Royal Cambrian · § Royal Cambrian Academy § § of Art, § § § ... (Sculptor) Loud, A. Berty am I' R.O.I. ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

§ § ' § § § ' § § Royal Cambrian Academy § § of Art, § § §

' § PLAS MAWR, CONWAY. § ' § Telephone No. 113 Conway. § : § ---- § ~§ § .

·.~ CAT fiLOGUE ~ § OF THE §

~ FO'R,TY-FOURTH fiNNUAL ~ I § EX HI BIT/ON, I 926. § ' § §

·§ § § The Exhibition will be open from May 31st to § § October 2nd. Season Tickets, 2s. 6d. Daily § § Admission, 6d. Children under 14, half-price. ' § l,,?)c.:?)~~~c.:?l~~~~~Col~c.:?l!olf.0c.:?lc.:?l~l.,?l(.::?)c.:::'I





tbe Royal Cambrian Jlcademy of~Jlrt. INSTITUTED 1881.








I~ ·--


The Presidents of the following Academies and Societies :­Royal Academy of Arts, London (Sir Frank Dicksee). Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh (Sir G. Washington

Browne). · Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin (Dermod O'Brien, Esq.,

H.R.A.). Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (G. Horne Russell, Esq.). Societe Royale des Beaux Arts, Brussels. Royal Art Society of New South Wales (W. Lister Lister,

Esq.). National Academy of Design, New York (Edwin H. Blash-

field, Esq.). American Water Color Society. Victorian Artists' Society (C. Douglas Richardson, Esq.). New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. West Australian Society of Arts. Society of Artists, Brisbane. South Australian Society of Artists, Adelaide.

F. Brangwyn, Esq., R.A., H.R.S.A., R.E., R.W.A. Sir W. Goscombe John, R.A. Sir W. Llewellyn, K.C.V.O, R.A., R.I., R.W.A. Sir Aston Webb, K.C.V.O., C.B. (Retired P.R.A:).

FOUNDERS. W. Laurence Banks, J.P . Sir Cuthbert Grundy, P.R.C.A., R.I., R.W.A., V.P.R.B.C.,

J.P. J. R. G. Grundy, R.C.A. Anderson Hague, V.P.R.C.A., R.I., R.O.I. E . A. Norbury, R.C.A. . Charles Potter, R.C.A. H. Clarence Whaite, P .C.R.A, R.W.S.

3 t


Honorary Retired Academician.

Baker, Oliver, R.E.


tArthur, S. Watson ,/ . ~ tHumphreys, G. A., F.R.I.B.A!' tBardill, Ralph W . ./' ·.. John, Augustus E., .R.A./ Benger, Berenger i • tJones, J . Clint?n t Berrie, J. A. A. / I Jones, S. Maunce ./ Bishop, W. Follen, R.B.C., R.B.A. Kemp-Welch, Miss Lucy, R.l.

B th S L J P F R G S


Kinsley, Albert, R.I. " oo , . awson, . ., . . .. , / Booth, J. W. r Knight, Miss Clara · Bowen, Owen, R.0.I., Knowles, G. Sheridan, R.I.,"'

Cassidy, J. (Sculptor) Loud, A. Berty am I' R.O.I. tClough, T · McDougal, J ·I

_ tco*ckram, Geo., R.I. (Trustee) Mostyn, Tom, R.I. Y

Craft, Percy R. , R.B.C. Netherwood, A. / Davies, J. Hey Owen, Will ' Dobson, H.J., R.S.W.; Roberts, Lancelot /

t*Ellison, T. .,.. Somerset, R. Gay, R.O.l. (Vice Edwards, Lionel President and Trustee) Egginton, W., R.I., . Spenlove, F. Spenlove, R.l., Finnemore, J., RI. R.B.A., R.O.I., R.B.C.

*Fisher, B. (Hon. Secretary and Stamper, J . W.r Trustee) tStephenson, W . (Hon. Treas.).

*Garside, Oswald, R.l.1 Sutcliffe, Lester v Grundy, Sir Cuthbert, J.P., R.I., Swanwick, H ., R.I., R.0.1.

R:'W.A., V.P.R.B.C. (President) Towers, s / Hagarty, Parker Ward, Cyril Hare, Julius , Hughes, Leonard Watts, Jas. T. /

tHughes, Harold, F.S.A., tWeaver, H. P., R.B.A., R.W.A., A.R.l.B.A. F .S.A.M.

cil, 1926. 1ia.w.:.=nnmittee, 1926.

Honorary Retired Associate.

Bottomley, Albert E.


' Beare, J. C., A.R.I.B.A. 1 Bottomley, E.

Brewer, Leonard'. .,r Bruhl, L. Burleigh, R.B.A.,

President, British Water Colour Society.

V Collins, G. E. \J Dobson, Raeburn

v~ v Fuller, Leonard J.

Hoggatt, Wm., A.~.B.C. Jones, D.R.

, Jones, T . H. Kenworthy, J. D.

• Kinsley, H. R. I' Lancaster, Percy, R.I., A.R.E. I Mahler, Henry

Maybery, E. J., A.R.W.A.

Netherwood, Norman f r Parkyn, W. S., A.R.W.A. • Pierce, Robert, F .R.I.B.A.

Pritchard, J. Mervyn, ( A.R.LB.A.

Roberts, W. Pierce (Sculptor) • Sharpe, C. W.

Swinstead, Miss E. Hillyard , Teasdale, P . M.

, Towers, Jas. /' Watson, W. J.

, Whewell, Herbert ·

I, 'lfl'II' ; 1£1911, T1€Sl&Cill Ilbjal {

I i?i:ti?tjl f ][" . t F ]) "p£:-. ! Williams, H. Hughes I

I,. Williams, Miss M. Lindsay , .I Williams, R. James I Wilson, E. Marsden ', Woods, Albert

H o1i. Legal Adviser: J ames Porter, Esq. H o1i. Architect: H arold Hughes, Esq., R.C.A., F.S.A., A.R.I.B.A.

Curator a11d Secretary : C. G. Dyal!.



Royal Cambrian Academy Art Classes.

The Classes for the Study of Drawing from Models and Casts and Painting from Life, will be resumed in October, and continued, with a break at Christmas, until Easter, 1927.

The Classes, which are under the direction of Mr. Edward Thomas, of Llandudno, a teacher of distinction, meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays in each week. Hours : 1.30 to 3.30 p.m.

Applicants for enrolment who have not pre­viously attended these classes will be required to

~undergo an.Ent.ranee Examination on a date which will· be appointed, or alternatively, to submit specimens of work for inspection on such date.

Full Prospectus will be ready for issue m September, 1926, and may then be ·obtained on application to

C. G. DYALL, Curator.



The Council of the Royal Cambrian Academy have endeavoured to secure accuracy in the prices fixed by the Artists, but are not responsible for any errors that may occur.

Intending purchasers must negotiate through the Cura1·or.

A Deposit of not less than 20 per cent. of the purchase price is required to be paid on all works directed to be marked as sold, and the balance before any picture is removed. No picture can be removed before the close of the Exhibition.

The prices in the Catalogue include the frames, except where otherwise stated.

A Red Star on a picture indicates either that it is sold or is not for sale.

The copyright r emains the property of the Artist unless there be a special agreement to the contrary at the time of purchase.

Every care will be t aken of works exhibited or sent for exhibition, but neither the Council of the Royal Cambrian Academy nor their Agents will be responsible for any loss of, or damage, or injury to, such works, however, caused, whether in transit or whilst under their control.

The Royal Cambrian Academy does not undertake to deliver any work purchased in the Exhibition, but for the convenience of purchasers the Curator, on receipt of full instructions, will arrange with an experienced firm to pack and forward any pictures bought in the Exhibition, subject to the buyers undertaking to pay all charges for such work.


Initials following the Names of Artists indicate that they are connected with one or more of the

undermentioned Academies or Societies.















B .W.S.

Royal Academy.

Royal Scottish Academy.

Royal Hibernian Academy.

Royal Cambrian Academy.

Royal West of Enland Academy.

Royal Society of British Arts.

Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours.

Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours.

Royal Institute of Oil P ainters.

Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours.

Royal Society of Miniature Painters.

Royal Society of Painter Etchers.

Royal British Colonial Society.

Royal Institute of British Architects.

British Water Colour Society.

P. as a prefix, indicates the .President of a Society.

V.P. a Vice-President of a Society.

F. a Fellow of a Society.

H . Pl.

an Honorary Member of a Society.

an Associate of a Society.


2 3 4 5 6 7



10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19



Banqueting Hall.

A View at Conway . . . . . . R. Stanley Fisher. In the Ochils, Perthshire . . Oswald Garside, R.C.A. Blown Sand ........ W. S . Parkyn, A .R .C.A. Beeches ...... . . .. .. Thomas Ellison, R.C.A. On the Thames . . . . .. Oswald Garside, R.C.A.

£ s. d. 5 . 5 0

12 12 0 6 6 0

16 16 0 15 15 0

Skiddaw . , ..... . .... Parker H agarty, R.C.A. 8 8 0 Near Port St. Mary, Isle of Man .. . .. .. ...... .

john McPougal, R .C.A. 9 9 0 On the Borders of Ashdown Forest ... .. .... .

James T. Watts, R.C.A. 12..,J2 0 Clouds over the Yorkshire Moors ..... ...... .

]. W. Stamper, R.C.A. 9 9 0 Still Life . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert E . Water/on. 8 8 0 Henry Rothery, Esq ... ]. D. K enworthy,A.R.C.A. Llanrwst Show, August, 1925 .. Robert Jones. 25 0 () Gold, Silver and J ade G. L eigh-Hunt . 200 0 0 Conway Honey Fair, 1925 . . . . Robert Jones. 20 0 0 The Golden Coronal . . ........ James Lewis. 40 0 0 Duck and Onions .. .... Mrs. Elias Bancroft. 18 18 0 La France Roses . . . . . . . . Mrs. B. S. Gough. Springtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Dean. The Quai Vert, Bruges Ernest Savory.


5 5 0 30 0 0 14 0 0


. . ' 13A!.i.'l(;iiU:FirI>Nb I-IALL.

£ s. d. 20 A Little Dutch Girl . . . . . . . . G. Leigh-Hunt. 50 0 21 The Blue Bird . ... _ .... ...... J oseph Mqrdecai. 60 O 22 Red Roses .. ...... Jvfrs. Frances· Wynn Murray 21 10 23 A Portrait Sketch . . H. Hughes Williams,A .R.C.A . 24 Sunday .... ..... . Leonard]. Fuller,A.R.C.A. 100 0 25 The Water Jump .... .. Miss A. Morshead. 10 0 26 The Chinese Robe . . . . . . . . Philip 5. Paice. 10 10 27 Loch Leven Goosander and Widgeon . .. ..... ·

Mrs . B. 5. Gough. Ii 5 28 ,; Reverie" .... Jv!iss Clara Knight, R.C.A. 15 15 29 The late D . T. Alexander, Esq., J.P. (Presenta -

tion Portrait, lent by the National Museum of W a les).

