Play Elena Of Avalor Adventures In Avalor Game: Disney Adventure Princess Dress Up Game for Girls (2024)

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Explore the beautiful Kingdom of Avalor alongside Princess Elena and her friends. Play various adventure games, collect gems, and unlock outfits and accessories for Elena’s wardrobe.

  • Fly through the skies of Avalor with Skyler the Jaguin.
  • Save the royal family by collecting potions in the Maruvian ruins.
  • Dress up Elena and decorate her personal chambers with items you’ve discovered.


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Play Elena of Avalor Adventures in Avalor Game Online

Children and parents can play this flying adventure, logic puzzle and dress up minigame collection by clicking in the window below.

Alternatively kids and adults can play this girls game for free as a web application here.

Elena of Avalor Adventures in Avalor Game for Kids Game Play Instructions

  • Starting the Game
    • You begin with the welcome page comprising of a splash screen with audio playing in the background.
      • Princess Elena will say the title of the game when you first open the game.
      • The screen plays a looped version of the show’s instrumental theme.
      • To start, click on the magenta play button on the lower right side of the screen.
    • The game will begin with a cut scene where Elena and the fox spirit Zuzo observe the kingdom while riding Skyler the Jaquin.
      • The cut scene will only play one time, but you have the option to skip it.
    • After the cut scene, you enter the map. Here, you can choose which game to play and to view the number of keys you’ve earned.
    • To start any mini game, click on its icon.
      • On the mini game’s welcome screen, click on the Jaguin icon on the upper right to start.
      • To return to the map, click on the triangle button on the upper left.
    • The game automatically saves your progress and achievements on your browser.
  • Game Overview
    • This is a collection of three different mini games themed after the show.
    • All the dialogue of this game is in English.
    • To fully appreciate the game, you must have working audio
      • The game has spoken dialogue with voice actors from the show reprising their roles. It also features Latin-inspired music cues from the show.
      • Most of the in-game instructions come from a combination of on-screen cues and narration.
        • Elena and Zuzo provide many of the audio instructions for the game.
        • The narration is written entirely in-universe as conversations between characters. Neither Elena or Zuzo break the fourth wall to instruct the kids.
        • On-screen visual cues guide the player through the game’s controls.
    • You can toggle the music with a button on the upper left corner of the main menu.
      • Turning off music will also turn off narration.
  • Target Audience
    • The game was made with older children in mind.
      • The target audience of the Elena of Avalor franchise are children ages 2 to 7. The show itself skews toward older children.
      • The maze and flying games demand complex motor and logical planning skills.
      • The player must try the first two games to unlock items for the dress-up game.
    • The dialogue of the game does not break the fourth wall. It helps make the game feel more immersive.
  • Basic Controls
    • Desktop
      • Tap or click and drag using the mouse.
    • Mobile
      • Use your fingers to tap and drag.

Elena of Avalor Flying Game

  • You can start this game in three ways. Besides the Jaguin button, you can also start by clicking a list of modes on its welcome screen:
    • The first and default option is Endless, the sandbox version of the game.
    • Once you’ve played Endless mode once, you unlock the other options.
    • Each of the options gives you a gem collection goal.
      • Like in endless mode, you can keep playing after you’ve collected the required number of gems.
  • The game does not have a cut scene. It instead starts off with dialogue from Elena and Zuzo explaining the mechanics of the game.
    • These occur in the order they happen as you play the game
      • E.g. Zuzo will not tell you about the hazards of branches until Elena and Skyler have encountered tree branches.
    • The tutorial dialogue only plays once, when you first open the game.
  • Ascending
    • Skyler begins flying with a running start from Elena’s palace balcony.
      • Click or tap several times to charge his energy.
      • Once he’s fully charged, he will jump upwards and fly.
    • Once he starts flying, tap to ascend.
    • The game play here is similar to Flappy Birds, but is more easygoing.
    • Skyler returns to running when he reaches the ground of a flying island.
  • Energy
    • Skyler only has a limited amount of energy to flap his wings.
    • He can replenish his energy by flying toward a ring.
    • He loses even more energy if he and Elena hit a tree or bush while flying.
    • Spend more time descending to conserve energy.
  • Rings
    • Passing through the rings replenishes your energy reserves.
    • When leaving a ring, you get a modest boost in speed.
    • After passing through three rings in succession, you can reach the upper sky.
  • Gems
    • Collect as many gems as you can.
    • They can be found floating in the sky or on islands and rooftops.
  • Layers
    • The game has four layers. The first three are accessible on regular play.
      • Water: Hit the water, and it’s game over.
      • The City: The rooftops serve as platforms and ramps.
        • Skyler can land and run on top of them if he runs out of energy.
        • He can also use them as ramps to get into an energy ring.
      • The Sky Islands: These contain bushes and trees, the chief obstacles of the game.
        • Hitting the trees and bushes while flying takes up energy.
        • Skyler can run on the islands to conserve energy.
        • While running, the trees and bushes will not harm him.
      • The Upper Sky: To reach this level, fly through three consecutive energy rings.
        • While there, ascending does not consume your energy reserves.
        • You can stay here only for a few seconds.
        • You can collect a lot of gems here.
        • Skyler is a show off and will do somersaults while flying here.
  • Strategy
    • The key to mastering this game is conserving your energy.
    • Rings over gems
      • Rings allow you to keep playing by replenishing your energy. Grab the gems on the side. The longer you play, the more gems you will collect per game.
      • Rings allow you to ascend to the upper sky, where collecting gems is easier.
    • Falling with style
      • Take a cue from Buzz Lightyear. Conserve your energy by flapping only when you’re about to reach the water.
      • Use the rings near the roofs to help you ascend.
    • Walking is okay.
      • While on an island, it keeps you from getting injured by the bushes.
      • It helps conserve your energy.

