ft A
i\\ tha Rftfornittri|Chiirrhe« of Monmouth CountyReport Having | Had a Successful Year- TwoChurches Have Had New Pastors An Increaseof Seventy-Four In Church Membership.
Thrcla i i i i of Monmouth held itsannual meeting at Holmdel last Tuea-day, The clasais of Monmouth is com-posed of the pastors of the Dutch (te-formed churches of Monmouth county.All the churches , were represented,cither by their pastors personally orby reports.
At this meeting reports were madeby each of the churches in the classis.The combined reports thowed an in-crease of 28 familiei who had unitedwith the Reformed churches of thecounty during the year. The numberreceived on confession of faith dur-ing the year wai 74, which la nearlydouble that of the previous year. Thenumber received on certificate wasB!BO greater than the number receivedon certificate last year. There waialso an increased number of baptismsof both grown persons and children,and there was a gain in the Sunday-school enrollment. In almost everyone of the benevolent church fundsthere was a greater amount contrib-uted than in the previous year. Theseincreases in contributions wore spe-cially manifest in the funds for mis-sions, for widows of ministers and fordisabled-ministers. The increase inthese funds was so great that theusual urgent pleas for those fundswere unnecessary. For congregationalpurposes the churches raisSd nearly$2,000 more thnn the previous year.
Detailed statements were made byall the Reformed churches in thecounty. The Reformed church ofMarlboro increased its membership bysix, with a substantial increase inbenevolent and eqngregntionul funds.Rev. Charles L, Palmer is pastor ofthin church.
The "report of the Holmdel Re-formed ch-urch showed a record ofsteady progress with increasedbenevolences over last year's fund.Rev, Frederick N, Boeder is pastor ofthi h hthis church.
The Eeformed
ioudt la pastor, has made aeeesiionito Its membership during the pastyear as well as having increased itsbenevolent and congregational funds.
The Asbury Park Reformed church,with Rev. G, M. Cqnover as pastor,added seventeen members to Its rollduring the year and progress was re-ported in every other branch of thiswork. The benevolent fund of thatchurch increased 25 per cent over lastyear and iti congregational fundsforty per cent. The church is whollyfree from debt.
The First Reformed church of RedBank, of which Rev, Lester G. Leggettii pastor, is the "baby" of the Mon-mouth classls, this oeing the youngestchurch of this denomination in thecounty. The report of this churchshowed greater growth and greateractivity than that of any other churchin the county. Mr. Leggett's reportwas as follows:
"During tho past year forty newmembers have joined the church,thirty of whom joined on confession offaith. Twenty-two persons were bap.Used, nine of whom were adults, andall of these adults joined the church.Two members of the church died dur-ing the year and four moved awayfrom Red Bank. A men's club, knownas 'the Dutch Arms,' was organizedduring the year and this now has amembership of fifty. All of these menare not members of the church, but allof them are interested in the church,and ono by one they are uniting withthe church,
"A Sunshine Band of little childrenhas been formed, and they save theirpennies and carry flowers and goodcheer to the sick, the discouraged andthe flhut-ins. The contributions to thebenevolent funds of the church weredoubled during the past year, and thecontributions to the congregationalfund were nearly trebled.
church of Middlehas been without a regular pastor forsome time, but Matthew T. Conklinis to be instatled in a short time.
The Second Reformed church ofFreehold, under the ministry of Rev.
-H. K. Post, added 26 to its member-ship. Important improvements to thechurch property and grounds were re-ported, with prospects of still further
Reformed churchfying gains everywhere
improvements.The KeyportKeyport
s o n nr ooumi.atiBBismrf and AUantU S l f Maada Boje
In ChaJ-fe Of rtobttlon omen,Kenneth Johnson of Keanahurg and
Frank Ewing of Atlantic Highlands,who had admitted to breaking into30 houiii at Atlantic Highland! andOcean View in Middletown townshipand stealing the quarters which hadbeen put in the pay-in-advan.ee gasmeters, waived indictment at Free-flold Jast-ThuMday,—Their eases wer*turned ovtr to W. W. Ramsay, theprobation officer of the county. Hewill make a thorough investigationof the case and report to Judge Law.rence when the investigation has beencompleted.
about 57,000 arewhich will costin contemplation.
A Committee of Women at the CouncilChambers—Assessment Map to beMad*—Jamil Merman data Cross-walks Oontraot—South Street Curbing.The borough council on Monday
night instructed Engineer George C.Allen to make an assessment map,showing the location and size of prop-erties in the town. The cost will be$500 to $1,000,
Councilman Frank Stryker reportedthat after receiving bids for layingsix crosswalks on Shrewsbury ave-nue and one on Riverside avenue hehad awarded the work to James Nor-man at 30 cents a lineal foot.
Mrs. William J. Sutton, Mrs. ErnestA. Arend and Mrs. Johnson L. Miner,representing the Borough Beautifulcommittee of the Philomatheancoterie, asked that certain changes bemade in the collection of garbage andthat sidewalk obstruction be elim-inated. Mayor Sandt thanked themfor their suggestions and praisedthem for their interest in civic mat-ters. Later a motion was passed toinstruct John S.,Applegate, the bor-ough attorney, to prepare an ordi-nance dealing with sidewalk obstruc-tions. This ordinance will provide fora license fee for gasoline tanks infront of stores.
Mechanic street, at its intersectionwith Broad street, is to be widenedand the curbing will be in the form ofa curve at its connection with Broadstreet,
Ensley E, Morris made a requestthat East Front street be sprinkled.No action was taken.
A sewer assessment of 5120 on fourlots owned by Mrs, James Bennett onSpring street was reduced from $120to 580. The lots are on low land.
IS OYum to F I B e n r r .
Th» Kaport of the Sohool AttendenoeOffloer S*ls>te* I O M of tfce Diaoal-Uea WUttfc Knit fce Onwomi In. Keep-ing Children la School.At last week's meeting of the Red
f d Mi«» I.nn}iu»Greenawalt, the school attendance of-ficer, made a riport which showedthat the attendance at the Red Bankschool was over ninety per cent. Thereport set forth s number of the diffi-culties which are encountered in keep-ing children at school, and it also re-lated some of the conditions whichaffect school attendance, Tho reportin full is BB follows:To THE BOARD OF EDUCATION :
The regular routine work has beencarried on since the laHt report. Theaverage of attendance is above ninety,except in several of the lower gradeswhere bad weather keeps the Itttteones at home. It was my ambition tohave the average above 95, butJn1 al-most every room a pupil has been illfor a long period, and each such in-cident cuts the average down threeper cent. Even when a child wasknown to be ill, I have usually calledin order to find out the gravity of thecase so that, if necessary, the inspec-tor might take precautions againstany illness spreading. For this rea-son, my calls have been more numer-ous than during the early part of theyear, and are now averaging about150 we'ekly. The calls for disciplineand tardiness have been rftany. At
WO O Y n n i D B FAT TOM U H .
James JMkMi'i BUI for Extrn WorkTurne** Down by f o w l Officials.
James Jackson, one of the employ-ees at the Red Bank water works,turned In a bill for (2 for overtimework to the borough council Mondaynight. It was not paid. All of thocouncilmen opposed its payment ex-cept Dr. Herbert E, Williams. GeorgeG, Browor, superintendent of theplant,-said- that the bill -was -entirelyuncalled for and that Jackson had notshown a very willing disposition to dohis work of late. Dr. Williams con-tended that any man who worked over-time was entitled to extra compensation.
Samuel Dnrantl Went on Warpath Bftt-nrday Wlg;ht tad Used a Knife OBRaphael TomtlJio of Birar Street—Oroc«r Cut OB Sand and Bldt.Samuel Duranti got drunk Saturday
night and jwent to Raphael Tomaino'sstore on River street looking for afight. Tomaino didn't want to fight,but Dijranti was not diverted fromhis intention of getting Into a sirapby the store proprietor's arguments infavor of peace, Duranti is a shoe-maker and he went at Tomaino with aknife which is used to repair shoes.Tomaino tried to defend himself, butDuranti cut him on the hand and inthe side. The drunken shoemaker thenloft the store, with a throat that he
The Civic Alliance and Folks Who Favor BoroughGovernment Say That They Will Have a Bi^ Ma-jority in the Coming Election, but the OpposingSide is Equally Confident,
beaten by a big majority. The sum-
times it sweeps through a school, and j would return in the near future andhas to be severely dealt with, The give anotner exhibition of his prowess
The church will be moved to the north | Mrs. Bennett will sign an agreementside of the church lot and it will heenlarged by building an addition tothe church. A building committee has
Interviews with parents regardingtheir children's behavior are usuallyrather trying and not particularlypleasant, but so far I have been for-tunate in persuading them to cooper-ate with the schools.
The eyes of a number of childrenhave been attended to recently, eitherby the parents themselves when theirattention has been called to it, orthrough the fund provided,- This hasnecessitated much additional labor onmy part, but the results alreadyshow in happier children, who arealso better able to cope with theirschool work. There' have been manydemands for clothing1, oven more thanlast year. These have been met aftercareful investigation.
It seems rather difficult to make anyImprovementi in the sanitary condi-tions observed in my work. There
as a knife wielder,Tomaino went to a doctor and had
his injuries attended to. ThreeBtitches were taken to close up the. cutin his hand. A'complaint of atrociousassault and battery was made againstDuranti, The latter "Was still full ofrum and fight when a policeman wentto his home to arrest him, but theshoemaker soon, succumbed to thestrength of the strong arm of the law,Duranti was arrested and was held in$1,000 bail to await the action of thegrand jury. He was unable to finda Dondsman and was sent to thecounty jail.
Awards for Sprinkling-, Meters and Cops'Suits Made Monday
Three contracts were awarded Mon-
binding her and all future owners of [ e n s not ythe land to pay the remaining $60 as J dents there, but also in some degreesoon as buildings are put on the lots.
been appointed from the Dutch Arms j Similar agreements have been signedclub, the ladies' aid society and the \ by Andrew Freedman and Mrs. Henry
as a result of the ardent labors of th«-flr*t ye»r-«MH«-paBtorate of Rev.
Frank T. B. Reynolda. Its benevo-lences are nearly three times those oflast year and its congregational in-come was f 1Q0-more than last year.Eleven new members are reported anda junior Christian Endeavor societyha% been organised. TmprovementB tothe church property have been madeand harmony prevails.
The Long Branch Reformed churchwas without a pastor for five months,but its statistics showed a gain ofseven memberi and an increaie inbenevolent gifts. Rev. Alfred Dun-combo has recently been installed pas-tor of that church.
The Reformed church of Colt'sNeck, of which Rev. Octave vonBever-
consistory and plans are now beingdrawn foi' the addition to the build-ing. This addition will increase theseating capacity of the church to BOO,and it will also provide bible classrooms, library, dining room, kitchen,Wndergarten7-4>owHng--«H«y— and—a-fire-proof .booth for. a. moving picturemachine (which has been promised assoon as the building is ready for it).This building will eventually be uiedas a community house, with the churcherected next to it, for there is ampleroom on the lot for both buildings.,Until the new church is erected, which!will not be until some time in the fu-ture, tho enlarged building will serveboth as a church and a communityhouse.
"We feel that there is great futurefor thi» ohurohi its location, the rapid-ly increasing population, and the
S. White,Following a petition for curbing on
South street, an ordinance for thisimprovement passid first reading. Ahearing on the matter will be heldMonday night. May 3d, The curbingwill-be laid as a-preliminary^tep-to-graveling thi itreet f rom Branch aye-nue to Pinekney road.
Collector William M. Thompson wasrelieved of collecting taxes for 1912amounting to $1,507.99, of which$1,018 Is poll taxes. The taxes areuncollectable and the amount outsideof the polL taxM-Ji-owed chiefly bypeople who have died without meansor who have moved out of town.
A petition for two lights on EastFront street was referred to the lightcommittee.
A request was made for electricservice connection for fire alarm bells
the health of every family who em-ploys help from these districts -or,more important still, of those who
The Pittsburg meter company wasawarded a contract for 100 watermeters for $800. The company of-
many modern, though modest, homes »« the homes of the fire chief and thewhich are being erected by good first and second assistant chiefs. The= • - - - . .. firemen volunteered to do the wiring
ored to give fifteen meters free ofcharge in its bid and this offer wasaccepted. Several other bids formeters were opened, among them be-
families of moderate means, make theoutlook very promising indeed."
Edword Oooko Olalma V U t Hav. J. W.Towir Own Him $83.80,
A suit tor 188.80 brought by Ed-ward C00K6' of Tinton Falls agninsrtRev, J. W. Tower, of Colt's Nock willbe tried toinorrow before Justice Ed-
t f Rd B k Mt
ward 'W. tViseTower, who isl
of Red Bank. Mr.a retired Methodist
clergyman and who for twenty yearswas pastor of the Keansburg church,
^bought a'Cow from Mr. Cooke sometimS-agb for ?7S; He gave a ilotrtofthat amount. After keeping the cowfor a few weeks, Mr, Tower took it
, buck to Mr. Cooke because the animalwan sick with tuberculosievhe said.He stated that he did not know therewas anything the matter with the cowwhen he bought It and thnt he did notthink that he ought to pay for thecow. The note went to protest andMr. Cooke had to make, it good. Heafterwards sold the cow to anotherpartysfor $75. In the bill on whleh heIB suing Mr. Cooke deducts"$23 for.thesecond sale of the cosy, but adds 383.80
"for interest charges on tho note andfor the value of the milk given by thecow while Mr. Tower had it,
Must be Oanrild on VahlcUa ortho Copi WU1 Oet You.
Samuel Lavine of Red Bank was
themselves and action on the matterwas deferred till May 3d, when anestimate on the cost of the wire andother materials will be given.
The Red Bank and Keyport trolleyline asked to be permitted to pay itsBridge avenue paving assessment of$1,000.89 in five yearly installmentsoaiiiiiei ijavine 01 nea oanii was ^»,»««,u^ „• ">w J M U J i..=.l.tii.iiiciil.T)
fined $2,50 for driving a horse and J but the councilmon said that the full
Matthews Brother* Vatting- Sown One atXeanabnrg* and One at t itt le Silver,t Matthews brothers of Red Bank nr.c
plitting down two artesian well.". Oneof these wells ia on the New PointComfort land company's property ..etKeansburg. This is an 'eight-inchwell and will go down 280 feet. Thiswell will be used to supply all thoplaces on the land company's tract
The* other artesian well, which isbeinf put down by' Matthews broth-ers, is on the pToperty of V. ParkerWilkinson at Little Silver Point.-'Thiswell is 4 Mi inches in dfa'meter. If asuflicient supply is oDtained on thefirst water-hearing stratum, which is
g u , wichfeet below the surface,go no deeper; b\it if a
t f d t thi d t h
about eightthe well wi g p ; \good supply is not found at thiB depth,the well will go down until the secondor third stratum is reached. /
wagon at night without a light on thewagon, He said he did not know hewas required to carry a light. "
Walter Walsh,of Red Bank wasfined $1 for riding his bicycle in BedBank after dark without a light. Hesaid he knew he wag required to carrya ll^htr but thought he wouldxtake achance. *"•-«.
1 John Zane of Linden place broke ashaft of his wagon and did not gethome until after dark one night lastweek. He was ar res ted for not hav-ing a light on his wagon, but whenJust ice Uadeau learned the facts hedischarged him without imposing afine,
Rodger J . Cox of Red Bank wasfined JJ3 by Just ice H a r r y C. Badeaulast Fr iday for using his motorcyclewithout a regis t ra t ion number. Hasaid ho had lost the number and hadnot had t ime to get another . Afterthe fine .was imposed, he was told notto use his machine unti l he had ob-tained another number .
Monthly Meeting- of the#Ked Sank Phil-'smMMan Coterie.
The Philomathian coterie met lastFriday afternoon with Mrs. John H.Cook pf Maple avenue,, The paper ofthe afternoon was read by Mrs. Wil-liam J. Sutton and wag-on' Bolivia.Maps of Bolivia were .used to illus-trate and explain the paper, which re-lated to the history of Bolivia, told ofits industries and products, and alsodescribed the manners and customs ofits people.• The society has a number of com-mitteei on civic work and the commit*tee on "The City Beautiful" will takeup active work this summer to im-prove the appearance of Red Bank,
, Totty Anatta) Ut •» Month.Recorder Harry 'C. Badeau turned
over lines amounting to $23 to Col-lector William M. Thompson on Mon-day night. Forty persona were ar-reBted the last month ami the fine?were colic-ted from olght of them.Three persons were sent to 1he countyjail an j 29 were discharged with rep-rimands.
' b ;
Ante ••rrtce «t Moderate Bates.Ford sedan or touring cars to-hire
, hour'or trip, at most renaon-arges. A. L. de Fabry. Phone
assessment must be paid at once, asthe time limit for making applicationsfor deferring payments expired sev-eral months ago.
Action on a request for a telephonein the home of William Crispell, as-sistant fire chief, was deferred tillthe next meeting on Monday, May 3d.
WAVES WORKS MASS f 1,018.76.
Superintendent 'mrm in Report forrlrst Quarter of Year.
George G. Brower, superintendentof the Red Bank water works, turnedIn a report showing that the profitsof tile plant for the first three monthsof this year were $1,0-18.75. He wasauthorised to have tho machinery atthe plant overhauled and to clean outtho reservoir. When the water is letout of the reservoir Mr. Brower plansto turn on all the hydrants and let thewater run out of them. He thinksthat this will have the effect of clean-ing dirt out *of the water pipes. Com-plaints about dirty water have beennumerous of late, he stated at Mondaynight's council meeting. He said thatthe books of Collector William M.Thompson did not show the amount ofmoney made by the plant, Mr. Thomp-son took issue with Mr. Brower and anargument ensued, which was finallybut short by Mayor George M. Sandt.
DominUa Htdi 1 Xlok Ag lnatI t l l m m M on d
Jacob Kridel was awarded a con-tract to provide nine policemen's suitsat $13.75 per suit.
are no sewers in the congested dis- d a v night b^ the Red Bank counciltricts, and the inspector tells me that1 J1 » mi«tingS|hich was remarkablenothing can be done until they are I f « its great Irtgth, It did not breaklaid. It is a serious question, for it U V im iyVf* V ; & . «, tmeans not only the health of the real- , Luther fiStapletoa got the contract
- •* • • • for providing two 6v more teams,drivers and harness for doing thesprinkling. They will get $88 permonth for each team. John O'Brien,Frank Fielder, James H, Megill ancJohn Galatro each bid $100 per month
under the most unspeakable sanitary P « Je a m> a n d H o l l i s F - Goodwyfie bidconditions,
I would again mention the need forInteljigent instruction, for the mentaldefeetives—ijr-the—Rfld-'Bank-sfthoolsrThis ia a questfon more widely dis-cussed than any other in educationalcircles today. The local boards ofeducation who realize the importanceof establishing these special classeswill be counted among the most far-seeing and deep-thinking men in thestater Last month two Red Bankboys of thirteen were sent to James-burg for stealing." Both were slightlydefeo'tive mentally, and one had beenexpelled from school some months ago,without any provision being made for'his education. Perhaps a specialclass for boys like these, a class undersomeone who knew their needs, mighthave saved them from the disgracewhich will now always follow them,There are children like" these in everyclass room in the school, often morethan one. There Is a boy now who hascaused me unending trouble since hecame to Red Bank several months ago.He is fourteen, and has successfullyeluded school for two years. Hisfather is dead and his mother worksin fl factory. Ho ia sullen and defiant,and of a low grade mentally. He is apersistent truant, and as such will gobefore the juvenile court next week.There will be only a reprimand, ofcourse, tot the various schools andreformatories are filled to overflowing,ppes it not seem very wrong to waituntil a crime is committed' before we
The important topic at Kcansburgat the present time is the incorpor-ation of the borough. The legislaturehas pnBBed the law providing for theincorporation of Keanaburg, providedthe people vote for borough govern-ment at an election to bo called by theClerk of Raiitan township. The elec-tion will probably be held early inMay, All legal voters within theboundaries set forth in the law will beentitled to vote at the election.
The civic alliance of Keansburg islargely responsible for the passage ofthe measure in the legislature.
y g j ymer residents who oppose boroughgovernment say they are afraid thatif a borough is formed, that the regu-lations would be so strict as to in-fringe on their present libertiea.
The civic alliance and those in favorof the borough government say thattho work of improving the placeshould be begun while the place issmall, because it will cost much jess to
I have sidewalks in line, and to makeregulations in regard to improvementsnow, than it would be to wait untilthe placo was larger, when a good
The Keansburg borough, bill was many sidewalks and curbs might havepassed last year, but it was vetoed by j to bo ripped up and changed in orderthe governor because the measure had j to conform to general regulations.not been advertised in accordancewith tho law governing tho incorpor-ation oT" boroughs.
Some of the large property ownersare opposed to borough governmentand some of the summer residents arealso opposed to it. The Point Com-fort beach company and Charles Can-are two of the largest property own-era in Keansburg and they are op-posed to borough government. Mr,Carr says that he spent $150 a daylast summer improving his propertyand getting it ready to put on themarket, He fears that the boroughtax rate %vould be much higher thanthe present township tax rates,Keansburg lies partly within Roritantownship and partly within Middle-t t h i At th iptown township.the part which
yAt the present timelies within Raritan
Troop Captain Makes Charg^a AgalnMMadlcal Corpa Offlon.
R. V. E. H. Stout, captain of RedBank cavalry troop, has filed chargeswith the military authorities againstMajor Hess of the United States med-ical corps. The complaint is that ofconduct unbecoming an officer.' Dur-ing a recent visit which he made toRed Bank, Major Hess called on Capt.Stout and recommended that certainrooms in the armory now used by thetroopers should be set aside for theuse of the newly organized ambulancecorps, which is a branch of the mil-itary medical department. Capt. Stoutdiffered with Major Hess and an argu-nu-nt ensued, in thy course of whichCapt, Stout claims that Major Hessriade remarks; unbecoming an officer.The troopers held a special meeting afew nights ago and voted to back upCapt. Stout in his refusal to turn overthe rooms -at-the-armory--to- the--am-bulance
ptownship pays taxes at the rate leviedin Raritan township, while the partin Middletown township pays taxes atthe rate levied in Middletown town-ship.
The declaration that taxes would behigher under borough governmentthan under the present township gov-ernments is met by the civic alliancewith the statement that the expensesin Keansburg will be governed entire-ly by what the people themselves wantdone, and that taxes will be lower thanat present, Afcthe present time, theysay, Keansburg is aq slight a factor ineither Raritan or Middletown town-ship that the wishes of the peoplethere receive scant consideration.If the place were under a boroughgovernment the people of the boroughwould have the entire control of every-thing which was done.
When the date for the election is setby the clerk of Rftritan tosvnship, thework for and against a borough gov-Jrnment will begin in, earnest TEeRepublican officials of Middletowntownship opposed the measure in thelegislature and they will also opposethe measure in the election. Theyfought the incorporation of Highlands
AS a borough, and they fought the an-nexation of a part of Water Witch toHighlands last year. Whatever in-fluence the Republican organizationcan bring to bear on the election willbe exerted against the borough gov-ernment. W. W. Ramsay is alsoopposed to the borough government,and he predicts that . it will be
They declare that the taxes will belesa than at present. They say that agreat part of the taxes which are nowpaid by Keansburg property is usedby the Raritan and Middletown town-ship officials for improvements inother parts of those townships; andthey say that the real reason whyMiddletown township officials are op-posed to the change is because theywant to use the taxes paid on Keans-burg property to pay for improve-ments elsewhere. The civic alliancedeclares that all the taxes paid onKeansburg property should be spentin Keansburg instead of being spentin other parts of Raritan and Middle-town townships-, and that the onlyway the Keansburg people can get thebenefit of the taxes they^pay is to forma local government. This, they say,would give them control of the moneythey pay in taxes and every residentwould have a voice in the regulationsof the place and in the expenditure ofthe public money,
Keansburg is a good deal of a "freeand easy" place in the summer time.It has a very large summer popula-tion, which comes from New" York,Brooklyn, Newark and other largecities to have a good time. Membersof the civic alliance say that boroughgovernment will not interfere with thepresent good times enjoyed by the citypeople who spend the summers there,but that on the contrary, by reasonof controlling their own affairs, andby reason of spending their own taxmoney the way they want it spent,improvements will be made which can-not be obtained under present condi-tions. They say further that the regu-lations which will be made under aborough government will give thepeople^ not only all the freedom they
take any steps to prevent it? Specialclasses in schools are only the firststep towards making legislators real-ize the importance of this class of icitizens for whom in time we may >OnUa o f ooiflea Bunlope for custodial homes.
My work really deals with family
by dayable ch ___. „. .89-R |le4 Bknki-rAdvcrtitemenL
to ft Store.A new front of plate glass has been
put in at Krldel'8 meat itpre at thecorner of Broad and Front streets.The main entrance" to the store hasbeen altered BO that the door is directlyon th«'corner; The work was done byWaters ft Os'jorn.
Who Soli* Tour ifort»a*-etDeath frequently causes mortgages
to be called in hurrtdely to settle es-tates. Why not prepare for such apossibility by placing your mortgagewith us? Our existence is perpetual.Red Bank Building and Loan Associa-tion. H. S. Higginson, secretary, 60Broad street, Red Bank.—Advertite-
The sham battle which was to havebeen fought on Sunday in Middletowntownship, near Red Bank, betweentwo detachments of the Red Bankcavalry troop, was called off. Aprotest was made by ministers andchurch 'people against the prof J J
sham battle as soon as the planthe maneuvera were announced. Indeference to the wishes of these ob-jectors Capt. Stout called the fight off,
Intt»U» W»w Touutain.Gui Skokui, who conducts a fruit
stand on West Front street, has in-stalled a new soda fountain. Thefountain was started in operationSaturday. Mr, Skokus will alsohandle ice cream.
•' Ohiropo01«t.Face and scalp treatment and chi
ropody. Dr. Frances Cooke Casler,Second national bank building, roomB10 and 11. Office hours 8:00 till 5:00,Sundays excepted. Phone 387—Advertitement. •
My wo y yroblems, for when a child is absent
Card Partyat Miss Jessie Throckmorton'g.
A card party for the benefit of thep y n t o teGuild of the Golden Rule of Trinity
or reasons other than personal ill-'| church was given at Miss Jessie.ess, I must go deeper and find wherehe real trouble lies. Family rehabl
Throckmorton's on Shrewsbury avenue Wednesday afternoon and netted
tation is a difficult task and yet my the'society about $25, There werework would count for nothing with-1 about fifty people present and prizesut it Sometimes the father Is out " ' — ->»•>**•>*• *•« •>»» «"—»»•» w».ut it. Sometimes the father Is outf work. Sometimes a widowed
mother is struggling to support aamily. Sometimes the mother is ill
and there is no one to prepare thechildren for school. Sometimes thereare several little ones in the family,and when the mother goes out to workto supplement the father's "earnings,one of the older children must remainat home and care for the babies.Then there is the man who is strug-gling to feed and clothe a large familyon small wages. Perhaps the saddestthing ii where there is no mother andthe father is trying to keep the hometogether alone. These problems haveto be faced and dealt with carefullyand thoughtfully. At^preient, I amtrying to find an Italian woman will-ing to look after two little babies of aneighbor who works several days aweek, so that the eight-year-olddaughter may be in sohool regularly.
In closing, I would say that it wouldgive mo great pleasure to escort anymembers of the board at any time onmy daily trips. It would give you alla much better idea of what. I am try-ing to do than a mere report, and, I
now enjoy, but many_addition«rp.ISM^ures also, and that all this can Bcomplished under a lower taxthan is now paid on Keansburg prop-erty.-
Both sides are confident of victory.The civic alliance, which carriedthaincorporation law through the legisla-ture, declares, that there i i no possibledoubt of the result; while the oppon-ents of borough government say thatit will be impossible for the borough-ites to carry the election in the face ofthe opposition that will be createdagainst the measure.
William B. Wibion, Baseball Enthusiast,Meeta with Unusual Accident.
William B. -Wilson of Park placewas struck on the nose with a baseballlast Wednesday afternoon whilewatching the game between the RedBank and Leonardo school teams. Mr.Wilson was sitting in front of thewire screen that protects spectators onthe grandstand. The ball glanced offthe bat of William Kelly, one of theLeonardo players. The bone in Mr,Wilson's nose was splintered and thespectacles he wore were broken, mak-ing a bad gash in his nose. Dr. Wil-liam D. . S_ayre was at the game, andhe stopped the flow of blood and tookMr. Wilson home. Later Mr. Wilsonwent to a specialist at New York tohave his nose treated. Mr. Wilson isvery enthusiastic over baseball. Hehas not missed a .school game at RedBank in two years. The high schoolboys sent a boquet of flowers to Mr,Wilson on Thursday.
Co'iirtland White of West Frontstreet, who was also a spectator at thegame, fainted when he saw the brokennose of Mr. Wilson and the bloody
Monmouth Chapter Meets at Red Bulkand Adda to Its Membership.
Thirty-three Monmouth countywomen attended a jneeting of Mon-mouth chapter of Daughters of theRevolution at the Globe hotel lastWednesday. The hostesses Were Mrs,Charles B. Parsons, Mrs. Harvey W,Young and M, „•. Clarence WhUv. Adinner was served, after which Mrs.W, D. Harper ot Long Branch readan article on "The Death of Lincoln,"written shortly after Lincoln's deathby George Bancroft, the historian.Miss Sarah Elaine Eldridge of WestNew. Brighton, Staten Jsland read apaper comparing New York todaywith New^York in colonial times. MissEldridge is making a" record of themarriages performed in Monmouthcounty in colonial times, Mrs. C. A,Mount waj elected a member of thesociety. The organization now hasfifty members, which is the limit of'membership fixed by its constitution.Next month the society will havecards placed in every public schoolroom on the use aid abuse of the
think, would make you very much^nore alive \o the problems which con-front us.
Respectfully submitted,LOUISE DEFOREST GRBENAWALT.
were awarded to the winners. Refreshments were served and music wasfurnished on a viotrola. The prizewinners were Mrs.. Lorn Keteham,Miss Constance Greenwalt, Mrs.Harry Conover, Miss Eva Mount,Mrs. John C. King, Mrs. ArthurWalker,.Mrs. Amos Tilton, Mrs.«H. J.Rosevelt and Mrs, Louis'Barthelemy.
The society will give, another cardparty next Monday at Mrs, L. de laleussilie's on Broad sCreet.
Herman Bsddaff Claims That Charles P.Doalger Is Indebted to Him.
Herman Seddag. of Everett hasbrought suit for $126,02 againstCharles P. Doelger, a wealthy rest-dent of the1 RumBon road. The casewill be tried before Justice Wise onFriday. Seddag was formerly em-ployed as foreman of Mr. Doelger'scountry estate. He claims that hehad an arrangement with Mr. Doelgerwhereby the latter was to pay him acommission of two per cent on thesales of produce raised on the farm.He is bringing the suit for moneywhich he claims is due to him by virtueof this agreement.
spectacle he presented. Mr.was revived with water.
Hew Machinery Installed.Frank E. Ivins, who has an auto
tire repair shop on Mechanic street,has installed new machinery for therepairing of all kinds of rubber good^Mr. IvinR h now equipped to do anykind of ruhber work. He was for-merly employed in a big tiro repairshop at Now York.
It pay* to advertise m THE REQIBTKIL
Daughters of Liberty Oliiaived itsTwentieth Anniversary Friday.
The Daughters of Liberty lodgeelebrated its twentieth anniversary?riday night, when a musical and lit-irary program appropriate to the oc-
casion was rendered, Following theprogram dancing was enjoyed. Musicwas furnished for dancing by the'ook orchestra. Piano solos were ren-
dered by Misses Sarah Shampanore,Gene Conov,er and Luella Croydon andrecitations were given by Helen Craftand Elizabeth Walling. Roy Cham-berlain and Miss Helen Duncan sangsolos and Miss Blanche Bennett gavea reading. Miss Pearl Worden ap-peared in a tableau.