Miss Margaret Lindsay Williams.A R.C.A . 30 Professor J. E. Lloyd, D '. Litt ....... . : ...... .

Jv/iss Gertr~de M. Coventry (Mrs. Edward Robertson)

31 The Flm~er Table . . . . . . . . Fairlie Harmer. 44 2

SCULPTURE. 32 Bronze: Golden Retriever "· John' of Auchen­

cheyne," belonging to Captain H. F. H. Hardy . .. . . .... . .... Miss Ruth Morley.

33 Bronze: The Right Honourable David Lloyd George, O·.M ... Lddy Scott (Mrs Hilton Young) 2e2 l O

34 Bronze' E questrian Group : Master of Hounds. Miss Ruth Morley.

0 0

0 0 0

0 0


Small Kitchen.

35 Little Fairy Glen, Tal-y-bont .. H. G. McCulloch. 36 Colour .............. J. W. Stamper, R.C.A. 37 Through the Woodland Wild . . E. Gordon Chase 38 Cornfield, Chicldingstone ... . ...... ....... .

Miss E. Townley Millers. 39 Poppies ...... .. .... Mrs. H. Tangye Reynolds 40 The Roman Bridge, Bettws-y-coed .......... .

J. W. Stamper. R.C.A. 41 Springtime . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Jv!uirhead. 42 Primulas . . . . . . . . . . Jv!iss Elsie M . Dawson. 43 R iver Dee, Berwyn .. 5. Maurice J ones, R.C.A. 44 Still Life .... H. H ughes _Williams, A.R.C.A. 45 Sandhills ........ .... H. Mahler, A.R.C.A . 46 Roses ... : . . . ... . ..... E . Hartley Mooney. 47 A By-way-Volt~rra .... Niiss Jv!. L. Trench. 48 Pink Roses ..... . . . Jl!Iiss E . Townley Millers 49 Tal-y-bont, Conway Valley .. Donald Kendall . 50 Polo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jv!iss A. M ors head 51 A Spring Morning .... H. Mahler, A.R.C.A. 52 Sheep Shearing . .... . J. W. Booth, R.C.A. 53 On the Marshes, Dolgarrog ..... .... . . . . .. .

J. Clinton J ones, R.C.A. 54 Outskirts of London . . P. M. Teasdale,A .R.C.A . 55 Granny's Fairy Tales . . .. Miss Flo1'a M. Reid. 56 Creeping Shadows .. J. Clinton Jones, R.C.A. 57 The Artist's Father . . . . . . . . Cowan Dobson.


£ s. cl. 8 0 0 9 9 0

18 18 0

10 10 0 50 · O 0

21 0 0 6 6 0

10 10 0 5 5 0 7 7 0

10 10 0 12 12 0 16 16 0

8 8 0 6 6 0

10 0 0 12 12 0 10 JO 0

12 12 0 21 0 0 25 0 0

8 8 0





58 Summer Time .... R. G. Somerset, V.P.R.C.A. 59 Old Cronies . . .... . ..... Miss Flora M . Reid 60 A Still Pool ... .... ... Tom J ones, A.R.C.A . 61 On a Summer Day .. W. Follen Bishop,R.C.A . 62 A Spring Day .. .. . . .. Owen Bowen, R .C.A . 63 Autumn in the Conway Valley ..... ... .... · ·

J . W. Stamper, R.C.A

64 Rocchetta, near B ordighera, Italy ... . · · · · · · G. S . Meacham.

£ s. d . 17 17 0 25 0 0 15 15 0 10 10 0 8 8 0

12 12 0

6 6 0

65 The Critic ... ... ... . Miss Deighton ]. Dixon. 5 5 0


The Still Room.

66 Noswyl ......... . . . Dan R. J ones, A.R.C.A.

67 Abbot Reginald's Gateway, Evesham ....... . Jvliss H. M. Pemberton.

68 Aquatint : The Ar chway, Beaumaris ...... . . ]. Mervyn Pritchard, A .R.C.A.

69 Conway Castle, from the Quay .. .. . .... ... . . L eonard Brewer, A .R.C.A .

70 The Ruskin Rooms, Knutsfor d, Cheshire .... Leonard Brewer, A .R.C.A.

71 Dry P oint : On the Avon . ... . ....... ..... . E . Marsden Wilson, A.R.C.A.

Framed .... . . Unframed . .. .

72 The Cow Shed, Ballacurry . .. . Harold Whaley.

73 Woodcut: The Harvesters .. George Francis Reiss (Unframed)

74 Conway Castle ..... .. . . ...... . Frank Mole .

75 The University· Tower, Bristol ..... ...... . . . Ediar James Maybery, A.R.C.A.

Framed . .... . U nframed ... .

76 Aquatint: Evening Mist .... ... ...... . . . W. Follen Bishop, R.C.A.

77 The Bridge, Ballasalla .. . . .. Harold Whaley .

78 Goodrich Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . Grainger Smith.


£ s . d. 2 2 0

10 0

0 15 0

2 15 0

2 16 0

2 10 0 2 2 0

4 4 0

0 10 6 2 2 0

4 4 0 3 3 0

3 3 0 4 4 0

1 11 6

TH.8 S'rrLL ROOM. £ s. d.

79 Aquatint: Beaumaris Castle ............. . ]. Mervyn Pritchard, A.R.C.A. 0 15 0

80 The Cuckoo .. . ..... G. E. Collins, A.R.C.A. Framed ..... . Unframed

81 The South Door, Manchester Cathedral ..... . Leonard Brewer, A.R.C.A.

82 Mezzotint: Calder Valley ............... . E. j\l[arsden Wilson, A.R.C.A.

Framed ..... . Unframed ... .

83 Dry Point: " Rita" .. Leonard Brewer.A .R.C.A. 84 Lledr . . ...... ]. Mervyn Pritchard, A.R.C.A. 85 Aquatint: Sanctuary Knocker, Durham . . ..

]. Me,,vyn J?,riichard, A.R.C.A. 86 Abbey Gate, Chester .. Miss Olive B. Stephens.

87 Dry Point : Aklmaton ................... . ]. Mervyn Pritchard, A.R.C.A.

88 Portrait Study . . .......... Miss D. Lowry.

89 Portrait Study ... ..... . ... Miss D': Lowry.

2 10 0 2 2 0

2 16 0

3 13 6 3 3 0 2 15 0 0 15 0

0 15 0 5 0

0 15 0

90 91


Portrait Sketch ...... Miss Alice Butterworth. 5 5


0 Doorway in Conway tastle . . Tom J ones,A .R.C.A. 2

Woodcut: Still Life ..... .. ........... ... . George _Francis Reiss. (Unframed)

93 Landscape ..... .. . Dan R. Jones, A.R.C.A.

94 Maid of Portugal .... Miss Maragaret Hurd. '


0 10 6 2 2 0

2 10 0


95 The Cornish Coast .. .. . . l\!Iiss G. F. Williams. 96 Lime Street, .Li.verpool, from Islington . . . . ... .

F. E. Allen Framed ..... . Unframed ... .

97 Aquatint: Aber .. ]. Mervyn Pritchard,A.R.<;.A.

98 Aquatint : Llangollen ........ . .. . ... . . .. . ]. Mervyri Pritchard, A .R.C.A.

99 Mezzotint : Rain over Barrow . ............ . E. Marsden Wilson, A .R.C.A.

Framed .. . .. . Unframed . . . .

100 The Upper Gate, Conway . ................. . 'Leonard Brewer, A.R.C.A.

101 T he Arch of Titus .. . , . . Miss Maud D. Dart.

102 A Street in Paris . . E. Marsden Wilson, A. R , C .A. Framed ... . . . Unframed . .. .

103 Dry Point: "The Amber Necklace ... . ..... .



Leonard Brewer.A .R.'C.A·.

The Willow Pool . . . . Miss H . M. Pemberton.

A Mill in the Fylde, Lancashire ... . . : :· . .... ]. Moulding Clarke.

106 Dry Point: " Lynette" ................. . Leonard Brewer, A .R.C.A .

107 .The Old Town, Exeter .... Miss Maud D . Dart

£ s. d. 2 10 6

4 16 6 4 4 0 0 15 0

0 15 0

3 10 0 3 3 0

~ 15 0 2 12 6

10 0 1 0

2 16 0

10 0

2 2 0

2 15 0 2 12 6


108 Dry Point: St. J ohn's Bridge, Cambridge : . . . E . Marsden W ilson, A .R.C.A .

Framed ... . . . Unframd

109 The Old Tin Wharf, Whitby .. ]. Moulding Clarke llO Aquatint: Near Pwllheli .. . ... . .......... .

]. Mervyn Pritchard, A .R.C.A. 111 Horn Lane, Acton ........ . . .. ... ... ... . . .

E. Marsden Wilson, A .R.C.A . Framed .. . . . . U nframed . .. .

112 The Estuary of the Conway ............. . G. E. Collins, A.R.C.A.

Framed ..... . Unframed .. .. .

113 Bray's Pool ... .. . Dan R. J ones, A .R.C.A. 114 The Welcome Light-North Sea . .. ..... . .. .

Miss G. F. Williams. 115 Chalk Drawing : Design for a Bungalow ... . . .

]. Mervyn Pritchard, A.R.C.A . llSa La Cale, Dinard, Bretagne .. Miss Mabel A. Levy 115b Branksome Chine, Bour ne.mouth ........... .

Miss Mabel A. Levy


£ s. d.

2 0 0 11 6 10 0

0 15 0

2 10 0 2 2 0

2 10 0 2 2 0 2 2 0

2 2 0

4 10 0

3 3 0

The Victoria Roo1n.

116 Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Kathleen Kitchen. 117 The White Lady of Flambro ....... . ....... .

Leste~ SutclifJe, R.C.A . 118 Hartland Point ...... Parker Hagarty, R.C.A. 119 D ecrepit Winter, Bruges . . Thos. Ellison,R.C.A . 120 Low Tide ....... . M iss Clara Knight, R.C.A. 121 A Young Blackbird . . G. E. Collins, A.R.C.A . 122 View near Roewen . .. . . . B en Fisher, R.C.A. 123 Near Cemlyn Bay, Anglesey ... . . ........ . . .

J ohn McDougal , R.C.A.

124 At Close of D ay ..... . . .. . . . .. .. R. 5. Mayer

125 Evening-After Rain .. JY!iss Kathleen K itchen

126 Moonlight over Loch F yne, Scotland ....... . Lester SutclifJe , R.C.A.

127 The Bridge ......... . W. Stephenson, R.C.A.

128 The Quiet Hour ...... W. Stephenson, R.C.A .

129 Evening off the Anglesey Coast .......... . . J ohn McDougal, R.C.A .

130 The Bible Lesson .... . . H.]. Dobson, R.C.A .

131 Morning by the River . . James T owers,A.R.C.A.

132 Springtime in Arran .. Raeburn Dobson.A .R.C.A.

133 · The Last of the Snow on the Yorkshire Moors . . J. W. Stamper, R.C.A .