Elena of Avalor Dress Up Game

  • Click on the icon to bring you to Elena’s dressing room.
  • The interface has two options.
    • The default is dress-up mode, where you modify Princess Elena’s look. This is represented by a hanger icon and has five categories:
      • Dresses
      • Hairstyles
      • Shoes
      • Hair Decorations
      • Jewelry
    • The second option, represented by a castle, is decorator mode. Add accents to Elena’s chambers.
      • Be careful when pressing any decoration more than once. You could end up with too many of the same item at once.
      • When this happens, drag the item to the trash icon on the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Use the camera button to save Elena’s look to your computer.
  • Play the other games to unlock more items and accessories.

Elena of Avalor Magic Maze Game

  • To play the game, click on the Jaguin icon on the right. To return to the map, click on the triangle button to the left.
    • The game’s welcome screen shows the level’s you’ve unlocked.
    • If you want to complete or replay a level, click on it’s number.
    • The game shows you your best time after each level.
  • When you first select the game, the opening cut scene will play. This will show that Elena’s family and friends have been turned to stone by the evil wizard Fiero. To unfreeze them, Elena must retrieve the magic potions from the Maruvian ruins.
    • As with all cut scenes, you can skip this.
    • This game plays a lot like the site’s other platformer puzzle games, but with a time limit.
      • If you want to grab all the collectibles, you must do things a specific way.
      • You can still clear the level even if you don’t collect everything.
  • Clearing the level
    • As Princess Elena, reach the other side of the map and retrieve the potion.
    • The magic potion is always at the end of the level.
    • The first two levels serve as tutorial levels.
      • They will begin with dialogue from both Elena and Zuzo.
      • Guide Elena across the level by clicking and dragging. She will go in the direction your mouse or fingers point at.
      • Elena cannot jump up.
      • Most of her paths move forward, but some fork a specific way.
        • You must first go down the first path before going down the second one.
    • Some levels are timed.
      • The timer is triggered when you walk through a switch on the floor.
      • This can only be stopped by hitting the switch at the end.
      • You must reach the other side before the timer runs out or you lose the level.
    • Collect gems.
      • Sometimes, you must collect a gem before you can clear a route.
      • Collecting the gems is optional but recommended.
      • If you want a challenge, finish a level and collect all the gems in it.
  • Using magic
    • Click on any of the three gems in the Scepter of Light to activate
    • Elena’s Scepter of Light has three different spells with different uses.
      • Use the yellow spell to zap the mechanisms for moving platforms.
      • Use the green spell to retrieve gems embedded in the wall.
      • Use the blue spell to light up dark areas.
    • The spells shut off in different ways.
      • Both the green and yellow spell are single use. To use them, turn them on again.
      • The blue spell is continuous and must be turned off manually. Do this by switching to the other spells.
    • Elena’s wand scepter has a limited amount of magical power.
      • Elena’s magic recharges by itself, albeit very slowly.
      • You can help her recharge her magic faster by passing through an enchanted pot.
  • Maze features
    • Timer switch
      • This activates a closing mechanism that will shut off the room to the potion.
      • You can only turn this off by hitting the switch on the other side.
      • If you fail to get to this switch in time, you fail the level.
    • Platforms and mechanisms
      • Platforms work as elevators and move you up and down.
      • Blast their mechanisms with the yellow spell to activate the platforms.
      • Some platforms are single-use. Once they go up, you can’t go back.
    • Enchanted pots
      • These are sparkling pots with magical energy.
      • Use them to recharge Elena’s powers faster.
    • Enchanted vines
      • These move up and down, blocking your path for a moment.
      • If you pass by them as they grow, they will push you back.
      • Time your movements so you move across them
  • Level tricks
    • Elena can’t jump in this game. Due to a few level quirks, this poses a unique challenge for players.
      • Some ledges contain gems that you cannot normally access. This is because the platform moves up higher than that ledge.
        • To go around this, jump off of the platform before it reaches the top. Collect the gems, then fall back down to move forward.
        • Avoid missing the chance to jump. You cannot backtrack in some levels because of the placement of the platform.
        • Be prepared to start the level over and over again.
    • Backtracking is a challenge in this game.
      • In timed levels, backtracking will eat up a lot of your time. Expect to restart the level several times.
      • This may be impossible if you can no longer access the earlier parts of the level. If this is the case, do all your backtracking early.
      • If you can, try to switch off the timer before backtracking.
    • The fifth level is where the game gets difficult.

Unlocking Treasure Chests to Expand the Elena Dress Up Game for Girls

  • The Treasure Chest unlocks game rewards in the form of clothing, accessories, and decorations for the Dress Up game.
  • To unlock games, you must earn keys.
    • To earn keys, you must collect gems in the other mini games.
    • Each key unlocks one item to use in the Dress Up game.
  • Gems
    • There are three types of gems: green, blue, and yellow. Green is the most common and has the lowest value.
    • In Magic Maze and Flying, you can collect gems that float around the game environment.
      • In both games, gem collection is optional.
      • You do not need to collect all the gems to complete either game.
    • Gems are, however, essential to earning keys. The more gems you collect, the more keys you earn.

Like This Game? Review This Online Flying, Dress Up & Magic Maze Game for Girls

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Mobile Friendly Cross Browser Support

This game is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, so it offers cross-device gameplay. You can play it on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. This game works in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

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Play Elena Of Avalor Adventures In Avalor Game: Disney Adventure Princess Dress Up Game for Girls (2024)
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