• •>»*•
Undertaker Buys Auto.Harry C. Pay bought a Ford auto-
mobile last week for use in his under-taking business. He recently added acombination hearse and ambulanceautomobile to his equipment.
WUH. , , •A* bottle of good California port
sherry or claret, given away free withour dollar a full quart Cabintt'whii-key every Saturday. J. I. Monsky, 10East Front street. Red Bank,—Advtr-
.American flag. One of the cardinalWhite I objects of th*j society is to prevent
dtsueration of the flag, and it is forthis purpose that the cards will beplaced in the schools. Miss Eldridgawill represent the society nt the na-tional congress at Washington, Thenext niuttlng of the'society will be atRed Bank on Wednesday, May 12th.
Used Cara For Isle.Bargains. 1 Napier 1%-ton truck
chassis, 1 Grabowsky ton truck, topand open sides; 1 Fiat, Victoria body;1 AppeiBon seven-passenger touringcar, 1 Peerless roadster, 1 Koehler1,600-lb. truck, express body; 1 Modernton truck, panel body', 1 Cadillac, panelbody; 1 R C. H. touring car, 1 E. M.F. light delivery,-1 Franklin tiuck, ex-press body; 1 Autocar glass bus, ca-pacity ten passengers; 1 Autocar glassbus, capacity twelve passengers; 1Maxwell, with touring and expressbd i 1 G M C t h t n ti'uckbodies; 1 G. M.chassis only; 1b d 1 C
g pC. three-ton ti'uck,
cs y; Buick truck, stakebody; 1 Cameron truck, flat body; 1Chose truck, chassis only; 1 Ford de-livery crir, 1 Chase truck, panel body;2 Pope-Hartford trucks, express body;1 horse-drawn hose wagon, in first-elass^ condition. Clark Clayton'BGarage, Spring Lake, N. J.—Adver-tisem*nt,
Office of Borong-h Kail Custodian Abol~ished and a Janitor Appointed.
The office of custodian of the bor-ough hall, which has been held manyyears by Justice Theodore Sniffen,was wiped out Monday night. MayorSandt appointed John Nepeah janitorof the building at a salary of |40 *month. Mr. Sniffen is sick with ver-tigo. Since he has beeh laid up Mr.Nepean has been looking after thejanitor work, and Mr. Sniffen haabeen receiving a reduced salary,
Unclaimed £etter».Letters are at the Red Bank port-
office for:Mlsi Oru (' Alli'll,Miss Sullli- Hiilc,.Mr Humuun, Matulckl dakul.Plunk Brown, Mr, 81ui|lmun,H (.'. J TON, Mm. JaniuH Hlmp-MIHH Annie Hnrkpvn, hlnn,Jlni Hursti:ni Mutallk,
Parkftf Morris,J y R
Mr. and Mra. Ot-orgcKd
Mrn.Mm. I). -A. ThompaMft
McClellen.Paul Mtlllgan,MIBH Mny Molloy,Npocntnur N
Aluxundor Tlltoo.John WUIBU,Alonio Warden*
Property Moat »• MoUUTo close estate, homa of ih*
Mra. Theodore F. White,Washington and Mtchanlc if05x125 feet, 10 rooms, altmenta. Inquire) of A, T,executor, or your brok«r.-ment.
Pago Two.. 1 ••
to TumtThe January term of th« grand
jury enjoyed a dinner aty njoyed a d aotel at Highlands Saturday after-
noon, Dr. James J, Reed of Sea-bright, foreman of the Jury, was given
ld k f h ibright, foreman of the Jury, was givena gold knife. The presentation wasmade by Arthur Pryor of Allenhurgt,The guesta of the jurymen includedJudge Rulif V. Lawrence, ProsecutorC h l F S A i t t P
g ,Charles F. Sexton, Assistanttor Elmer H. Goran, exJudge JohnW. Slocum, County Clerk Joseph Me-Dormott, Sheriff Cornelius B. Barka-l C h l E Mlow, CharlM E,Poole, HarryB t h S
CMount, Qwtm W,Johnoon, Arthur
J L Doole, y , tu
Butcher, Surrogate Joseph L. Dona-hay, George W. Elliott, Howard D,LeRoy, John M. Burtli and C. 0,Davenport.
The members of the grand jury areHubbard Morris of Keaniburg, DavidBuck of Freehold, Dr. Edward M.Beach of West Long Branch, FwdA. Brower«f Freehold, Clark W; Clay,ton of Asbury Park, H, W. Conrowof Oceanport, Whitney I. Cook of Oak-hurst, Charles X. Crawford of Hatiet,Lewis Craig of EnRlishtown, PatrickDevlin of Matawan, George M, Bavi-son of Seabright, Frank C. DuBoii ofBi'lmnr, Bennett K. EHkensen of Mato-wan, Dr. H. A. Hendrlckson ofMiddletown, 0. Mell Johnson of High-lands, Gideon C. McDowell of Wieka-tunk, Arthur B. Pryor of AllonhurBt,Edward H. Perrine of Holmdel, WU-liam Ssmdlass of Highland Beach, An-drew T. Van Cleve of Ocean Grove,Charles White of Allaire and Dr.Jamei Reed of Seabright,
Mr«. Charlotte A. Ru«, widow ofCharles P. Rue of Allentown, died lastThursday week. Mrs. Rue was takensick with m tevere case of tonsilitis «few d»y» before her death, She was82 yean old and because of her ad-vancedfatally.•ons and two daughters, George R. ofImlayitown, Samuel C. of New York,Walter and John D. of Altantown,Mrs. Harrison Wright of Juliustownand Mrs. Jacob M, Coward, whosehusband is connected with the UnitedStates army.
i n her affliction resultedMm Rue la survived by four
Mri. M*ry SMH »i«d WWUaNttafr-t&o&vW in Conuotloat.
Mrs. Mary Been died suddenly atthe hope of her brother-in-law, Fred-erick Eiak^of New Britian, ^ontwrti-cut, last Saturday week. Mrs. Beers
th id f Wlli J B
• • * «
Your Factory Roofshould bs fire-resisting inside and out, giving you a lowerinsurance rate and protection against flying sparks. It shouldbe permanently weatherproof and practically repair-proof.For Buch a toof ws recommend the use of the genuine
onounced -RU-as In RUBY,
RUBER-01Q it the ideal roofingbecause it meets th_c_BieiL£xaciing_re'quiremenSi ItThas the endorte.tnent of underwriters and fire de«partment officials the world over»i a tafm roofing.
* And Rtl-BER-OlQ U pennanentlyweatherproof and water.proof, andseems wear-proof. Foundries, rail,
d d c h l k l
Hundreds of Illl BIROtQ Roofsl i h i h
Auditor. Dtoi**» th»t collector r e i t «l i Short fM3,M,
The Park, Potter company of NewYork, after auditing the books ofFormer Collector Everett B, Foster ofBradley Beach, declared that thebooks showed a shortage of $562.46,covering a period from January lit,1914, to March 16th, 1916. Mr. Pos-ter is now undgr bail pending actionby the grand jury on a charge of with-holding cash books belonging to tteborough. Mr. Poster declares that hisaccounts should be correct as he hasturned over every dollar he ever re-ceived. He says he iaiiolding severalh k hih d t th
, st a t d a ywas the widow of _ William J.and was born in Holmdel township.Since the death of her husband shehad lived with her sister, Mrs, How-ard Tindall of Crawford's Corner.She had been in poor health a longtime and went to Connecticut hopingto be benefited by the change, Shewas 37 years old.
• • -
checkg whichbank.
y gwere not good at the
Neptune l a w u U p K u Sfutt P»y »50—Jackson !•. Mock's Sentence Deferred.
Isaac Fromer of Neptune townshipwas fined $50 and costs by Judge RulifV. Lawrence at Freehold last Thurs-day for assaulting Julia Wiseman ofAabury Park last December. Fromerwas convicted two weeks ago,
J. L. Nock, who recently pleadednon-vult to a charge of wife desertion,was in court for sentence last Thurs-day. Judge Lawrence deferred sen-tence for two weeks, during whichtime Probation Officer Houghton willinvestigate circumgtances relating tothe case.
— m » *Driving Annoelatioii Banquet.
The nineteenth annual banquet ofthe Freehold driving association wat;held at Freehold Monday of last week!and was attended by 63 members andfriends. Speeches were made by 0.1W. F. Randolph, Willianr"E. Truax,Richard W. Herbert and Harry 1.Stout. The races for Memorial daywere discussed and other matters per-taining to the welfare of the aasoeia-
Kil l Win* Dflmfnk)* Died EMt W»du«-Amw Aftar a Loug- Blokiioi.
Miss Nina J, Deminick, daughter ofJ. L. M. Dominifk of Matewnn, diedlast Wednesday night. She wastwenty y«ar« old. Miss Dominickgraduated from the Matowan highschool in 1910 and had been sick al-most continuously over since. Be-sides her parents she leaves four sis-ters and three brothers. They areMrs. G«orgt W. Allen of Red Bank,Mrs, Albert B, Smith, Elizabeth,Marnrct, Edwin, Franklin and Jack-son JDojabiick,
n w tJosmh E, Frey of I ong Branch
died Thursday after a sickness of lessthan a w#ek of grip. Mr. Prey wai49 years old and had lived at LongBranch 27 years. For a long time heworked for the Patten steamboat line.He is survived by a widow, one daugh-ter, Isabella, and four step-children,Edward, Lawrence W. and A, E. Paol-son and Mrs. 0. L. Cottrell of LongBranch.
Mm. Ell«n Claxk Succumb* to Attaok ofConge»tlon of tne £osc i ,
Mrs. Ellen Clark, wife of Daniel R,Clark of Long Branch, died Thursdayat the home of her daughter, Mrs,George A, Layton, She had been sickonly a few days from congestion ofthe lungs. Three weeks before herdeath she had a fall and this con-tributed to her death. Mrs. Clarkwas 59 years old. Besides her hus-band she is survived by five children,
20 years of hard wear.The U, S. Appellate Court ha«
enjoined imitators fcom using thename "Rubberoid or any §inuUrname as the trade name or brand"of their roofing.
We sell the genuine, with trie"Ru-ber-oid Man" (ihown above)on every roll. We have it in »lat#gray and in Tile Red or CopperGreen. ' -
Come in and esamine it.
roads and chemical worki employit under conditions •where •parks•nd fumeg would Boon destroyother molt. It containa no coaltar or asphaltum oils.ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, Hopping MeHenry &TFroit
EATONTOWN, Robert Higiiiwon &. SonKEANSBURG, Brown Estate Co.
KEYPORT, Brown Estate Co.MATAWAN, Caltan & Devlin '
tion were talked over.
Now en sal* at the following dealer:
BENJAMIN H. CRATE212 West Front Street
Red Bank, N. J.If your dealer cannot supply you, notify us and we
will see that you are supplied.
Save our cape, they are valuable. Send for our Premium Catalogue
Automobile* la OeUMea.A Ford touring car driven by Jesse
Greene of Long Branch was struck bya car driven by Charles E, Brown ofthat place Tuesday night of last week.The left rear wheel of the Ford wastorn off and tile ear was otherwisedamaged. The front axle on Mr.Brown's machine was bent and themudguards were twisted. No onewas injured,
— — • — J
Want* $50,000 for Broken KtWrt.Miss Beatrice Ruffle of New York
and London has brought suit for$50,000 against Walter E. Fenner ofAsbury Park for breach of promise.Miss Ruffle claims that Mr. Fennerpromiaed to marry her-. Last fall Mr.Fenner was married to Miss MargaretBaudiitel of Asbury Park. Mr, Fen-ner denies he ever promised to wedMiss Ruffle.
. AfUr long' Blckneai.Mrs. Amelia C. Buck, widow of J.
West Buck, died at Freehold last Fri-day week. Mrs. Buck had been aninvalid many^years. She wai thedaughter of .William Campbell andHannah Bowne, and had lived all herlife-at-RFeehola.—Sh^is^urvrrerhbjrtwo brothera, Peter B. Campbell ofShrewsbury and John P. Campbell ofMarlboro. Mrs. Buck was 82 yearsold. _ _ ^ _ ^ ^ _ _
Affed M0nl»t«r S#MU
Rev. William W. Mftffei of Kingstondied Monday of last week of pneu-monia. Mr. Moffett was 81 years old.He was admitted to the New Jerseyconference in 1888 and had ierved assuperintendent of the Trenton andNew Brunswick districts of the Meth-odist church. Among the charges heheld in Monmoutii county were Free-hold and Matawan.
Special Authorized Agent forRed Bank and Vicinity for
Luther Burbank's Seedsti and Nuracry Stock.
Trades Some forArchie Height, an Allenhurst
plumber, has traded his house at Al-lenhurst to Dr. Harold R. Applegateof Asbury Park for a 65.acre potatofarm in Howell township. It is saidthe transaction involved about$20,000. Mr. Height will not retirefrom the plumbing business. He willengage a farmer to manage his farmfor him.
Trolley ana Waffea Cr«Jh.
A trolley car and a delivery wagoncollided at Asbury Park laat Thursdaynight. Louis Jaanow of Long Brmncnwas driving and he and the two otheroccupants of the wagon, Abe Rothen-
rg and Harry Rosenberg, werethrown out when the hone started torun away. The wagon was badly dam-aged but the men escaped with slightbruises.
m i mBxd*« {!«••• In Court,
Several persons were before JudgeLawrence Uat Thursday; on charfeaof selling liquor without license.Each of the accused was required tofurnish $600 b»iV to await-teiaLo»May 18th. The alleged offenders wareSamuel Snverstein, Alexander D«-Rpgatls, Abram Qshinski and CeltoFields of Asbury Park and HermanGoldstein of Neptune township.
Complete assortment of Gardenand Flower Seeds on hand. Specialorders taken for Bulbs,Shrubbery,Etc.
KNICKERBOCKER PHARMACY,!: Broad and Monmouth Streets, Red Bank, N, J,
W. Burner De»a.George W. Brower of Farmingdale
died Sunday of last week of apoplexy.Mr, Brower was the son of the lateSamuel and Margaret Brower, andhad lived at Parmingdale all his life.For many year* he was an auctioneerand was also engaged in the real es-tate business. He was" 72 years old.Two brothers survive him.
Death from Paralyili.
Jacob C. Lane, who lived on Jo-seph ' Rue's farm at Tennent, wasstricken with paralysis while loadingpotatoes in the barn last Friday week,He died Sunday night. Mr, Lane was41 years old and was the gon of thelate Jacob and Imma Lane. He wasborn in Atlantic township. A widowand one son survive him.
As Official Bird XUl«r.The people of Freehold have been
so annoyed lately by English star-lings that Isaac Hopkins has been ap-pointed official bird killer to rid thetown of these birds. Permission todestroy the birds was obtained fromthe state officials. The starlings areso numerous at Freehold that Mr.Hopkins is expected to be kept busyfor some time.
Sets at Auto R*«.Lester House of Asbury Park was
awarded a Ford nutomobilo at the ga-
FRECKLESNow l« th« Tim* tm Oaf Rid of Th«a«
Utfr SpateThere's no longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of your freckles, asthe prescription , ©thine—doublestrengrth—is guaranteed to removethe»e homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othine—double strength—from any druggistand apply a little of it night and morn-ing and you should wen Me that eventhe worst freektor"fc«vi^begun"to-dit"appear, while the lighter ones havevanished entirely. It ii seldom thatmore than an ounce is needed to com-pletely clear the skin end gain a beau,tiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the doublestrength othine as this ia sold underguarantee of money back if it fails toremove freckles.
THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF RED BANKhsa just celebrated its 40th, birthday and. during jlLtUs-timehwhad a sueetsiful record in providing banking facilities totit* customers.
This bank is large enough to inspire the confidence ofits depositors, but not too large to givi consideration to ikeinterests of every customer.
Dont be afraid to start rbank account with a smallsum. We know that small"accounts have a way of growing,
E C O N O M Y RULES•uprame In all our •tore*. *Juat read the«* prices over mmA you'll b« oonvlnoed
FLOUR barrel - - 97.SOPILLSBURY FLOUR bbl 88.29
lbllc6p«»ol»l F»ric« for Ttil* Week Only
BuH Head Catsup *«?"."' a bot 7cIONA CORN can - 7c
IONA BAKED B E A N S canSpecial BARLEY Ib 4c
Doukle Tip Matches, T boxes.. ,26eBleached Raisins, Ib WeClothe! Lines, each 10cA&F Jams, 2 j a r s . . , 2Be
A&P Pumpkin, 3 cani 25cEvaporated Cranberries, pkg,., UcB&M Pish Flakes, 8 cans 25cFat Norway Mackerel, each... 5c
Pat Norway -Mackerel, S-lb.kits, each, , ,T»9§
Fat Novway Mackerel, §-!b,kits, each, , 89a
Our quality and price have made u« the largest butter re-tailer* in the world
MELROSE PRINTS 25c8 0 STAMPS with 1 can A&P BAKING POWDER 50c26 STAMPS with large bot A&P EXTRACTS 2Sc20 STAMPJ with 1 can A&P COCOA - - - - 20c
I 20 STAMPS with 1 can imported boneleit ' . 'B Sardines 20cIS STAMPS with 1 pkf A&P Wa»hing Powder - 16c
S STAMPS with % pkg A&P Washing Powder - Be
S STAMPS with 41b Carton Salt - Sc
rANCV TEAS60 Staaips 'with 1 Ib Very Fancy
Tea ../, , . . , , ,TO«BO Stamps with 1 Ib Pancr Tta.60e .4a Stamps *vlth l-U^iais JPamily -.I,--A
28 Stampa with 1 Ib Very Goodtea , , , , . . , , . . .V,. , . . .40c
20 Stamps with %4b picketA&P Blend Golden-Tipped In-jaia.Ceylon Tea >, ,..gBg
1 can Sultana Spice 10c1 bot A&P Vinegar. . . 10c1 pkg A&P Ice Cream or Jelly
Powder 10c1 can A&P Chloride of Lime. . . Be1 can A&P Lye 8c1 pkg Reckitt's Blue flc1 pkg Puffed Rice 18c I1 pkg Puflfed Wheat ,10c1 pkg None Sueh Mince Meat. . .10c
Pacific Toilet Paper. Should be Sc a rail
7 rolls 25cPair Haven, Oceanic, Rumson, . ^ ^ n S ^ ^ v lat|ntown. Little 8Um «n*
«. ^ J „ ' j ^cf^MllinilXl^^^SL e Shrewsbury, Monday andTuesday and Friday. j^^t^mmmmSi^^Z Thursday,
MiddlitowB and Atlanttc High. <^^^M|FfJ| | l jHMlljf j^^g S s s Nwresink,.MM»d»y -lands, Wednesday. ^^UB^MMSUBU/BUBKS^0^ Belford, Tuesday.
Highlandfl, Thwsda,. ^ ^ S K l l E B P i ^ Chapel HiU and L^arfo, W-OBBroad Street, ^^^TO^ O 0 B^ad St.,
Red Oanlc, N . J. Teitchone to. Red BarOc, N . JT.
Telephone 12S.
PRESCRIPTIONfor IS years—'•—
The Standard Skin RemedyInstant Relief for all Skin Troubles
JA.MJ3S C O O P E R , J r . , Druggis t , R e d B a n k , N . J.
D. D. D.
. theaterday night. Mr, House held the cor-rect number which corresponded withtho sesond tickot which wan takenfrom ft hat, Tickets were given toeverybody who attended the theater inthu past two or three, weeks. "
Eft«t»lde Park Lot Bold.
Geoipe W-. Cowlay, a clerk- in JamesCooper's tlrutf store, has Bold his lotat "Enstsidc.1 Park, on Lexington ave-nuu to William Leddy for $300. Mr.Lcelily liM-, on property adjoining that iwhirl; Iu- t ought. The lot ii 60*1601feet. Edwnrd W. Wise made the sale,
The council of the borough o£,Hlgn-lands will receive sealed bids for thelaying of 1360 feet of four-inch watermain and 725 feet of feix-inch watermain and four hydrants, at the bor-ough hall on Thursday, April 29,1916,at 8:00 o'clock P. M.
Certified check of flOO must ac-company each bid.
Specifications may" be had upon re-quest.
The council reservei the right to re-ject any or all bide,
T, H. LANE,BqrouRh Clerk.
" It pays to advwtiw la THS RMIBTHL
OOD beer has been a delight to
Bianfem3lf6Fmore than ZQOO
years. We are glad we make it
_ —Fpgempan
/ Telephone 6BO
In previous advertisem*nts we have called your attention to the money saving thatyou would affect by purchasing one of our instruments, which are guaranteed to be theequal in quality of any Piano made.
We received a few inquiries regarding this matter and hope that within a short timewe will place one of the Mathushek Pianos in each of their homes.
To those who read the statements, which we refer to and who are inclined to be alittle skeptical} we earnestly beg them to grant us an interview. By so doing you will not berun to death by any of our salesmen. One interview followed by your call at our ware-rooms ought to be sufficient to convince anybody of our claims, because we are statingtrue J L ^ C T S that are unimpeachable.
We are not a mythical concern, but are always on hand to back up our statementsand guarantees.
• •# • •# • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •# • • • • •» • • •»» •# •
No man is so poor he .cannotpay for some life insurance,and the poorer he is the morenecessary it is that he shouldhave life insurance.
Hreriihodif ix in vited torisit the PnidctitialExhibit on Life Imur-ancrmid Public Wvl-farv. Palace of Mine*and Mi>In flvrfty,P a 11 am a -Par ificKxpi)HI tiuti, SanFrtuiviaco.
Where Economy Rules!Pure Lard, per Ib 13cFancy Cprn (. . 8eHunt's Quality, Pineapple, No. 3
can 17fHunt's Quality Pineapple, No, 2
can ,13c• Large Sc bon Matches, 3 for 10cShoe Polish, "Shinola" 8cShoe Polish, 2 in 1 ScCampbell Soups and Beans, 3 for. .25c
•Mother's and Quaker Oats Be.Prunes, 30-40 size, 2 lbs, for 28cCarolina Rice, long, 1b 8cSeeded Raisins and Currants, 1b.
pkg , , , , IQoB U T T E R .
,Very Best Creamery. ,. 35c, TEA,
,Very Best Teas, 60c grades 36cMixed, Ceylon, English Break-fast, Oolong, Japan, Young Hy-son, Etc,
• Early June Peas, 3 for . ,28cFancy Succotash 10cStuffed and Plain Olives, lOc size,. ScStuffed and Plain Olives, 25c size, ,20cPea Beans, per Ib 7o
California Hams, ib 10 %eCurtis Bros. Blue Label Jam, all
flavors 14cStandard Tomatoes, No. 3 c a n . . . , 7cKremlin Brand Corn, can 10cJapan 'Rice, Ib 6cAll Sc size Soaps and Powders. , . ., 4cToilet Paper, Sc size, 7 for 2BcToilet Paper, 1 oc size BeArgo Starch 4oPet and Borden Peerless Evap-
orated MilkFull Cream Cheese, none better.
Her Brother Hornco Is Boqusatliefl 82,500and A Lot IB Will of Their MotUer,Mrl, Goorg-lnnna Stout—Other Will*Rcoently Admitted to Probate.Mrs, •Georgianno Stout ,of Red
Bank, who died a few weeks ago, madoher will last month. Mrs. 'Stout lefther house and lot on South street to
t her daughter, Mrs. Maud G. Hub-Be j bard. A lot butting against this one
. 20c 1 and fronting on Hudson avenue was
Lard, Ib 10cBest Butterine Prints. 20c, 2Bc.High Grade Catsup, absolutely
pure, per bottle 18cC O I F F ' E E ,
Very Best Coffee, per Ib 2ScFancy Coffee, per Ib 20c \
left to her son, Horace B, Stout, whowas also bequeathed $2,500 in cashand securities and «his father's gfoldwatch and chain. Mrs, Stout ap-pointed her son and daughter execu-tors of the will. The witnesses wereDora T. Brown, Margaret L. Borden
Fancy Santos'Coffee,' per "lb!'! '.! ! '. 16c I a n d D a n i e l H - Applogate.Alaska Red Salmon, tall can. ,14cmeNational Biscuits, all IOC p k g s . . . . 8cNational Biscuits, all Sc p k g s . . . . ; 4cCalifornia Lemon Cling Peaches,
regular 2Qe, sold for 13cPure Cider Vinegar, per b o t t l e . . . . BeKellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 28c
Eggs Wanted—24c per dozen in trade for strictly fresh Jersey eggs.•Z/
Economy Grocery Co.,102 Shrewsbury Ave. Phone 18-W. Red Bank, N. J.
Left Estate to Widow.Patrick MeDonough, who died in
Holmdel township a short time ago,made his will May fist, 1905, Mr,MeDonough appointed his wife, EllenMeDonough, exeiutrix of the will andleft-her his entire estate during herlife time, After her death the estateis to be divided among his children,John Stateair and Harriet B, Stateairwere the witnesses to the will.MM, ma.rga.rtt Bray'» Will.
Mrs, Margaret V, Bray of Mata-wan left a one-half interest in a houseand lot at Matawah to her daughter,Harriet' W, Bray, who* was also -be-
« queathefl all of her niother's wearinga! apparel and household -goada .and a
Contract for Graveling* tittle SilverRoad to be Awudid Next Month.
Bids for graveling u mile of roadfrom George M, Quackcubush's storeto the Little Silver railroad .stationwill be opened at the nuxt meeting ofthe Shrewsbury township committeeon Thursday, May Cth.
The committee has ordered fiftyfeet of suction hose for the Westsicle ;fire company.
Health Inspector Benjiiniin F. Kingwas instructed to investigate n com-plaint tnat Joseph Leucke of Shrews-bury had been dumping garbage in avacant lot on Broad .street betweenShrewsbury and Red Bank.
•reports Bead at the Annual CongTeffa-tlonal Masting' Friday Hlffht ShowedThat the Cliurch Enjoyed the MostTroiperoua Tear la Its History.
Goats and Suits I
share ofI personal property.
the rest of herThe other half, of
$12 and $14 Suits now 9 8 . 8 O$16, $18 and $20 Suits now
In Poplini, Gabardines, SportingChecks, Toggery Serges, Prunellas,French Faille Weaves, fine Satin Clothsand New Novelities.
p p p yj. the personal estate was divided among
Mrs, Bray's grandchildren, Hulda M.Tindall, Sidney J, Boers, MargaretW, Conover, Mary, jSartrude A., John
"J. and Eleanor S. Beers, Charles H,Wardell was appointed executor ofthe will.
Lots of things to do and lots of things to buy to put your home in Al shapebefore the summer visitor arrives.
It will pay you to consult us before purchasing your Home Furnishings, We$ are splendidly prepared to supply your every need at prices that will make it easy
About 100 persons attended the an- ' ' » 'nual congregatlonar meeting of the!! I t o r yOUr p u r s e .Shrewsbury Presbyterian church Fri-day night, when reports were readshowing that the church had enjoyedthe most prosperous,financial year inits history. The total receipts were$5,419, which was far in excess of thechurch's income for ttny qther twelve '<'months since the church was founded. \',This was partly due.to two unexpected > •sources of income, yne of these wrfs ; *a bequest of $1,000 from thejate Mri.
At Decidedly Attractive Prices This Week,
$5.98 and$7.98 Coats
$12*1114 and$16 Coats
Every correct new spring shade.
SKIkTS$2,50 and $3,50 Skirts now
39 Broad St., Red Bank, 707 Market St., Newark.
Grow your own VegetablesCut down .your living expenses. You'll be astonished how ea*y it h to
18»vc time, labor, and money, and get bigger and better crops when you u»e
Planet JrThis No. 16 PUnot Jr is the highest type of Single Wheel
[ Hoe made. Light, but strong, and can be used by man,woman or boy. Will do all the cultivation in your,garden in the easiest, quickest and best way. In-destructible Steal frame. Costs little and lasts alifetime.
Widow Gets Ufa Right in Estate.Mrs. Annie E. Dravle of Raritan
township was bequeathed a life rightin the estate of her husband, Richard
J i Dravle, in a will which was executedlast February, , After the death ofMrs. Dravle the estate is to be dividedbetween Mr. Dravle'a children, MarionA. and Alice E, Dravle,Left Lot of Real l l tate .
Mrs. Amanda Mclntire, who diedseveral weeks ago at Oakhurst, lefta lot of real estate. She divided allher property equally among hersisters, Qeorge, Charles, Jane, Joseph,James, William, Augustus, John andAlice Boardley. Mrs, Mclntiro ownedproperty at Oakhurst, Beach Haven,Wayside Park and Brook Haven, NowYork.l e f t Property to Slater.
Phoebe A, Pettit of Manasquanmade her will a year ago last Julyand left her entire estate to her .sister,.Mary E, Brannin, who was appointedexecutrix of the will.Freehold Woman'! Will,
Mrs, Catherine Errickaon of Free-hold left a bed and $25 to her sonDavid; $80 to her daughter, Mary L.Everett j a table and !f50 to her daugh-ter, Ca»rie Austin; a gold watch andchain to her granddaughter, Cath-erine~'\ErrickBon; and a silver sugarbowl and HuMi pitcher to her grand-daughter, Carroll Errickson. The restof her estate was loft to her son Wil-liam, who was appointed executor ofthe will. Mrs, Errickson made her willlast month,l e f t Caih to Hiafef,
Thomas G. CuJlen of Freehold town-jhjp bequeathed $300 taJiiB^jistarrMary E, Cullen, Mr, Cullen directedthat his executors allow Harry .RuetoTemaitt "on his"•farm" for two years,At the end of that time he directedthat the .property be sold and themoney divided among his brothers andsiiter,, Martin M., William J, andMary E. Cullen, The will was exe-cuted last month, . *Left Bitnte to Brother.
Mrs. Sarah J, Appleby of Manol-apan. township left her entire estateto her brother, Isaiah P. Smith, in awill which was executed last Febru-ary, Asher T. Appleby was appointedexecutor of the will,
York savings bank was completely for- <gotten till last sumtter, when it was ' - . . , , ni n,i r mi arestored to the church with the inter-'! Uther Brass Beds a t $ 1 5 , $18 ,eat which it had earned. A report of !• * « e jthis incident was printed In THE REG- \ $d>Q, a n a
H»w 7%p*M* Catalogwrtbtt over sa different
V lor it.
(1GR Illuitretlom) tn*t do-hand, and hwM-tooU.
Freehold KLgh, Bohool Pupil Btruok InMend ia H i i on Bnturday.
J6hn A. DeRoche, Jr., of Freehold,died Sunday as the result of being hiton the fight templo by a batted base-ball during the game between Free-hold and Point Pleasant on Saturday,Both teams are in. the East Jerseyhigh school league and the game wnson the Freehold field., DeRoche WHS sitting neor the base
line at third base when he waa' struckby a ball from the bat of Harry Gat-ling. DeRoche was knocked uncon-scious for a few minutes and when horecovered he waa .taken home. H%again became Unconscious and re-mained BO until the end. Death wascaused by a burBted blood vessel. De-Roche was sixteen yqara old and wasthe only son of John A. DeRoche.
at the time the fund was un-earthed. The church has no debts andhas a balance on hand,
All the church societies have wipedout their debts and have balances onhand, In the absence of John T.-Lov-ett, .J, Frank Grifflng acted as secre-tary. The women's foreign mission-ary society reports were turned in byMrs. John G, Breese and Miss Mary jMaxson, showing that the society, jwhich has sixty members, raised$131.50.. A report made by Mrs.Harry G. Sickles showed that theHelping Hand society raised $238from regular sources of income, be-sides collecting $487 by solicitation.This money was used to build an ad-dition for a kitchen, and to buy cull-nary articles, a small portion of theFragment society fund being alsoused for this purpose. .The balance ofthe Fragment society fund, amountingto $500, was invested.
The young people's missionary so-ciety, as stated in reports read byMiss Bessie Borden and Miss DorothyLinson, raised more than $250, About$70 was collected by the WestministerCircle, The statement of this societywas read by Mrs. Dwight L. Parsonsand Miss Mary E. Borden, HaroldNevius gave a report on the newly or-ganized Brotherhood, which has amembership of seventy.