134 On the Sand Dunes, Llandudno ........... . W. Stephenson, R.C.A.


£ s. d. 5 5 0

5 5 0 8 8 0

10 10 0 8 8 0

10 10 0 7 0 0

9 9 0

15 15 0

5 5 0

5 5 0 5 5 0

5 5 0

9 9 0

10 10 0

10 10 0

12 12 0

18 18 0

t ' I


136 137



140 141






147 148 149 150


£ s. d. Early Spring-Gian Conway ............ . .

Nornia.n Netherwood, A:R.C.A. Ill 12 The Old Coast Line ... ~ W. S. Parkyn,A .R.C.A . 21 0 Pastel: November Morning, Dieppe Market ..

Percy H . Craft, R.C.A. 21 0 A Sunlit Cove, Borth-y-Gest . .... . ... . .. ... .

Norman Netherwood, A.R.C.A. 15 15 Evening, looking across Cemaes Bay ..... . . .

0 0

J ohn McDougal, R.C.A . 26 5 0 Sea Fog, Llanengan . . Thomas Ellison, R.C.A . 21 0 0 A Calm Evening-Robin Hood's Bay ... . ... .

Ra,lph W. Bardill, R.C.A . 18 18 0 On the Grand Canal, Venice . ... . . ... . ... • ...

H erbertP. Weaver, R.C.A. 63 0 0 The Ancient Ramparts, Moret , France . . .. ... .

T he late G. H i llyard Swinstead, R.C.A. 105 0 0 The After-glow, Borth -y-Gest . . . ...... . . .. .

Norman Netherwood,A .. R.C.A. 15 15 0 After Rain-On the Llugwy, Bettws .... . .. .

Tom Clough, R .C.A. 18 18 0 On the Edge of the Cliff, Robin Hood's Bay ..

1 Ralph Bardill, R.C.A. 20 0 0 The Salmon Pool .. . . .' .. .. . A. E. Brockbank. 35 0 0 An Old Dutch Town, Lemmer . . John E . Aitken 40 0 0 A Wayside Cottage .. Miss Clara Knight, R. C.A. 7 7 0 The Coming Storm . .. • . . . . . . . .. . . •. . .. . . . .

The late G. Hillyard Swinstead, R.C.A . 18 18 0


151 152

153 154 155



Above the Lledr Valley .. R . Christie Smith. Polperro Harbour . .. ... ..... ... ......... .

The late G. Hillyard Swinstead, R.C.A . A Farm Pool . . . . . . . . . . R. Stanley F isher. Sunshine, Vitre, Brittany .. Tom Clough, R .C.A. The Beach , Sennen, Cornwall ..... ........ .

W. S . P arkyn, A.R.C.A. The Edge of the Wood . . Oswald Garside, R.C.A.

157 Rose Cottage, Dolgarrog ........... . . .. .. .

£ s. d. 10 0 0

18 18 0 7 7 0

12 12 0

12 12 0 15 15 0

]. Clinton J ones, R.C.A. 8 8 0 158 Gathering Clouds, St. I .. R eginald F . Reynolds 25 O 0 159 The Courtyard, Agecroft Hall, Lancashire ....

R owland T homasson 7 7 0 160 On the Canal, Llangollen ..... ..... . . . . ... .

S. Maurice J ones, R .C.A. 8 8 0 161 From Penrhyn Rocks, Cemaes Bay . . . ..... . .

John McDougal, R .C.A. 9 9 0 162 A Corner of an E nglish Garden . . ... .. . ...... .

The late G. Hillyard Swinstead, R .C.A. 163 A Garden Fair . . ........ . . . . . .......... .

Miss Florence Fitz-Gerald, A.R.C.A. 164 A Painter's Workshop .. .. C. Waldo Adin. 165 Water Lilies . . . . . . Lancelot R oberts, R .C.A. 166 Somewhere in North Wales .. Miss C. Colyer 167 Glimpse of the Wailing P lace and Temple W all,

J erusalem . . . ... . . Percy R. Craft, R.C.A . 168 A Mountain Road .. R. G. Somerset, V .P .R .C.A.


18 18 0

25 0 0 31 10 0 21 0 0

6 6 0

15 15 0 30 0 0

169 170

171 172 173 174 J75

176 177 178 179 180

181 182 183



186 187



£ s . d. On the Eigiau Moors .. ]. Clinton J ones, R.C.A. 20 O O Summer Evening in Conway Valley . ...... .

H. Mahler, A.R.C.A. Calves in the Orchard .. ]. W. Booth, R .C.A. Hay Harvest .. .... R '. G. Somerset, V. P.R.C.A. Silver and White . ... , . Owen Bowen, R.C.A. Early Spring . ........... Ben F isher, R.C.A . " Her Favourite Pool " .. , ............. .. , .

Raeburn Dobson,A.R.C.A ,

15 15 0 12 12 0 17 17 0 21 0 0

7 0 0

Reel Anemor,es . .. ..... Miss Elsie M. Dawson 10 10 0 CrafnantLake .. .. .. . . Henry_ Mahler,A.R.C.A. Marigolds . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Ha!tley Mooney. Lane Scime .. . . . . R. G.,Somer.,set, V .P.R.C.A. The " Way , ,f Tears," Jerusalem . . , ........ ,

10 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 0

Perry R. Craft , R.C.A. 35 0 - 0 The Mill Stream ...... . . Owen Bowen, }{C.A. 26 G · 0 "GraI\ny" ..... ... RaeburnDobson,A.R.C.A. 21 0 0 Whit-Monday, Hampstead Heath .. .. ..... .

Colin Clough 7 7 0 The Road to Becky Falls, Dartmoor ... .... .

L eonardj.Fuller,A.R.C.A. 25 0 0 Water Meadows, Susse.· ...... ..... . ... .... .

Frank Spenlcve-Spenlove, R.C.A. 35 0 0 The Fallen Petal ..... . Owen Bowen, R.C.A. 31 10 0 The Logger's Fire ..... .... . .... .. .. .. ... .

Miss L. Kemp-Welch, R.C.A. 105 0 0 Holcombe ...... SfrCuthbertGrundy, P.R.C.A. 60 O 0

2 0


189 A-wakening Morn . .. .. ........ Lewis ] . Gibb. 190 Autumn Morning, P orth Dafarch, Anglesey ....

F. H . Glazebrook. 191 The Border Country .. Owen Bowen, R.C.A . 192 Songs withou.t \Words .. ... .... . . . . . ... . . .

G. Sheridan K nowles, R.C.A. 193 The Fringe of the W ood ......... ... ..... .. .

R. G. Somerset, V.P.R.C.A. 194 Moonrise in Afterglow, Whitby . . . ... . .. . . .

Lester Sutclifje, R.C.A . 195 . The Roacl Past the F arm . . .... R. W. B ates. 196 Double Cream Tulips . . Albert W oods, A .R.C.A . 197 Tea in the Garden . . Percy Lancaster, A.R.C.A. 198 Interior . . . . . . . . . . Lancelot R oberts , R.C.A. i99 Mountain Pasture .. R . G. Somerset , V.P.R.C.A. 200 Evening-Llyn Cr;fnant ..... . .... . ..... . .

]. Clinton J ones, R.C.A. 201 On a Yorkshire Farm .. Lestei• Sutcliffe, R .C.A. 202 Summer F lowers .... Mrs. H . Tangye R eynolds 203 The Priory Barns .. . . , . . . Philip S . Paice. 204 Brecon Beacons . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Gar,yatt. 205 The G.arclen T~p.t . . L Fuller, A.R . .C.A. 206 A Southerly WiP.9- and a O o1,1dy Sky .... , ...

M jss Flor.enc.e Fitz-Gerald, A .R.C.A. :207 A Sunny Aft!')rnqon . .... ... . ... . . ....... .

£ s. d. 26 5 O

2G O -0 22 10 0

35 0 .Q

25 0 0

21 0 0 10 10 0 15 15 0 5'2 10 0 25 0 0 30 0 0

31 10 0 10 10 0 50 0 0 10 10 0 7 7 0

50 0 .0

35 0 0

Sir Cuthbert Grundy, P.R.C.A. 60 O O 208 Removing the Flock .. R. G. Somei•set, V .P.R .C.A. 20 O O

2 1


£ s. d. 209 A Norfolk Farmyard .. . . .. J oseph- Andrews. 8 8 O 210 A Summer Morn · . . . , .. . .. . Charles Muirhead 5 5 O 211 Torquay-Twilight . . L eonard ]. Fuller,A .R.C.A. ' 12 O O 212 On t he Estuary, near Barnst aple . .. .... . . .. . .

H. Mahler, A.R.C.A. 213 The Minaret Isa , (Jesus), Great Mosque,

Damascus . . . . Percy R . Craft, R.C.A. 214 Haytime-Vale of Mowbray . .. . ...... . .... .

· Owen Bowen, R.C.A , 215 Still Life Study . . .. . .. ... B en Fisher, R .C.A. 216

217 218

219 220 221 222







Near Capel Garmon, North ·wales .. . . ..... . . Walter]. Watson, A.R.C.A.

Fishing Boats, St. Ives . ... . . Joseph Andrews "Autumn's Mock Sunshine of the Faded \;\,roods"

Miss L. Kemp-Welch, R.C.A .. Early Autumn .. .. R . G. Somerset; V .P.R.C.A . Rysoord, H olland . ..... Owen Bowen, R.C.A. Roses .. . .. . . . . . . .. .... . . B en Fisher, .R.CA . Spring in a ·vlelsh .Wood . .... . . . . , .... . ... .

]. Clinton J ones, R .C.A . O'er the H ill . . . .. . R . G. Somerset, V.P.R.C.A.

Runswick Bay . ... : . P. M . T easdale, A :R.C.A :

Near Leasowe ' . .. . .. .. · .. W . Alison Martin .

Silver and Blue . . L eonard ]. Fuller, A .R .C.A.

The Convalescent . . . . . . . . R. _G. Hinchli!7e

A Bend on the Llugwy .. °Thomas Ellispn, R.C.A.


10 10 0

52 1010

t~ 12 12 i ;o

6 6 0

31 10 0 21 0 0

52 10 0 25 0 0 15 15 0

6 6 0

. . 16 0 0 20 o, 0

31 10 0

75 0 0

100 0 0

25 O 0

16 16 0

11HE VIOI10ffiA iilOOM.

