (2025)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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