The Eatontown church is part ofthe_Shrewsbury parish, Rev. DwightL. Parsons acting as pastor of bothchurches. The report of William E.Morris, superintendent of the Eaton-town Sunday-school, showed that theBehooHhere^had TaTBed"$85:C8 and hltlTadded fourteen children to its mem-bership. ..,-.. Thei Shrewsbury- Sunday-school also increased its membership.The report of Mils Evie Valentineshowed that its collection totalled$41.65.
Many notable improvements weremade at both churches. At Eatontowna chapel was moved from LocustGrove to the church property and re-modeled. This chapel and the one ,ptShrewsbury were -wired, for electriclights, and a stereopticon machine wa'sbought, The total benevolences of thechurch amounted to $9p3, of which$407 was devoted to home missions,$216 to foreign missions and $121 totemperance,
Edmund Wilson of Red Bank andJacob Shoemajsei1 and J. Frank Grif-flng of Shrewsbury were re-electedtrustees and Edwin •Hobbs was re-elected elder. The vacancy on theboard of elders caused by the removalof Dr. Homer T. Partree from Eaton-town to Torrington, Conn., was notfilled. A vote of thanks was tenderedto the church officials and the secre-tary of the meeting, after which a so-ciable and refreshments were enjoyed.A short program was given, compris-ing soloi by Mrs, Frank Wyckoff andMisg Bessie Morford, and a piano soloby Miss Miriam Parsons,
Remember that every added sub-scriber helps make THE REGISTER bet-ter for everybody. Turn over a newleaf and become a member of THEREGISTER'S vast army of over 27,000readers.—Adverii$$meni,
'Brass Bed,72-iri, post, 5-8 in. fillers,satin or bright finish, all sizes at $7,50.
Brass Bed, 2-in,continuous post,5-8-in.
R. B, Conover of Red Bank, motherof Mrs, Jacob B. Rue, The other un-looked-for windfall was a fund started |years ago by an organization of j *church workers known as the Frag-1Jment society. This society went out i«of existence a long time ago and the I' „,, , . , . , , » . , , * , «fund which it had placed in a New \ fillers, Satin Or br ight finish, a t $12.
^ 0 up t o .$20.
A 2-in continuous post bed, j4-in fil-lers, all sizes, at $4,98, worth $6,50.
F, A. Whitney's CelebratedBaby Carriages and Go Carts.
Carriages ranging in price.$9,08,$12,
$1S» $18, $20 and $25.
Go-Carts, $2.25, $4.98 and $5.98.
Sulkies, $1.25, $1,69, $1.98 and up.
Couches, $6.98 to $30.Be sure and look over our line of new Couches, It is the best yet. Talk \
'.', about values—just wait till you see them!
i Carfares Refunded to Oiit»of-To-wri Patrons.mimii HUM
For Your New 1915 Three Speed Twin I I 1 P.HARLEY-DAV1DSON
Singles $200 to $230 Twins $240, $275 and $310
W, C. LAWRENCE,6 4 Broad Street ; Telephone 199-M -
Monmouth County'^ Distributor
Red Bank, N. Jf.
, I" c. 'Ja,
UHfi H COOK, Uitar ami PuMi.h.r,GEORGE C. HANCE. AMecUL Editor,
SUBSflRIFTIQNOne yenrM U i i m r i l l i s , . . , , . . . . .T i m v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M , , , . , . . . . ,
i , 0TO
I ' M
I N , .1
-il III - . ( • • i l l. . . n
at lln\ Hauls,
A P H I I . in, i.u:
The report of Miss Louise (Iroen-muilt , the lu'il Hank school alti'iiduiu'i"'.li-.-ei1, which was tvuuie to thi> Hod
Uiink board Hi', oducatifii at it:-; hi Ftlneetini;;; I'fiitaiii.s one sukrger.ti.in>viiii-li s-hoidif In- lifted upon. Thathi in'vsiion was that members of thohim id ot' education accompany lier cmhiiiiu' of her rounds of visits to tholiuines of pupil-., in -order that theyiiiiulit learn at first liaml of some <d"tin> conditions uni'er which these pu-]>il.-: live.
ioiiipliHluHl by n liberal policy of con-stiuR'tion and iniprovoiuont. All tho
whh-h the town nilfordalie brought within the scope of
such i\ movement. Hundreds ofUinus-ands <6f dollars, and perbnpK mil-lions of dollaiH, nru nlreudy invi't.ledin HIM! Hank in cluirelieM, puhliesi-luKils, paioi'hial and private si'liuols,eti1., for the production of gond citi-zuriH, The co-ordination of nil theseagencies, together with co-operation ofwhat might be termed I'omniereial en-tertainments, would aid greatly inpromoting sound health, irixx! morulI'hariU'ler, and iinwholesoine habitsin iht' UM! of leisure hours.
Last fall the Newark .Vi ir.i wasone til" tlii< most vigorous papers in the
Taylor wusthin property, in? 000 i d
there is no venison to believe Judgean untruth, thun
thin property, in being BHseBBOd tit? 1,000, in nsse.s.sed at forty per cent ofits value, I dont believe thut Hope orthe Avon assessor can find anywhereIn the county of Monmouth a farm
«t forty per cent of its value,d b theirM"auy farms are nHaexaed above their
real value, uiul moat of them are as-iiesfied iit least up to eighty or ninetyper cent of what they would bring.
* * *This incident shows how Hope und
his bunc'h of tax whirkirs are tryingto manipulate things. Hope- recentlynamed farms in Middlctown townshipwhich he said were nsseRsed at ten totwenty per cent of their value, whenany person who knows anything ulxnitthese farms knows that they were as-
Republicans geltiiui' in power in thelegislature. The KepuhlU'ans }iot inpower in the legislature, /largelythrough tin1 work of the NewarkAYiCJi, for the Republican assembly-men carried Kssex county, where theXvirs lias its greatest iiillueiice, andthis gave the Republicans the votes
ii to control the assembly.
• l i n e i i i '
familiari\ h his y
is sorry for itsI I I I ' S K
m i l i t i o n s o nis h a s c ' i . N o s c h o o l
t i ' i . - t e e in Kt'.l H u n k c a n pa-^s p r o p e r•n. luiol i e i ; i d a i i o n s uiil'--;-. IK- is t ' an i i l -jis.f w i t h t in 1 H ' i n i i , i o n , s u i T O u n d i n g t h eihi l l ie l i fe of t h e p u p i l s . O n l y by b e -e o i i i i i i ^ f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e c o n d i t i o n siu the variuii:, purl:; of the town cant-K> s-.-honl trti-tei^ realise the ehnr- i twenty years ;;iiler of tin1 work which needs to beclone.
in %k of the pre--ent legisla- | value.
can do eile.T.vc work In t vr . . ' , l o n t k n o W w h ' ' t l u '> ' [h*
•* pu l i l i c l l l l t le ; : U n l e s s lu1 ' * ''-•"'with the conditions on ' " ' »IR'. W"V . . • .
ture. 1'Ut it certainly is very muchdissatisfied with the work of the menwhom it elejleil. The legislature hasnot kept the promises it made to thopei'l'l'1; it lui.; been as rampant in its,partisanship as any legislature whichlias been in power within thu past
•o clearthat they were assessed for more thanthey would bring, that ns soon mHope's statement was made public inTHK HEOISTKR, and attention (•enteredon these properties, a reduction of an.sefiRDiint was decided on by the Mid-dletown assessor. These farms wouldnot bring tho figure at which theywere assessed, notwithstanding Hope'sdeclaration that the nsSr.ssment" wasonly ten to twenty per cent of their
Th; yenr t'vn new trustee? are on
„. ,,.,,. it has so conducted.thiu.v,.-. that many of the ureatly| needed improvements in the stateImvg been laid over for I'uUive years;it lias retained every one of the use-less olViees created by the liuniocrnts
t h e h r u d ol . (h icadnn Ihey may o r ; w U h J n t," • ,, lHt t w £ ; v p . i r j t , u u ,m a y «; t he fami l ia r with the hous ing ; i i l u ; t l t h l , m w i t h n o w r i l U . t t m > l
t '^ iv 0 ' p lafes to pcl*ticiaiiH whoy ;
cundi tu 1S and with the « i i u t a r v ron-di t ions i < vai-ioiw ]uir ts ot Red Bunk .
f h ldJt may 1i> also that some of tho olderlnunil'tjrs , f the board are likewise un-.fumiliar with eruditions. The sani-tary conditions in some parts of RedBank are referred to by the attend-ance ollicer as '•uivpeakahle," and thisterm is none too stronj? for some lo-calities in town. A great work of ref
needed tho money!"and it has createdother oll'r.-cs and has tilled them like-wise with politicians who need themoney. Besides that, some of themost important pledges made by theRepublican party in regard ^legisla-tion, have been violated. The NewarkScii-f: has been commenting severely
--••••-:•••• -- --- : . on these things. When it remembersormat.on is needed and the^school | i t s e f T o r t s t0• c,ei- t t h e p r e s c n t l e g | a .
lature,-and when it rualizes that thepresent conditions in New Jersey are
trustees should become personally ntftluuiuU'd with actual conditions. Thehome life of pupils has much to do•with their advancement in school; andHohool regulation.* cannot be intelli-gently made unless these regulationsare based in some degree on home con-ditions.
and equallyThere is anotherstrong reason'cation shouldconditions in Red Bank. Unless liv-ing conditions art; sanitary and whole-some, the advancement of pupils is re-tarded, with a consequent loss to theH'/iiool district by reason of the dis-trict not getting as largo a return forits school money a« it should receive.T IGO pupils in the Red Bank
that fcrerall that old proe t gis u good deal better than foresight.
* *I dont think any practical man in
the state was deceived by the Repub-Eincaner ami B |U i l , . . , He an promises last fall. No man whowhy the board of edu- knows anything about politics ex-know all about living ' Pected anything different from what
'has happened, the Democrats werein power in New* Jersey two years.Th t t d they crein p o e r yThey were extravagant and they cre-ated a lot of offices which were abso-lutely unnecessary, so far as thepublic welfare is concerned, Theyfilled these otlices with Uem.o.-rats whoneeded the money. " The Republicnns
h l b th s
This statement of Juilire Taylor incourt last Thursday was not madewith any idea of assessments in view.It was a plain declaration of the ac-tual value of property and the as-sessed value of property us a basis ofgiving bail. Being made in th»t way,it had much greater value as evidenceof under assessments than it wouldhave had had it been made in a hear-ing on assessments. I t shows up thostyle of assessing property in Avonand the percentage of assessments inrelation to real value. A forty percent assessment in Avon, and atwenty-five, per cent assessment onJames A. Brndley's property in As-buiy Park, seum to be what ttopo andhis associates want in those localities;while they want farm lands assessedfor more than one hundred per cent oftheir value,
* * *Tho general belief throughout the
county of Monmouth, ao fur as I hovebeen able to gather it, is that AsburyPark is assessed at a much lower rateof valuation than any other munici-pality in the whole county. Not satis-fled with this condition, however, Ar-thur H, Hope and his associates aretrying to get the assessments in therest of the county, which are now closeto the 100 pei- cent mark, raised stillhigher, in order to help the tax shirk-ers of his neighborhood evade a stillgreater proportion of their fair shareof taxes,
(Toivn Talk continued on page U,)
ASBIUY PARKW. O. Emnwns Harness Co.
W. H. Kmhley & Co.Zacharias Garage Co,
FRKKHOI.DFreehold Motor Co. -
It will appear like now it given acoat of
TOP DRESSINGFor sale in Monmouth county by the
following denlera:
RED BANKP. R. Boice & Co., Front St.Chns. H, Ennis, Broad St.Empire Gnrnge, Front St.Robt. Ifince Sons, Broad St.llendrickaon & Applegate, Front St.Ueo. A. Moody, Broad St.Mooney & Wood, Front St.Geo, Haneo PatterBon, Mon. St.Frank II. Weller, Llrond St.
LONG BRANCHGilbert White
SPRING LAKERobt, D, Duvison
HARRY C. FAY,Funeral Director and Embalmer.
Upholstering In All Its Branches.(FormnrlT will) R. T, Smith of Red Bulk far 27 fmmn,)
Camp Chai rs and Card Table* lor. Hire.
Office 'Phon. 5S7.Office uii Funeral Parlon, IS Monmouth Street, Red Bsafe, N, J.
There areI"c e n t o f t h e s e f a i l ot" n v u i m m u u < J « ^ " t — . •-• -
The failure of promotion of any | the people^ would put them^n^poWer
There are IGUn pupils in the Keel uanK i needed the money. The Republicnnublic schools. Probably fifteen per j told the people about .these unneres-
x-nt of these full of promotion each i sary ofiices and they declared that ifthe people would put them in pouteryear. e p
iis thut that pupil must havetwo ve1irV-"in9truction from the" same less legislative offices «ndwoi
•U'-.u-htv. wlK-ve one year's. teaching wipe out a lot of othei offices.
the people would put t i pthey would wipe out a lot of the use-less legislative offices and^ would also
should have been sufiieient. The miniber of pupils who fail of promotion be-cause of "unsatisfactory or unwhole-some hom*o conditions is probably
» * «I dont think anyone really
that the Republicans would dothat the Republians m ,it they mt ux power, But the people f
Wavy Man Baa Scat to Bua on Landand la tUa Wtttii?,
Rear Admiral J, A. Howell of Vir-ginia is having a novel boat built byWillard H. Jerolamon of .Galilee. Theboat is to run either on land or in thewater. The craft has a large wheelin the center, on which it -Will run.There is a wheel on each side to keepit from tipping over. It will be started
or; whose salaries would be saved to o f Uselo^ otlkea, and they turned thetin. di^lriit ii thi'annual Kcbool course i ] ) c m o i . j . n l s o t l t a m i p u t the Rupubli-
j b I B £ h l l l j i i e t
In addition1" to -thin expense fortoa;'her.s . .t-cii ivspoi.dintt' waving in equipmentand in si-hool room. The saving in
0,e m
If you want results you canet-ttsthe
dde.1 that thov would not t-ut out a j « reaeaes tne jioojiie oi WIIB rom-M , , n n of'the useless legislative m«mty who have the money to buy
•-"•-• ' • . - - „ - • - - . r..., .... l hn-f. 1'nu have for sale. Use thisyou want some of their busi-
therc wuuld be a ] oiiu'tis wlik-h'thV Democrats had eve- \ w h n t you have for sale^ "Use thisateprom it
,., they decided to break theirH to the people and put Repub-,.„ ... (<1 _H to the people a p t p
room elTected through the "pro- j licnn c-amp-followfrs into every one of• • • • - • • • • UF be i these places, in fipite of their promises
This was done, andliuitioii id" these ])Upi is, wouldo-iiud to the addition of school . to the people.iJVilili.-s nt Rod Bank for l-r>0 pupils, I every useless ofii'.'e which the Demo-ynovidyd'these ehiUlren H'ft school at ! crats hud created was filled with athe same grade as at nresent. This ; Republicnn, down to the second assist.-wovhl 1-e the snvinu- from a financial ! ant and third aspistant strap hangersKt.indiioint. and it would probably | and euspidorc .cleaners, ^at P'>°n per'I'iKiui'it in M'lino to ?::,.")iiu ]>er year.! Kession and upwards, besides that,Tlw -idvantai-'e tn tho town by raisinir i they created other omces, equally vise-n hj'-her uTad'e of children and a more i less, because there were other camp-competent irenei niion of men and followers who "needed the money, ,
is <vf vastly more importance and who demanded somethingth
iFine Millineryl
THE MOLLY HTCHER TEA ROOM!Has Been Reopened For Business.
87 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. \
$101 I $121 and I $15 SHOPIN MONMOUTH COUNTY.
You can buy % $10, $12 and $15 Suitin any clothing store—that's trueenough—but we sell a regular $16 Suitat $10; the regular $18 Suit at $12i andpositively a regular $20 and $22,50Suit at $15. and no higher. The BigProfit Store with the fancy fixtureprices can not give you the same valuethat we give, no matter how hardthey try, because we make a specialtyof only three prices $10, $12 and $15,and for this reason we sell more ofthese Suits than any of The Big ProfitStores, Is it not worth your while towalk across the street when you knowyou can save $5 on a Suit? Buy your
•j next Suit at the Specialty Shop.
The Store TOTteM Wool Nicy.WE SELL FOR LJSSS!
| • 12 W. Front St., Red Bank, N. J.Next to Libby*» Restaurant.
> • • • • • • • • • •
t Children's Coats i\\5 Moderate Prices S t
lian the saviuu' to the town in actual they had been shouters for the party. \KJiinncy; l»ut in this case tiu> Having in These new oHices which the Repub-|R - wtn.\e.-', the henefit to the ohildren "and , Hcuns created made this lesrislature j 9 .8 Broad St,, Red B a n k ¥th-,1 ndvantafre to the town VCQ hand-in- j the moat expensive in tho history of j£ ," - . . - - . - . - 0tohiuK.1, and an improvement in home the state,cuiiditions would help in each of thesethroe ways. ^ ^ ' A n ^ momy eomm o u t of the
eople in the end, but that does nottt t tho politicians" so lonp us
<fji *• # * # # * * * * V * *
- , , , P - people in the end, but t a t• A knowledge hy the board of edu-; m a t t e v to tho politicians," so lonp usrr.tioti of the home eondiiions in Rod | t h o y ( , a n p i ( y 0 ^ t |1 o j l . p o i i t i e n l debtslJiink would be advantan'c in "ther ; t0 their .followers-with publu' money.wayn. By reason of tliw knowlodKe : The fact that a state tax may have
TETLEY....... By reason of thiM knowlodfCe ; Thu fact that a state tax may hovethe board of education would be in ft j t0 be levied, or that state bonds maypoHition to cooperate with the board . ] l f t v e to be issued, to provide for state ,
v,-bf health and- with the town4'com mis- , necessities, is^of no account to them, ^ ^ _ ' ,_ 1sioners in improvinfJ conditions in i if they can'fc'et their own hands into i« I h f i O l d S S t r^SttED*
,h Tht. flpfed nf imnrovements i+v,a r,;,V,i;,. «in,,BV hnu "Take what * * w i ^ w ^ u ^ U W M Wlied Bank. The need of improvements j the" public money box. "Take whatin some localities is very urgent, as is
in Miss Greenawnlt's re-monoy there is on hand for the politi-
, cal workers and let the needed build-•J.ort. Property owners in the past i n p a l o o k o u t for- themselves," seemsii'ove fought, these improvements and i to" have been the motto of the presentwill probably do so a Rain if they were legislature,undertaken. Sanitary conditions, jhowever, are very bud in some locali-ties in town, and combined action by
.the board of health, the board ofcation and themight result in improvement.eiiV owners may find it more profit-able to retain the present unsanitaryruid unwholesome conditions, but noproperty owner should be allowed to > ••_—•---• ..—-.- ... - . - ,increase his profits at the expense j that they had to make up for lostcither_Qf the healtkQrLof4Jiajnorals.of-l-tiniet-..And,th.ey_inade-up_foTrthe.lost-
| time all right, all right. And thepeople will pay the bill for the ex-
The Democrats were extravaganti ui ran- and wasteful, but they were "not inissioncrs it," when compared with the Republican, Prop- extravagance's and wastefulness of the« „„««*_ Present session. However, the Ropub-present session. Hov
1 leans had been out of power twoyears, with nothing in sight, for thepoliticians, and I suppose they felt
I lished Newsdealer1 in Red Bank,I Delivers Anywherep In Town,IftTELEPHONE NO, 1.
Give Us a Call, r.r
thu community.
A tour oi visits by members of theboard of education with the attend-ain'f oflicer would shovv also the needof rt'ereation work in Red Bank, Thiswork was started last year underprivate auspices, but it should be maden public work. It was long ago dis-covered that leisure well used consti-tutes one of the greatest forces ofhuman progress, while leisure mis-used is one of the greatest menacesof civilization. It is realized in manycities and towns that investments inthe interest of public welfare and hap-piness include facilities for the wiseUMJ of leisure just as surely as it in-cludes fire protection and public high-ways and public schools. Without op-portunities for the wise use of leisure,physical health and moral health areinjured, A high moral death rate isbeginning to be considered as dis-graceful as a high physical death-rate.
* * *The board of education, once it was
familial' with all phases of home lifein Red Bank, could do much to im-prove conditions whereby leisure timecould be well used. They could co-operate, not only with the board ofhealth and with the town commission-ers, but with many other semi-publicbodies, such as churches, moving pic-ture theaters, cluba, pool and billiardrooms, bowling alleys, vacant lot own-era, playgrounds, etc. The churchesespecially, by enlarging their sphereof action, could prove of vast aid inco-operating with" the school board inImproving moral conditions. Thiscannot he done by a system of repress-ion and condemnation; it must be ac-
travngnnces and wastefulness, as thepeople always do.
— —o-o-o-o-o— —
Here's,, something which it wouldseem was up to Arthur H« Hope ofAsshury Park"and his assessment bunchto investigate, Asbury Park is gen-.•irally believed to have the lowest as-sessment :n relation to tho real valueof property of any municipality inMonmouth county, and property own-ers there have evaded their fair shareof the county taxes for the past fortyyears. Recently Arthur H, Hope, whoused to ho one of the assessors of As-bury Pai't, got sonic of the people ofneighboring municipalities to join withhim in hunting down the farmers ofthe county in an effort to miike thempay more taxes, Avon was one of themunicipalities which joined in thismovement. An incident in court, lastweek shows how much faith is to beput in the declarations of Hope andhis Avon friends.
„• ' * • •
Last Thursday n desertion casecame up at Freehold. John Kirwnnwas the man against whom the chargewas wade and he was his own bonds-man. He was testifying as to thevalue of- the property owned by him,and he said it was assessed for $1,600,Judge Walter Taylor of the AsburyPark district court was in the courtroom and he arose nnd told JudgeLawrence that tho property was worthat least p.000,
If John Kirwan's property iB worth$4,000, as stated »y Judge Taylor, and
M. F.Jet-ley,!| Red Bank, N,J.
EGAN'SAuto Vans and Express.
Mow that moving time Is near I amprepared %o flo your next .moving olf i t r pi O b g f t f s to all rtipp % fl yfurniture, pianos Orf it n t y
. g ol, to all parti
t p d d dfurniture, p o s Or btugftfs, to l partiof city or country) in the largest paddedvans In Red Bank, Before you Unv*your next moving done, write, send orcall for the only reliable furniture moverIn town, and get my prices on your nextlob, All kinds of heavy or light truck-ing done at short notice. Call or addraa*w-"1 J. T. F.GAN,11 WaU Street* R«d H«nh
R«ildcnes phone 124-J Office phone 6J9-R
W / E HAVE Owns totVV farmi in every county
in NEW JERSEY. If youare considering buying, sellingor exchanging a farm, con-sult ui.
Country D«pwtmMitLO.1S SCHtESlNGER, INC
Eiwafcldi, Newtrk,N.J. •
Lowest Estimate!
will inian for you—andthe really low cost of in-sta l lat ibn, it naturallyfollows that you should seeus about your work.
Quality Work!
Call 388,
WILLIAM O*Practical Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter.
iNo. 19 Front Street, R.ed Bank, N. J,
Avenue, Seabriglit, N. J, , •,
Not the soaked variety. But gamine fM&h pack _•
IN. B, COS. lOc SODA CRACKERS Pc Ib;DIITTCD Sweet Bloom - 37cDU 1 I tIf STIRLING - .33o
HOTEIJ ABBOTTShrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank
Three Minute* lrom Depot
EGGS STERLING SELECTED 22cIvina* Bonnie Ginger \Vatcrs Uclb
California Asparagus '•HoUySquare C»n« ol,Tlp«Long Cuii of ~
f l-2o o n18a con
• ISe t in
PINEAPPLE TID-BITS lie and 1-4 o a can
Holbtook's Imported Table Sauce . 15c bottle l i eCANS IMPORTED KIPPERED HERRING 18e, % c « , 26c
Comfortable Roorrvs
An Open Letter to Business MenWho are Party LineTelephone Subscribers
We wish to call jova attention to certainadvantages of Individual Line TelephoneService, in order that you Bay have anopportunity to consider i t s use in con-nection with your business,Individual Lln« Telephone service provideo:
1, One line to the Telephone Central jOffice for your exoluaive use, |
2. k telephone that you can use at ' !all times without the delays that , '
.<"' occasionally occur vhaa you share !yeur line with ethgrs,
S. k telephone -that your ou8ton«rs oanreach at a l l tines except .•bra youor your representatives are u«ing 'the telephone.
Thig one-BUbflcriber-on-a-lina aervioooosta only a few cents more a flay thanyou now pay for your Party .Line Telephone.
Our Commercial Office will be gladto supply further parti,ooXa.r«. ,
• • • . ' • _ . . " ' I M I
«Tc Ibaio Ib -
SSo Ib'3Oc tb~.
Big Can Finest Quality New OrleansMOLASSES . . 13c I
CHILDS' GROCERY CO.,62 Broad Street. Phone 208-R Hail Bank, N. I.
, W. H. HAH, local CommeroUl32 Monraouth Street,
J. J. TRAVERS.Painting and Decorating.
29 East Front Street,
Red Bank, N. J.
I guarantee satisfaction in allmy work, interior or exterior. Ialso have the finest, line of WallPaper in Monmouth County. Tryme and be convinced.
•• - r * * 1 • < '
i 1_-T- ' - -i- - - - -"T _ .J . . ,
Invest Your Savings In the Citizens' Building and Loan Association of Red Bankand Get Interest and Profits on All You Save.
The Citizens' Building and Loan Association has been organized in Fed Bank. .This Association wiirgive opportunity to save money by paying in one dollar a month or more. You get interest on your savingH, and thisN
interest is added annually to the money you pay in.The money which you and others pay in is loaned out each month to persons who want a Home of Their Own. If you have a lot free and
clear, The Citizens* Building and Loan Association will loan you money to build a house on that lot, an 1 you can pay back the money inmonthly installments, the same as rent. This is called "borrowing money on your shares." Jf you do not want to borrow money on your shares,yiu keep paying in one dollar a month for every share of stock you take. When the money you have paid in, added to the profits made by theAssociation, amounts to $200.00, you stop paying money and the Association gives you $200.03 in cash.
If you borrow money on your shares to pay for A HOME OF YOUR OWN, the Association takes a mortgage on your property whenit loans you the money. You pay in one dollar a month for every $100 you borrow. This amounts to two dollars a month on each share,and it pays both principal and interest of-your mortgage. When the amount paid in on each share, added to the profits made, reaches the sum of$200,00, you stop paying and the Association cancels your mortgage and your home is free and clear.
The office of The Citizens' Building and Loan Association is at the Second National Bank. The subscription list for the first series ofshares will remain open until Tuesday, May 11th. Nearly one thousand shares have already been subscribed for. You are invited to call at theBank and subscribe for as many shares as you wish to take.
The Recognized Furniture Centerof Monmouth County
Grand Rabids
We ean show you the finest assortment of jin tfa*g Staterat prices that Will ihakryoq
quick buyer.r,$e %f§ (j injl the largest Furniture busineai in
the history of thw store which keeps our auto trucksbusy every day delivering goods all over Monmouth"county.
DressersHundreds to select from in
all woods and enameled.
: Oak Dressers
$6.00 to $60.00White Enameled
$9.50 to $45.00
MA.mi.BORO l i W l ,
•Is W«w M.mbera Ialtt*t«d la X,n»«rtyQrang-* l u t Waak,
Liberty grange held an enthusiastic.meeting last Wednesday. Six newmembers were initfated in the" firstand second degrees and two were ad-mitted by card. The third and fourthd f e e i are to be conferred tonight.
Love'a Test" will be the subject atthe Baptist church next Sunday morn-ing. The evening subject will be "TheK i d " " M i i P t ig. e g
Kingdom," "Mit h h th f
Missionary Practicethrough the use of Tracts1' will be theiubject for the young people's meetingon Sunday night, Joseph Moran willbe the leader, It will be Rev, W, W.Hoaglsod's last Sunday as pastor ofthe Marlboro church, The pulpit com-mlttee is composed of O. C. Herbert,Formaii Stryker, Charles Layton,Prank Burke, Samuel King andStephen Curtis.
Misses Florence McCue, • LillianCummings and Flossie Kilmartln weregirls are members of the Rappahqeconfirmed in the Freehold Catholicchurch last Wednesday afternoon. Thegirls are members of the RappahoeCanypfire girls of Marlboro. Mrs.W. W, Hoagland, the guardian, waspresent at the ceremony,
Mrs. J. F. Maran spent several dayslast week with relatives at Bridgetonand Allowa
gMr. Maran spent Sat-
with his t
. $17.00 to $65.00Fomed Pali
Dining Rpom Suites
White Enamel Iron Bed
Mmotola, N. J. John Ousterman ofOnittee took his place at the station..
Mrs, Thomas Fields spent two dayslast week with her son, Walter Fieldof poll's Neck;
Rev, W.- W, Hoagland was at Na<York on Monday an,! listened to anaddress dellvtsi-nd by Billy Sunday avCalvary Baptist? church before theministers and theological students ofNe»%v York and vicinity,
Mrs. George Curley visited GeorgeAnderson and family of Keyport lasFriday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne Harnley oMorgnnville and Seth Bennett and YvA, Dugan were resent New York •*!.-,itirs._>_ Frank B.uum and Mrs, Callahan oRed Bank visited Mr, and Mrs,Thomas Fields on Sunday,
Mrs, J. S. Quackcnbush nnd MissNellie Qunckonbush were recent New-ark visltorR.
i n s w n v m f WEWS.
Olnb Meat! with Bed BankCoteri* M Mr*. Borden'g.
The Shrewsbury reading club metyesterday with the Red Bank coterieat Mrs, A. Holmes Borden's, Therewas a very large attendance and aspecial program was rendered, one ofthe features being an address by Mrs,Ropes of Montclair, president of thewomen's federation of clubs. The af-fair was one of the notable socialunctions of the season at this place.
Miss Clarissa Johnson and RalphJohnson spent Sunday with Miss Mar-ion DIekenson of Middletown,
A picked baseball team captained byBenjamin Lane, Jr., defeated the boyscouts on Saturday by a score of 11to 8.
George Lang is employed on JohnT, Lovett's nursery farm at LittleSilver.
Edward W. Johnson spent Sundaywith John H, Stilwa^on of Holmdel,Mr. and Mrs, J, B, Green of LongBranch were Sunday, guests of Mrs.Johnson.
Robert Pierce has iquit his job onH. G, HallenbakVs farm and has goneto work on McColgan's nursery farmat Red Bank.
Mis* Miriam Parsftns, daughter ofRev, Dwight L, •ParsoBS, is sick withchicken pox.
M-rer"from sickness.
At a meeting of thf Presbytery ofMonmouth at South Amboy last weekRev, Dwight L. Parsdns was chosenmoderator and was selected to repre-sent the^Presbytery at the general as-sembly at Rochester, New York, nextmonth.
start making asparagusMrs, Edwin Strijkland of Freehold next week.
Thomas Zhiffale lellt • ! • Property and, Hovel to Eatontown,
Thomas Zingale has sold his houseand property of six acres.on the PineBrook road to George Coleman of NewYork for $1,200, and he has moved toEatontown.
Fred Truswell has moved from ahouse on Felix Tornadiski's farm toJames Dean's, house..
Most of the farmers, have finishedplanting potatoes." They expect to
making asparagus shipmenta
Five-Passenger $1,385
$60 t
is visiting her parents, Mr. and MIM.George Curley.
The subject at the Christian iSn-denvor moetlng at the RefornwJchurch next Sunday night will bo "Tin;Bible, the World's Supreme Book,"The meeting will be In charge of Jo-seph Blcwit, ^
Two Benl Bitnte Seal! Here Dtirlnar theSalt WMfc,
John Spencer has moved fromBrooklyn to the William Mapuirehouse, "which 'hi.1 recently bought. Hois employed at Brooklyn.
William H. Oilmartin has been im-proving his property on the Shrews,bury road, _
Var.tUrburg Hews.