229 Beechwood, Bettws-y-coed ...... . ..... . . . . Tom Clough. R .C.A.

230 Sea Holly, Borth-y-Gest . .. . . . . . . ... .... . . N orman Netherwood, A.R.C.A.

231 An Old Suffolk Windmill- Winter . . . ... . .. . C. Brooke Bra.nwhite

232 Spr ing P loughing . . .. .. . .. ... .. . . ... . . . . . Miss L. Kemp-Welch, R.C.A.

233 R ue de l'Eglise, Moret, Normandy ..... . . .. . Tom Clough, R .C.A.

234 On t h e Kendal Canal . . Oswald Garside, R .C.A .

235 A Nort h Country Lane-Early Spring . . . .. . Cyri l Ward, R.C.A.

236 Penrhyn Bay .. ...... . ... . . j ohn R . L ewis

237 London 's River . .... . .. . .... . Frank Moore

238 Valle Crucis Abbey . . 5 . Maurice Jones, R.C.A .

239 Orchard in Autumn . .. .. . .. . ... ... . . .... . N[iss Beatrice Lawrence Smith

240 The Fishing Village of Moelfre, An glesey . . . . H enry]. Lyon

2,p Passing Clou ds . ....... Tom Clough, R .C.A.

242 Overlooking Robin Hood's Bay . . . . . . .. . . . . R alph W. Bard ll, R .C.A.

2,rn A Moor land St ream in Upper vVharfedale, Yorkshire ........ Albert Hinsley , R .C.A.

244 A Hayfield .. . .... . . . . ... .... R . 5 . Mayer .

2' .,

£ s. d.

18 18 0

10 10 0

18 18 0

63 0 0

25 0 0 15 15 0

10 10 0 12 12 0

10 10 0

5 5 0

15 15 0

6 6 0 15 15 0

16 16 0

31 10 0 25 0 0


£ s . Cl.

245 Near Elsi Lake, Bettws-y-coed .. R.Christie Smith 10 O O 246 The Harbour ... ...... . Miss Lilian Gilmour 5 5 0 247 Spring 's Awakening .... Ben Fisher, R .C.A~ 25 O O 248 A Surrey Pond ... . James T. Watts, R .C.A . 12 12 O 249 IntheMarket,Venice .. ThomasEllison,R.C.A. 75 O O 250 A Thunder Cloud .. Miss Clara Knight, R.C.A . 5 5 0 251 The Lledr Valley ...... Miss Florence Wilmot 10 10 0 252 In the Vale of Crafnant .. .. .. W. R . Hoyle( 12 12 0 253 Towards Loch Fyne, Argyllshire ........ , .. .

Raeburn Dobson, A.R'.C.A . 16 16 0 254 An Anglesey Common . . George co*ckram,R,C,A , 21 0 0 255 Over the Hills . . . . . . W . Stephenson, R.C.A. 21 0 0 256 Stormy Sunset . . Norman Netherwood, A.R.C..A. 15 15 0 257 Cottages at W elford-on-Avon . . F . ]. Egginton . 8 8 O 258 Agecroft Hall, Lancashire .. Rowland Thomasson 7 7 0 259 The Glen Stream ... . .. .. Chris . L. Bancroft. 12 12 0 260 Red Rock Cove, Borth-y-Gest ........... .

261 2(i2 263

264 265

Norman Netherwood, A.R.C.A. Westward . ... . .. . .. George co*ckram, R.C.A. The Head of the Family ... P ercy R. Craft, R.C.A . Wood and Vale, Bettws-y-coed ... ... ..... .

Torr_i Clough, R.C.A . Homeward .... . . . .. . ]. W . Booth, R.C.A . Conway from the Mud Flats .. . .... . . ...... .

16 16 12 12 21 0

Gi:i 0 50 0

0 0 0

0 0

Norman Netherwood, A .R.C.A. 15 15 0 266 An Old Market Hall ... . Miss Lilian Gilmour 5 5 0 267 Conway R iver near Trefriw .. William Wright 5. 5 0



268 The Llugwy at Bettws-y-coed .. H enry J. Lyon 269 A Hazy Morning .. Miss Clara Knight, R.C.A. 270 Above Lake Como . . Thomas Ellison, R.C.A. 271 A Sunlit Sea ...... .. John McDougal, R .C.A. 272 . Castle Cliffs, Pembroke Coast . . . . . . .. . . . .

. L. Burleigh Bruhl, A .R.C.A. 273 Old Welsh Farm, Little Orme . . John R. L ewis

Unframed . ... 274 " Jim" . . . . . . Miss H.athleen Joy Middleton 275 The Lonely Moor .. . ..... John E . Aitl, en. 276 The Vale of Conway .. ]. Clinton J ones, R.C.A. 2.77 By the Old Mill ..... . W . Stephenson, R.C.A. 278 Yorkshire Lane Scene .. ]. W. Booth, R.C.A . 279 Lake Coniston . . . . . . . . . . . . T. A . D. Wills 280 The Sandhills, Wallasey ... .. . T. A. D. Wills 281 The Market, Venice .. .. Miss Buddig A . Pughe 282 The Evening Ebb ... . George co*ckram, R.C.A. 283 By Tranquil Waters .. W. Fallen B i shop, R.C.A. 284 When Even has Come-Llandudno .... ..... .

W. Stephenson, R .C.A . 285 Heavy Weather . . . . W. S. Parkyn, A.R.C.A . 286 A Road from the D own .. Frank Corbyn Price. 287 Dartmouth Castle .. L. Burleigh, Bruhl,A.R.C.A 288 Long-tailed tit* .... G. E. Collins, A.R.C.A. 289 Bowring Park, Liverpool . .. .. .. . . ... . .. . . .

£ s. d. 12 12 0

8 8 0 16 16 0 18 18 0

21 0 0

10 10 0 5 5 0

20 0 0 12 12 0 63 0 0 10 10 0 7 7 0 5 5 0 6 6 0

31 10 0 25 0 0

47 5 0 12 12 0 15 15 0

5 5 0 10 10 ·o

S. iVlaurice Jones,R.C.A.· 8 8 0 290 Morte Point, North Devon . . C. Brooke Branwhite 18 18 0




292 293 294

. 295

296 297


The Queen's Bedroom.

A By-way near Aberdour, F ifeshire ......... . Walter Scott

Eventide-Walberswick . . . . . . J oseph West The Bridge, Tewkesbury . . F. ]. Egginton . Sand Pits, near Corfe Castle .. 5. Irvine H ei•tford Conway Mountain and Morfa . ... . . j. T. Gee The Poultry F ield ... .. .. . Walter Eastwood In the Vale of Clwyd ........ . .......... .

H erbert P. Weaver, R.C.A. When the Ducks come Home . . . ............ .

Mrs. Blanche Moorhouse 299 Spring and Arenig Vawr . . Mrs. Sara B . Dibdin

300 On the Downs . . . .... . ]. Thorburn McGaw.

301 Landscape, Horsforth . . .. . . . ... j. W. Hardy

302 At the Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Josh. Fisher

303 Marketing by 'the Roadside, Gibraltar ....... . Miss Marguerite Frobisher

304 The Passing Storm .. Nlrs. Blanche Moorhouse

305 La Pclrte Guillier, Semur .. Walter V. Westlake.

306 Burntisland, Firth · of Forth, from Aberdour Woods . . .. ...... . '. .... .. W alter Scott .

307 At Aberdaron . .. . ... . Miss Edith C. Slinger

308 Timber Hauling, ,vestmoreland ........... .

£ s.

8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10

10 10

8 8

6 6 6 6

15 15

6 0

10 10

8 18 8 8

8 8

10 10 5 10


0 0 0 0

0 0

6 0

0 0

NI ortram 11! oorhouse 8 8 O

309 An Estuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. G. H inchlitfe. 25 O O



£ s. d. 310 Golden Harvest .......... . . Franh Beswick. 7 10 0 311 Old Quay, Teignmouth .. Mrs. E. L. Edmonds. 8 8 0 312 Sea Mists o'er Cillan Head . . Walter Eastwood. 10 10 0 313 . Early November, Hampshire Downs ·. : .. ; ... ,

Cyril Ward, R.C.A. 9 9 0 314 In the Lledr Valley, North Wales. '.Josh. 'Fisher ' 10 10 0 315 Nocturne ..... ... .. Miss Vartoohy Tamiriantz 7 7 0

. ,· , ,,


The Reception R-0om. £ s, cj!.

3Hi P;1stel : E.arly Morning .... , . F Timmis.. 5 5 9 317 Old Br.itt.any . .... ... Herbel'./ P. W{aver, 71.C.A. V:\ 15 ,O 318 A Litt!~ Girl ip. Brown., , ... .. , ..... , ...... . · ..

Miss Clara Knight, R.C.A. 5 5 O

319 :Sen Cr·µachan, Argyieshire .. , . .. . , .. , . .. .. . W,. Egginton, R.C.A. 2i O iO

320 The Approach to Idwal, Nant Ffrancon ...... · George co*ckram, R.C.A. 21 0 0

321 Greenod, Cumoerland .. Oswald Garside, R.C.A. 10 10 0 322 The Evening Hour .. Lester Sutclifje, R.C.A. 8 8 0

323 The Harvest Field .. P ercy Lancaster, A .R.C.A .

324 Wisborough Green, Sussex ...... . ........ . Berenger B enger, R.C.A .

325 Ganton, Yorkshire ...... J. W. Booth, R.C.A.

326 Pulborough, Sussex .. Berenger Benger, R.C.A.

327 · Loch Lomand and Ben Lomond ....... . .. . . W. Egginton, R.C.A.

328 The Shephei:dess . . .. Oswald Ga.rside, R.C.A.

329 The Charengani, E'.enya Colony . .......... .

1 Miss F. Carol Samuels.

330 Ploughing ............ . . ]. W. Booth, R .C.A.

331 An Old Water Mill, Hampshire ............. . Cyril Wa.rd, R.C.A.

332 A Fresh Morning .. Nliss Clara Knight, R.C.A .

3f3 Sketch at Honfleur .. Tom J ones, A .R.C.A.


52 10 0

12 12 0 10 10 0

12 12 0

36 15 0 12 12 0

15 15 0

7 7 0 5 5 0

10 IO 0

'rlIE iBIE0El""l'ION ROOi\1.

334 Cleeve Mill on the Avon .... .... .... .. .. . . . L Burleigh Bruhl, A.R.C.A .

335 The Wye at Pantmawr .. E. R. Horsfall T urner 336 Christ Church, Oxford . . ,]. C. Beare, A.R.C,A. 337 Springtime •on a Surrey C-0mrnon . . .. .. . . , . •

James T . Watts, R.C.A. 338 Elms ..... , . . ...... , . .. Cyril Ward, R.C.A. 339 Haytime.: ..... . . -. Percy Lancaster, ,A.R.C.A. 340 Leintwardine, Herefordshire ... .' . .... . ..... .

Herbert.P. Weaver, R.C.A. 341 London Mounted Police. . ............. , .. .

Nlrs . Margaret Thurlow Lamb. 342 Limerick Lace Collar . . Miss Edith L. Dain 343 " When Bluebells Bloom 'neath Beech - ; ·no. '

Birch" ....... . L. Burleigh Bruhl,A.R.C.A. 344 Llanrwst Bridge . . Percy Lancaster, A.R.C,A'. 345 Below Conway Falls .. H erbert P. Weaver, R.C.A. 346 A Scottish Farmer . . Raeburn-Ddbson, A .R.C.A. 34 7 . Moonrise in Ashdown Forest ............ , . . .

James T. Watts, R.C.A: 348 The Welsh Hills from Hamer's Hill, Salop ....

George Edw. Alexander. 349 On the Moselle .... He-rbert P. Weaver, R.C.A. 350 A Grey Day, Loch Rannoch ... ........ .. .. .

W. Egginton, R .C.A. 351 A Fisherman's Haunt, Lledr Valley .... ... .

5. Irvine H ertford.

£ s. d.

5 5 0 5 5 0

25 0 0

10 10 0 7 7 0

12 12 0

8 8 0

15 15 0 3 3 0

10 10 0 14 14 0 10 10 0

12 i2 0

10 10 0 15 15 · O

21 0 0

10 10 0

352 353 354 355 356 357



360 361

362 363 364 365 366 36'7

368 369 370 371



A Venetian Calle ...... Oswald Ga·rside, R.C.A. The Mourne Mountains . . E. Rimbault Dibdin St. John's, Chester: Gothic . . T. Alfred West Sunlight and Shade .. Oswald Garside, R.C.A. Penna.rd Castle, Gower .. Parker Hagarty, R.C.A. A Glimpse of a Moorland 'Lake . . ......... . . .

James T . Watts, R .C.A. Afternoon Light on the Sea ... . ........... .

George co*ckram, R.C.A. Breezy Morning on the Grand Canal ... . ... .

Miss Ma,ry E. Haward In Mid-Anglesey . . H. Hughes-Williams,A.R.C.A Hedge-row E lms, Hampshire .. . .......... .

Cyril Ward, R .C.A. Waiting for the Tide . . Miss Clara K night, R. C.A The Ogmore Valley . . Parker Hagarty, R.C.A. A Sketch in Venice .. H erbert P. Weaver, R.C.A. Cymmerau Bay, Anglesey . . Geo. co*ckram,R.C.A. In Arundel Park, Sussex ... . .. Frank Moor~ St. John's Chester-General View .. . ...... .

T. Alfred W est Peggy's Heaven .. . . 1-,ancelot Roberts, R.C.A . A Bethlehem Shepherd . . Percy R. Craft, R.C.A. The Brave Westerlies . . ... . .. James S. J.11ann A Moorland Farm, Dartmoor . . ......... . . .

Walter V. W estlake. Summer Rain A. L. Megson


£ s. d . 8 8 0 8 8 0 7 7 0

10 10 0 8 8 0

10 10 0

21 0 0

5 5 0 8 8 0

12 12 0 8 8 0 8 8 0

10 10 0 21 0 0

7 7 0

7 7 0 15 15 0 10 10 0 31 10 0

12 12 0 5 5 0

373 374 375 376 377 378


380 381 382 .383


.385 386 .387 388 389

390 .391




Geraniums .... .. ... ... Miss Mary Weaver A Welsh Homestead .. ...... Frank B eswick . The Island of Rum .... . . J . Barnard Davis. Burnsall Bridge . . P ercy Lancaster, A . R . C .A. 'A' ild Flowers . . . . . . ........ M iss Pearl Page " I Spread m y Dreams under your Feet" . ...

Mrs. Constance Dutton T hompson Farm buildings in the Cotswold Country .. . .

Cyril Ward, R.C.A. T h e Coming of Spring .. James Towers,A .R.C.A. The River, Aberdaron .. Miss Edith C. Slinger Evening in Venice . . H erbert P. W eaver, R .C.A. Old Houses, Lisieux, Normandy .. . ... .. ... .

H erbert P . W eaver, R .C.A. After the Dance .. .. . . Miss Caroline Audley Th e Straw Ring ... . Lionel Edwards, R.C.A. Morning, East Cliff, Whitby .. Grainger Smith. Christmas R oses . ....... Miss Hilda 111. Wilson Near Pen-y-Gwrhyd .. Charles W. Sharpe.A .R.C.A The River Llugwy, Bettws-y-coed . ..... .. . .

J. W. Stamper, R.C.A. Roses . . . . .. ... ... . . .... J . W. B ooth, R.C.A. South Aisle, St. Alban's Abbey (Evening) ....

]. C. Beare, A:R.C.A. A B ye-road at Gwynant ..... : ... ... ... .. . . .

Charles W. Sharpe, A.R.C.A . Polo Ponies ........• . Lionel Edwards, R .C.A.


£ s. d. 5 5 0 6 10 0

15 15 0 35 0 0 10 10 0

5 5 0

9 9 0 10 10 0

5 10 0 8 8 0

10 10 0 7 7 0

21 0 0 8 8 0 5 5 0

12 12 0-15 15 0

26 5 0

10 10 0 21 0 0



394 The Greenodd Estuary ................... . Percy Lancaster, A.R.C.A.

395 " 'S only Me" . . . . Lancelot Roberts, R.C.A.

396 A Cottage Interior .. Charles W. Sharpe,A.R.C.A

397 Resting Time ...... .. Lionel Edwards, R.C.A.



400 401

402 403

404 405 406

407 408 409 410 411

R ichmond Castle, Yorkshire . .............. . ]as. T. Watts, R.C.A.

Tewkesbury Abbey .. ]. C. B eare, A.R.C.A .

The Green Dress .. . . .... . . Miss M. Theyre "Nanette" ..... . .. Lancelot Roberts, R.C.A.

Miniatures, Jewellery, Sculpture, Metal and Craft Work.

Carnations ....... ... .... M iss M. E. Clarke Water Color on Ivory : Portrait of a Dog ....

Mrs. F. E. L owry L ove among the Roses . . . . Miss M. E. Clarke A Portrait ... ....... Miss Winifred I saacs. "Val," Wife of Cecil P. Haward, Esq . .. ..... .

Miss Eulalia Hillyard Swinstead,A .R.C.A. Portrait of a Lady .. \ . Mrs. H. Mildred J ones Scabious, etc ........... Miss M. E. Clarke Mrs . Arthur Hallas ........ Enoch Fairhurst Peter . .. .... ........ ... Miss Edith Isaacs Water Colour on I vory-" My Mother" . . . . . .

Miss Margery Hilditch


£ s. d.

22 10 17 17

10 10 21 0

0 0

15 15 0 26 5 0

7 7 0 15 15 0

2 2 0

2 2 0 5 5 0

10 0

2 2 · 0


£ s. d . 412 A P ortra it .......... lvliss Grace iv!. H olland

413 "David," son of Commander C. P Freeman, h .D ,, R.N.R. .. . . Miss Violet Woodhouse

414 W ater Colour on I vor y : Madonna and Child .. Miss Florence W ilmot 30

415 "Josephine," d a ughter of Comma nder W . Western .... : . . . · M iss Violet Woodhouse

416 " The Green J-e~s,1 " .. Mrs. H. Mildred Jones ,;

417 A Portrait .......... J\,fiss Mabel Buchannan

418 "Ronald," son of the la te Rev. John Ma r t in . . Miss E ulalia. H illyard S witistead,A .R.C.A

419 Portrait ....... .. . ... . .... Mrs . F. E. L owry

420 A~ \¥elsh Study . . . . . . . . . . E noch Fairhurst

421 Spring F lower s . . . . .. ...... 1v!iss M. E. Clarke

422 "Rosemary" . . ...... Jv!iss Mabel Buchannan

423 Ellis , son of Wyne Cem lyn J ones, Esq . . . . . . . Miss Lily ] ones-Hughes

424 The late G H illyard Swinstead, R.C.A ., R.I., A.R.B.C ....... . . . . ...... . ... ... . .. . .. .

Miss Eulalia Hillyard Swinstea.d, A .R.C A .

425 Satisfied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Edith Isaacs

426 In a Farmyard, Llangollen .. Miss Rose Isaacs

427 A Mountain Pool, near Dwygyfylchi ... . . .. . Miss Rose Isaacs

428 The Rabbit \/\Tarren .... Jv!iss Winifred Isa.a.cs


20 0

15 15

1 10 20 0

3 3

3 3

3 3 4 4

0 0








436 437 438



Brush and Mirror in Silver 01~ E~on·y Silver Jam Spoons ... . . . . . . ... . ... . .. Each Silver Repousse Buckle .... ... . . . ........ . Silver Necklace set La.pis Lazuli . .. . ..... .. . .

Miss Christina Dugu-id H and-wrought Brass Mirror-" Butterflies"

Mrs. Sara B. Dibdin . Hand-wrought Brass Tray- " Crowing co*ck"

M rs. Sara B. Dibdin

£ s. d. 10 10 0 1 10 0

7 0 5 5 0

4 10 0

2 10 0

Exhibits No. 432 to 438 inclusive are displayed in the Banqueting Hall.

·wool Embroidered Table Runner . .. .. . . .. . Miss Edith M. Haynes 6 G

Pendant : Silver and Chrysoprase .. .. . . ... . Frank Mole

Wool Embroidered Picture . . . .... .. . . .... . 111Jiss Edith 111. Haynes

Theatr e Bag-Persian Embroidery .... . .. . Miss Beatrice Dain

The Little Mermaid . . 111iss Pa1,tlin.e A itken Diana .. . ......... ~ . . : . . Miss Pauline Aitken Lacquered Copper Bridge Casket . . ..... ... . . .

Miss J11abel 111. Brunton



5 1() 0

12 0

4 10

6 0 0

439 440

441 442



445 446

447 448 449 450 451


453 454 455

The Lantern Room.

Quai Vert, Bruges ...... . . Miss B eth Amoore "Silvered Light," Nocturn ....... . ....... .

Frank Spenlove-Spenlove,R.C.A . A Westmoreland Farmstead . . Cyril Ward,R.C.A. The first Boats-Grey Morning, H olland . .. .

Frank Spenlove-Spenlove, R.C.A . "Twixt the Gloamin: and the Mirk" .. . .... .

Miss Ethel M. Adams Th e \Vane of the Year ............ . ........ .

Frank Spenlove-Spenlove, R.C.A. Harvest Time . . ...... ]. W . B ooth, R.C.A . A Cheshir e Cottage Garden ... .. . . ... . .... .

E. Rimbault Dibdin My Model ......... . Lancelot Roberts, R.C.A. " Coquette" . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Gordon Chase. Low Tide, Gian Conway .. . . . .. . .. ]. T. Gee Near Ramsay, I.O.M . . . Miss 1\1ary E. Campbell The Liverpool Landing Stage-A Summer

Evening ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . C. A rthur Cox Sunlight in the Cloisters ....... .. . . ..... . .