Mr, and Mrs. "Michael Ryan anclTichildren James nnd Millieent, Mrs.George P.pole and son Charles ffndJames Gilrhartin visited Mrs, Patr ickMurray and. Mrs, James Curley ofShrewsbury and Mrs. John Ryan of
^ 2-in, continuouspost, 5 fillers, extrawell made in everyrespect.
ChiffoniersIn any «tj-i« wood you derive
$4.69 to $45.00Extra Special
The old pool room building and land"ji Railroad avenue, adjoining F .
Stanley Higginaou's lumber yard, has i Red Bank on Sunday.been bought by Mr. Higginson from ! Mr. and Mrs, Charles Connors andTaylor Bros. Mr. HTsginson will use family of Newman Springs spent Sun-the building as a storage house, day with Mrs. Albert Bennett and
Mrs. Charles Shick has bought a Mrs. John Crawford,lot :fffl*14() feet, on the south side of I James Johnston has gone to NewL< Met from. Mrs, J a m e i B, | York to visit his wife, who has beenHiuhaway as an investment. Theprice was ab#ut $850.^ J M h J
TiiaVy cold.Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Smock, who
were married a short time ago, havestarted housekeeping in one of JoelFlelds's .Houses a t South Eatontown.Mra. Smock was formerly Miss MarieToner of OeeanportIMrs. Orville Reid and her two sonsof Elizabeth spent Sundny with Mrs.Reid's parents , Mr. and Mrs. JohnMurphy.
William and Ar thu r Taylor, whorun a pool room, a r e having theirautomobiles converted into j i tneybuses, whfch th«y will operate betweenRed Bank and Long Branch.
Darius Vand«rmark is laid up witha heavy cold.
Rev. C. Graham Attorns bought anOverland automobile last week. '
Frank B. Woods has Bold to JamesCovert the barn on the place he re-cently bought on South street.
Thomas Zmgftle has moved fromPine Brook to F . Stanley Migginson'3house on the stone road.
Mrs. JaWies B. HathawAy hasbought an automobile) from Fred H.VanDorn of Hetf Biatnlc.
Jrtroea Lake has moved from JohnH. Applegate's summer home, ofwhich he was care taker dur ing thewinter, to the AHgor house on Broad
very sick a t the home of her daughter .Rev. Peter B, Cross of Eatontown
gaxeJnstructlon on-Saturday-at-M*^,Mary Welsh's to n number of childrenwho are preparing for Holy Commun-
ion. ^;To Take Koisea to Califoruia.
Michael Vaughn of Lincroft hns gota job an horse trainer for ThomusSharkey of Long Island, the formerfamous pugilist. Mr. Vaughn will goto the exposition at San Franciscowith a string of Sharkey'a horses.
BM&tliinsr Into Throat, Hoio and% Tut* Anttg«ptlo Air.
If you hnvn catarrh find wnnt to Kotrid of It you iinint kill the gcrma whichcaiuio tho (IIHI'IIHO
The hcHt known way of <leHtroy)nggprm« Is to breathe Into tint air
of your iiose ami tin-out nndlunR tho plonmuU, petietratlngr air ofHyoinel (in-onounccil Hlifh-o-me). Ifyo-mol 1H inuilo from purest oil of Kuculyp-tilB comblnod'-wltli other powerful, heiii-lng, antlnoptlo. nml (termlcldal infrrtidj.«ntfl. Tou bri-utlie It through n littleprtckot lnlialer which Jamow Cooper, Jr.,arta other leading druffKlHtM In Red Hankartd vicinity nru f l h l ith
lt t t
Jacob Stetobach'a guaranteestands back of every
aet.The ladies' aid society and the stew-
ard* will give a nuppwr in the base-ment of the Methodist church tonight.
The Misses Nivison«re back at Eat-ontown, after spending the winter atBarnegat and Richmond, Virginia.
New books have been' donated to thelibrary by Mrs. F. B. Keller and Mrs.Cheston Simons.
- It pays to advertise in THE RMISTHR,
completeI h
mpletyou Inhale thoHyoniei tlnmiKh
d i it
g ffKlHt In Red Hanky u finnlHhlng with every
treatment sold. Every t^ineweot, fragrant air of
Hyoniei t l n K this little dfvlco younre drawing into your Hwollcn, inflamed,Kertn ludtii mcmliruii*n u.medicated uirwhich will not only rfidur.o nil tin' sw«ll-li)B nnii infliilnniutlon nnd open youroloKKod noH<- ami Htoppcd-up air PI\BH-a(tes. but Will abmilutely ami ponltivolyd«Htroy every tnu'i- of, catarrh Renn UfoIt reiiehew. DI-UKKIHIH uro HO nur<v of the
U ollef that Hf
, y o i obrlitKM to m tin ih Hiiff^n'rn that they BelIt invariably on the ponltivn Kiiari\nt,«i|that money piilil will We refunded/Ksuccessful roMultM are not Hacurcit fromit« Uise.
Seven-Passenger $1545OSix Bloc Cylinders,B% Bore, 5-in. Stroke,Full Floating Axles,
Timken Bearings Throughout,Non Skid Tires in Rear,Crown Fenders,One Man Top,
121-inch Wheel Base,Two Unit Electric System,Gasoline Tank in Dash, %
All Prices F\ O. B. Detroit.
We have the new Fords in stock and ready for Immediate delivery. Of course you haveseen the new mode], with the CDW! clash, curved fenders and electric lights. The prieo remainsthe same.
TOURING CAR, $490.00, RUNABOUT, $440,00.
Monmouth Street, Near Broad Red Bank, N» J.DISTRIBUTOR OF
FORD, STUDEBAKER and CHANDLER MOTOR CARS.Supplies and Acceisiories of every kind and description.
Cars for Hire. Storage, Washing, Polishing,A large stock of second hand cars for sale.
Money loaned on automobiles. If you have a car and need money, see us,GASOLINE lOc per gallon.
The largest stock of tires in this section^ and_at_the lowest prices,
CUT FLOWERS!Carnations, Sweet Peas, Roman Hyacinths,Antirrhinum, Pot Plants, Azalias, Cinerarias,
Easter Lilies, Asparagus Palms.Also a large stock of Boston Ferns from 35c upward.
WILLIAM MEARS,Greenhouses at End ol Trolley Line,
RUMSON, N. J.Telephone 4| 81 Huniaoim '
Funeral Designs a Specialty.
V* '•
All over the country just now the BASEBALL fan is talkingabout the national game.
We have prepared for this well known game by getting in acomplete line of new baseball goods and we have now on hand thelargest stock of official and semi-official baseball supplies to be foundanywhere In Monmouth county and we can supply your many needsfor this great sport.
If you are a player there are many articles necessary for baseballsuccess. If only an onlooker you may want a score card or a bookfor more detailed scoring and if only a reader then you will insist onhaving the principal publications featuring league and local baseballnews, in which we specialize.
We are headquarters for BASEBALL goods for father and son.
You can get here for yourself the same balls as used by the bigleaguers at $1.25 or we can sell you-a baseball for your boy as lowas five cents. We've got a good mitt or glove for that boy at 25cents and we have them all the way to the official glove for thefielder at $3 and the official mitts as expensive as $8 each. Our as-sortment of bats cannot be duplicated outside the large cities.
They range in price from 5 cents to $1,00 each.
If you are interested in team work and are about to organizesee us for Bopplw* in bulk. The price will be interesting. ^ •
Our assortment of baachall supplies is partially enumeratedhere: - .
BatsMittsShirtsUniformsSupportersHome Plates
BallsCapsJerseysShoesBeltsBat Bags
Heel Plates Toe Plates
GlovesMasks *PantsSweatersBanda'gesBasesLeg Guards
Also a complete line of Basket Balls, Tennis Rackets, TennisBathing Suits, Croquet Goods, Golf Goods, Pennants
Hand Scorers Chest Protectors Score BooksCome in and see our stock. If we have not got what you want
and it is made we can get it for you in a few days, Dont put it off.The BASEBALL time is here.
Dont forget the latest baseball news can be obtained here. Allthe metropolitan and county dailies that give you the news of thebig fellows and your home paper for the sporting events about town.
Balls and Nets, Camp Uniforms,and Banners to order
Broad Street, Opp. Adiem & Co. Telephone No, 1 Red Bank, New JerseyNilWW
" LEGTRO" is the word to re-
bugs and prevent blight. The lineof "Electro" materials includes:
"Electro" Araenate of Lead Powder,^Electto" Bordo-Lead Mixture not only kills all forms of ,
loaf-eating insects, but prevents blight,"Micro" (for dusting) kills insects and prevents fungous
* 'Electro' * products have been developed after years of carefulstudy and experiment, and are the result of long experience.
Ask for our little folder about "Electro Products," but betterstill, select the ''Electro" Mixture you need and' itsc if,
The Affair Was Held at the How PointComfort Hotel Last Saturday Ilifht—Concrete Bido%Talki and Other Im-provements Under Way.Tho ladies' auxiliary of the Now
Point Comfort fire company held ancH'ktie sot-iable and dance at tho NewPoint Comfort hotel Saturday night.Each woman brought a necktie andan apron of the same material. Thoneckties were distributed to the men
H l t h ^ P
_ ____
ILumber, Cement, Lime, Lath, Brick |
Flue Lining, Plaster Board |Sand and A!! Kinds of Building Material 1
'_•-* , _. _ _ " „ . . . _ _ . _ _ - s i -Distributors for the Famous Beaver Board
YARD; Leonard Street and N. J. 5. R. R. Phone 497-J
OFFICEt Bridge Aveniy. Phone 336-M
I W, U HART * Kauuburg, N, J
. JOHN LLOYDLake Avenue, Red Bank, N, J,
8p«ci«U«t« in Priv-ate Homtand Commercial Work
T«I*ptuHia 3V7-J. Ruituon ... * .
nera for.dandng were found by thematching of neckties and opi-ons.Over 100 persons attended the affair,and the auxiliary made about $25.
William B. Randolph is laying aconcrete driveway at the aide of hisMain strait property. He will putdown a concrete sidewalk next week.Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Begprin of WestNew Brighton have been spending aweek with Mr. Randolph. Mr, Beg-gin is a fire chief of his town. WalterRandolph has his auto out of the re-pair shop this week.
A, M. Bennett & Son will open theirgrocery^ and vegetable market Satur-day. The store has been wired forelectric lights, and the outside of thebuilding has been repainted. A con-crete sidewalk was laid in front ofthe store last week. The sidewalk istwelve feet wide.
Miss Edith Stanford of Mainstreet has returned from a visit ofa few days with her cousin. Miss EvaRussell of Farmingdale. Miss Stan-ford is learning how to drive an auto-mobile. Mi's. H. Russell Stanfordspent last Wednesday at Freehold,
Guilford S. Bueklin's saddle bUinketand bridle were Ubupht by FrankJohnson of. Main street at a constablesale last Wednesday. ConstableFrank K. Niblett made the sale at thesuit of Charles- Uhrig, u butcher. Mr.Jonnson paid $6.10 for the outfit.
George Snellgrove has finishedwork on a wagon shed on his prop.city. The building is 12x16 feet, andhas one big stall. Mr. Snellgrove waslaid up part of last week with sick-ness,
Mr, and Mrs. Ezekiel Wilson, Mrs,H. RUKKPII Stanford and Charles Mor-riswy of Main street took an automo-bile trip to Philadelphia Friday inMr. Morri.ssej 'w now Hupmobile,
August Zachrison of Carr avenuehas ronTCd"h:rr MoTiring—Vtew houseon Lincoln court to a New Yorkparty, who will open the house aboutDecoration day. ,
Lawrence Amon has rented his SeaView house for the season to Mrs.Jennie Wilkerson of Now York, Thenew proprietor will open the houseahpiit._ May. j at.
Melvin Morris of Main street andLloyd, Hopper of Carr avenue haveconnected their houses with a tele-graph line. Both the young men aretelegraphers.
Charles Carr advertised last weekin THE REGISTER'S want departmentfor a good second hand dump cart.Early Thursday morning he got hisfirst offer.
George W\ Dufoiir of Main atreetspent last Thursday at New YorkHis brother, Lester Dufour of Key-port, took charge of the store for theday.
Rev. J. Wesley Tower of Colt'sNeck spent Friday with friends here.His son, J, Wesley Tower, Jr., spentSunday with Walter Randolph,
W, Goldsmith haa moved from theWilliam Thome noun on th« Stoneroad to the Joseph VanBrnnt houseon the Port Monmouth road.
George W. Rittenheust & Son haverepliiBtered and . repaired. Dr.- DavidA, Hill's summer cottage on PineView avenue,
Mrs. Lillian Wiesman of GrandView avenue has had a two-story,four-room addition "built to the rearof her house, -
Edward Broander has bought fiftyBarred Plymouth Rock chicks froma firm sat Frenchtown, New Jersey.
Samuel DeTuro of Brooklyn spentSunday in town,
"William Morris spent last Sundayat New York, - ,
Fred and tfenry Miller of Jersey
City spent Saturday and Sunday atheir bungalow' on Lincoln court.
Georgo Hoos and family havemoved from Edward Tanner's house:in Main street to New Monmouth.
Michael O'Flaherty and family ofNewark are down for the season inheir cottage on Beacon Beach.
Congressman J. II. Manor of NewYork has nigged in his summer taun.-palow at Keansbui-fj; Heights.
Miss Goorglamm Arriugton ofWest Keansburg has given up her po-sition with Hart & Lloyd.
Harry Fowler is having his houseon the Creek road repainted by Sam-uel and Edward 'Tanner,
Charles Dillon of New YorlcJinsmoved irTEdward F. Manning's bun-galow on Manning place.
John Paynter, Norman Uarhart andJerry Sheehan spent Saturday andSunday at Long Branch.
Mise Elizabeth Petrie of Leonardospent the Week-end with Miss AnnaBrands of Brands place.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward of NewYork are oicupying their jsummer cot-tage on Beacon Beach.
Thomas Gilniour and Rudolph Wil-helm of Jersey City spent Sunday intown visiting frjends.
Frank R. Hill of Beacon Beach hasbought a Buick touring car from H. L.Zobel of Red Bank.
Randall Whitaker and Garrett S.Wright of New York spent Sundayat Granvllle Park.
Miss Ethel Bennett of Commodoreavenue has been laid up several day*with a heavy cold.
Harry Schick and family of JerseyCity spent Sunday at their bungalowon Lincoln court.
Karl LaBella of Main street is fit.ting his barber shop with new lightsand chandeliers,
Charles Morrissey of Main atreethas had his automobile overhauled byWalter B. Mills.
Edward J. Lawson of New Yorkhas moved in his summer home atGranville Park.
Mrs. Western of New York arrivedat her summer home on Beacon Beachlast Saturday.
Samuel Tanner has been repaint-ing Mrs. Celia Schuek's bungalows onMain street.
George Macdonald of Main streetspent Sunday with his parents atEaton town.
Herbert Stanford has 'finished thework on his garage. He painted itlast week,
George King was detained fromschool j j a r t j j f hist week jwjtlL throajtrouble, } 1
Norman and Clyde Carhart havefinished the repairs to their automo-bile's.
William A. Gehlhaus and Jesse L.Sculthorp spent Saturday at Matawan.
Mr; and Mrs. Nelson Coryell haveavid fronTtinsrplfige~K Philadelpia;Mrs. Frank Johnson of Main street
spent last Thursday at New York.B. Seymour Compton of Main
street has been on the sick list.Lewis Jewell and family of New
ark spent last week in town.Albert Neiman is employed in Otto
Kellar's new store.Mrs. W. W, Ramsay has been laid
up with gripOscar Bt
at Newark,
$ 1 .I,:iiiil on South
H r l i o e r u K. W l i m - l a n t o l l m i y A . Ri- t i l -t l i ' i v p . I-Ht. $ 1 ,
T h n n i i i M I I , Le i i i i i i r i l t u ( M u n i H, SViidP.Lut, $1. '_.Joseph Luflmrrow to WHlkiin A. He-
Y o m y , K i i m l u n .Mill i i t r c f t , $ 1 .KKti-Uf i ' . A l l e n t u I h n r y A . H o t n l H c k -
s u n . I I S 4U-100 iHTt-s , f l . - ,KmiTiM A. l i i i n l e l H t o H i ' m y A. l l r i i -
( l i ' l t ' k s u n . ! IX in- lUi ) i n - I V M , Sfl.- U in i i ' i n . T h o m p s o n t o l l iMi ry A . I k - n -t l l - l fk s i i t i . 1 IS Ili-il lU (LCl-HH, $ 1 .
J l i i i y !•:. t 'ur.-ii1 t u W l l l k i i n A . l ' l i n i i i l n .I J U I H I o n IJLiy i ivci i in>, H l K l i l i i m l s . %\.
K r . i n U A , M i i i - t t n o r I ' n i n p i i n y t-> I ' r u i i UlliiitiiMi. i In tH, 5 1 .
I f o i i n t o I J u p i t l l a t u A n t i i i i n v H i i ] l o l l i i .H a l f l i i i i ' i - e s l In t w o t r i i i ' t H o f l a i n l i nM i i l i l U ' t i i w n t u w i i H l i l p , mi l - t i i u ' t i n i i n i - i -t i i i i t o w i i H ' i i i ! , t i i r c t ' t r i u ' t s i n M i U i i w a i it o w i i H l i i p a n d o n e t r f i e t i n M i i i i h o ™ t o w n -
rip.roander ipent last Sunday
Of BMl E«Ut8 nvMffCM- Bt FrohoKL
Tha followinf ii a4»t of deeds re-corded in the coun^ clerk's offim atFreehold for the past week;••ABMA.
tdnnii nnd Loan company 4o William 8,
Wlillam M. HMkloHB to W J H I B A , Clayton, Lund on Irving place, 11.
8amu»l Baeco to Ftlloe A Terr!, 8lotb. and house on Pearl street; lot njldhouso an Beech •trcet, (1.
Anlonlo Paladlno to Mary MnroBclo•"•* on Lioouat avenue, i l , '
Sopliia ftiiuttn to Samuel Q, Allen. Landon Lincoln uvenue, | I . wBnmiou. . '
Clieston Slmmoni) to .Teeae A. Howlnnd2 Iota at River-Hide park, f 1.
Traeej' Qrny to OUVer Johnson Lotis,qoo. • ' , . . •MOalatown Towaablp. '',
P. '<Johnson to boVouglt of
Antiiony Ilrfpolln to Hnslnn n-ipullfi.Hair iiitf'ro^t in two u-nct-i of liiiul inMltlilletnwri towiiHiiip, one 'trtii't of lmiiLin Hal-linn tiisvn^lil;), three trtti'ts of l:>ti(lin Mutiiwaii township und one Inirt inMarlboro townxhlp.
Seieiiu KaMimiirul to llirinio Uoi'n. Lun 1•in Hiirniniiy uvnnut>. Port Monmtiuth. f l .
Hnriict A. Maliy to Willium K. JawKiT,jot on Palmer street, f 1.
Shrewsbury Township.iv leiiltj" eompurty to Martini
S t a r k . L o t , f l .Anna B. Hinitli to Mttl'y C, Pin-Hon^,
t% iicreH, f l .Eatomtown Tomnghlp.
n B, Steeii to John* I1', t'ovort,Liiiul on Maple iivemie. f l ,
Joi'l I'. Flolils to LMiai'les K. Diunlur.9 3-1-100 acres, f l .Raritan Townihlp.
Now Point Coinfiirt HtTuili ounipiLny toXiivlor Del Nagro, t lotH, f 1.
Jennie N, KiiHsunillcli to .Hcatritf 1),Saltta, Land at KeanHbiii-g, $1.
Bewail TowaiMp.Annie M. Case 'to William A. .luKtiip,
6 48-100 acreR, fl .Interstate horn*' anil liomi'sltes ram.
pany to ladieB' aid of Oak Glen. $1.Joseph Heiitcr to I'mikratss Knauer. • 2
tfueta of Inntl, f 1.Matawan Township.
.loiiiv J. Oiiaincii to Jouohiin HopIuiHOiii. 21 57-100 run>M, f loo.
Freehold Townnhip.B W. Harrison to William Broilie.
2 lots, f1 ,Annie K. Parker to Frederick A. White.
2"Io"tH,* tV." ' " • - • i -Anple II. White to It, Kliisahetii lMtii<
Lot, f l .Fiedi-rick n. Hfiinctt ilo Frn-hnlil
iiiotor lonipniiy. Land .on/ Main Mticut,
Manalnpaa Townililp, Ii A. ('onover to Stj^hla Kjuyliin.
2 tnictH of land, $L',S0n.Kute A, 11. Kninioiis to Julin Kchi I'mnl,
Trsict of land, fGOU.
Physically and Mentally WornOut—Tells- How Nervousand .Crying Spells WereEnded by VlnoF,
Monmouth, III.:—"I WMweak, wore-out mid nervous. I had no appetite andWM getting to thta and discouraged,one d*y I juat broke down and criedwhen a friend came in and Mked mewhat WM the matta*, I told of mycondition and bow nothinjfl took seemedtodewne any good. VinolwaasnggiMted.I got a bottfe and before K waa halfgone I could eat and ileep well. Ieontinued its use and now wy friendi•ay I look ten years younger, and I amwell, healthy and itrong. I wlih Icwld induce every tired-out, worn-out,nervoua womatt to take Vtool,"—Hn,HARRIET GALB, Mohmouth, 111.
There are many overworked, tlwdVout careworn, nervooa women In -thinvic ing who naed -th«-«»rMigttienh«;;tiarae buildlng,aiid viu&dns effee^oT1
Vinol, oar dellclooicod llVeV arid'Jrotttonic,, and ao wire ar<n*e that It wiBbuild them up and make theip atroifrthat-w« offer to retum" their moneyif it fails to benefit
Vinol i« a deliciooa preparation of theextract of cod liver oil and peptonatoofiron and contaituro* oil.3tm. COOPM, Jt* nragnlal, m^l Baak, V.X
PatronUa T n IUoiSTKB'8 prinUngI»tant and jou'q underaUnd whrt1Mmeant by — •* —«- t s^- - - J - ^ ^
ull understand what it>od printing—and whenall oar printing 4tri»wtof UM »taUm«nt
Ask the EngineerWe hope youjiave in your acquaint-
ance a competent engineer. \We would like you to get his opinion
f h H b i lEngineers constitute a little world of and unto
themselvea, -j-'liey-are -keea critics,, btitgenerous ones, when they encounter good work.
And these sharpest of observers say the Hup-mobile is good.
In Detroit—where there are many automduHttengineers—one hears the highest prai.se of theHupmobile.
It would be too mucH to say that there is not adissenting voice regarding the Hupmobileamong Detroit engineers, ,
But it would be hard to find one who holds anunfavorable view.
By common consent they have settled on theHupmobile as one car they can unite in com-mending.
Now this is not mere sentiment or friendliness;1
Reputable engineers will not barter away theirprofessional standing by unmerited praise.
When they approve of the Hupmobile—andespecially pf jts splendid small bore, longstroke motor—that approval means something,
It is\an endorsem*nt founded on extraordinary-experience and knowledge.
It is a source of pride to us—and a recommen-dation you can not afford to overlook^ Takethe engineer's expert opinion along with' all theother good things that you hear about theHupmobile. Let us prove the tlupmobile in aquality test.
3032 W,Front St., Red Bank, N, j ,
•1200 to.i>HM, Trartu Cw or ReaMst
The Be^at^iarimy M 27,000 readeA arecon^nt^ lop^^lor-bwgains, $01 theratwhatyou hare in a Register adverti9em«tni ;;
i V ,
•i£.. 1O1O.
" \<J^, pA
The Broad WayLeads to Goodyear Tires
Try it a little while. It has carried tome 400,000inotorMts to the haven of content. It b traveled by moreusers than ha» any other tiro. That haa been to for yean,
We can't win you !o FortifiedTires by asking you to try them.The tires themselves must win you.
But our pies is that you shouldtjpr the tires that countless menfound best. There must be a rea-son as you know, why Goodycarsdominale like this. Last year menbought about one Goodyear forevery cor in use.
Men Like YouThis Goodyear army ia com*
posed of men like you. Theywant quality, safety, endurqnee.They want trouble-Bnvinu and lowcoat per milo,
Goodyoarsbest met thesewants. Theyinot them be-cause they areFortified Tires,
In five costly ways, employed by •no other maker, they offer uniqueprotection. They combat fivetroubles — rim • cuts, blowouts,loose treads, punctures and skid-ding—as is done in no other tire.
Price ReductionOn February 1st we made
another big price reduction. Thatmakes three reductions in twoyears, totaling 45 per cent.
Today Goodyears, more thanever before, offer you most lorthe money. They offer you theutmost possible in tires,measured
by cost perDoesn't
Fortified TiresNo-Rim-Cot Tir..—" On-Air" CuredWith AU'WaaUMr Tread* or Smooth
prove that ? *The following'
Goodyear Ser-vice Stationswill supply youi
Goodyear Service Stations—Tires in StockGeorge B. Brown & Co., 35 E, Front St., Red Bank
C. H. Ennia, Red Bank H. L. Zobel, Red BankNearby Towns
* j , F. Clowes, 117 Main Street, MatawanJohn Hintelmann, RumtonVan Mater & Wdgand Trading Co., HazletAiher P. WooHeyClB8 Main Street, Matawan
HUlar It**** BataJBtac Wan•anatA D*g Bit fcy AutonoMla
to !••>• fc JohuoiTii • t e n
J. Bunlgc, Fred Corse, TunlaII. Lone, 8. F, Pliillins, J. F, Uam-man and Jacob S, Hoffman hove beenmppoinU'd dclc'Kutui to utumcl u con-vention of the Patriotic SoriH ofAmerica at Miitowun nuxt Tuesday.Mr, Hoffman has the contract to dec-orate the hall at Matawan where themeeting Is to \m held, nnd ho also hasthe contract to ducorute a conventionhall at Philadelphia next week.
Jonathan T. htout of Atlantic High-lands HUH completed the new atonewall on the Miller (street hill to re-place the wall wuhhi'd out by the stormlast winter. The ni'W wull ia bracedwith anchors extending ten feet in onthe school property.
Lone & Johnson of Hay avenue haveinstalled'u nuw gas light in front oftheir BtoiT. Work will IK: startedwithin tlie next two weeks on a store-room for jmlntB and oily in the reur ofthe store. The addition will be 35x22feet. The contract for the buildinghas not yet been awarded.
Johnson brothers.1 bowling alleys onDay avenue have rented for the_sea-son to J, Shom*one of Atlantic High-lands. He •ncned the alleys to thepublic Saturday. The interior of thebuilding was decorated with Americanflairs, bunting and streamers.
Grandin V. JohnHon is having anunusual kind of a special Bale at hisstore, which he calls a "penny sale,"A long list of articles ia offered atregular prices, nnd for one cent moreanother article of the game kind willbe sold. The list includes articlessold at regular prices from 5 centsto $1.25.
Dr. James J. Rowland, C. MellJohnson, Grandin V. Johnson, MayorHarry N. Johnson and Charles J.Greenfield represented Highlands atthe dinner given Saturday afternoonat "William Sandlass'a at HighlandBeach by tha grand jury. Over eightypersons attended the dinner,
Charles Herbert, Terry Marten,George Hennessey, Edward Hennes-sey, William Hennessey, Thomas Hen-nessey, William Hunter, GeorgeBraaek, Robert Burns, Thomas Con-cannon and Fred Wells went by autoto Morganville last week to attend tilefuneral of John F, Costallo.
A big St. Bernard dog belonging toMrs. Ejdridge of Miller street wasstruck Saturday morning in front ofRowland's pharmacy by Terry Mar-ten's automobile. No bones in thedog's body were broken, but the dogwas badly bruised.
Herbert Hunter of this place, who jattends Lindsley 'college at "Wheeling,West Virginia, has been elected cap-tain of the college baseball team. Hehas signed a contract to play with aFort Wayne, Indiana, team this sum-mer.
Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Allis and daugh-ter Dorothy and George E, Hunter andJoseph Hunter of Melrose, Massachu-setts, spent the week-end with Mr. andMrs. Robert Hunter, Sr., of Navesinkavenue.
Colonel Stuart Roberson will Jointhe thoatricnl company in which hismother is starring at Philadelphia thisweek, The comedy which the com-pany ia playing is called "She's In It."
Leonard H. Spltznagel of Navesinkavenue k building a large garage, in
employed a i stenographer by ConovcrK. White of FirMt nvt-nui'.
Mrt. LillUfl HarriH und Mi,-,* MdithWhittinKhirn Aid thuir futhwi kfthere lust Widncsdiiy in tin ir iH'Weight-cylinder Cadillui* touring car forthe exposition at Nan FiiilHis-.'n,
Mr.'and Mrs. Harold Matthews ufNewark have bei-n visitinK M»h. Mat-thews'i parents, Mr. und Mrs. liu.a-Uon Bailey of iA'onnrd nvcmii1.
William T, Frunklin hun IMM.JI en-joying a vacation part of thii* week.MINK Muudfl Ewiinf «f Highland ave-nue ha« been fluting an bui'ough clerk.
Mr, and Mrs. John Ccntmill andfamily have movrd in llu-ir KiviMithavenue cottage for tin- MUSOH.
Mr. and Mrs. I1-. (.'. i>ilmar of NewYork have moved in tlu'ii1home on Bay.View avenue.
W« Teach; Shorthand, Typewi I ting,Bookhcaplng, Penman ship, 5 polling
and Ail English Br«ncli«».
T«lp|>honi> 509 M,
• • • • • • • * * * • • • • • * • » • * • • • • • + • • ,
WOOD WOOD WOODL. A. Michfiison of New York hiis!|«5 g i WILL PURCHASE ft h h l s
1 L!. .a i t i , , II,.,. \ ' >. * • • * * UO«opened hiB.eottagv OJI Uiiy VuwHue for the lutAmt'i', j
A. C. Harteorn of Ni-w York, whoown« the Harteorn building on FirKtavunUi', ipent Batunlav and Sundaywith Janice Hi Carroll uf Highlandnvenue,
Rosalind Linson, Leonard Irwin andjay Htout were Ijuptisid at the (VntralBaptist church last Sunday night. TheFinding-Out club of the rhuivh metthis afternoon at Helen FlctiH onWashington avenue.
Miss FrnnceH (iardiu'r of Newsirkspent Saturday and .Sunday with herfather. Rev. Ckorge 11, GnidiRT ofHighland avenue.
A three-dBy convention of tho tem-perance union will lie held in theI'rotestunt churches lu-re thtj 2d, lidand 4th of May,
A buainofia.and s*ocinl meeting of theEpworth league of .the Methodistchurch was held hint Wednesdaynight at Charles IJeVtsity's. MissElizubeth Jenkin^on was eleeted presi-dent of the league and Rev, Joseph C.Kulp was appointed delegate to theannual convention at I.amlx-rtsvilloMay Cth and 7th. The UHhers nt theMethodist church for April and Mayare Eugene Burrell, Karle Williams,Rajph Cossaboom und Augustus Snge.
The four-act play, "The CornerStore," for the benefit of the Penny-a-Day fund of the Methodist tfhurch, asoutlined in last week's REGISTER, wascarried out last Thursday night. Thosewho took part in the play were MissesHelen Sickles, Lulu May Hart andElizabeth W. Jenkinson, RaymondTaylor, Stanley Sculthorp, Lisle Pat-terson, Lloyd Sickles, Thomas Peleherand Augustui Sage. The youngactors and actresses were coached forthe play by Mra, Guy P, McHcnry andMrs. Harry B. Hart, About $25 wascleared.
Mrs. Joseph C. Kulp of Third ave-nue has returned from a visit withTier parents at Pitman, New Jersey.
A congress of the Ne-vVa-SinkChristian Endeavor union of New Jer-sey will b« held at the Presbyterianchurch next Tuesday night. rArthurE, Jewell of Long Branch is presi-dent of the union, and he and a num-ber of other good speakers will bepresent.