Mrs. Franc;s Wynne 11!Jurray The Plain of Assisi . .. ... Miss Ethel L. Adam The R oad to Assisi ... . ... .. . 111iss M. Theyre

Ramsay H arbour, I.O.M ......... . ... . . . . . .

£ s. d. 6 6 0

12 12 O 12 12 0

16 16 0

6 6 0

12 12 10 10

5 5 7 7 8 8

5 5

5 5

6 6 7 7

0 0

0 0 0

0 0

Miss Mary E. Campbell 5 5 0 456 Tulips . . ... . ... . . . . .. ..... Miss E. R . Dust 7 7 O



457 April ............ Miss Ella M. Kirkpatrick 458 Cathedral, Amiens .... Miss Mabel M. Spanton 459 Little Natasha . . ... . Miss Deighton]. Di.ran 460 Winter Sunlight .. W. 5. Parkyn, A.R.C.A. 461 Larkspurs ...... . . Miss Ellen M. M. Eaton 462 The Dale Mill .... Miss Catherine G. Rankin 463 The Convent Ga;den .... . ..... Oscar Wilson 464 Faded Love. Letters . .... . ...... ...... ... .

R. James Williams, A.R.C.A. 465 Old Mill, near Caernarvon . . ... . .. . .... .. .

5. Maurice Jones, R.C.A . 466 Lake Idwal . . . . . . . . F. Stanislaus Robinson


£ s. d. 5 5 0 5 5 0 8 8 0

12 12 0 8 8 0 9 9 0

15 15 0

7 7 0

18 18 0 15 15 0


468 469 470 471 472

473 474 475

476 477

478 479

480 481



The Housekeeper's Room.

Shipping at Cannes . ............. . . . ....... . The late G. H illyard Swinstead, R.C.A.

Sunset . . . . . . . . . . . . Oswald Garside, R.C.A. Pippin ..... . ... . ...... Miss Mary Barlow Washing Day ............ Miss Janet Kirk Interior ..... . . . . . Mrs, J essey Fairfax Bates " For H e's a J oily Good Fellow " . . ......... .

R. James Williams,A.R.C.A. In an Arab Village .... Thomas Ellison, R.C.A. Guernsey .. The late G. Hillyard Swinstead,R.C.A. " Who goes there P " •.•..••.•• . .••..•.•• • .

Miss Marguerite Frobisher Glyder Fach .. . ......... Mrs. Elsie M urray Tbe Mosque of Omar and Temple Area, Jeru-

salem .... . . . ..... Percy R. Craft, R.C.A. Nasturtiums . . .... . ...... . Miss E . R. Bust An Outcast-The Waif that Strayed . .. .. .. .

R. James Williams, A.R.C.A. One of the Community . . Miss Grace M. H olland A Bit of Old Manchester (Chethams) . . .... . .

Mrs. Elsie Murray Mellow Moon . ... R . ]as. Williams, A .R .C.A.

Abersoch . .... . ...... .... Miss B eth Amoore 484 Primulas . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. J essey Fairfax Bates 485 A Back Garden in Old Chelsea .. . ... . .. ... . .

£ s. d.

18 18 0 5 5 0

6 6 0

7 7 0 10 10 0 18 18 0

10 10 0 5 5 0

25 0 0 5 5 0

7 7 0 15 15 0

7 7 0 5 5 0

6 6 0

Mrs. Sara B. Dibdin 8 8 0


£ s. d. 486 The Restless Sea-Firth of Forth. .. . .... .... .


488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497


499 500 501


503 •504 505

Miss Christine Hansen 16 16 0 Holding up the Rainbow . .. .. ... . .. .. . ... .

R. James Williams, A.R.C.A. Marigolds ... . ........ .... Miss Janet Kirk Red Riding Hood . . R. James Williams,A .R.C.A . The Mussel Seller .. 1\.1iss Lily Jones-Hughes The Chinese Vase .... Madame Gladys Elton Chichester Cathedral ... . .. Jv!iss Marion Broom Welsh Moorland ... .. . .. Jv!iss Lilian H eatley W ool Embroidered PaneUvliss Edith M. Haynes The Hairdresser . ... . . Miss Patience Arnold St. Saulve, Montreuil . . ....... ... A. Knight The Farmyard-Evening ..... .. .. .... .... .

7 7 0 7 7 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 7 7 0

12 12 0 6 6 0

15 15 0 5 5 0

15 15 0

Harold Swanwick, R.C.A . 18 18 0 The Day's work F inish ed . ............ . .. . .

Harold Swanwick,R.C.A. 21 0 0 White Single Roses . . .. Jvliss Jv!arion Broom 5 5 0 An Old Labourer ....... . .. T. W .. Hammond 35 0 0 When toil of day is done ... . ..... .. ... ... .

Harold Swanwick, R.C.A. 84 0 0 Sluice Gate on the Aruv,, Sussex . .......... .

T. W. Hammond A Street in Montreuil .... ... .... . A . Knight Chrysanthemums . . Jv!iss Phyllis I. Hibbert A French Pastorale .. Harold Swanwick, R.C.A.

25 0 15 15

6 6 8 8

0 0 0 0

Names anil Addresses of Members and Index to Exhibitors.

Adam, lviiss Ethel L, Quarry Down, Hythe, Kent.-443, 453. Adin, C. Waldo, 4, Oak Avenue, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester.

164. ' Aitken, John E., Gullane, Port St. Mary, l.O.M.-148, 275. Aitken, Miss Pauline, 2, Oakley Studios, Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea,

London, S.W.3.-436, 437. Alexander, George Edward, Woodcote, Churl, Surrey.-348. Allen, F . E., Mendips, near Neston, Cheshire.-96. Amoore, Miss Beth, 10, Albany Mansions, London, S.W.11.-439, 483. Andrews, Joseph, 31, Curzon Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, Cheshire.

-2u9, 217. Arnold, Miss Patience, 10, Church Road, St. Anne's, Lytham-St.

Annes, Lancashire.-495. Auclley, Miss Caroline, Athol Bank, Conway R oad, Colwyn Bay.-384. Bancroft, Mrs. Elias, 10, Acomb Street, Manchester, S.W.-16. Bancroft, Chris. L, The Poplars, Gian Conway.-259. Bardill, Ralph W., RC.A., Lyndhurst, Gian Conway.-141, 146, 242. Barlow, Miss Mary, 13a Nevill Stre~t, Southport, Lancashire.-469. Bates, R . W., The Cottage, Lane Ends, Romilev, Cheshire.- 195. Bates, Mrs. J essey Fairfax, "Car trefle," Dolwycklelen, Caernarvon­

shire .-471, 484. Beare, J .C., A.RC.A., Culver Ledge, Newton Abbot.-336, 391, 399. Benger, Berenger, R.C.A., A.R.B.A., Lane Encl, Pulborough, Sussex.

-324, 326. . . Beswick, Frank, Bryn Seiriol, Deganwy.-310, 374. Bishop, W. Follen, R.C.A., R .B.A., R.B.C., 5, Scarsdale Studios,

Stratford Road, Kensington , London, W.8.-61, 76, 283. Booth, J. VI/., R.C.A., Stoneleigh Lodge, Scalby, Scarborough.-52,

171, 264, 27 8, 325, 330, 390, 445. Bowen, Owen, R.C A., R.0.1., Evenholm, East Keswick, Leeds.-

62, 173, 181, 186, 191, 214, 220. Branwhite, C. Brooke, H.R.W.A., 41, Elliston Road, Redland, Bristol.

-231, 290. Brewer, Leonard, A.R.C.A., 33, Mayfieid Road, Whalley Range, Man­

chester , 69, 70, 81, 83, 100, 103, 106. Brockbank, A. E ., 19, Cavendish Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool.- 147.



Broom, ,Miss Marion, Temple Orchard, High Wycombe, Bucks.- 492. 499.

Bruh!, L. Burleigh, A.R.C.A., P.B.W.S., 105, Mildred Avenue, Watford. - 272, 287, 334, 343. . . .

Brunton, Miss Mabel M., Gable End Stucho, Kircudbnght.-438. Buchannan, Miss Mabel, 42, Coltart Road, Liverpool.- 417, 422. Butterworth, Miss Alice, 1, Harrow Street., H igher Crumpsall, Man-

chester.-90. . . Campbell, Miss 'lary E ., 12, Wesley Avenue, L1scard, Wallasey,

Cheshire.- 450, 455. Chase, E. Gordon, Willow Cottage, Farnham, Surrey.-37, 448. . Clarke, J'. Moulding, C:.eER C ccn, Goath Jsratic) , RittH~t, ~ lu1;e ..

- 105, 109. ,~~<>~J.., ~ • ..L.,~-,L- ~ Clarke , Miss M. E., 151a, Glottcester Road~ Lond'on~ S.W.1 .- 402, 404,

408, 421. Clough Colin Boclhyfrycl Bettws-y-coed, North Wales.- 183. Clough'. Tom', R .C.A., Bodhyfrycl, Bettws-y-coed.- 145, 154 229,

233, 241,263. 9 co*ckram, George, R .C.A ., Rbosne1gr, Anglesey.- 254, 261, 282, 3~0,

358, 365. Collins, G. E., A.R .C.A., "Wayside," vVonham Way, Gomshall, near

Guilclford.-80, 112, 121, 288. Colyer, Miss C., East Bolclre, Brockenhurst, Hants.--166. . Coventry, Miss Gertrude M. (Mrs. Edward Robertson), Lluesty, Bangor,

Nor th Wales.-30. Cox, C. Arthur, 8, Harrington Street, Liverpool.-451. , . Craft, Percy R., R.C.A., R.B.C., 77, Bedford Gardens, Kensington,

London, W.8.-137, 167, 180, 213, 262, 369, 477. Dain, Miss Beatrice, Thornlea, 10, Rock Lane West, Rock Ferry,

Cheshire.- 435. . Dain, Miss Edith L., Thornlea, 10, Rock Lane W., Rock Ferry, Chesh1re.

-M2. . • . . .. Dart, Miss Maud D ., 28, A1gburtl1 Dn ve, L1verpool.- .l Ol , 101.

~ avis , J. Barnard, 16, Compayne Gardens, London, N.W .6.-375. Dawson, Miss E lsie M., 25, Grange Avenue, Leeds.-42, 176. Dean Sam Maes Castell, Gian Conway.-18. Dibdin, M1\. Sara B ., 45, Redcliffe Square, London, S.W.10.-299,

430, 431, 485. . Dibdin, E. Rim bault, 45, Redchffe Square, London, S.W.10.-353, 446.


Dixon, Miss Deighton J., 265, King's Road, Chelsta, London, S.W.3.--65, 459.