A son was born last Wednesday toMrs. William E. Conrow of Washing-ton avenue,
Fred A. White has been confined tohis house on Third avenue a few dayswith grip.
Mrs. William T. Franklin of Thirdavenue has been spending a few dayswith her daughter, Miss A. MildredFranklin of New York.
The high school baseball, team de-feated the Leonardo school team atLeonardo Saturday afternoon by thescore of 12 to 1. A feature of thegame was Frank Potighkeepsie's home
Oak and Hickory Graf* WoodSawad to Order
Geo, W. Sewing,Contractor and Builder,
TaUpbsn* 350-J.
Jobbing of All Kinds,estimates Cheerfully Furnished
BTAINCorrect S/y/esPerfect QualityPair
/ / / iMilliiieiy
MISS A. L MORRISOpposite tin' Second National Lkink
66 BROAD STREET, RED BANK• • » • * • » * * * * + » • * . • • • • • • • * • • • * # * • » # #
"i i l l - : HROLL SCREEN,i n - i i ' N i i i - i . I ' M : ,
National Metal Weather Strip Co.PATTERSON BLDG, Phone 208-J RED BANK, N. J.
| Rheumatism SprainsLumbago SciaticaWhy grin and bear all these ills when Sloan'sLiniment kills pain?
111 have used your Liniment and canlay it is fine. I have used it for sorethroat, strained ihoulder, and it actedlike a charm."—ABen Dunn, Route 1,Box 88, Pirn VtJJey, Mm,
" l a m a painter and paporhanger bytrade, eonaequontly up and down lad-ders. About |wo years ago my left kneebecame lame and lore. It pained mo atnights at timei till I could not rest, andI waa contemplating giving up my tradion account of it whoa I ohanoDd to thinkof Sloan's Liniment. I had never triedit before, and I am glad to state thatlosi than one 25c. bottle fixed mo upapparently aa good as ever."—Gharlet C,Gamjbett, Florence, Texas.
I AD De.l .r . 26c.• S*ad fopf «Mts in itunps for a frao TRIAL BOTTLE,
DR. EARL & SLOAN, Inc., Philadelphia, Pte. Dn*.B
accommodation of the autos of hisgueata this summer.
St. Andrew's Episeopal church willhold a bread, cake and rummage saleat the church next Saturday, from teno'clock in the morning until ten o'clockat night. .
The board of health will finish Itsmonthly inspection tomorrow. Theboard snys it has found Highlands tobe a "Spotless Town," with a few ex-ceptions,
Sidney Williams of Navesink ave-nue moved in William Lane's housenext to Lane & Patterson's store onBnv avenue Monday.
Harry Schwartz of Bay avenue hashad a now balcony built over the en- jtrance to his store. W. W. Gilbertdid tWe work.
Mrs. A, E, Dennett and daughterMadeline of New York are down forthe season at their cottage on Bar-berie avenue.
Terry Marten of flay avenue hasbpught n. six-cylinder Thomas automo-bile, and he will use it for business andpleasure.
Mrs, H. MichaelBon and daughterAnna of Long Branch were at theirsummer hom*o on Barberie avenue lastweek,
James Kay of Brooklyn is down forthe season, John Corn well of Brook-lyn JDfint last week with, Mr.Kay.
William McKenna is having a newsix-room bungalow built for his ownoccupancy on Twinlight terrace.
John J. Burdge of Bay avenue hasbuilt an ornamental picket fence onthe south side of his property.
Roland Wallace, who was badly cuton the head with a baseball bat re-cently, is able to be about.
Phillip BlBChoff made his first tripin his automobile bus from Perth Am-boy to Freehold Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Rowland of Brooklynspent Saturday and Sunday at theircottage on Bay avenue.^
George Behr is-having his SeasideKitchen renovated and new gravelwalks and drives laid.
W, W. Leonard of The Beacon houieIs circulating a petition for a liquorlicense for his house,
Thomas Martin, who has been suf-fering with pneumonia the past week,is able to he about.
Mrs. George Braack has opened herBraack and Twinlight houses for theseason.
John Suttmnn of Atlantic street waslaid up last week with rheumatism.
Mrs. William Kohlenbush is ser-iously sick with stomach trouble,
J. Boulton of B«lmar spent Satur-day here. _ <
on bases. The regular battery of theAtlantic Highlands team, Poughkeep-sie and Colleran, was not used in thegame. Frank Wells pitched and Ger-ald West caught for Atlantic High-lands, while William Kelly and Earlai, yPatterson pitched and caught forLeonardo. Thomas Colleran was hit 'on the head wj.th a pitched ball nnd Iwas knocked unconscious. Ho was re-vived and continued- the game. Thisafternoon Red Bank is playing on theNaveiiink avenue diamond.
A. J. Whitely has opened his storeat Ocean View, for the season.
Mrs. Hazel Trautman of New Yorkis down for the setutm in hor houseon the Circle. Theodore Newman ofNew York ha? also opened his houseon tha Circle.
Howard Nipirian of Now York isnow living; at his summer home on
rand View avenue,B. E, Cohen has sold two lots at
Plattmount to Mary J. Skidmore.
Tiu to Be the Banner l i a a i ifUl Plaoe Xti Inown.
According to records of rentals byvarious real eitate men, AtlanticHighlands is to have • banner aum-mer. Houses which have been rentedfor the p*aeon include the Hppeland,Mattox. Ha^'non. Stearnn. Waldo, BellAir, Morrell. Bpt.tR and Mnehl pot-tages; the Bay View and Loskwoodhotels, tilt two Mickens houses onPourtii and Mount avenues, tiie Kee-waydin lodsre/and houses belonging toDavid P. Smith, Mrs. F. A. Reiter,Mn, Forman Smith, Franklin Patter-son, A. i . Wooding, Gus Ballin, Cap-tain Barr, S. Morris, Mri. EdwardHoeoer, B. M. Tucker, A. H. Magee,P, W, Wright, W. J. Wright. Mrs.Katheririe Davie^ Mrs. Charles Puvole,mrn vVkiwt ,A, Brown, William A.Gehlhaus, G. A, Kraue and B. Briggs.
~ " " tufburrow, of NeWBrUns-, , . . , ,ti&a)^rdBy apd Sunday -with
his joftrents here.of N«w«k ia
USED CARS BARGAINS.1914 Cadillac Touring, overhauled
and painted, like new.Guaranteed.
Packard, •svan-paisangsr Touring,with fore doors, painted and Ingood order. Great bargain.
Franklin Tourtajr Car, good order,9100.
Maxwell Runabout, good order,with top, J175.
Cadillac with Limousine and Tour-ing Bodlas, fine order. Greatbargain.
Ralnl«r Touring Car, good orderCheap,
Autocar T o u r i n g Car, Greatbargain,
Jr. W, Mount Co.,RED BANK, N. J,
WE SHOWa full and complete as- ',
sortment of
Spring Suits :at all prices,
You will find here JUSTTHE SUIT you are lookingfor and at a price less than
you expect to pay,$5, $10, $15 and
$20for the best values on the
MEN'S FURNISHINGS.Let us supply you with thefinishing touches of correct
dressing:The Proper Collars,
The Nobby Ties,The Newest Shirts,
The Right Kind of Gloves,
the kind that look right, fitwell and wear good.
Prices $150 to $6.50.Splendid Blue Serge Suits
at $3,50 and $4.50.
WE CAN' TOP OFF yourNew Suit with a= STYLISH
HAT to please you at$1,00 to $2.50.
Headquarters ol J t m n Graver,for Made-to-Order Clothing.
H. N. SllPP,i 19 Broad Street, Bed Bank,
mi mi ai mi tin ii I I I I I
VI••J Ha ii BOW prepared to take orden
Earliag, Johnson & Frakc CoContractors and Builders,
And Deitleri in All Kinds ofB U I L D I N Q M A T E R I A L S .
BRIDGE AVENUE.Opposite Railroad Station.
Red Bank N. J.Work dona by the day or cantnet.
No job too luxe; nans too gmalLJobbing attended to >t short notice.Estimates fnrniehed on all kindi cf
work,S»tlsf action Kvannteed,
, ' Office, SM-M^ Yard. 497-J
NOTICE !Now is the time to have those bursted seams in your tin
roof and gutters repaired. The sanitary condition of your plumbingwork means a great deal to the general health of yourjfamily. Whynot have it looked over and put in condition while it can be done ata nominal cost.
I would be glad to give you estimate on any new work atsame time.
HOWARD FREY74 Monmouth Street. Phone 234-J. Red B a n k , N, J,
ALEXANDER D. COOPERReal-Estpte-and hrswance
.Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado andPlate Glass Insurance
EMBALMER.Monmouth Street,
Near Maple Avenue,
Telephone, 254 Red Bank.
4ft§ Moving Parties in His New*" Moving Van^ and also
Parties in His TouringCar.
All orden promptly attended to.| Straw Rides, Hotel Parties,
etc., At rMionable price*.Address ALBERT BURDGE |
LOCUST, N. j . $Tei.phooe 141 AtUntie Hiihtandi.
Luf»ber.S»»l;,t>oora4Bllnda. Glut
This cut represents the'Acmeof perfection in mowers. Ourstock includes the Coldwe]],Imperial, Rajah, Lakewood,also the Townsend HighWheel Victory, etc.Now is the time to brightenup. Your home will lookwell with "Kyanize" the re-nown for quality.
ers' Hardware.
; OCEAN AVENUE,iinimimiimmiiMimiMi
4/ J
P«fl« light.
Personal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Opera-tions Lodge Doings Slight Fires Births, Mar-riages, Deaths, Accidents Other InterestingFeatures of Town and County.
.Mr. and Mrs. .Tiu-eph Spenee moved(iiiiii t ' r enni lUiit'e to .laineH Kelson 'slnMir'e a l lni luy: : town last wee!;. Mr.•Ntlson is liuiirdinK with them.
I 'aynionil \"4iiidei'lioer IUIH luvnj u i e n the eon t rae t for w i r i n g theiMiirlishtowii MethodiHt e luuvh forelei-triu
Howard Croxon of Freehold is muk- , order.
The now drLrree team of the l.onwlinin.-h |od.Lre of Royal Aivanmnvisited the Aslmry Park lodgo Tm>s-day iiij:ht of la^t wot-k and ronferiu 1the_derive on threi- I'andidiites. Sev-eral visit my members were present,anionu: them i>euiu .lames V. Umiloyof Newark, the irrand orsUor of the
ohnOlrli Want Simple Dresi.
The trirl niaihiateH of {lie .I.onirI'raneli high s-.-hnol will make u standlliis year for simplicity in IIIVNS at theeomnieiHi'iiient exi-ivine*. They haveall ainvi'ii to wi'iir simple dresses of
Joseph l i r ake ley of, " i ; ; ^ " 1 " 1 1 1 ' ' " 1 l l l u I t 0 l I i W " * e wi th
a i to i - i t ions to t inwiiieh ho rt\t>nt!y luHiuhl from1 .nklM'SOIl.
Mrs. Lewis Kyno nf TVnni'tit ins i ' i i o i i h l y t>ii'k :\l t l i i ' h o m e o f h e rilniiirhtiT, Mrs, Philip Stoki^ of Free-li.il.j,
Mr. ami Mr p yVu-i'liolct have rt'tunii'il from Kloritlu,when1 they p.punl ni'vural weeks.
.1 nilII (iitheiis nnivoii last week fromunr of tin1 i)i'ii])lcr liounrs at l':imiin£-(iiiii1 to Asliury Park.
X H(>II \v;i^ liorn to Mr. and Mrs,<'!iarles Km ley of lloriuTrilown onI'I iilay, April Dth.
Mrs. t'lilTorii iTain'e of FreeholduaNo liirtli to a ilaUL'liter Sunday oflast week.
Iioies iieeniB. zRaymond Bra/.o of l.onir Branch
NVas lined S.'ii) ami in addition the autoliivuse of his father, John W, Brazo,WiiH revtil;ed last week, VounfT Urazowas ciiarijed with driving ti car with-out a license with his father's knowl-fds'.e.
.1 . iUi l i i . insl i a i ! h i s h u i n c w i r e d f o r e le i ' t r i t 1
CnntiiantDS for Fostiiinnter,Thomas I', Haiiailow. Joseph Tny-
f Allentown has \0Vt Aivhie Kogerx. Hurry lnger.solland ChnrleH !•'. Huriiey are candidatesI'leive of .Maiias<nmn has ,-,„. tiu , (,,], o f postnuUt* r at Bradley
L a a jdli in t'aniik'n.WjaiUnir nt Wait Tami l ,
Mi.-s Kinmn Ilaniiiiisnn, daughter of(u'.iiyo Hankinson of JCast Farminjr-ilale. and, [)-:•;»• Patterson of WestFarms were iiiai rie.d at the latter!> 1 u •»• Saturday week. The ceremonywas performed by . Rev, B,-Harrison
j p t a t yIU'a:li to succeed (ieor^e I^ciss, who
; was removed from ollii'e a short time:ijro.Men Ate Riieats of %Voinen,
picked up unconscious ami was takenhome. Mr, Onkoa wns lniil up two orthroo day a,SMth from Start Oliiui,
Mrs. Deborah J, Bennett, wife oEden Reunctt of Neptune City, dimof heart diseuHe last Thurmlny, SluwiiH r>."i yearn old and besides her hus-band in .survived hy two daughters urnf o u r HOI1H,
K«u C«u|rht In * 3Pip*.Mrs. Henry Miu-Elvaino of English
town missed one of her choice hensabout three weeks ago. Last weeksjie found it caught in n piece of tileTwo i-nvts were found in the tilu witlthe hen.O»v« PUy at W.w Egypt,
The Alli'iitosvii dramatic assoi-iutiorwent to New Egypt Tuesday of lustweek and pii'sented "A Regiment ofTwo." At the close of the show theplayers enjoyed a supper nt the Amci'iean house.
Married 57 Y«ar«.Rev. and Mrs, Henry Wheeler of
Ocean Grove observed their H7thwedding anniversary Tuesday of lastweek, Mrs, Wheeler was sick and thisprevented any formal celebration.Given a Llinn Bhow«r.
Miss Mildred H, Morris of LongBlanch had a linen shower lastWednesday afternoon, Mins Morris'sengagement to John Hartley of I'hil-adelphia was recently announced.Mew night Watchman.
John Jackson is now employed asnight watchman for the fertilizer fac-tory at Farmingdale in place of Jo-seph Caniglia, who is working for thoIVmst finnd rind prnvel company.Xionsr Brnnchor to Wta,
Elmer V, Lawyer of Long Branchand Jliss Lopisn K, Fenstermachor, ateacher in the Long Branch primaryschool, were married this afternoon atthe bride's home in Pennsylvania.Died at Jersey City.
Henry P. Davison, formerly ofFreehold, died suddenly at Jersey CityMonday of last week. Mr, ~
A Deal card club, composed of ! ! " d J ™ '« ™>™* the past fifteenwomen entertained their husbands af;\ dance and luncheon" last Wednesday
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
and came Isorth on a visit.Family Sick witli Oiip,
. . • , , , .--i— ... >.... .......... ,,t . . . . „„„ !.»..,., The entire family of Alward Bucka-Ihvker in the presence of n few rela- John I), Betile, Tho alVair was the i lew of Imlaystown is sick with grin.
last party to be Kiven by the club forthe season.
tivi's and friends,riromeii 'Nominate OHleeri,
U'ilHuni E, Taylor has been nomi- weaded by Justice.miled for president of the E. II. Jordan S, Cook of Lonp Branch andHtokesjire company of Ocean t.rove. Miss Anna A, Johnson of AsburyJohn E. Quiiin was nominated for l'ark were marriedlast Wednesday byfirst vice president, (.. llliam Justice John A, Borden of AsburySMMwarx second vice president and h. Vavk George Sheppard and W. Hur=N, Woolfion secretary-and treasurer.. o l, | Warren were the witnesses,
wouiau't Oet tipMr, and Mrs, Thompson Brnnk of
! Ackerion Named iu Hordjca Bttlt.Senator Henry E. Ackerson, Jr., of
Park were (U-iving isuriday of JCoyport, has been appointed udminisVlust week when their horse fell down trator under the 1910 will of Madameand refused In get up.. All attempts Nordica in place of the late David S.to get the animal up proved unavail- Crater. The appointment was madeing until the next day, when n hole j , y J u d g e i , a w r e n c e i a s t w e ei{.was dug and it was helped to its feet. : „ , „ „ _ . . , _ E U e t o f f i c M ,
. ., , , ,,,,, _ Mvurse r lii j;iisuji «sis 1'G-ClectedMrs, C. K. Isewell, Mrs. Uikoff superintendent of the Asbury Park
HeiHlrickson, Mrs. Alberta Hock, Miss pri;sbyterian Sunday-school last week,Jennie H.bordon Mia. John S. Hulse n n n , y w . Smock is assistant superin-aiul Mrs M. M, Zollinffer of Allentown tondent, Lester Pullen secretary andattended a meetjntr of the women s William E, Harrison treasurer,"American Baptict foreign missionary _. _society at Trenton last Wednesday. K«d for A».ault. __.. * - , - „ . . ' Samuel and Ellis Slater of MillhurstObject to Small Stores. w e n j arrmtcd ]aAt w e e k c h a r c e d w i t h
The Long •Branch commissioners [ nasaultinfr Morris Masman and wife,havotaken objection to the building of ; The Sinters claim that Masman in-
sulted their sister, Thev wure heldin $500 bail for the grandWant Woman for School
Residents of Neptune townshiphave petitioned- the board -of- edue-a-tion to appoint Miss Mnry C, Bartineas principal of the Bradley Park school.
j gstores in front of houses so that
they project into the sidewalks. Thecity attorney has been instructed todraft an ordinance prohibiting thebuilding of such stores.Ice BuuliiB** Sold.
Charles McChesney of Freehold hasld hi i b i E d d Msold his ice business to Edward Me-| Miss Uartine teaches the third grade
Chesney and will hereafter devote his • j n the high school building.entire time to the operation of his • _ , , _ , " ' . _ ,farm, which he bought several years j BaJf' D e I a a t s ci«»wftt#r.ago from A. P. Fardon. The ice buai- ! , Edward I. Ralph, ex-champion poolness brought $10,000.Bicyclists Hit a Fole.
Leslie Gregg and Douglass Hand . . ^ u r _ _ „ _ u i „lay of Ocean Grove struck a telephone ; Knlph's high run was 32,pole while riding a tandem last Thurs-day night, Gregg was knocked un-
. R p , e p i o n poopkyer of this country, defeated W, M.riearwater, also an ex-champion, in amatch at Ocean Grove last Thursdaynight by a score of 200 to 147.K l h
y night, ggconscious and Handley received several bad bruises. The wheel.smashed to pieces.Commerce Board Leiioe* an Ofllce.
The Asbury Park chamber of com-merce has leased an ofllce in thestandard realty company's buildingand will establish headquarters for itscommercial information bureau. Theboard will issue. 10,000 advertisingcirculars this-spring.Stole Bicycle Tlrei.
Henry Burnty was arrested at As-bury Park last week, charged withstealing six bicycle tires, Burney ad
d h
Bowlinf League Banquet._,_ The Freehold bowling league held awas '< banquet Tuesday of last week. It was
attended by fifty bowlers. The dinnermarked the" ending of the series of theleague, the trophy of which was wonby the Dclphfans club.Church Gives a Bnuquot.
The Farmingdale Methodist churchhas received f200 from the estate ofthe late Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, wholived at that place many years. Themoney win be used for lighting thechurch with electricity. ", 'Woman Held for Sentsnoe,
Gladys M. Dunkley of Long Branch
y pElmer H. Buekalew, Ethol Warenand Alvin Hendrickson of Imlays-town have also been sick with grip!nominee Oets a Baiie,
The salary of William Kieffer, pas-tor of the Freehold Presbyterianchurch, was raised $200 at a congre-gational meeting last week. Mr. Kief-fer was also given a purse of $103.Kurt with Calci of Ice.
B. F, Hulse of Allentown was badlycut and bruised on the nose last weekwhen a heavy cake of ice fell on himas he wafl"ftlling the ice box in Hutch-inson Reilly's butcher shop,
(Continued oil next page.)
GlenwoThe Rangs thatk n
No Filigreeon the Plain CabinetGlenwood. Just thonatural black iron fin-ish. "The MinionIdea" applied to arange. Every essen-
tial refined andimproved
,v upon.
Sooneror Later
L, Schwartz ® Son, RedBanKSncceuor* to W. J. Sntton
Property for Sale in Red Bank and Vicinity.Fine Residence property for sale on Bergen place, Maple avenue, Shrewsbury avenue. East Front street,
Harrison avenue^Sast Side^Parkrf iy'-Havenr—Residence tt^fW^IfWla' Monmouth. Good Dwelling and lot at"Little Silver, Price $1 ,400 . '. | ,
. The Dr. Boyd Property, on East Front Streethas been Qpened up r the sale of lots. I have the agencyfor sale of these lots at very attractive prices. The late are 50 feet wide and have access to the rivir.
Lots at "Red Bank Park West." S2QO up, on e a s y t e r m s .Lots on Pinckney Road. T Is tract is improving. Several houses already built.' FIRES INSURANCE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, X
- . PROPOSALS.Sealed propoaali for tht furntahint
of all twig, labor and pat«riali tnthe proper eonitruction of the roadknown ai the Riverside Drive, in th ttownihip of Middletown, countyMonmouth, in accordance with th?"plant and »poolfl<n»tion» preparedtherefor by th« county engineer of tht
[ county of Monmouth, will be receivedby the Board of Choien Frooholdenof the £ounty of Monmouth, at tht l trootai, court house, Freehold, N. j , ,on Wednesday, May 8th, 1915, at Uithour of eleven o'clock in the forenoonof said day, and then and there pub-Hcly opened and read.
Plana and specifications can be ob-tained of George U, Cooper, countyengineer, 60 Broad street, Had Bank,N, J,, by depositing the sum of tendollars therefor, which said gum willbe repaid upon return of the plan*and specifications to the »aid enginetsIn good condition,
A certified check, drawn to the or*dor of the collector of the county o£Monmouth, in the sum of one thouianddollars, must Bccompnny each pro-posal.
The BoBrd of Chosen Freeholderfof the county of Monmouth reserves"*the right to reject any or all bids ifdeemed to the best interest of th tcounty so to do.
j . M; CORLIES,.Attest! Director,
C. E, CLOIE, Clerk,
PROPOSALS,• Sealed proposals for the furnishing
of nil labor, materials and tools re-quired for the construction of thethird flection of the Mai-lboro-Vander.burg road, in the county of Mon-mouth" in Bccordanee with the plansand specifications prepared thereforby the county engineer, will be re-ceived by the Board of Chosen Free-holders of the county of Monmouth,at their rooms, court ho'ute. Freehold,-on Wednesday, the Bth day of May,1915, at the hour of eleven o'clock inthe forenoon of said day, and then andthere publicly opened and read.
Plans and specifications can be ob-tained of George D. Cooper, countyengineer, 60 Broad street, Red Bank,N. J.
A certified check, drawn to the ordeEof the collector of the county of Mon-mouth, in the sum of $500, must ac-company each proposal,
The Board of Chosen Freeholder!of the county of Monmouth reservesthe right to reject any or all bidi,
" . ,_. J. M. CORLIES,Attest; . Director,
Be It Ordaintd by the Council of th«Borough of Fair Haven;1, That Sycamoi't Place b» gradedU—2, iuch Kradlng shoU be dona In ao-
ooraanee wfth profile and speclflcatlon«prepared by Arthur C, Swift, O, B,,datld March. 18th, 1818, and mow on fileJn tilt Clerk's office of the Borough ofPair Haven,
3, This Ordinance shall take effectimmediately,
Pasied April 13th, 1B1B,I hereby approve above Ordinance
this 18th day of April, ninoteen hundreAand fifteen,
FRANK D, COVERT,Atteit: Mayor
CHARLES P. CROSS, *Borough Clerk,
F ' . RL ! B o i C 6 S c C O . Garage. Storage. Supplies.niittod the theft nncl ho wns rerom- < w "s in court lost week charged withmilti'd to thi- Rnhway reformatory,' «U»aUntr hundreds of dollnrs' worth offrom which institution he wns re- • woariiiK appurel from Samuel Suehs'sI'piitlv pnrok'tl, house. She pleaded non vult and was
g pphouse. She pleaded non vult and washeld for trial tomorrow.Bntertainineat Society Elects.
Rev. Charles H, Bruce has beenpresident of the Matawanand entertainment society.
I'piitly parok-d.Oirl Wai Striomly Kurt,
Jliss Anna Hurley of Spring Lake,who wns injured in nn nuto nceidenttwo weeks mo, is still sufferinsj from ; electedhov injuries. At firat it ,wus thought I loutureshe was only sHjrhtly hurt, but later i Joel A, WnllinK is vice president, Mrs,it was found that her back was scr- f-tlward Ferry secretary and Mrs.iounly injured. j C-.vrus Knet-ht treasiirer.Mlision Worker* Blictta. I w l u a Demollihea Barn,
Airs, Wesley B, Stout has been re- IHirinfr tho storm Sunday of lnstcletlod president of the home mission- ; ck the wind demolished the barnsiry society of the First Methodist' on V, P. Lnrrison's fnrm at Unlays-iliuidi of Asbury Park. Mrs. L. Sill town. Some big trees in that section
William Mar- : wei '° uprooted and roofs of outbuild-Parker Hick- ' '«P'R were blown off.
Suitor Honored.Re%', G, M. Conover, pastor of the
Asbury Park Reformod church, hasbeen appointed to represent the classis
band, among them being that ho beat j on the board of superintendents of theher. attempted to drown her and tried : New Hi'iinswiekseminnry. rhe termto run over her whii nn automobile.T.alimer is a!summer resident of As-
is vice president, Mishall secretary and Mman treasurerWife Makes Oliftrfes Arninit Husband.
Mrs. Elsie Latimer of Newark hasmade several charges against her hus-
i h h b
29 E, Front Street. Telephone 1074,. Red Bank, N. J. Repairs and General Machine Work by Experts,
The owner of a Chevroletmay well feel proud of his car.Not only is it a well built andsubstantial car but it is one of
^ unusual beauty. BY THIS SIGN YE SHALL KNOW IT"
bury Park,Ituvolver Pei'lulti Revokefl.
Antonio Ravello and SalvatoreAddeo, two Long Branch Italians
n s i c s e iof otliee is five years.Minister Surprised.
Rev. Frederick B, Harris of LongBranch had a surprise party lnst Fri-day night in celebration of his 32dbirthday, lie received a traveling
f hwere in court lnst week charged with i l)«tf ""d cane as n gif| from thefiring revolvers promiscuously. They church officials,both hnd pei nuts to carry revolvers Oraduntsa m Kurii.nml th^e « f ic promptly revoked, Miss Clara Lippincott of LongCommerce Boara Meeting | Branch is a member of the class of
The Fieehold chamber of commerce ; 1015 of the nurses' training schoolliel'I a nuttintr last Wednesday at i of St. Luke's hospital at New York,win. h ,i lot of business was transacted, j The commencement' exercises wereThe board decided to furnish musicfor the meeting of the county chamberof commerce at Freehold next month.Firemen Surprise Young Couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Titian P, Summers of
enceheld last week.Epworth teag'ne Officers.
Rev, R. B, Stevenson has beenelected president of the Epworthleague of Asbury Methodist church atL B h Mi K h l
4* Standard Equipment.| All Models.^ Mohair Tailored top, with cover^ and Side-Curtains,4- Windshield, Speedometer, Electric Horn,
+ complete Lamp equipment, Tire Irons,
Demountable \Rims, Complete Tool
Equipment, License Brackete, Non-Skid
Tires on rear wheels.
Price fully equipped with Electric Lights and Starter $985F, O. B, Flint,
The Chevrolet has no sup-erior in hill-climbing ability,and few at any price excelit in speed performance,
The Car You'll Eventually Buy.If you are looking for a mod-
erate priced car, yet a car ofhigh grade, the.Chevrolet is whatyou want. It far surpasses anyother car at anywhere near itsprice.
The Chevrolet comes in threemodels.
Come and set them and takea ride in one.
(.love, who were recently mar- j Long Branch, "Miss Kathleen Bar-,, yried, were given a surprise serenadeby members of Washington .fire com-]>an\ Tuesday night of last week. Mr.Suiumcis is n member of the company.Ministers Organlre.
Tho I,OIIK Branch Protestant min-have oignni/.cd a ministerial as-
and have elected .Tohn G.Lowll president. Frederick B. Har-,ris 1M vice president, Alfred Duneombonecretary und W. I. Reed treasurer.OlufilXUect* Offioera,
Mi«fl Fricdn Schneider WAS electedpresident of the ComuH club of As-uury Park last week, Mrs. StewartApploRalc is vice president. MissHelen Cottrell secretary and Miss•Marguerite Hampton treasurer.
g n i s a t e n Barher is secretary and Mrs. ChesterWright treasurer.Widmer Lost at Lakewood,
Francis Widmer of Long Branchlost a roller skating race at Lakewoodlast Wednesday night to n Lakewoodboy, Widmer lost ground by a fall orthe race would have been a close one.Attended Clinreli Mietinf.
Rev. James A. Mntheson, CharlesB. VanHorn and Horace R. Ford ofAllentown attended the spring meet-ing of the Monmouth Presbytery atSouth Amboy Tuesday of lost week.Injured in a fall.
Alfred Oakes, who works In the rugill a t Freehold f l l d th fiAlfred Oakes, who works In the
mill at Freehold, fell down the firecape stairi last Wednesday, He es-
PRICE, with Magneto and Prest-O-Lite Tank $ 7 5 0W, O. B, Flint, Michigan
Ixtra, when* equipped with Blectric Lights ana Starter $110
1915TffiGar Which
is Winning '
PRICE, with Magneto and Prra^O-Lite Tank $ 8 7 5^ O B Fli M^h, Flint.« O B., Flint. M^ehUan
Extra, when equipped wfth Electric Lights and Starter $ 1 1 O
\ * •- V. •" •*»!**
BRIEF ITEMS OF HEWS.(Ccmtinutd from la$t pagt.)
Edward Malonty &M at the horn*of hU f«ther, John Maloney of Wtek-stunk, Sunday, April 4th, of pneu-monia. He wai 45 years old and b§-•Idu hli partntw leaves n brother and* •later,UMM* rot w«w n o t •,
A dinner will be given to JudnRulif V, Lawrence at the Monmoufbhouie at Freehold next Wednesdaynight, W. P, Tftraokmorten and Dr.J. Q. Clayton a n arranging for thedinner.
fwut fwEdward Johnaon has bought E, 1,
Cottraira store at Hpwell and tookpoatenion of it last week. Mr, John-son wai recently married and he andhig wife are keeping house over the•tort.
Mlu Martha K Wider and Mn.Jos«ph A, Reed of Asbury Park artattending the continental congress ofthe Daughters of the American Revo-lution at Waihbfton, D. C, thisweak.
Sato Thirty Bajn.H. W. Lencitreet of Manuqnan
was arrested last week on a charge ofdriving hli automobile while drunk.Re M I MntMMd to thirty days Inth« county jaQ and his license was re-voked.
Bmb Mas tajwr**. .....George ROMMU of Bradley Beach
caught his hand in a jointer in theOften, Hagerman lumber company*!mill l»gt week and the ends ox timenngen wire cot marly off.
Arthur Brisbane, editorial writerfor ft* New Yaric Jnnal, ktn twenupending Mvnsl day* on hU largefarm at Farmingdale inspecting £Upeach wad apple orchard*.Aimr v « m at Arttur wmtk.
Army wermaiiave nude their ap-pearance at North Anbury Park agateand gardener* and peeple with finelawj have been bwiy ipxiading poiionto exterminate the wormi.OMgM Tiagtm la Tot*** WUMme,
Carroll Megill of Farmingdalecaught hli hand in a potato planter onPercy Farry'i firm at Wert Farmslast week and about two inches of oneof his fingers was cut off,S M * N Otto a Mb,
Samuel A* BMTM «f Ocean Grovehas been appointed a member of theboard of managers of the state geo-logical rorvey to inccted T, FrankApplebf ©f Asbury Park.Victim of TntnmOBla.