Dobson, Cowan, R.B.A., 118, Mains Street , Glasgow.-57. Dobson, H . J ., R.C.A., R.S.W.,..5, MernaisteR Plate, Edin.burgh.-130. Dobson, Raeburn , A.R.C.A, ~. George Street, Edinburgh .-132, 175,

182, 253, 346. I 2, a Duguid, Miss Christina, 15, Holland Road, Wallasey, Cheshire.-429. Dust, Miss E. R ., Dalham Lodge, Mayfield Road, Whalley Range,

Manchester.-456, 478. Eastwood, Walter, The Studio, Lytham.-296, 31 2. Eaton, Miss Ellen M. M., Whatmer Hall, Sturry, Kent.-461. Edmonds, Mrs. E. L., Newholme, Conway.- 31 l . Edwards, Lionel, R .C.A., Buckholt, West Tytberley, Salisbury.-

385, 393, 397. Egginton, F . J ., 5, Devon Terrace, Teignrnouth, South Devon.-257,

293. Egginton, W., R.C.A., R .I. , 5, Devon Terrace, ~ignm uth, Dexon.-

319, 327, 350. 1S 1" CL.,~ '£-IN Ellison , Thomas, RC.A. , -A,.i1~ AtwiN,': r~,.Yfrex-_

harn-4, 119, 140, 228, 249, 270, 473. P.u.,,__,,,,, {ii).,.,.... , _ ~";( Elton, Madame Gladys, 79, Rossall Road, Ansdell, Lytiuarn"."-491. Fairhurst, E noch, A.R .M.S., 139, Cope Bank West, Ivy Road, Bolton,

Lancashire .-409, 420. · F isher , Ben, RC.A., Dclcrwrn; ~ . Conway.-122, 174, 215, 221,

247. :;)""""'"""'\·'t<&.0- ~ Fisher, Josi:> ., African Chambers, 19, Old Hall Street, Liverpool.-302,

314. . Fisher, R . St anley, Dolcrwrn, Roewen, Conway.- 1, 153. F itz-Gerald, Miss F loence, A.RC.A., RB.C., 5, Scarsdale Studios,

Stratford Road, Kensington, London, W.8.-163, 206. Frobisher, Miss Marguerite, 24, Rudolph Road, Bushey, H erts.-

303, 475. Fuller, Leonard J ., A.RC.A., Trelawney, 33, S t. J ames' Road, Sut ton,

Surrey.-24, 184, 205, 211,- 226. Garratt, Sam, 30, H igh Street, Brecon.- 204. Garside, Oswald, R.C.A., R.I., 1, White Har t Lane, Barnes, London,

. S.W. 13.-2, 5, 156, 234, 321, 328, 352, 355, 468.

4 1


G f ~~ft· JG rn,LJI' ~-.~

INDEX '110 EX:H~l~,...__..-1

ee, J. T., Cadnant Park, Conway.-295, 449. ibb, Lewis J., 13, Church Street, Kensington, London, W .8.-189.

Gilmour, Miss L11Ian, i1 l* .I 21ce]]Ji.i. TersogQ 9 ltaiitlaeettM.-246, 266. Glazebrook, F . H., Llanddwyn Island, 'ewborough, Anglesey.-190. Gouo-h Mrs. B. S., Caer Rhun, Talycafn, North Wales.-17, 27. Gruidy, Sir Cuthbert, P.R.C.A., R.I., R.W.A. , V.P.R.B.C., Fisher·

beck, Ambleside.-188, 207. Hagarty, Parker, R.C.A., 41, The Parade, Cardiff.-6, 118, 356, 363. Hammond, T. W ., 12, Oxford Street, Nottmgham.-500, 502. Hansen, Miss. Christine, Grey Holme, Ben RhyG!dmg, near Leeds,

Yorkshire.-486. . Hardy, J. W·., 45, Rose Avenue, Horsforth, via Leeds.-301. Harmar Fairlie, 126, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, S .W.10.-31. Hawarci', Miss Mary E., 25a, Brunswick Square, Hove, Sussex.- 359. Haynes, Miss Edith IV!., Morfa, Penmaenmawr.-432, 434,494. Heatley, Miss Lilian (Mrs. Harold Swanw1ck}, W1lmmgton, Polegate,

Sussex.- 493. Hertford, S. Irvine, 31, Kingsway, Wallasey, Cheshire.-294, 351. Hibber.t, Miss Phyllis I., 59, Blackpool Old Road, Ansdell, Lytham,

St. Anne's.-504. Hilditch Miss Margery, High Street, Nantwich, Cheshire.-411. Hinchliffe R . G., 8, The Temple, 24, D ale Street, Liverpool.-227, 309. Holland, Miss Grace M., The Studio, 2, St. George's Place, Llandudno.

412, 480. . •• · Hoyles, W. R., Victoria House, _Conway Road, Colwyn Bay.-252. Hurd Miss Margaret, 70, Cunnmgham Park, Harrow, Mtddlesex.-94. Isaac;, Miss Edith, " The Hollies," Alexandra Mount, Litherland,

Liverpool.-410, 425. Isaacs, Miss Rose, "The Hollies," Alexandra Mount, Litherland,

. Liverpool.~ 426, 427. . Isaacs, Miss Winifred, "The Hollies," Alexandra Mount, Litherland,

Liverpool.-405, 428. Jones, Dan R., M.A., A.R.C.A., University College of Wales, Aber­

ystwyth.-66, 93, 113, . Jones, Mrs. H. Mildred Jones," :sta:rcroft, eld CO'N'iyn.-407; 416. · Jones, J. Clinton, R .C.A., Glenside, Talybont, Conway.-53, 56, 157,

169, 200, 222, 276. Jones-Hughes, Miss Lily, Bronwylfa, Penmaenmawr,-423, 490. Jones, Robert, E lm Grove, Bodhyfryd Road, Llandudno, 12, 14.

Jones, S. Maurice, R.c . .J., iliip Radstoch•Road, Eh@ Pa 1, LiccrpOffl. .. -43, 160, 238, 289, 465.

Jones, Tom, A.R.C.A., Breck Hill Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham.-. 6~ 91,333 . Kemp-Welch, Miss L., R·.C.A., R.I., Kingsley, Bushey, Herts.-

187, 218 232. Kendall, Donald, 82, Cavendish Drive, Rock Ferry, Cheshire.-49. Kenworthy, J. D ., A.R.C.A., Sea Croft, St. Bee's, Cumberland.-11. Kinsley, Albert, R.C.A., R.I., 46, Anson Road, Tufnell Park, London,

N.7.-243 . Kirk, Miss Janet, 28, Burlington Road, Withington, Manchester.-

470, 488. Kirkpatrick, Miss Ella !VI. , 7:i, Penkett Road, Wallasey, Cheshire.-457. Kitchin, Miss Kathleen, 4, Belvedere Road, Scarborough.-116, 125. Rnight, A., 32, Bridgford Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham.-

496, 503. Knight, Miss Clara, R.C.A., Bryn Seiriol, Deganwy.-28, 120, 149,

250, 269, 318, 332, 362. Rnowles, G. Sheridan, R .C.A., R.O.I., R.I., 12, Glenella Road, Hamp­

stead, London, N .W.3.- 192. Lamb, Mrs. Margaret Thurlow, Vale House, Langham Road, Bowdon,

Cheshire.-341. Lancaster, Percy, A.R.C.A., R .I., A.R.E., 17, Ash Street, Southport ..

-197, 323, 339, 344, 376, 3!!4, Lawrence-Smitli, Miss Beatrice, " Nine Chimneys," Challock, near

Ashford, Rent.-239. Leigh-Hunt, G., 1, Albert Place, London, W .8.-13, 20. Levy, Miss Mabel A., 76, Musters Road, West Bridgford, Notts.-

115a, 115b. Lewis, J ames, The Studio, 2, Victoria Street, Manchester.-15. Lewis, John R., Lindum, Sychnant Pass Road, Conway.-236, 273. Lowry, Mrs. F. E., Dartans, Penrhyn Bay, near Llandudno.-403, 419. Lowry, Miss D ., Dartans, Penrhyn Bay, Llandudno.-88, 89. Lyon, Henry J., Landside, Toll Bar, St. Helen's.-240, 268. Mahler, H ., A.R.C.A., Ffrwd, Llanbeclr, Conway.-45, 51, 170, 177,.

212. Mann, James S., 41, Castle Street, Liverpool.-370. Martin, W. Alison, 3, Redcross Street, Liverpool.-225 ..



Maybery, Edgar James, A.R.CA., 43, Ronald Road, Newport, Mon.-75.

Mayer, R . S., Broad ·Oak, Urmston, Manchester.-124, 244. McCulloch, H . G., 32, Buckingham Avenue, Ullet Road, Liverpool.- 35. McDougal, John, R,C.A., Cemaes Bay, Anglesey.-7, 123,129, 139,

161, 271. McGaw, J. Thoburn, St. Leonard's Forest, Horsham, Sussex.-300. Meacham, C. S., Green Bushes, Rustington, Littlehampton, Sussex.

-64. Megson, .A. L., Bow Green, Bowdon, Cheshire.-372. Middleton, Miss Ka thleen Joy, "The High House," West Ayton,

Y orkshire.- 274. · Millers, Miss E. Townley, Little Blue Cedars, Fordcombe, Tunbridge

WeJls.-38, 48, Mole, Frank, 488, Fishponds Road, Bristol.-74, 433. Mooney, E . H artley, 124, Droylesden Road, Newton Heath, Man­

chester.- 46, 178. Moor~, Frank, A.R.W.A, Petworth Cottage, Bosham, Sussex.-237,

36~ . Moorhouse, Mrs. Blanche, Low House, H elsington, Kendal, West­

morelancl.-298, 304. Moorhouse, Mortram, Low House, H elsington, Kendal, Westmore-

land,- 308. · Mordecai, Joseph, 27, Abercorn Place, London, N.W.8.- 21. Morley, Miss Ruth, 14, Jubilee Place, Chelsea, London, S.W.3.- 32, 34. Morsheacl, Miss A., c /o J ames Bourle t & Sons, Ltd., 17, Na,ssau Street,

London, W.1.- 25, 50, Muirhead, Charles, 36, Halsall Lane, Formb y, Liverpool.-41, 210. Murray, Mrs. Elsie, "Glenbracken," Oak Bank Avenue, Blackley,

Manchester.-476, 481. Murray, Mrs. Frances Wynne, 46, Maberley Road, Upper Norwood,

London, S.E .19-2?1 452. . . . . Netherwoocl Norman, A.K.C:A., Marl Park Stud10, V1ctona Dnve,.

Llan<ludno Junction.- 135, 138, 144, 230, 256, 260, 265. Page, Miss Pearl, 2, King's Mount, Oxt.on, Birkenbeacl.-377. Paice Philip S., 21, Alton Road, Birkenheacl.- 26, 203. Parkyn, W. S., A.R.C.A., A.R.W.A., Pent.ire, The Lizard, Cornwall.-

3, 136, 155, 285, 460. Pemberton, Miss H. M., 9, Faraday Rd., Acton, London, W.3.- 67, 104.


INDEX '110 EXHIBT'l101RJ8..