Misa Mary A, Thompson of En-glish town died Tu«JKiay of last w*ekof pneumonia. She w u 79 years oldand leaves one ulster, Mri. John B*Thompson of Rahway,Charity Bull at Aatauy Vaife,
A charity ball will be given In theAibury Park casino next Mondaynight. It will be the last ftf a ierSsof charily benefiti held at AiburyPark the pu t winter,Eleotrlolty in Flaoa of Xtroira*.
The old kerosene lamps in theFarmingdale Presbyterian churchhave been replaced by electric lights.The wiring wai done by Morris, Lane& Co, of Ocean Groye,
Morris &' Lane, %E5 have been con-ducting an electrical business atOcean Grove, have dissolved partner-ship. The business wQl be continuedby Frank S. Morris.Kom« from JfcaUU. . _
Mr, and Mrs. Edmund L, Thompsonof Ocean Grove have returned fromFlorida, where they spent the winter.Mr. Thompson was engaged in fishingwhile in the South.
of Ocf an Grove to Harry Eaton ofCleveland. The wedding was private.MM at
James Batten died at the LongBrunch hospital last week of cancerof the intestines. H« lived with hitbrother, Fred BatUn of Aibury Park.
William T. Ketcham of Went Fartniia building a two-story addition to hiihouse, and la making several improve-ments to the interior of the building.••id o« SMtMn OttMtr*.
John Hurley of Avon pleaded notguilty to an indictment charging himwith wife desertion last week. Hewas held in f 800 for trial on May 12th.X0M Brjiac Towwr M M
The new hose drying tower for theAllentown Are company was erectedon the boMDUgh hall lot last week.B. F. Rogers raised tha apparatus.dft> Wb to Yt&nsyiv&atMa
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Kelt of LongBranch will soon leave for BeaverCity, Pennsylvania, where Mr. Hcithas A Job caring for the golf links.
VanNest Quackenbush of Freeholdstarted work last week u districtsuperintendent of the mosquito exter-mmatton oruuade in this county.An OU TlolU,
Joseph Merkle of Belmar has aviolin whkh is said to be 400 yeanold. It was made in Italy and wat,bought by Mr. Marklt's father.
HERE'S PROOFA B«A aaak OltU.n T.IH of Xla •«-
You have a right to doubt state-ments of people living far away butan you doubt Red Bank endorsem*nt7
Read it:
WlllUm If. Pope, barber. 88 Wuilftcitr«»t, Il«d B«nN, N, J., «ay«: "I frs-uently had a iharp pain aeroii thi
• mull of my back and did not know juatwhat c»u««d It. I triad different kind*of medlctnaM to no avail. Fjnnlly Itot Doftn'B Kliiney rill« at c\ A, Mlntnni Co,'* Drug Store, Th«y brouglitirompt roller and I now have no caunc
fur complaint." (Hlatement fiven Jan*uary Sth l»0i).
Over three yean inter Mr. Pope laid:Whenever I have felt In need of a kid-
noy tonlr, I have ujiert DOBB'B Kidney""lll« with good re«ult»."
Price 50c, at all dealers, Dontsimply atk for a kidney remedy—getDoan's Kidney Pills—the same thatMr, Pope had. Fotter-Milburn Co.,
ropi,, Buffalo, N, Y,
An addition i» being built to Acrear of the Standard plumbing com-pany's building at Freehold, GeorgeRichardson U doing the work.
Mrta ama iin, o. A.
Clarence F. GOMVW of Howetlbroke Va wrist and sprained themuscles of his hand while starting agasoline engine last wtek,
Alton Taylor, aon of Charles Tay-lor of Arfrary Park, was operated onlast weak at the Spring Lake hospitalfor tilt removal of tonsils.
Wilson Marriek of Allentown felldown the cellar of stain of Mrs, A, H,Jones'i houie last Wednesday andsprained his left ankle.••to fsk as K ^ M 01M*.
SpaffoTd Redd of Bightstown hasbeen appointed freight clerk at thePennsylvania station at Freehold tosucceed Walter Hulae.Baa »orJt In H i Toot.
John Morris of Long Branch stacka pitchfork in his ankle last week.The fork penetrated to the bone andmade a bad wound.
The members of the Ocean GroveQuean Esther circle will make a visitto Ellis Island at the mvtiation ofMiss M, Matthews,Hmy Op«n Kot.L
An effort is being made to re-openthe old Hollywood hotel at LongBranch this summer urioer the oldtime management. -Somg Bramefa CHrt nek. , , „
Miaa Mary White, daughter of JohnA, White of Long Branch, wai sicklast week with a heavy cold border-ing Oft pnetmionia,DUd la •aBltertmm,
William Kahle of Long Branch diedin a sanitarium in Pennsylvania lastWednesday. He was 44 years old andwas unmarried.
Mr, and Mrs. John Heldt, J r ndaughter of Long Branca returnedlast week from Sooth Carolina, whenthey spent the winter. They are nowvisiting at Puttie,Mn, Hamub I, WMSwavfl Stag, *
Mrs, Hannah g. Woodward, widowof- John P. Woodward of CreamRidge, died last Wednesday, Mrs,Woodward.was 68 years old and issurvived by a son,Painting Contflfltt Awarded.
The ' Manaiquan council hasawarded the contract for painting thestand pipe at that place on the insideand outside to M. B, Main of Camden.Mis bid was $296,> H M XOOMW UtoUn.
A prize rooster, which had beenRiven to Miss M. E, Gordon of Allen-town was stolen last iatnrday week.The rooater had taken a-priEt at theMt. Holly fair,••Mptiaii at IhMwlB.
Mrs, Tunis R, Schanck of Matawanentertained about 100 guests at a re-ception last Wednesday. Music wasfurnished by Harold StUwell's orches-tra of Freehold,
T»rry OverWhile the bridge over Fletcher lake
at Asbury Park is being built JamesA. Bradley is maintaining a free ferryacross the lake. _.... i
William Ssdmvui of Fn*h»W isputting up a small building in therear of his stor* in which to manu-facture candy.
Mrs. Margaret Heue of Freehold ishaving his Home remodeled, WilliamE. Sedan awl Conrad EMJBODS are do-ing the work.lamk to Wmr Bt tnr t ,
The Farmers and Merchants na-tional bank of Matawan has estab-lished a savings department and willpay interest.WMd«a as[WRev. and Mrs. WllUm Bullock ofVhglishtown celebrated the 25th anni-versary of their wedding last Satur-day week.To siiika Wttawaa
An ordinance providing for the ex-tension of Broad street at Matawanwas passed by the borough council lastweek.Bold a jfarm.~ Timothy Curtin has sold ""ther Curtinhomestead farm in Manalapan township to John Theki of New Bruni-wiA.
canal mmSenator AckerWs bUl appropriat-
ing $3,000 for a survey for a canalbetween the Shrewsbury and Mana-aquan river was passed by the senatelast week
fffova •ey with Olretiir.x r—m Benson of Ocean Grove hasjoined the LeTena circus at its wintermat-tew at HBVM de Grace, Mary-land. This is his second season withthe show.To Oalabrat* £Mgv Aanlvmary,
Tlie Matawan lodge of Odd Fellowswill observe tile 96th anniversary ofthe founding of the order next Mon-day night, A fine program has beenarranged. ,
ta i n t tM f in Month AawHea.Ralph W. Shinn, aon of Mrs, Har-
riet Shinn of Belmar, is managing abranch office of the West India oil.company at Buenos Ayres, SouthAmerica.ou aatii nami
Daniel DjinBer has removed hii oldbarn from the place which he recentlyiboMfM.ft Imlayatown, Mr. Danserwill build a garage whew the barnstood. .fmtalMay a atMcwattnt n u t .
Frank Ely *nd company of Pre«ihold are building an addition, to therear of their butcher shop, in whicbthey will install a refrigerating ma-chine.
cV. J. Heidi of Long,Branch has
rented the former Grandview restau-rant building at Seabrlght to LeonNichobi, who will open a barber ahopthere.
f Offlcm.tor. F. V. Thompson has been in-
stalled as dictator of the Belmar lodgeof Moose. Joseph Hubscher 1B Vicedictator and Samuel Atkinson secre-
Wmw SUtztotPred J. Beckert of Asbury Park has
been elected district deputy of theshore lodges of Encampment Odd Fellows, ~J
Srutft Man to Build.H, F. Lucas of Long Branch has
hail plans drawn for a house to bebuilt on Rockwell avenue at that place,Long- Bnabft Woman Sic*.
Mrs. Pauline Wert of Long Branchhas bean seriously sick the past weekand a trained nurse la in attendance.Vew Boof om BniidiAf .
Fred Jennings ia putting a slateroof on the store building at Freeholdowned by the W, H. Ingling estate,S N t t of YfMboM WatMM,
John S. Hanson, sen of SamuelHanson of Freehold, died Monday oflast weak at the age of five months.OpmUM fw AgVMtfaMi.
Mri, Charles A. Craig of Adelphiawas operated on for appendicitis atthe Lakewood hospital last week,ftaU Vp witt ItaauMmta,
James Masaey of Manasquan wastaken sick last week and is now laidup with an attack of pneumonia.
Jacob B, Sweet, James Boice andC. Wedey Glover of Ocean Grovehave organized a collection agency,AUmtown Han Bays Sot,
William Applegate of Allentownhas bought a lot adjoining his prop-erty"from William H. Moore,Bilnu WOUM Optnui On.
Mrs, Itene W, VtnNote of Belmarwas operated on at the Long Branchhospital last Thursday.Jtooorwrliiff from Pnanmonl*.
Arthur Kuhns of Cliffwood ia recovering from a severe attack ofpleuro pneumonia.&alfl Up >Mth BOM Throat.
Earl, Allen and Henry Johnson ofHomerutown were laid up last weekwith sore throats.
•m *»•
•P«ir of Monmoutbgreat hpnit
i• O * r d of X f a l t h A c o o u n t .
FVImiiii1)1 nth, 1U14.Vl l l l am D, H a j i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . fI, (*}. B o r d a n , , ,. I". K i n g . . .
April Z<\. I'JU.. O, norden.'. W. HhampniitMi.,
Muy 7th, 1S»14.od B a n k ReBlHtiM- ,,>.,,r. I t . 11 . W l l t t o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J u n e fitli, 1 9 1 4 ,amem C o o p e r i ir.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
D e c e m b e r 1 Till. 1914.orBe H, JLitpplm-'citt ,
t e n n e t h F l e l d H , , . , ,a r o n Armi tronf f
Kllaa B, Olack . . . . . . . . . . . .O. B o f d e n . , . , . , . , . , . ,
Dr. B . V, K i n g
Bumste&d't WormSympA fftft l U MM Brautr 1w WWM
MM th» MM for BO I N H , IT HIVBIwsxut. To «ktt#»M Mia u ass «i ofTO t i n , • no^IIHWT
YOUR STOREThis ia the store for per-
fumes and all toilet articles,every toy in the yew,
Our prescriptions are com-pounded from the best drugs,by tte skUfull prescriptionclerks.
We thank you for pastfavors and invite a contin-uaace of your esteemed pat-ronage.
SfflMBEK Plttlitl,J, L. BERGEN tt CO,
Telephone 79-J.
»nd Maana account.Janunry litti, 19H.
Warren Smock, attorney ,f 50.00Rtd Bank R a j l i U r . . . SO.lt
January 17th, 1114.lieodore Snlffen , , . , , IS,00
nbrunry Btli, 1914.:. J. Parker . , . . . . : ; ; . . , 13,00
February Kth, 1114,Red Bank Rif l t t tr . . . . . . . . 10.60M. F. Tetley, , ,3BRed Bonk Standara 10.10
March Dth, 1S14,5dwin Hobbl . . 12,00oaeph MeDermott. 11.40
Aintl 2(1, t914.Bdwln Hobb». 118,00
Kenneth Fields, , . , 3T.50George H, Lipplncott. . . > 37,60Kllas^ Black. 3?,50I. G, Borden, 105.25
ArmitronK 37.50April 16th, 1814.
Red Bank rter'nti-r. IS.SO" A. Sweeney. . . . , . , , , , , , , , , 22.32
May 20th, 1114.eorge H. Llppliicott. . 15,00
Red Bonk R«»laU'r 28,74M. F, Tetlay 1.30led Bank Standard , T.92'homa» B. Washer , . . . 13,14riola Patterson , , , COO
June 4th, 1814,'. A. Applentc A Son, -310,21Xed Bank n e g l a t c r , , , , , , , 39,00
Arrownmitn Pott, G, A, R. 2$,00D. B. Blrney Pout, G. A, R 10.00
June 6Ui, 1114,Bank Regis ter , , , , 39.00
July 2d, 1914,Qeorge H. Llppfnoott , Sf.iOKenneth Fields 3T.B0Edwin Hobba 125.00Aaron Armitrong 37.60
Jnly 18th, 1914.Black- . . . . . . . . . " 37.60
Augugt 6th, 1114,W, W, Slmmpanore,,. 2,60
Oetober 2d, 1914,aron Armntrong. 37.60llas g. Black., , 57.50
Kenneth Fields 37.60OeoPBe H. Ldpplncott 37.B0Blwin Hobbi , 125.00
November 6th, 1914.Red Bank R«trister. 64.44tod Bank S t a n d a r d . . . . . . , . , , . 63.14
H. O. BarOen , , , , 200.00Edwin Hobbl 30,00W, W. Shampanore , , , , . , , , . , , , 23,26
December 3d, 1914,J. S. Applegate A Son 150,00Red Bank "Reei.Hter. 4,00
- Otcember 17th, 1114,Aaron ArmitroriK 37,50Oeorge H, Wppincott , . 37.60Ellas S, Black. 87.50Kennetn Fields 37.50Bdwln -Sobbs liS.OOFrank C. Brram IE 0.00Theodore inltten 16.00Harry O. Bo»4tn 100.00
•••••••<>•>••»•»•»•»•»»•»Onr Sanitary Carpet and
. Rug Cleaning Make*th« DlrtSklddoo. .
n Hut W«WUI Both #
W« Dr• far Y«« ud wfa • d w Jab of it. JY«w M«di far * • rMit Uad «f CAKPET %
Oaa Any tarvfea V j*» My H>.
Han, ' '
Red Bank Awning and :;Carpet Cleaning Work«f;;
Melvln M. Cnw,
Towoship of Shrewsbury,MONMOUTH COUNTY* N. J.,
for the Fiical Year Ending January1st, 1915,
nvamrrm.January lat, 1814.
Balance on h a n d , . . . . . . . . . . . . | 169.15January Ifth, I t l4,
B, J, Parker, oollaotor... S,1S3.B9April 3d. 1914.
Edwin Hobbe, eollector 2,000.00May M, 1914.
County collector 149.88June 12th. 1914,
Edwin Hobbe 2.000.00July 10th, 1114.
Edwin Hobbi., 1,000.00July 27th, 1114.
K, Shoemaker , . , , , 1.70Henry B. Kunnel 6.00State forest Ore fund 19,32
August 22d, 1914.Check, Pintard Interest , ,125.00
Ootober Id, 1814.County collector . , , . . , . , 14i,8S
September Slat, 1114.Edwin Hobba 1,500.90
November Bth, 1914,Bol, peit house property sis;
November 12 th. 1914,Edwin Hobb«, '• 2,000.0
December 4th, 1914,Edwin Hobbs. gOO.Oi
December IStb, 1914,Edwin Hobbs , l,loO.i
Deoeraber 29th, 1914.County co l l t o to r , , . 149.SI
Total , , . . ; . . 114.834,2,Lees disbursem*nts , 14,241,9
Balance , . | 692 3ilgned, ,
PRANK G. BYRAM.Bworn to before me thl« lBUi day o
April, 1916, 'HARRY C. BADEAtJ,
JuBtice of the Peace.
H M Aooount.January llth, 1814,
John Wylle , / . • s 0li'ebruaiT 19th. 1914".
A, J, Bowmnn,,, 75March 19th, 1814.
Albert S, Miller , , , si 2April 2d, 1014,
Anilri'W J, Bowman BOMay 2"oth, 1914.
Eureka Fire HOBO CO 250 nJohn WjHc 411 0Tlntcrn Manor Water Co . . . . 87.
November Oth, 1914.John Wylle 48,
Ko\ embor JUUi, 1B14.John Wylft pi,A, J. Bowmnn a 6
Decombel 3d, 1911.Tlntern Mnnol Co 87 Ti
IJct embor 17th. 1914.Jnnien Murphy 220 "fJohn \yyHo 20.0
September 19th, l » l i .1110.0
A, ParkerBth, 1014,
WBV JVUllnm Huiini-'ii, .
Vrjid Uordi'ii, . , , . , , ,Octubri- 10 Hi, 11(14.
H. CurtiH
I 152,UOAccount.
I. H. Hci'urd. .K O D t t l l i l l l l Sil, H i l l ,
r, U? Bftuv««r
IS.S3U.oun no
IS. Mi19,00
8.00L1 no6. I'd
1 2 . 4 03 , V b
I 348,06
JOB, IS. W n n 1 t . i l , , . . , , .u , V, Wiinlcm . , ,O. J, Wurdeii
n. P, Warrtrn,.tJ. j . Wimli-n,.II. J. Parker...JlllllCH UlJlHlliiWJ I I M , J . . p K T
Dangler( ' i i r i i i l l.lartlcHItlrlmrilI'lmrlfit'liurl^nJ o h n A. ,Mi-(iiili'(>JIIM. !•:. Wnnl i - l lW l i l i i i m CiiHlcy. . ,J ' l i i n k C . l l j i i i m
l i r k iH. l i u r l i - y . . .
Mil l
II H I M I K II- 'n iuk I ' , Hj liifiiA i i h i i r If. Hhn t lH . . .UooiKt ' K. Al l en , J r .l t l r h i u i l I ' r i rkor<>. I", Wui i l t ' l iu . j , W u n k ' i ij i ini*H HI - IHI I I IW..IIIH. L .
g II .It. J. I'urk
ino.L'3L I 7 . N Hu,aszn on t11A fan oiK/o
1 1 7 . 0 1 1 T . 1
PROPOSALS.Scnlcd propOBals for the furnlHhing
f all tools, labor and materials totthe rtplunkinK of tho bridge known aa
in the townships ofIVfl.lO
ll,()4 ('oopui'M
irliiio Shrewsbury and Middletown, over theHhicwKhury river, will be received bythe iliiiird of ChiiHon freeholders ofthi- t'ouiity uf Monmouth, 111 thuirrooms, court house, Freehold, N, J.,on Wednesday, Muy fith, 1910, at thohour of oleven o'clock in the forenoonof fiui<l day, and then and there pub-icly opened and rend.
PliinH and spocificutions can lie ob-taineil of (leorKC I). Cooper, county
B11 r,, u 11
m . o n•1 u, T r.
Vsot Accoaut .Januarj' Ifith, li»lt.
A, II, HordPii, , , .O, SI, yuackenliuiili . ,
February 4th. 1014Seloim nanirlcr.,,
Fiiiiruary 1 9 t h , IB 14.Ocorgo QuiickonbUBli
March i>th, IS 14,Kclena Danglpr
March IDth, 1814,John C, CrawfordC. H. Hurley , . , , , , ,A, H, Borden . . , . . . ,
April Sd, 1014,Dr, J, E, Sayre., . . . . . . . . .Geo, M. QuaekenbuHb , ,A, H, Borden . . . . . . . .Selena DanglerD. BattUer.. ,
May 20th, 1914.Selena Dangler
r ,Juno 4th, 1814.i
June 20th, 1114.John C, Crawford....
July Zd, 1914. " " 'Selena Dangler » ,1. E. S a y r e . , , . . , . . . . . , . . : . . , *
August «th, 1S14,Selena Danf ler . . , . , . , . ,John O. Crawford.,., ,A, L, McQusfn
• October 2d, 1914.Selena Dangler.,J. a Sayre, ,.., ,
October 19th, 1914.O, M. Quackenbuih , . , . . . ,John C, Crawford
November ith, 1814.L. 8. BohnSelena Dangler.,December 3d, 1914,A. H. BordenSelena Dang le r , . , . . , ,
December 17th, 1814.A. McQueinC, H, Hurley.Selena Dang le r , . . , , . , , . .p . Battljer. ,John Crawford .Dr. J. B, SayreJohn C. Crawford
I 1,457.82
Total expenditures , ,114,241,82
I Z.S40.4I
« J a l O r y 17th, 1914,uWlo feervlffCo.,,....,.,..,I
February 4th, 1914,Public Service Co i
Fenrusry Bth, 1914,.COMoUdated Gas Co
J h J h i l A
PubUo Strvlie 'Do,, . ,TT.Tr.~,~ WCA^rU Id." 1914,
ubllo Service Co ,April 16th, 1914.
Consolidated 'O»« Co..May 20th, 1914,
Conaolldated Qa« Co.,'ubllc Servlee Co, . , .
'Ubllo ServlA C o . . , . , . . . . . , , .June 6th, 1914.
'onaolldatLd <Jas , Co,July 2d. 1914,
Consolidated Gaa Co,» ,July i i t h , 1914.
Public Service C o , , . , , , . . ,July Bth, 1914.
Public Service C o . . . . . . . . .( September i»tb, 1914.
Publlo Service Co.,.Ootober 2d. 1914.
Consolidated Qa« Co,,..,October 16th, 1814.-
Publlo Service CoComolidated Oas ( J o . . . . . . . . . .
Novamber 6th, 1914.Public Service Co . . .
November 20th, 1914,.Consolidated Gas Co
November i?th, 1914.Consolidated Oa« CoPubiio Service Co
PROPOSALS,Sealed proposals for the f
of lights on the bridge on the roadknown as the Hamilton road, in thecounty of Monmouth, and on a culvertat corner of Hamilton road and Cor-lits avenue, in said county, will be re-ceived by the Board of Chosen Free-holders of the county of Monmouth,at their rooms, court house, Freehold,N, J,, on Wednesday, May 5th, 1915,at .the hour of eleven o'clock in theforenoon of said day, and then andthere publicly opened and read.
Specifications for said lights canbe obtained of William M. Bergen,freeholder, Belmar, N. J,
f 3,158,93SMfl Account.
January 17th, 191*.Prank C. Byriini f
February Bth, 1614.O. P, WardenB. J. ParkerMonroe ShaftoCharles Brenton,, , , ,William TlltopTyle MatthtwSi . ,Jos. Retvey.. .\,Benj, RumsonWilliam Heev«y, . . , , . . .Johnson HeeyeyJos. E. WardenOliver B, siiaftoCharles G. Armutrong.
February 19th, 1914.Oeorge H. Llpplneott
March Bth, 1914. •O. J. Wordeti,Otorge H. LlpplncoUO, P. Wardenp . Ba t t lge r . , , . , , . . . ,Joseph L. Dangler.Joseph T. BurrowesFrank 0, Byram
Maroh ll th, 1»14,James BelahawCharles CovertJoseph B, Wardeil
April Id, 1814.B.» J, P a r k e r . . . . , . , . . . , . . . , . , .O. J. WardenO. P. WardenJoseph IJ, Dangler . . . . , , ,
April litli, 1914,O, J. Warden , , ,Rocco Natora . . . : , .Oeorge H. LlppineottO. P. Warden,Charles H. H u r l e y . , , . . , , , , , , ,Richard Parker . . , . . . , ; ,
May iOth, 1»14,O, P. WardenJoseph WardrtlCharles C. Armstrong.,tfeorge H, LlppincottC, H, R o g e r s . . . , , , , . , . , ,B. J. Parlter,.,William O-BrjenQaorge K, Allen
June 4th, 1814,J, H. HerbertO, Ji Warden. . , , ,O. P. WardenFrank C, Byrftm
June 8th, 1914.Martin Griffin;
June 20th, 1914.O. P. WardenOeorBO H. LlppincottMartin Griflln
July Id, 1914,O. P. Warden.,George K. Allen , •,
July ISth, 1914.O. P. Warden. , . , , , , . , ,
A t tp l t 6th, 1914.B, J, Parker., , ,Martin OrlffinFrank c, Byram.,Geoi'BB H, LippiiioottO. 1*. Warden , , ,"Jog. T, HuWoWes Co, 1 ,O. J, Warden ,
August 20th, 1914O. J. WftiiknO. P. Wiiuk-11
Scptombor 13th. 1911.O. P. Wniilfii
OotobiT 2il 101 1.U. J 1\ ai(U>n...-O. P. Wunlen.
ut-folicr 10th, 1911..TOM I, DanglerWilliam II CiirhnitO. P. WnnlMiMyjon cunipliell
Ni>\emhi>i Oth, 1011U. J. I'm kmOJ-J- WA4 djii- ,%O. P. A\ard«n,
7,96t B.ii
of the county of Monmouth reservesthe right to reject any or all bids ifdeemed to the best interest of thecounty so to do.
J. If. COELIES,Attest!
C. B. CLOiB, Clerk.Director,
engineer, CO Broad street, Rud Bank,N, J.
A certified check, drawn to the or-der of the collector of tho county ofMonmouth, in the aum of two hundredand fifty dollars, must accompany eachbid.
The Board of Chosen FreeholderH ofhe county of Monmouth reserves the
right to reject any or all bids ifdeemed to the boat interest of thecounty so to do,
CIVIL KN01NEIW .nd BimVEYO*.BulMinir, I»r,*l 11., B«l Bank, • • 3,
f\n. KOBERT DFCKSON,"• ^ VITEB1NAMAN,F.lr Haven, N, J. Phana 421 W. Rai BtuOl
L REILLY A QU1NN,D«vW»on BuUtllnr,j , Qulmn.
Propt Bttenllon to all MIM of tttmmwehuidlic «nd panonal praparty.
V, O, Aiidrcii, 102 Bardsn BtrMI, Red
Room 7, Ebn.r IluiUlns, A n d 8L.
Gndnatai of American School ftfKirk**ille, Ua,,
OffiM Hour. SMA.U. to W» P. U.
Attest:C. E. CLOSE, Clerk.
o* mnm so BAB. o i i s n o u ,JSnaeutora' Notice.
Mary Thenpaon and o&rrett R. Con-over, executors of Edward Poole, de-ceaaeda by order of the aurrogate of thicounty o( Monmouth, herrty »lve notietto the creditors of the said AeMMd tobrine 1° tbelr debts, demands and clalrai
l t th tt f l d dthe aatate of >ald deceased, under oath or tfflrDmtten, wlUiin Mintm«uth» tfwm the ninth «»> of V***nMvry,1116, or th*y will be forever barred s iany action thcr»tor aB«lnnt tha u U o>eeuton,
M A R T I B ,Red Bank. N. J.
OARBBTT B. CONOVEH,Freeb^d, N. J. S, F. D. No. L
• K J H R X T B lfBy virtu* of * writ of B, fa., to mo
directed, issued out of the Court ofChancery of the state of New Jeriey,will be MpoMd ta sale at public vandueon MONDAT, THE TWENTY-SIXTHDAT OF APRIL., 1916. between thehours of 1I:O» o'clock aid 6:08 o'clock(at 1:00 o'clock). In the afternpon of saidday, at the Globe Hotel, Red Bank, Inthe Borough of Red Bank, county ofMonmouth, New Jersey,
All th»t term, the homeatemd farm ofThonma S. Field, deceased, situate In thetownship of Htddlatown, in the countyof Monmouth. aforesaid, and beginningat tiM Intersection of the middle of thepublic road leading- from the village ofLpfidsvllle to the village of Middletownwith tha middle of th« public road lead-ing from Ojborn'a Corner to Red Bank;thence from said btginning, runningsouthwardly along Uie middle of the firstaforesaid read to corner of Joaeph T,Field's farm heretofore bot of WilliamMlcheau by Joseph T. Field; thencesouthMstwardly along said Joseph T,Field's land to the line of John B. Craw-ford; thence northeastwardly along theaforesaid Crawford Una to a corner ofthe aforesaid Crawford land; thencesouth eaatwardly along the aforesaidCrawford line ta the middle of a smallbrook or dtteh; thence northwardlyalong the middle of said brook or ditchto the public road aforesaid which leadsto Red Bank; thence continuing north-wardly alone the line of the middle of•aid ditch, and also on the same linecoirtinned northwardly to the top of thesouth bank of the Poricy meadows;ttenee vtstwarfly along the top of saidbank to a stone In the aeutbiast cornerof the tract of land laid Thomas S, Fieldbought of Crawford; thence northeast-wardly along the line of the last afore-Bald tract he bought of Crawford to *•tone at the point of the bank; thoneenortheastwardly along the foot of thebank to a point opposite Joseph Field'swest line <M±d wert line being tha west
11 =-i. ^rw—Y^ji'.-t. ^?*t«?*--»•=_— i»•. __. . . t i^.
Mrfermad on UtcbM with•afiitT,Alu dosi tnatad with Semm for
afansc,TcUphena IllS, Kittmtown. N. J.
OfflM, Psblle SankM Bulldihl. TaR*iW«nc«, 11 gfarcwabnry A T M M L T
HBO &4MK, M. J.
lOS W. 40th Btraet, New York CiW,Klnmonth Bolldlnf, Aabsrr Park. N. J.
BaaJdanca. BrMd SteMt. Red Baak, H,Sp«ij«ii»tln «)Untr» work.
ft hvhena Conn»eUon».
TOHN 8, APPLEGA.TE & SON,ODduWlion BuiUlns,
N,B ™ *
•am Bread and Front IMttfcI D BJLMK. N. 3.
RED BANK. M,DOm; ID Eurr n o « I
Ofleaa 10 WmA i tmt, HBD BAMt • . J,
Qimdaata Onlvani^ M P«in«y»»»fc>.Omm Swata b d Baaki atadwi, W«*Ma
and S*tanl*T«-U» Bmd Btz«et, Itel Bank. N. *.
PROPOSALS.Sealed proposals for the farniihing
oC all tools, labor and materials forthe replanklng of the bridge known asthe Main street bridge, over Deal lake,in accordance with the plans andspecifications prepared therefor by thecounty engineer of the county of Mon-mouth, will be received by the Boardof Chosen Freeholders of the countyof Monmouth, at their rooms, courthouse. Freehold, on Wednesday, May5th, 1915, at eleven o'clock in the fore-noon of said day, and then and therepublicly opened and read.
Flans and specifications can be ob-tained of Qeorge D, Cooper, countyengineer, 60 Broad street, Red Bank,N. J.
A certified check, drawn in the sumof two hundred and fifty dollars, tothe order of the collector of thecounty of Monmouth, must accompanyeach bid.
The Board of Chosen Freeholders oftherconnty of TMonraouth reaervesrtheright to reject any or all bids ifdeemed to the best interest of thecounty so to do,
J, M. CORLIES,Attest: Director,
C. E, CLOSE, Clerk,
line T g « r e T W V l t > Tthence northwarfly alon« Joseph Field'sline to a stone in Elnathan T. Field'sBOtithetutt corB«r; thence westwardlyalong- said E. T. Field's line to a largestone in the east side of the said Leeds,•ville road; thence weetwartly on thesaid COUTB* to the middle of said road;thence aouthweatwardly along the mid-dle of Bald read to the aforesaid begin-ning, containing about one hundred andeighty acres,
AIM all mmt house and lot of landsituate in the amid township of Middlt-town, bounded northwardly by the pub-lic road leading from Ogborn's Corner toMlcheau's Corner BO called; southwardlyby land of said Thomas S. Field, de-ceased; eutwmrdly by the pubiio roadfrom Leedavllle to Middletown, contain-ing about one-half of an aero of land,more or less, and be.ng the northwardlytenant house and lot of formerly toeMicheau farm BO called.
Alas all that certain tract or parcel ofland and premlaeB hereinafter particu-larly described, situate, lying and beingin the county of Monmouth and state ofNew Jersey, ta Rarltan township, beinglot No. 1 of a map and survey of thewoodland Of Qeorge Hoff, deceased, madeby Alfred Walling, February 24, 1865.
Beginning at a pine tree in GumBridge hoe, it being a. corner of WilliamHff' l d th th i h t i d
B«i Baalc • . IM Mat'l Bnk BnUdtair,•MNM.
K, FRANK L, MANNmG.mmimVBxMd MM, aMWdte Itet * Mffllrt.
BaniiiLir to D i . K / O o r i m .
BAH*. N. J.
oe,nd;d t
..OeorK« H . blupincottNovember 20th, 1914.
C. a. Worthley
fi'l 60K.75
PROPOSALS,Sealed proposals for the furnishing
of all tooli, labor and materials forthe replanking of the bridge known asthe Wanajnaaaa bridge, over Deallake. In accordance with the plana andspecifications prepared therefor by thecounty engineer of the county of Mon-mouth, will be received by the Boardof Choien Freeholdera of the countyof Monmouth, at their rooms, courthouee, Freehold, N, J,, on Wednesday,May Bth, 1016, at eleven o'clockin theforenoon of said day, and then andthere publicly opened and read,
Plana and specifications can be ob-tained of George D, Cooper, countyengineer, 60 Broad itreet. Red Bank,N , J .
A certified check, drawn in the sumof two hundred and fifty dollars, tothe order of the collector of the countyof Monmouth, must accompany eachbid.
The Boaid of Chosen Freeholdersof the county of Monmouth reservesthe right to reject any or all bids ifdeemed to tho boat Interest of thecounty so to do,
J, M. CORLIES,Attest: Director,
C. E. CLOSE, Clerk,
g hoe, t b g a f WilliaHoff's land; thence south eighty-nine degreea and thirty-nine minutes east fourchains and twenty-two linkj to numbertwo; thence north thirty-six rolnutf-3east ten chains; thence north elghty-nyedegrees and nine minutes wast twochains and ninety-six links to Cath.Kelly's line; thence alon- the same southeight degrees and one minute west t€nchains and twenty-four link* to the placeof beginning, containing three acres andsixty-three hundredths^of an aeref
inrt othar
IB t b .B k , £ . a
BuUdin, X w 1%,k£l.a
FfiMeWywMllwMf Awrtrt> <* A—rtoa Bdwol cdTtIR Ma. i r i s tt« imaAm
fladelpUa ceDem of O MwMf AwrteMw W l *
Dr, H. B, VanDornDENTIST
Second National Bank Bofl«iJ«Reonw 8 and t
T T T T T v • y J l i i i i i !
The last above described tract beingpart of the premises conveyed to JamesDowd by deed from Willet Griffin andwife, dated September 9, 1S87, and re-corded In the Monmouth county clerk'soffice In Book 202 of Deeds, paw 22.
gelled as the property of Ada D. Field,guardian, etc., et als, taken in executionat the suit of Peter B. Tall man, and tobe sold by
JOHN S. APPLEQATB & SON, Sol'rs.Dated March 21th, 1915. tISZ.JO.]
nr CjOAirc«*T or m wTo Harvey W, Southl
By virtue of on order of the Court ofChancery of New Jersey, made on theday of the data hereof, in a. certain causewherein Elisabeth South is petitionerand you are defendant, you §re requiredto appear, plead, answer or. demur topetitioner's petition or or before thetwenty-fourth day of May next, and Indefault thereof, uuch decree will betaken acainat yon as the chancellor•hall think equitable and just.
The object sf said suit la to obtain adecree dUMervine the marriage betweenyou and the said petitioner.
Dated March !2d, HIS,CHARLES W. HBNDBICKSPN, Jr.. .
Boilcltor for Petitioner.7S Monteoitwry itreet, Jersey City, N, j .
ITotloa tf BIWlBMt off Acoount-Sstate of Horace P. Cook, deceasetj.Notice Is hereby given that the ac-
counts of tha subscribe™, executora ofthe estate of said deceased, will beaudited and •tated by the surroiate andreported for settlement to the orphanscourt of the county.of Monmouth, onThursday, the slith flay of May, A, D.,i l ls .
• O, 144, • « . t «
g SftSM.IM. •»!».••Per B«»tatt «n4 ^ miAB
<,00,7«J.»»IN, » UU.
rSS12J. (M»t»««.a.m.J 146. I f t9 2S.fea. • . ; 1 U. 4 *6«uenlf), 1W
n U , 6 M
ft. Batwri mW, 4 E». 6V (Mi m, • ML TW, l»4t ftf
T B I , i l t , H M , s , . 1 4 « , ,dayis i »T fc «-:4 45, • 00 *, m,LEAVE KKW TOWS M
Bm,tm.9fSv,m,;Um, (midnight), fw4W. 8 45. »lfcW0Om.m.; *Ml40».»|O.
£ L W M. Jr..f"t11 20 •, M.J 18 NC S t a U W » *
tML1 I*
fortW* pwtkulM. I N t w M l a «t
iUwBEmET. Sn«rfnUniI«nt. H . l n l L E
CHAfl! O, MCFADDIN. Go, Pa-. A | M M. Y.
D."N! BELL. O.JO.P*-. jJi«B«,f»Bn,j,
l U k ! a i U
STEAMER SEA BIRD_.,_«»• Pier 24, foot of fY<i*klin Street. Ntw for* {Lo*di*m at the BatUrwto take on and let of Ftomtnfm only), and Highland; Blohland Btmm,Oceanic, Locu*t Point, and Red Bank.
Tsl.phoiw Call 1704 ftsBkifai, Maw York, til Bad Bank, N, J , Hl«hl»n<U T.Wphoo^ 1M4.RID BANK.
D»lly except Sunday,
Pier 24. foot of PrmklinStreet !
Lo«ve Hattary Landini..Arrive Highland! nbout.,
;; ownie •;/,Ljocuat Point
" Red Bank " ,
..2.56,,4.40.5 .16..MO..5.60
H«W YomcDaltr « « D t Bandar,
Leave Red B*nkLoco»t Point.
** Hlshfandt.Arrive BtttaiT Landlnx aboutA l k l i S t t b t
Excursion Uckot. 60 conU. BiniU Foro. 40 cents.NOTICK-At B»ttety Ludtaff, kU cWntal tnilu fw uptown, «ubw«»
and iwfftM ear* «nd fenlo* to Baton b l ^ a n d K^kln,eu%im^iM$THOLLKY CONNICTIONa.
vta J. 0. T. Co., (or Bton. Ohnreh. Navetinb, Attantto
Arrive BtttaiT L a x aArrlf* FranklinStnatabout
OBlcSlfteln^iBOrF, EatontowB. Ufli8rtt,«li, O, T, Co., fw Fair Vhw, Middtotoim* Hew U<m*m
/ • '
Aatotrg f ark, IC itt Jterattf
SPECIAL SALESfor the next three days only
April 22, 23, 24
Women's Top CoatsThe "Army" Coat is made of an army cloth in
belted front model with semi-fitted back and highconvertible collar, $9 .75 .
Country Sport Coats in tan, green and mixtures, ( fA \Value $15.00, special at $9,75," fefar:
Swagger English Coat of imported novelty plaid.Full flare back, patch pockets and convertible collar,at $22.50.
"Snowflake" Worsted Coats in Norfolk stylewith four patch pockets and belt. Very new model,at $14.95,
"Waterfall" Silk, Corduroy, Silk Faille, andWhite Chinchilla Coats in several new models mod-erately priced.
Leather and TapestryLibrary Chairs
Larst" Colonial Arm Cliiirs, tapestryCOMTI'II, special at, . , . . . . , .$13,49
Laj'Kt* Colonial Ann Hooker, tapestrytovert'd, special at $13,49
Large English Ann Chair, tapestrycovered, special at , , $13.49
Large linglish Ami Rocker, tapestrycovered, special at, $13,49
LarKif Colonial Arm Chair, leather cov-ered, special at $15.49
Larue Colnnial Ann Rucker, leathercovered, special at , , , $15.49
LarRe English Arm Chair, leather cov-ered. special at , $18,49
Large Hngllsli Ann Rocker, leathercovered, special at , , , , . , , , $15.49The above are all upholstered in the
very best manner and covered withtirst quality materials.
Chic Tailleur Suits-SpecialFifty new Spring models in navy and
Belgian blue, shepherd checks and black,featuring the Norfolk Empire Blouseand smart sport coat effects. All thesesuits are beautifully tailored and have'the latest style flare skirts. Value $19.50.special for tomorrow at $ 1 4 . 7 5 . Forwomen and missas.
Smart tailor made suits in navy, sand
or Belgian blue serge with silk Faille
collar. New flare sleeve trimmed with
buttons. Skirt of coat has three box-
plaits to match peplum in back of coat.
Sizes 84 to 44. Special at $ 1 7 . 5 0 .
Distinctive Novelty Suits, There aretwenty-five suits in a variety of the sea-son's most popular models, featuringmany new and individual styles. Ma-terials include mannish serges, gabar-dine, shepherd checks, poplins and hair-line stripes. Your selection of 12 stylesat $ 1 9 . 5 0 . Value $25 00.
For WomenNever sold under $5.00 or $6.00
per pair.Special at Steinbach's
BIG $1 SALEWomen's Blouses
Thirty dozen Lingerie Blouses of sheerlawn, voil, batiste, dimity and crepe. Highand low neck, long and short sleeves. Someare beautifully embroidered -while othersare trimmed with Val. lace insertions. Val-ues from $2.00 to $2.75, special for tomor-row at $2.00.
Another one of our popular tales of
Standard Drugs and Remediesand Toilet Necessities
Ammonia, VioletAsperiii Tablets
Alcohol, pure, for medicinal use:half pint 20cI pint.. 3§eI quart 72c
Abbott's Saline Laxative 35cAbbott's Sallthia, . . . . . . . . 35cAsafetiJa (P. & L>. Mills), 100 for 3fcAbsorbent Cotton, 1 Ih. pkg 25cAlcohol, (solid) , ' « lieAtwood's Hitters 21cDannie Analijesique 43ctieef, Iron and Wine, (L. & F.) . . . . .35cMabco*ck's Corylopsis T a l c u m . » . . , , . . , . ,12e
Claud's Iron pills, S gr., 100 for 10cBorax, 1 lb. box. . #cBromo Seltzer 37c and SScBoric Acid 10cCastile Soap, large bars, rag. SI.00, at. . . .BffeC. N. Disinfectant '. 17c» 37cCalifornia Syrup of Figs 30cCocoa Butter. ' , 8cCascarets . ; . . . . 17cColgate's Soap (Castile), cake 8cColgate's Soap (Castile), doz. cakes 90cCutex 18cCuticura Ointment. . . ,39cCuticura Soap 16c
N Carter's Liver.Pills 12cCalocide, for feet 19cD a n d e r i n e . . . , . . , . . . . . , . , , .-.35c and 69cDeMiracle Hair Remover 79cDewey's Dew-for-Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,95cDewey'i Fort Wine and Olive Oil 8BcDuffy's Malt.. 68cDaggett & Ramsdell's Cold Cream
17c, 23c, 37cDean's Kidney Fills 36cpewitt's Kidney PiHs 39c.Douches, (Nasal) 10c and 25cFellow's Hypohosphates 9ScFather John's Medicine. , 65cFletcher's Castoria 22cFairy Soap 2 for 7cFrostilla , 12cGray's Glycerine 75cGillette Metal Water Bottles. . . .$1.75, $2.29Grape Juice ' , 14cGlide's Peptomannaii 67cHorlicrs Malted Milk. 33c and 72cHot Water Bottles. . 65cHind's Honey and Almond Cream 33c
Hirsutus, value $1.00, at. 59cHays1 Hair Health 31cHood's Sarsaparilla 89cIvory Soap, 6 for « .25cInvalid Rubber Cushions $1.25, $1.75Jad Salts, rcg, 73c, at. SIMJava Rice Powder 28cJergen's Glycerine Soap, 3 cakes for 25cJergen's Lotion 10cJohnson's Foot Soap ,!5<sKolynos Tooth Paste ,\ , . 14ftListerine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17c, 33c and BieMum i 18cMilk of Magnesia (Phillip's) 31cMaltiue with Cod Liver Oil ,72eMellen's Food . . .S4cMerck's Milk of Sugar 2ScMermen's Talcum l i ePhysicians' and Surgeons' Soap BePear's Glycerine Soap l i e and l$cu—«•—•- '>"ar Soap 12cPacker'sPebecco Tooth Paste,Palm Olive S o a p . . . . . . .Pluto Water „Pinkhain's CompoundPinaud's Eau de Quinine.PoslamPond's Extract. . . . ._, ,'. .Pond's Vanishing Cream.panopepton
2Se. . . . . . . . . . 63*
17c, 29c, 73c17c75c
Palmolive Cream and 3 cakes of Soap, allfor 39c
Peroxide.... -i-.-.-. -.-.--.- r;-.-rr9c; 12C and 19ePeroxide Cream 21eSulphur and Cream of Tartar Lozenges, 3
boxes for 28cSternau's Stove, complete 45cSanitol Tooth Powder , . , . 14cSal Hepatica. . . . . . . .17c» 35c, 75cShac, for headaches 8c, 19cSage and Sulphur Hair TonicSwamp RootSozodont , •Syringes (Fountain)Savoy CreamTooth Brushes, amber handles.Talcum, pound c a n . . . . . . . . .Tincture of BenzoinTooth Picks (quill), pkgWampole's Cod Liver O i l . . , .Wyeth's Beef, Iron and WineWoodbury's Facial SoapWestphal's Auxlliator
i H l
, . . 20c10c
. . . . . . . 10c10c and 19c
21c. . . . , , ,S7c
7Sc, .14c
45cpWitch HazelWyelh's Sage and Sulphur
10c, 19c and 3Sc32c
No mail, telephone or C. O, D. orders filled
Expect to b» Cutting AiparagTisin B riw Days.
The earliest asparagus season everknown in these parts is indicated bythe present crop conditiona. By thistimt! next week the farmers will be upto their nezka in th6 work of harvest-i i
on Chviney S. Holmes's place, DavidDoremus slipped and fell into a water.filled hole. The hole wag on a wet andspringy piece of ground near a pond,and the water was "up to Mr. Dore-mus's waist. He managed to climbout of his wet position with the as-sistance of King Bennett, who waiworking near by and who heard Sir.B ' tafftr
present signs go astray, and it §probable that some shipments will bemade this week. The spears are outof the ground two or three inches al-ready, and the farmers have boughtasparagus crates and have made otherpreparations for an early - season.Some have already cut "grass" fortheir own use. "John G. Bennett gath-cred enough for his family dinner onSaturday. Harvesting1 asparagus isdifferent from petting in most othercrops. It is a job that; usually keepsmost of the members of the householdbusy during the spring and early sum-mer, the men folks doing the work ofcultivating, cutting and driving to the
-^shipping stations, and the women folksdoing the bunching. Reports from theSouth are to the effest that the aspar-agus crop there will be short on ac-count of bad weather conditions, andif these reports prove accurate, thefarmers hereabouts should make moremoney off their "grass" than usual.
Mrs. Charles E. VanDorn of Van-derburg is recovering from lumbago.
, May Brakley of Trenton, formerlyof this place, has been visiting MissAnnie Sherman.
John Beck of Vanderburg has re-covered from sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis spentSaturday and Sunday with Mr. andMrs.„Warren Matthews of ProspectPlains, formerly of this place.
Mrs. Louis "Snyder underwent a Ivery serious operatron at a NewBrunswick hospital last week. Hercondition wns critical for a time, butshe is now gradually improving.
Mrs. Walter Fiplds and Mrs. Ar-thur Sofffil wei-e 'visitors at Freeholdon Saturday.
Miss Annie Sherman has recoveredfrom grip.
Rev. Octave vonBevevIioiuH andCharles E. Sherman represented thechurch at this plaee at ft mcefmir ofthe Reformed clnssis at Holmdel onTuesday of last week,
Robert Rus'.-h is back nt his job asclevk in Charles E. Sherman's store,after having been kept indoors sev-era! days by grip.
Suckers and catfish have started torun in the brook and the mill pond,and the boys of "the village have made
* some catches.Mrs. Thomas Fields of Marlboro
scent part of last week with her son,Walter Fields,
Mrs. Herman Sturke has returnedfrom New York, where ahe had beenainee the death of her husband in ahospital at that place a few weeks ago.
George Crawford'a dog broke intoLouis Snyder's poultry house a fewnights ago and killed several ducks.Mr. Snyder ahotat the dog and hit itin the leg. Mr. Crawford has been
.. nursing the dog and it is all rightagain,1 William Hunt is employed on Dr.Frnest Fahaestock's farm at Shrews-bury. '
Baptist*' Annuml Mcetingw-David Don*n u O*t» an Unexpected Bath.
Reports read at the annual meetingof the Baptist church Friday after-noon showed the church to be in a verygood financial condition. Church andSunday-school officials were electedand all of lait year's officers werechosen for another term except incases where the removal of former
, residents necessitated changes. Jo-seph Wyckoff and John Rhaa weremade deacons, and Rev. W. P. Chasewan. chosen Sunday-school superin-tendent with George Wyckoff as aa-•istant
While digging pofit holes Saturday
q r s o i r p ;Howard T. Ely, %vho was operated
on at Ann May hospital at SpringLuke last week, is much improved andhis complete recovery is looked for.
William C. Ely sold horses laat weekto Henry Kelly and Archie Wright ofEverett- Joseph Applegate of CreamRidge, Martin Moore of Freehold andF. Dick of Smithburg
George Crawford, who lives on theKeyport turnpike, is building a largebird house on Theron McCampbeirsfarm.
The Baptist church v.'Ul be closednext Sunday morning, when tha con-gregation will unite in service withthe Reformed church and when Rev.Fred N. Baeder will preach his i'are-well sermon. The usual services willbe bold at both churches at night.
Mrs. Victor Dean Kenney is reeov-ering from sickness.
Benjamin Tilton is out again, afterhaving been laid up several weekswith sickness. ,
George A. Schuck of Plainfleld willopen a garage in William H. John-son's building, recently vacated byHarry Schmidt, who disappeared.Mr. Schuck expects to have his busi-ness in operation the latter part ofthis week. The whereabouts ofSchmidt are still unknown.
Garrett D. Longstreet, Jonathan H.Jones, Edward W. Perrine andCharles X. Crawford attended thegrand jury dinner at Highlands onSaturday.
Most of the farmers are throughplanting potatoes. The acreage issaid to be even larger than last year,when a new high record was set.
Mrs, George Wyckoff is sick withH
Boyg ff a Bmebal l Teftni—Her-Plautiful in Swlmmtaf RiTir .
The bays of the village have or-ganized a baseball team with AllenWhite as manager. They want to fir-range games with other teams whosoplayers average fifteen to sixteenyears. Those on the Lincroft nine areCharles Donk pitcher, Frank Harveycatcher, Allen White first base, FrankMiller second base, Milton Tomlinsonthird base, Charles Kelly short stop,Wilfred Mullin right field, John Kellyleft field and Herbert Winter centerfield.
Arthur Donk has moved from RedBank to Mrs. Isabella Sanborn's houseon the Swimming River road at thisplace.
William Riddle bought a motorcyclefrom Louis J. Tetley of Red Bank lastweek. He uses it to ride to and fromhis job on Brookdale farm.
George Mouser, Jr., son of GeorgeMouser, has a new bicycle.
Herring have started to run inSwimming River and some goodcatches have been made. Catfish arealso plentiful. Still Brook pond onLewis S. Thompson's Brookdale farmis a good fishing place and some largecatches have been made there.
John' Enright of Freehold, countysuperintendent of schools, was at theschool here on Friday.
The ladies' aid society will meetThursday afternoon of next week atMrs. Henry Conover'a.
Bruno Raab bought a pony lastweek for his daughter, Miss "HildaRaab.
Remember that' every added iub-acrlber helps make TJCE REGISTER bet-ter for everybody. Turn over a newleaf and become a member of THEREGISTER'S vast army, of over 27,000readers.—Advertisem*nt.
Blizafcetli Oonnoii's Honse SllflitlyDamaged by lire.
Fire caused by a defeitvve chimneybroke out on the roof of Mrs. Eliza-beth Qonnors's house on the Red Bankroad a few days ago. The blaze wasput out—bflfore -muck—damage—was--ione.• John Haley of Red Bank spent part
of last week with his brother, FrankHaley.
Edward Francis has moved fromCharles Breach's house on the Middleroad to Edward StilwelPs house onthe Middletown ro_»d.
Mrs. John B. Stilwagon is on thesick list with grip.
The sewing club will nieet tomorrowat Mrs. Harold Stout's. The duespaid by the members are being appliedto a fund for a New York theaterparty.
Miss Catherine Henry of Perth Am.boy spent part of last week on herfather's farm here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haley attendedthe wedding of their niece at RedBank Thursday night. .
Archie Wright and Henry Kellybought horses from William C. Elyof Holmdel last week.
A, Dof Attacks J. Henry Tiniag'i Tnr,keys and Mr. trinlsg XIUB the Dog-.A dog whose owner is unknown
made an attack upon a flock of tur>keys owned by J. Henry Vlning onSaturday afternoon. Mr. Vining gothis trusty gun and killed the dog. Abig turkey gobbler was bitten andotherwise hurt, but it will probablyget well.
A record-breaking crop of fruit isexpected on Fred Lerch's farm. Mr.Lerch has seventy acres in peaches,and the condition of the fruit buds in-dicates a tremendous crop.
Dorothy Vining, daughter of J.Henry Vining, celebrated her secondbirthday with a party Saturday. Sev-eral other children of about the sameage as the little celebrant were pres-ent, and the usual pastimes were en-joyed. A birthday 'cake with twocandles was one of the features of theparty.
Mrs. Aller has returned to Summer-ville after a* visit of fiw %veeks here.
An Appeal to ' WivesYou know the terrible affliction that
comes to many homes from the result ofa drinkinjr liusbnnd or son. You knowof the money wasted' on "Drink" thatSB needed in the home to purchase roodand clotliliiu. ORniNE has saved thous-ands of tlrinltiliK men. It is ft hometreatment «ind can bo given secretly.Your money will be refunded If, after a.trial, It has failed to benefit Coats only11,00 a box. Come In and get a freebooklet and let us tell you of the goodORHIN15 is doing, •• James Cooper, Jr.,corner Broad and Wlllta streets.
Hardwood floors laid, andfinished,' plain or ornamental,in design. Have IB years' ex-perience in the floor business.
. I make It a specialty. My ma-terial is from selected kilndried stock and the workman-ship speaks for itself. Askthose that have them, ,.. Old Floors Reflnl»h«d.All kinds of flooring and floorfinish for sale.
The Imperial ear is one of handsomeand graceful lines and in finish it iathe,equal of any, but the motor is itsbiggest feature.
The motor ia the moat importantpart of an automobile. "If your motorIs not a good one your car is practi-cally worthless. Imperial cars areequipped with Continental motors,which are recognized by auto dealers The IMPERIAL "JPoUT** Complete 81,083 yand owners as one of the best motors See this FOUR—or better, let us tttkeyou for a drive in it. That's the way to tell and we'llbunt. gladly put it to any test.
"ALWAYS IN SERVICE"The Imperial line of cars for 1915 embodies the most widely advertised and approved mechamcal parts
in automobile construction. •""" : ~"~ - •--You1 will find that^the Imperial at-Sl»08S ia wrthotit a doubt 111 ^ tar aTEhe price.Imperial Cars always malce good and Imperial owners everywhere are strong support.
F\ R. 3OICEGarage. Storage, Supplies. 29 E. Front St. Telephone 1074.
Experts on Repairs and Qcrt«ral Machine Work. l
Red Bank, N.J.
Will Do Your Work^-
And Do It Right
I* i_.«
76 White Street, Red Bank, N, J.
Telephone 629-M
CHICITB«by Food for Baby Chtcta—a complete (ood-
75 per cent, prtdlgeited—guaranteed to niit everyponiihle chick.
CHICKCMto •»• e«»t ft cUck tm tfcres weeks
Weaklings grow itronff. Prevents bowel trouble, leg wtak*sen and diicue. A trjil t« proof.
* 14-lb. bag only fl.OO, Smaller package! at tow M 25c.
POULTRY REGULATORCo«U «n* c«nt p«r bird par DMMlk'
For growing tnd grown birds, on«l for baby chicks to keepup the Uetlthy start given by Pratts Baby Chick Pood. Insurespoultry health and vitality. Makes ripjd growth and tecure*early maturity. Guaranteed to satisfy or money bick.
Try a 12-lb. pail at $1.25. Packages SOcrtnd 25c.PRATTS WHITE DIARRHOEA REMEDYV—* ffom iba.ilaa at hiiclilng. will u w roar tkltka (mm I
i,' 4r««4e4 ilittfc. Almyi tclmc lubultutti. IniI, on Print tai ret the prortcUoB of awe awittHiufcW. cauulr II not I ' * '
wro'ki '•» W« »f D«»l«l E««i?wtoit
Ha was Strlekan with Pneumonia Sunday Night andH« Dlad Ln»t N l j h t ~ H * w«* 3 6 Years Old andwas the Bast and Most Popular Ghlsf of Police theTown Ever Had -The Funeral to be Hold Friday,After a sickness of only two days,
Arthur Lake Wymbg, chief of policeof Red Bank, died late yesterdayafternoon at the age of 86 yean.Death w u due to pleuro-pneumonla.His sudden end wai a great shock tqhU friend* and aequaintancei. He at-tended to hli duties as usual on Sun-day, and during that afternoon whileengaged in conversation with somemen In the borough hall ho made the
zeal in his work. The intense interestwhich he took in his duties oftencaused him to expose himself to greatdangers and to put In long hours oflabor. The doctors who attended him•ay that overwork was one of thecauses of his death.
Mr. Wymbi wag born at Matawan38 years ago. He was a son of Mar-garet and Joseph B. Wymbs, and hjsparents survive him. The father is aveteran of the civil war and lives atthe soldier's home at Kearney, Themother has been living with her son.
Arthur Wymbs had lived at RedBank twenty years, His first job wasthat of printer's devil in a newspaper
xouax BOLD ow •O»TTWB» VBAOT.
•• M. Monrli of M*A Bank Mnjm a Som*lit MlddUtowa Township.
The Boettner reatly company hassold one of its new houses on the Ap-plegats road, in Middletown township,to E. M. Morris of Harrison avenue,Red Bank, who will make it his home.The price was $1,450. The house hasbeen completed with the exception ofpapering and electrical wiring, andthis work will be finished within aweek, Two other houses are underway. Th§ company expects to buildforty houses this summer. It hasawarded the contract for the electri-cal work to Carl Clark of Red Bank.
Th» MtMOm KQSM Bong-fat by tool* 3.•iaUaf and th» Darti KOUM by Al-•ton I i i t m u Both Plact» to bt Oe-oupUd by 1T«W Owairi.Two Broad street residence prop-
erties got new owners the past week.The Haneo house, owned by Albert L.fvins and Benjamin John Parker, wasbought by Louis J, Sieling, a con-tractor and bridge builder with of-fices at New York, and Mrs, Thomas
office, Later he worked at the lumber | Davis's house wan bought by Alstonmill of Waters & Osborn and as agentfor the Prudential insurance company.He was working for the insurancecompany when he was appointed chiefof police four years ago by formerMayor Frank Pittenger. Although hewas a new and untried man for theposition, his administration of the po-lice department was such as to winhim tha respect a"nd admiration of theentire town. He was generally con-sidered to be the best chief and themost fearless chief that the town everhad.
He had a talent for detective work
Beekmon of Monmouth street. Bothplaces are on the east side of thestreet, the Davis house being directlyopposite'" Irving place, The Hancchouse was bought last fall by Mr.Parker and Mr. Ivins, who made anumber of improvements to it. Itsold for $10,500 and the Davis housesold for $9,250,
Mr. Sieling, who i. a son-in-law ofRobert F, Wilbur of Broad street, hasoccupied the Hance house the past fewmonths. The dwelling has been con-verted into one of the finest houses onthe street, An agreement was made
th» Wlmaar of th» Tlrlit, !•ift Jail—B«r MeMwr la L.ld Up with»aior Out* on Bar I n u t and Arms—Tri«d to U M » Shot Oms.Eva Conover, • colored lady who
lives jsn the corner of Leifchton avenueand Beech street, got in an argumentwith her mother on Monday afternoonover fifty cents; A fight followed theargument and Eva knocked hermother down and cut her with a razoron the arms and breast.
At the start, of the fray Eva'smother got a shot gun, but was pre-vented from using it by anotherdaughter, Mrs, Lavinia Boldon, Mrs.Conover then got a razor and wentafteT*1 Eva with this. She cut Evaslightly on the wrist, but before shecould inflict further injury upon herdaughter, the latter snatched therazor from her mother.
Mrs, Conover then fled, her daugh-ter following her with the razorgripped in her hand.' She overtookher mother, and she knocked herdown and cut her with the razor.Seven stitches were- required to close acut on Mrs. Conover's arm and threestitches were needed to close a cut onthe^breast,
Eva was arrested by PolicemanHarry H. Clayton and she hod a hear-ing yesterday morning. Recorder Ba-deau held her in $500 bail to await theaction of the grand jury. Eva couldnot get a bondsman and she was sentto the county jail.
which often enabled him to clear up j by Mr. Sieling with Mr. Parker andmysterious crimes. He was the j Mr. Ivins whereby the latter are "toyoungest chief of police in the state,! fill in the low land on the rear of the
Son of Bid Bank Woman T&ktt an Ai-bury Park Oirl ai His Bride.
William T. Spruill, son of Mrs. F.F. Spruill of Riverside avenue, RedBank, was married at Asbury Parklast Wednesday to Miss Anna Joste ofthat place. The ceremony was per-formed in the rectory of Holy Spirit
remark that he had never felt betterin his life, Sunday night about mid-night he was taken with chills andfever.
On Monday morning his conditionwas very serious and he sank rapidly.The doctors who attended him saidthat his sickness was the most virulentcase of pneumonia they had ever at-tended. About an hour before theend, Mr, Wymbs rallied and engagedin u short conversation with the doc-tor. He said that he was sinking fastand that he felt that the end was near,He said that the doctors had no need.to conceatUhe truth from-him—thatif he was going to die he was notafraid to know it. He gsked a fewquestions about the police departmentand then fell into a sleep from whichhe never awakened.
During the past two years there hasbeen a remarkable absence of robber-ies nt Red Bank, and this is attributedin police journals and periodicals tothe fact that the perpetrators of near-ly every crime during the past threeyears had been brought to justice.
Besides his parents, Mr. Wymbs
lot. The property is 60x278 feet, and church by Rev. Francis MeCloskeyThe couple were attended by Miss Evathe house has nine rooms with all im-
provements, A barn is on the place,William A, Hopping made the sale.
The Davis property Is 85x250 feet,and the house has eight rooms and abath room with modern improvements,A large barn is on the place, Mr,
. , _ _r-..T 'earlessnisi which Mr,Wymbs iJthibititt ift the face of deathwas characteristic of his work as chiefof police. Red Bank never had a po-lice chief Who fulfilled hig duties withgreater Ardor or who showed more
leaves a wife, a son and three broth- Beekman bought the property with theera. His wife was Lucy Lake. She intention of making it his home. Heis a daughter of Joseph Lake of Red j will make a number of improvementsBank, and she and Mr, Wymbs were to the house,married ten years ago. The son isEdgar A. Wymbs, aged eight years. fWO KBW OFFICIALS.»geThe brothers* are William H. andFrank E. Wymbs of Red Bank and!Howard L. Wymbs of New York. |
Mr. Wymbs was a member of the I The death of Arthur L. Wymbs,First Methodist church, He was also j chief of police, and the sickness ofa member of Samuel T, Sleeper camp Theodore F. • Shuitt, street superin-
Spruill of Red Bank and Harry J,Joste of Asbury Park, After, thewedding trip the couple will starthousekeeping at Asbury Park, where
l"rw*nt Tows Official. Ar» Opposed toMavlaf Tbam MuiiUd.