Price, Frank Corbyn, R.B.A., Hillside, _Ma,re Hill, Pulborough, Sussex. -286,

Pritchard, J. Mervyn, A.R.C.A., A.R.I.B.A., 12, Calais Gate, London, S.E.5.-68, 79, 84, 85, 87, 97, 98, 110,115.

Pughe, Miss Bucldig A., Pier H ouse Studio, Aberclovey.-281. Rankin, Miss Catherine G., 53, Monton Street, Manchester.-462. Reid, Miss Flora !YI. , 62, P arkhill Road, H ampstead, London, N.W.3.-

55, 59. Reiss, George Francis, Market Place, Kendal, Westmoreland.-73, 92. Reynolds, Mrs. H . . Tangye, Cromwell Lodge, Courtfield Gardens,

South Kensiagton, London, S. W .5.-39, 202. Reynolds, Reginald F., R.B.A., Cromwell Lodge, South Kensington,

London, S.W.5.- 158. . Roberts, Lancelot, R.C.A., 12, Shrewsbury Street, Old Trafford,

Manchester.-165, 198, 368, 395, 401, 44 7. Robinson, F. Stanislaus, 133, Seabank Road, Wallasey, Cheshire.-466. Samuels, Miss F. Carol, Bryn-y-coed, Llanbedr, Conway.- 329. Savory, Ernest, H.R.W.A., Park Row Studios; Bristol.- 19. Scott, Lady (Mrs. Hilton Young), -174, Bucl.ingham Palace Road,

London, S.W.1.-33. Scott, Walter, 13, Queen's Park Avenue, Edinburgh.-291, 306. Sharpe, Charles W., A.R.C.A., 33, Washington Street, St. James' Rd.,

Livee pool.-388, 392, 396. Slinger, Miss E dith C., Lynton Lodge, Beaufort, Brooklands,

Cheshire.-307, 381. Smith, Grainger, 71a, Bold Street, Li.verpool.- 78, 386. Smith, R. Christie, Greystoke, Osmaston Road, Pren ton, Birkenheacl.-

151, 245. . Somerset, R . G., V.P.R.C.A., R.0.1., Pengwern, Bettws-y-coecl.-58,

168, 172, 1 79, 193, 199, 208, 219, 223. Spanton, Miss Mabel M., 1, Woodville Road, Bexhill-on-Sea.-458. Spenlove-Spenlove, Frank, R.C.A., R.l., R.0.1., Y.D. Studio, 116,

Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.- 185, 440,442, 444, Stamper, J . W., ,R.C.A., 29, Claremont Road, Alexandra Park, Man­

chester.- 9, 36, 40, 63, 133, 389, Stephens, Miss Olive B., 1, Carmarthen Road, Henleaye, Bristol.- 86. Stephenson, w:, R.C.A., 2, St. George's Place, Llandudno.- 127, 128, ,

134, 255, 277, 284.


I /


Sutcliffe, Lester, R.C.A., 40, Otley Road, H eadingley, Leeds.-117, 126, 194, 201, 322. . .

Swanwick, Harold, R.C.A., R.I:, R.0.I., W1lmmgton, Polegate, Sussex·. -497, 498, 501, 505. ,

Swinstead, The late, G, Hillyard, R.C.A., R.I., R .B.C.-143, 150, 152, 162, 467, 474. .

Swinstead, Miss E ulalia Hillyard, A.R.C.A., 14, K1dderpore· Avenue, · Hampstead, London, N.W.3.-406, 418, 4~4.

Tamiriantz, Miss Vartoohy, 1, Trafalgar Road, B1rkdale, Southport.-315.

Teasdale, P . M., A.R.C.A., 12, Meadow Studios, Bushey, Herts.-54, 224. . .

Theyre, Miss M., 16, Redcliffe Square, London, S.W.10,-,400'. ~54. Thomasson, Rowland, 87, Mosley Street, Manchester.-la9, 2o8.. . Thompson, Mrs. Constance Dutton, Derby Road, Huyton, near Liver-

pool.-378. Timmis, F. , 3, Harcourt Road, Llandudno.-316. Towers, J ames, A.R.C.A., Leaside Bulstrode W ay, Gerrard's Cross,

Bucks.-131, 380. . . Trench, Miss M. L., Albury Lodge, Austm Road, Guildford Surrey.-

47. Turner, E. R . Horsfall, Llys Evrog, Llanidloes, Mont.-335. Ward, Cyril, R.C.A., White H art Hotel, Holybourne, Alton, Hants.-

23~ 31~ 331, 33~ 361, 37~441. . Waterton Albert E. Green Lane, Challock, Ashford, Kent .- 10.

-Watson, Walter J ., .A.R.C.A., .Hillside, Bettws-y-coed.-216 . . W atts, J ames T., R.C.A., 34, Lidderdale Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool.

- 8, 248, 337, 347, 357, 398. . Weaver Miss Mary, Hillside House, Lyth Hill, Shrewsbury.-373. Weaver: Herbert P., R .C.A., R.B.A., R .W .A.; F .S.A.M., Hillside House,

Lyth Hill, Shrewsbmiy.-142, 297, 317, 340, 345, 349, 364, 382, 383. '

West, T. Alfred, 25, Turret Road, Wallasey.- 354, 367. ' West, Joseph, 103, Cavendish Street Studio, Keighley, Yorkshire.-292. Westlake Walter V. Church Road, Ashford, Middlesex.-305, 371. Whaley, Harold, 3, Moorland Avenue, Baildon, Shipley, Yorks.-72, 77. Wilmot, Miss Florence, Wern Cottage, Bettws-y-coed; North Wales.

- 251, 414.


Wilson, E. Marsden, A.R.C.A., A.F .E., 9, Faraday Road, Acton, London, W.3.-71, 82, 99, 102, 108, 111.

Wilson, Oscar, 47, Blenheim Crescent, Notting Hill, Londcn, W.11.- ~ -463 .

Wilson, Miss Hilda M., c/o Miss R. Hatchett, Litton, Mount Pleasant, St. Alban 's, Herts.-387. ·

Williams, Miss G. F ., Beachley House, The Avenue, Mill Hill Park, Acton, London, W.3.- 95, 11 4.

Williams, H. Hughe,, A.R.C.A., Llanerchymedd, Anglesey.-23, 44, 360.

Williams, Miss Margaret Lindsay, A.R.C A., Elm Grove, Dinas Powis, Glamorgan,hire.- 29.

-/... Williams, R . J ames, A.R.C.A., F.S.A.M., 37, Hill Avenue, Worcester. -464, 472, 479, 482, 487, 489.

Wills, T . A. D., The Fold, Spring Vale , Wallasey.-279, 280. Woodhouse, Miss Violet, B. Melvill Chambers, 50a, Lord Street, Liver-

pool.-413, 415. · Woods, Albert, A.R.C.A., 143, Church Street, Preston, Lancashire.­

-196. Wright, William, Bryn Dyffryn, Trefriw, Carnarvonshire.-267.

The following Academicians and Associates do not exhibit this year:-Arthur , S. Watson, R.C.A., Hillside, Bettws-y-coed. Berrie, J . A. A., R.C.A., 64, Brown's Buildings, Exchange, Liverpool. Booth, S. Lawson, R .C.A., J.P., F.R.G.S., l 72;Roe1..ane, Southport. Bottomley, E., A.R.C.A., ~.tI.l.iidii, :Vore3t 1'1801, HnarcslelsF1H1gh. Cassidy, J., R.C.A., R.B.S., Lincoln Grove Studios, Manchester.

,. D_avies, J. Hey, R.C.A., 6, Fenwick Street, Hulme, Manchester. .Fmnemore, J., R. C.A., R.I., Elmstone, Northwood, Middlesex. Hare, Julius, R.C.A., The Bungalow, Capel Curig, North Wales. H oggatt, Wm., A.R.C.A., A.R.B.C., The Darragh, Port Erin, I.O.M.

- 3'

Hughes, Leon ard, R.C.A., ·, , . Hughes, Harold, R.C.A., F .S.A., A.R.I.B.A., Diocesan Chambers,

Bangor. Humphreys, G. A., R .C.A., F.R.I.B.A., Mostyn Estate Office, Llan­


~ c·}' ~ -~ i~ ~cb..1-~~ l: ({_j; ~-~ ; -~~ ~ rp )'LQ_,'v t' ~ 'Y\ - ~ ~ ~ o,.,<-A . 'l,.r- '.)._,



J ohn, Augustus, E ., A.R.A., R.C.A., 28, Mallord Stree t , Chelsea, London.

Kinsley, H . R. , A.R.C.A., M.C., 46, Anson Road, T ufne ll Park, London, N.W.7,

Loud, A. Bertram, R.C.A., 11 ; ItiqrEel:,Mel's 610 0c , 'i2eddingfon, P~i.l.ll@oiW<. I 'l. ~ -ea, K.J.,. .k'..--......J:::o.. .- ,,..,.._, . ~~

Mostyn, Tom, R.C.A., R.11>.I., R.W.A., Cro.okb.aih~ Torquay. Netherwood, A., R.C.A., Prestbury Studio, Port Hill, Shrewsbury. 0 en, Will, R.C.A., Granville H ouse, Arundel Street, .Strand London.

rce, Robert, A.R.C.A., F .R .I.B.A., Insurance Chambers, Caernarvon. berts, W. P ierce, A.R .C.A., 8, Newington Causeway, London , wers, S., R .C.A., Fir bank, Harvington, near Evesham.

W hewell, Herbert , A.R.C.A., Church Cottage, Shere, Surrey. Williams, Alyn, ' R.C.A., P .R .M.S., Barracks Hill, Plumpton, Sussex.

GENERAL INFORMATION FOR VISITORS. A Time Table of the London Midland and Scottish Rail­

way, giving all local Trains, is exhibited at the Gate House, and if further particulars a re desired, the Gate Keeper has the Company's Official Time Tables for reference.

The Omnibus Company's Time Tables, and also those of the River Steamers, are exhibited at the Gate.

Lunch, Teas, and Light Refreshments can be obtained at the Castle Hotel, in High Street ; the Erskine Hotel ( opposite the Station) ; the Plas Mawr Cafe (nearly opposite Plas Mawr), and at the Criterion Hotel and Restaurant, Castle Street .

Picture Post Cards and Letter Cards of, Guides to, and Etchings of Plas Mawr, - are on sale at the Gate and the Curator's Office.

Films to fit small size Cameras are kept in stock for the con­venience of Visitors.

Cloak Rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen are provided off the Victoria Room.

The Council of the Academy will esteem the co-operation of visitors in preventing damage by writing on the walls 01" cutting the woodwork.

In view of the danger from fire, Smoking in the building is prohibited .

R. E. J ones & Bros., Printer s , Couway .

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Royal Cambrian · § Royal Cambrian Academy § § of Art, § § § ... (Sculptor) Loud, A. Berty am I' R.O.I. ... - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.