The practice of muzzling dogs ntRed Bank in the summer season willprobably be discontinued, judging byremarks mudu by Mayor Hundt undthe councilmen Monday ni^ht, Tneold plan of letting doKs run at larvuwithout muzzles if their owners hnvuthem registered at a cost of $1 ouchwill probably be resorted to. Noaction was taken Monday night, butthe remarkM made by the officialsshowed plainly that the warfare »ondogs which was conducted during thepast two yoiirj is to be much lessrigorous. Last year the dog catcherreceived $407 for killing that numberof dogH,
Big Building on M. R. VanKeurenTs Farm Destroyedwith All of its Contents. Including a Team ofHorses—John H, Stilwagon's Barn and Black*smith Shop Go Up in Flames and Smoke,Fire breaking out lati1 Monday ' eratt'.s on the wagon were burned,
night in a barn on Melvin H. Vun- ' The burn was 40x108 feet, twoKeuren's farm nt Monmouth Park, ! stories high, and was stocked with anear Eatontown, completely destroyed large quantity of hny and agriculturalthe building and all of its contents, implunu-ntw. It was located a con-A team of hornes was burned to death. ' aiderable distance back from the stoneThe loss is about $7,000 and is partly \ fond lending t'rom Eatontown to thecovered by insurance. The burn was j trolley station. It was built in thevalued at 85,000, and Mr, VanKeurun sevuntii-.s, when Monmouth Park wascarried insurance of $1,000. All of in the heyday of its glory as a racethe things in the building except the, truck, ana it was used as a receivingteam of horses belonged to Charles L.' stable for horses. It contained 24 box
Th« Blai* Itartad from a Z.lg-ht«<l MatchCarelenJy Plunf ID a. Pile of Stalk*by a Clraiatt* •mokar—A Cow DiafIn tha Plain «•.Fired by a lighted match dropped by
a cigarette smoker, a barn and black- i I'rothero. He estimates his loss at stalls. The only things saved fromsmith shop owned by John B. Stil- j $1,500 and he carried insurance of the building were a plosv and a har-wagon of llolmdel were destroyed lust i $550, The horses were owned by Wil- : ro%v, and a dog which got away byFriday afternoon with most of their i Hum Layton, who bought them a fuw ! slipping out of its collar,contents. A cow was burned to death, | weeks ago for $500, lie had no insur- ' In addition to the horses, the thingsand a mowing machine, some hay, : unce on the animals. He and Mr, destroyed comprised twelve tons ofblacksmith tools, agricultural tools; ; Prothcro live in a house on thu place • hay, fifteen tons of fertilizer, two po-and harness were destroyed. The loss and farm the property on a partner-: tnto diggers, two market wagons,is about $1,000 and is partly covered ' ship biisi.s, Mr. Layton had his farm. ' buggy, sod plow, grain drill, cornby insurance of .$500, i ing tools and stock in another barn, i planter, hay rake, plant setter, two
Isaac Story, a young man who has j About a week ago ho went to an in- mowing machines, wcedor, grasslived with Mr. Stilwagon since child- , surance agent's house to have his seeder, hand fertilizer machine, one-hood, was plowing a field near the ; things insured. The agent was sick, i horse cultivator, sod cutter, barrel ofbarn. He stopped working for a few ' however, and the matter of insurance j vinegar and 2,000 tomato crates. Mr.moments to light a cigarette, after | was deferred, with the result that Mr. ' VnnKcuron expects to rebuild thewhich he threw the match away with | Layton will receive no recompense for , barn,
l fli ih i i h l f hi h Thy | y
a careless fling, without noticing ; the loss of his horses.h h fl Th fi di
n.The fire is the latest of a long fieriea
h h b f l lwhether the flame was out or not. The fire_ was discovered about mid- of misfortunes which hav^_ befallenThe lighted match fell in a pile of night,stalks which were stacked against the j ablaze,barnfiercely
Mr; Spruill is employed by the there to ask the residents of the vil-Buchanan & Smock lumber company.
Street Superintendent.
MoCua—Boden.Bliss Katherine McCue, daughter of
Hugh McUue of Atlantic Highlands,and Arnold Soden, son of John Soden,also of Atlantic Highlands, were mar-ried Sunday night at the rectory ofSt. Agnes's Catholic church at NewMonmouth by Rev. James F. Morrison.The bride wore a white serge travel-ing suit with hat to match. Thebridesmaid was Miss Marie McCue, a
of Sons of Veterans, Independent fire tendent, has caused the appointment 8 i a t e r ot t h e b r j d e and Josephcompany, Monmouth Star lodge of j of two men to fill these positions tern- soiomonovltch "was the groomsman.Shepherds of Bethlehem and-th^poHcechiefs' association of Ntw Jersey.' Hewas an honorary member of the Pa-trolmen's benevolent niioclation ofRed Bank.
The funeral will be held Fridayo^tack
porarily till the next council meetingon Monday, May 3d, when permanentappointments will probably be made.Harry H,-Clayton hai been elevatedfrom the position of desk sergeant to
olice chief, and Peter F.rewsbury avenue biiH~beBTi~
that ofti- 1 Liiiig OT
Kureh and will be rOharge ,°* j appointedstreet superintendent.
Solomonovltch was the groomsman.After th^ceremony the couple left
for- a lengthy wedding trip throughNew York state, and on their return4h6y-~will live at Atlantic Highlands,
Mr._..urch and will be in charge o I pp peRev. Harold P, Sloan. The service Shuitt will probably recover from hiswill be public and any one will be we!-! Bickneis, but he may not resume hiscome to attend, The burial will be inFair View cemetery.
^position as street Buperintendent, Inthe opinion of the doctors who are at-tending Mr, Shuitt, his sickness wasbrought on by- the arduous duties of
Bhr«w»bwy r*rin»r. Pa.Md Away TTn-x-
hli position.He was stricken with paralysis
of Jota 3, Kno* «« id while directing street work on Beech• - - _ A_ ^ ^ A _ - ^ . B I — = " ^ ^ _ = i iWUli Ssrrlnir In French Army i street Saturday. His condition was
Charles L. White, who owned a Andre C. Champollion, who marrje'd I critical for a time, but he slept well
The entire building was Mr, Prothero since ho and ISIr, Lay-.. _ ..„ The Eatontown and Ocean- ton moved from Colt's Neck to the, The stalks were soon burning ' port fire companies were prompt in re. VanKeuren place three years ago.
,._ely and the barn caught fire, j spending t* the alarm, but the flames Last year Mr. Prothero's wife wasRev. Fred N, Baeder und Isaac Bae- I were under such great headway that gored by a bull and she was laid up
der were the first persons to see the I there was no hope of saving the build- several months by her injuries. Twofire.* Mr. Baeder happened to be look- i ing. The barn was a big building and ; of Mr, Prothero's horses died. An-ing through a window and saw the j it burned like a tinder box. The heat , other horse_was killed by falling down
" " " ' ' ' was so intense that people could not a well. Five pigs were killed bystand within 200 feet of the building, • cholera, and there were a number o£A wagon 100 feet from the barn ; other losses caused by accidents andcaught fire and the firemen could not; mishaps. All of .*Ir. Prothero'sget close enough to it to put it out till , troubles were entirely beyond his con-
flames. He called up the telephone ex-change at Holmdel and told the people
lage to turn out and fight the fire.Isaac and the dominie and Mr. Stil-wagon's son, Ezra Stilwagon, were I the fire at the barn had subsided, • trol, and he is in hopes that the runthe first people on the scene, and they j The wagon body and a wheel were do- \ of misfortunes which has beset himwere joined later by other men of stroyed and a number of tomato Will end with the fire.Holmdel.
Fanned by a strong west wind, theflames shot across the road and setfire to the blacksmith shop, which wasdirectly opposite the tarn. Theclergyman and Ezra Stilwagon gottwo wagons out of the barn, but the, «..„ >.,- — — ..B — .- — , — — —heat became so intense that they were | egg-laying contest of the Monmouth 1 hold goods saved from the hre which
Monmgmtli Pomltry Clnh'i Keni HtTi : Qoodi in Barstd Ootanport Building At«Eaij 25,coe EffB in Blyht Wtaka, 1 tachad ty Eataatowa TowmiMp.The end of the eighth week of the! All the furniture and other house-
heat became so intense that they were | egg-laying contest of the Monmouth 1 hold goods saved fro t eunable to go inside the building after \ poultry club finds J. A. Gamewell ^ill | destroyed the old Monmouth Park ho-anything else. They ran into the i in the lead. His hens average 5.26 j tel at Oceanport have been attachedblacksmith shop, which was ablaze at! eggs per hen for the week. Professor \ by Eatontown township. This actionthe time, and got a ladder. This lad- Henry Clay Talmage was second with [ was taken by Edward Hendrickson ofder was used to fight several small an average of 4.50 eggs per hen for ! Eatontown, collector of tile township,fires which had broken out on the roof ! the week, and T. V, V. Hendrick was , The goods were seized for unpaid
Miss Cora A, Barling, daughter ofEllas H. Earling, and Amory P, Oi-born, son ot Ezra Osborn, both of RedBank, were married Saturday atGrace Methodist church by Rev. JamesLord. The witnesses were Mrs. Lordand her mother, MrsF Isabella Foote.The couple are living with the bride'sparents on Spring ttreet. The groomis employed as bookkeeper of the lum-ber mill of Waters & Osborn, of whichfirm his father is a member. He is a
small farm at Shrewsbury, was found a daughter of John J, Knox, at onedead in his home Thursday morning,; time United States comptroller of cur-His death was very unexpected. He rency, was killed while serving in thelived alone, and his death was not dis-' French %rmy on March 28d.. Effottscovered Until some time after he had have been made to recover the bodyexpired. Mr. White was 68 years old j but they have been futile.. He was 84and was the son of the late Charles years old. ' "and Mehitable White. His sister, Miss I Mr. Champollion came to thisAddle White, died about two months; country when he was 21 years old andago. She made her home with herbrother. The funeral was held Satur-day at Christ church and was con-ducted by Rev. P, P, Swezey, Out of
took out citizens' papers. He gradu-ated from Harvard college in 1902and married Miss Adelaidr Knox.She survives him with one son, aged
restiict for Mr.-White's wishes the' five years.body was.not taken,in the church but I When the war broke out Mr,wap left, in the vestibule where all • Champollion was living at New York.
last night and was much improved this \ member of the Nyack club, the Re-morning. His improved condition was j formed church and the American Me-indieated by the fact that on awakingthis morning his first request was forbeefsteak.
Xhe Pop* HOUN and an Acre of LundBooffht by Mrg. William Henrelinn.The Pope property, comprising a
ehanics lodge,Haley—Moriin.
Miss Florence Haley of Leonarditreet,Tted Bank, ad Otto Morris ofAsbury Park were married Thursdaynight at St. James's rectory by Rev.Joseph Casey. Miss Agnes Haley, asister of the bride, was bridesmaid.Th b d h d hhouse and an acre of land on the I The bride wore white crepe de chine
see the remains. The burialhh
iKt ewas In the'Church cemetery.
Man W«nt to B#d With Fac»in Pillow.
Thomas Thorpe of Highlands wasfound dead in his bed by ThomasLyons, a policeman at that place, lastThursday. Mr, Thorpe was lying* onhis stomach with his face buried in hispillow, and Dr. Harry Neafie, countyphysician, eatd death waa cRUHed bysuffocation. Mr, Thorpe was a nativeof Ireland^aud-bJa-onlyJmown, j-ela?tive in America was a sister, Mrs,Robert Spencer of , WeehawkenHeights, Mr, Thorpe was, 45 yearsold. He was n mamberof the Knightsof CelumDUs nnd waa connected withthe Catholic church at Highlnnds.
The funeral was held-iit the churchMonday morning and the burial wiimade at Mt, Olivet cemetery.
Mlohatl nood of Pdlr KftVin DliA Biit-nrdoy Woon—L«ave« Bin Children.Michael Flood of Fair Haven died
Saturday noon of heart trouble. Hewas nearly seventy year* old, nndleaves a wife and six. children. Thechildren are Ellen and MargaretFlood of Pair Haven, Mri. ThbmaaPay of Pertti Amboy, William Floodof Red Bank, Patrick Flood of Newarkand Edward Flood of Oyster Bay,
The funeral waa held at St Jnmes'achurch yesterdny. Rev. Joseph T.Casey celebrated maaa. Burial was atMt. Olivet.
Holmdel road at Lincroft, has beensold to Mrs. William Henrehan ofLittle Silver, one of the heirs of thePope estate. The house has six rooms
He felt it his duty to take up arms for I and is occupied by Mrs, Henrehan'shis country and he returned to France I brother, Edward Pope. The price wasand enlisted. He was wealthy andowned a handsome place at Newport,
$850. Mrs. Henrehan bought theplace for the use of her brother, with
Rhode lalandr Mrs, Champollion is j the idea of eventually selling it to him,now livinf with her mother on EastFront street.
Vnlo»ni»lnf.Auto tires and tubes vulcanized by
steam process; work guaranteed andprices right. C. H. Ennis, 64 Broad•treet.—Advertiiement,
Have our mechanics repair your bicycle. Wo know how and our pricesare right, C, H, Ennii, 64 Broodatreet,—A dver ti aemm t,
Eat squabs nt their best, killed to-your order, from the Leask SquabF Ph 695 R d B k A dy ,Farm. Phone 695 Red Bank.tfnemetit.
for Saturday only, Mexican kisses, 21centsj pound. Sugar Bowl.—Advo/v
, It bay* tandvertiw Ui XHEilEGIflTin.
H n , IluMbU B»rU»r ofTown.hlp Siad Monday Ntffht.
Mrs, Eusebia Barber of RiversideDrive, in Middletown township, widowof James Barber, died Monday nightfrom the diseases and infirmities inci-
d Sh ih
Show Plao« on tht Klvtr Bkuk to bo Oc-cupied by a Haw Yotkar.
The Marshal J, McAnerriey countryestate on the river bank near Red
rom t edent ft old was eighty years
N Mdent ft ol ttgee gy yof age nnd was born at New Men-mouth. She leaves two sons, JosephBarber, with whom she made herhome, and William Barber of Middle-town township. She also leav.fs sev>.era! nieces and nephews, one of'whomIs Jerry Beldo of Red Bank, The fu-neral will be held tomorrow nt Jo-seph Barber'i and the burial will be atLincroft,
Jacob CorH««'» Dauffhtir Dead.
Mrs. Helen Detwiler, daughter ofJttUdb C'orlieB, formerly of Red Bunk,died i.t Mansfield, Ohio, the latter panof lust month-. Mr. Corlies wai totmany years postmaster of Red Bank,He moved to Ohio in the early eightiesund for, many years thereafter he andhis family visited at Red Bank sov-eral wteks in the fall of each year,Mr, '"uTjies's daughters weri very at-tractive and very engaging in theirways, and the newspaper accounts of1'frs, L'itwiler's death speak of her usa woman of many admirable traits.
WonM'i Vaw OoMt u t Bnlti,A maker's sample line of high class
atyjish Bpring garments. "No two
the season to Theodore Offerman ofNew York. This is one of the showplaces, along the Shrewsbury. It com.prises, six acres which are in a highstate of cultivation. The house isprovided with modern improvements,and a garage is on the property. Therental was made by Edward S. Allaire.
juit alike." All sizes, favorite colors,110 to $28, worth one-third more. ,
Women'i Iashionaoly trimmed hats,special at $8.98 and 14.98. A. Salz &Co., KeypoVt.—Advertiaemmt,
Pure lard, 11 cents; Anger's BabyHead macaroni, 7 cents; egg noodles,7 cents; Shredded Wheat, 10 cents.For other bargains read our adv. onpage 14. Bray & Bunell, East Frontstreet.—A dvertinmen t,
—,—«»»«», »•10
for the return of small yellow, femaledachshund, strayed April 12th. £ . L.Lentilhon, Middletown, N. 'J. Phone1S79-W R I l d d l A r f r t «
and the bridesmaid wore pink bro-caded satin., John Morris, a brotherof the groom, was groomsman. Afterthe ceremony a reception was held atthe home of the bride. The couple willlive at Asbury Park in a newly fur-riished home.
Lore—Sharp.Miss Jennie Lore and Samuel D.
Sharp, both of Red Bank, were mar-L
of Mr. Stilwagon's home and on theroof of another barn. These fireswere soon put out and the damagefrom them was insignificant.
third with four eggs per hen. for the \ personal taxes of $400. They areweek, C. O, Duncan failed to get his I stored in a part of the hotel which waireport in and this reduces the totalamount of eggs, as shown by this
The blacksmith shop was equipped week's report, since Mr, Duncan'swith tools, but it had not been used | flock laid 912 eggs during the previousexcept for Mr. Stilwagon's own pur-1 week. Last week the hens m the con-poses for a number of years. Whenthe Gideon & Daly stock farm was runby the firm of that name, all the racehorses on the place were shod at theshop, and in addition to this work abig lot of shoeing was done for farm-era.
AiiooUtiOB Tonned at Sad i n k La»tiriffbt with Twenty-»ive Director!.A building and loan association, to
be known as the Citizens' building andloan association of Red Bank, wasformed last night. The meeting fororganization was held in the Eisnerbuilding. A charter for the associa-tion was granted by the state bank-ing department last week, and about1,000 shares have been subscribed for.At the meeting last night 25 directorswere elected, these being Clarence E.Boughton, Louis E. Brown, James P.Bruce, William S. Child, John H.Cook, Thomas Cook, A, D. Cooper,Slgmund Eisner, Oliver G. Frake,Borden L. Hance, William H. Hintel-! carl Schwenker,,mann, Harry A, Hawkins, A, L, Ivins,Richard Lufburrow, R, S. Merrltt,
M Q A t M
test laid 2,869 eggs, not counting theeggs by C. O. Duncan's hens. Thiswas an average of 3,37 eggs per hen.The total number of eggs laid so farduring the contest is 26,666.
There was only one change in thestanding of the contestants during theweek, this change being the transposalof positions of Dr. Dickson and GeorgeT. Linton, Mr. Llnton having passedDr, Dickson by a very small margin.The contest has now been runningeight weeks, or 56 days. Mr, Game-will, the leader in the contest, has arecord of 86.28 eggs per hen duringthe 66 ways. The record of each con-testant is as follows:J A. Gamewell..,H, C. Talmogc,,, .A. M. Posten, , . , .James Woleott,,,P, F. Blalsdell& E. HendriekROn,t V, V. Kendilck.George T. Llnton..Dr, Dickson . , . , . ,Jolin Yeomans,..,jameH Kennedy...C. M. P a p ,H, A. Rogers. .. .
notjigstroyed, and John VanKirk of
.51,85, 2n.3O.,19,RT.17,29.10.72,15.52
ried last" Wednesday night at the Eat-ontown Methodist parsonage by Rev.Burton J. K. Way. The newly mar-ried couple are new residents of RedBank. The bride waa formerly of
estate on we river oun^ near neu , B l . i d g e t a n d M r - s h a r p m o v e d t 0Bank has been leased furnished for D A J %n»i,' ,u«^ *!«,„ „„„#„„„ ro™.
Btrttt Boaia mad. Two XiQts HaveThr«» Owner* Within m Month.
About three weeks ago the RedBank real estate company sold Mrs,Nora Conrad's house on River streetand a vacant lot adjoining to WillardH, Mount. Last week they sold thehouse and the vacant lot to PrankCarson, a contractor of Aibury Park.Mr. Carson paid f2,760. for the prop-erty, which he bought as an invest*ment.
Red Bank a short time ago from Cam-den,
Pnrkor—Hart.grove.Bliss Flossie Mabel Parker, daugh-
ter" of Reuben Parker, and CharlesHartsgrove, son of William Harts-grove, both of Highlands, were mar-
Lester E. McQueen,. Augustus M,Minimi, Fiank McMat
WtHram Many Improveroentu Under W»y—Moll-O'Brien, Mort. V, Paoh, Benjamin J. o a l coanfly ShowH.,.toParker, George Button, R. V..R, H,Stout, Charles H. Throckmorton andFred D. Wikoff. An auditing commit-tee, composed of Harry A, Hawkins,
The S. & G, Amusem*nt Company,consisting of S. Goodman and C, W.Holtz of New York, has leased the ly-ceum theater at Red Bank. Improve-
Harry Hagerman and John Enught,! e n t g c o 8 t i n f $2,000 have been
Oceanport and another man have .beenengaged to watch them day and night.Mr, "Hendrickson believes that theSurburban Homes and Developmentcompany, which owns the building and,furniture, will eventually pay thetaxes, as the goods are valued a\$1,200, The company will also haveto pay the legal fees and the watch-"men's wages,
Mr. Hendriekson is conducting aninvestigation into the wholesale theftof furniture which took place whilethe fire was raging. One firemen hasreturned seven chairs which he took,and others have admitted their guiltand have promised to return the goodswhich they stole. The excuse which.most of them give is that they onlytook the things for souvenirs andthat they didn't see any harm In re-moving the articles to their homes.
n w eeionTOBSiiA.r.
Dtmoeiati Elect CMrtti T. SfeBnaMto inecMd David 8. Cr»t«r.
For a great many years the lataDavid S. Crater was a member of theDemocratic state committee fromMonmouth county. His death neces-sitated the1 election of a new memberof the state committee and a meetingof the Monmouth county Democratic-committee for this purpose was hel*
was also elected.The directors will meet next Tues-
day night at the law office of John S,Applegate, Jr., when officers of theassociation will be elected.
Those prominent in the organiza-tion of the new association iit is not intended in any way
at Freehold last Thursday. CharlesF. McDonald, the present county col-lector, was elected to the vacant place,Mr. McDonald has served nearlythirty years continuously as a mem-ber of the Monmouth county Derao-
I cratic committee. He i s the oldeststarted, and as soon as these are com-1 member in point of service on the
• • ' • • ' '• • " - - " - • ' -!"1 board. His election last Thursdaywas unanimous and was accompaniedwith much applause and many ad-dresses of felicitation.
ried at Stone Church yesterday after^j r i v a l QV c o m p e t i tor of the present
pleted the best New York musicalcomedy shows will be produced. Abrick walk, flanked with a flower gar-
) r i r a n i 7 a den, will lead from Front street to'rganiza- the theater and the other improve-, tn h f ' ments will comprise the repainting of
noon by Rev. John C, Lprd. Thecouple were attended by Miss Georgietta Hartsgrove and Frank M. Green,
Cooper -Mnt«a.William T, VanBrunt, who lives on
the Middletown turnpike, near Coop-er's bridge, has rented the old Cooperhomestead to Richard Rochester, whohas just returned from a long visit inEngland. Mr. Rochester will^takepossession June 1st.
The ladles' auxiliary of the Sons ofVeterans will not hold their dancenext Monday night ^Because of thede»*'Jbf Arthur L. Wymbs, a memberof ttA Sons of Veterans ;> but the reg-ular Meeting will be held.—Advertise-ment.
PUld M*«t.Armory building, West and Chest-
nut streets,;tomorrow ni^ht. Admis-sion, adults, 25 cents; children under12 years, 10 cents.—Advertisem*nt.
X*n'« ••lnooata "Tr**"with every man's'suit at $10 and up-wards, on "Saturday only." A. Salz& Qo., Keyport.—4
It pays to advertise in THE REGiSTEa.
Bank building and loan association.They say that a second association ofthis kin| in Red Bank would augmentthe amount of money available forbuilding homes in this neighborhood
Miss Edith Thompson, daughter of i and that it would thus aid in theTliompion—Jonen.
Joseph W. Thompson of Lineroft, andCecil Jones of Everett, were marriedlast Wednesday at the Baptist par-ionage at Red Bank by Rev. JohnsonL. Miner.
the building, new scenery, new chairsand various repairs.
troflt I b U U f BM».Best butter, 83 cents r Cream of
.Wheat, 12 cents; full cream cheese*20cents pound; strictly fresh eggs, perdozen, 24 cents; Post Toastles, 6 centspkg. For other bargains read ouradv. on page 14. Bray & Bunell, EastFront street.—Advertisem*nt,
growth of Red Bank. A number of ^iss Mae Throckmorton of Broathe shareholders of the present Red s t r e e t entertained thirty friends
Ml.a Mae ThrockmortonThirty Frfmdi
^iss Mae Throckmorton of Broadi d h f i d
Bank building and loan associationhave taken shares also in the new as-sociation.
Spotting-Ooodi.Baseball supplies, flShing tackle,
tennis goods, bicycles, bicycle sun-dries, lamps, tires, bells, etc. C. H.Ennis, 64 Broad street,—Advertise-ment,
Ponr-Oorn.r-a'>UldArmory building, West and Chest-
nut streets, tomorrow night. Admis-sion, adults, 28 cents; children under12 years, 10 cents.—Advertisem*nt.
Home and Lot Tot malm.House and lot for sale-, eight rooms
with bath, range, gas, hot water heat;corner lot, 86 Spring street, or youragent.—•Advert ieemeni.
KodakKodak developing and printing in
24 hours. Try our up-to-date service.Instruction free at Diekopf's.—Adver-tiaernent, _ . . :..
. Hom»baok l t d i i Hurt.Walter Field of. Nutswamp, was rid-
ing his horse on Monmouth streetWednesday night, when the animalshied, throwing Mr. Field on the brickpavement. He was very painfullybruised and cut and he has had to usecrutches since the accident.
Thursday afternoon at auction bridgeand five hundred. Seven tables werein play and five prizes were given.The prize winners were Mrs, ArthurC. Swift, Miss Helen Enright, MissHelen Walbridge, Mrs. Frank L. Man-ning and Mrs., Frank DuBois. Theprizes consisted of a hand bag, mirror,embroidered collar, card case andtowels,
Bpeoial Sale of Bed..$2,50 white enamel beds, .$1,40,$12 brass beds, guaranteed not to
tarnish, $8.9S,Handsome new wall papers per
double roll, 6 cents and upwards. A,Salz & Co., Keyport.—Advertisem*nt.
rour-Corner#d HilA lUit .Armory building. West and Chest-
nut streets, tomorrow night, Admis-sion, adults, 25 cents j children under12 yean, 10 cents,—Advertisem*nt,
a^nnnylTanln L»wu Howttlfrom $8.26 to $16,50. When you geta Pennsylvania you get the best, C,H, Ennii,-64 Broad street.—Adver-tisem*nt, >'
EUottloul Bappllea.Most complete line in Monmouth
county. C, H. Bnnis, 64 Broad street,—Advertisem*nt.
$190.00.Straight mortgage $1,000.00Interest, 11 years, 6 months. 675,00
Equals cost to cancel mort-gage $1,576.00
Building and Loan Mortgage.$1,000,00Total payment (both princi-
pal and interest) until can-celled • $1,880.00
Saving over straight mort-gage $ 195.00Is it worth looking into? Red Bank
Building and Loan Association, H. S.Higginson, secretary, 60 Broad street,Red Bank.—AdvertweiMnt.
for Saturday only, assorted flavorJordan junmends, 29 cents" poundSugar Bttwl,—Advertisem*nt,
•{ ^ " » — • — : .\ BloyoU UIMt
from $1.80 to $4,00 each. C.'H. En-nii, 04 Broad street.—Advertisem*nt,
•WilUnr WoiliM aad'Thtlr W n t tTftko a Moonlig-ht Journ.y.
The Willing Workers, a society ofboys of the Red Bank Reformedchurch, and some of their friendi,went on a strawride to Freehold laatFriday night. A big hay wagon and ateam of horses owned by John Galatrowere used. The strawriders wereMisses Anna Keeler, Alma KeeledMary Haggerty, Margaret Scott andHelen Weston, Charles Patterson, NedCreelin, John Murphy, Harry Eitelland Victor Hembling.
Oettlnff »«.dy for O»rd»n Wort.
The, garden club of the neighbor*hood house on Shrewsbury avenue be-gan the work of clearing up th*ground and getting ready for garden
f lanting on Saturday. Mrs. LorraineI. Warren of the recreation society
supervised the work.-n-».
With •on«* OICAnlnf ConM Fiotnf»
Another thing, the arrangement ofthe pictures on the -walls should b«changed occasionally. Many a beauti-ful home is spoiled by picture! Im-properly placed or framed. CallDickopf in. He will make •uggtitionifree of charge and will plan your pie- ,<«tures for the entire house. Pictaifhanging our Rpeclalty. The D l k p tArt Shop.—Advertisem*nt.
»iotur»» for W«d«UMr»>Pictures are seldom among bri
gifts and probably among;tb« *&*be bought by the newlywedi. Whybuy a few for them, Tha cl«»yiortment at Dickopf'» Art «vertieement.
£troy Kcarn.y* Home Buu and 8i>«ctator'a aroken Moat Inclrt*nti of theQ-(tm«—Big- Crowd of rani ! • • • a«dXMkara Trim MWdl.towu Boy*.Tin; Rod Bank high school baseball
team iidiiod another victory to its lintlast Wednesday afternoon by defeat-ing the team from the Middletowntownship high school on the Branchavenue diamond. The score was 2;Jto n. John Shea iss a new "find" onthe Red Hank team. He pitched thefirst six innings and kept the boysfrom Leonardo guessing." Matthewspitched the rest of the game, and heallowed only two hits, Kelly pitchedfor Leonardo and the Red Bankershad no trouble connecting with hisshoots-. They found him for four two-base hits and any number of singles,Hunt was put in Kelly's place in thebox in the seventh inning, and he suf-fered about as badly as Kelly at thehands of the Red Bank sluggers.Leroy Kearney knocked a home run inthe eighth, and the Red Bank boys
#niade singles whenever they wanted'them.
The Kid Bank players were HaroldIfurley, Kugune Newman, Loon Gor-don, Myron Alinton, John Shea,Jo-eph Fix, Fred (.Justin, Chris Wil-
!,;, Arthur Jacobus, Leroy Kear-i ud William Matthews. Those
i played on the Leonardo teamCrawford Compton, Frank Gil-Joseph Mcitfopane, John Wood-
Earle Patterson, David Mulli-•on, Crawford Bennett, William Kellyand William Hunt.
William B, Wilson of Park place, *Spectator at the game, was hit in the 'nose with a foul ball in the seventh |inning and the bono in his nose wasbroken. Dr. Wlliam D, Sayre was atthe game, and he attended him,
Vhompsea ef H»v**ink Ont Off-Inch SUc« of X.*ti Vsot.
Charles Thompson of Nttvenlnk re-B bad-cut" on the inside of hli
'left foot while chopping wood Mon-day. The axe ho was using slippedand took off a slice; of skin nearlyeight inches long, At one place thebone was exposed. The skin wasgrafted on the wound, and twelvestitched wore required to hold it inpitted. Mr. Thompson la able to beabout on crutches.
UncJurUkor Xiekad by Hor«#. """Melvin P. Yard of Hclford was
kicked on the legs by a horse Monday,and he is laid up as the result of theinjury, Mr. Yard entered the horse'sstall to put on its harness, and thehorse kicked out with both feet. Dr,0. W, Budlong attended Me, Yard'sinjuries.
o w s u i ftAT m & o n e s M J O L
•und&y Afternoon.The Orioles played a practice Jam*
Sunday afttrnoon with a team repre-senting West Red Bank. The Qrfoleiwon by a score of 10 to 8, ClintonJohnson and Ensloy White pitched forthe Orioles and Gabriel TanntabfeUMcaught, William Feeney pitched forthe West Rod Bank«n~ and AJf«dHcalier WM catcher. Tha OriolM willplay another praetk'o Rama next Sun-day and on May 2* will open tha sea-son on Tobin'a field at Tnir Hnvenwith the Mystics of Belmar.
mmMM. Harry B, Hart, wife of the ed-
itor of the Atlantic Highlandi Jour-nal, was stricken recently with an at-tack of appcndicltia. The attendingphysician succeeded in curing herwithout an operation.
WUd WMt Show In Which S«avl«i I nta Troop Kayj Bonbi. h u l l nat,
Wednesday night's sports at the ar-mory drew an audience of about 400people. The usual horseback ridingfeats took place, and an innovationwas a Wild Weat show in which Ra-phael Santangelo, the heaviest man inthe troop, played a double female partof an Indian squaw and the wife of amigrating settler. Another unusualevent wm an egg-eating race in whicheach contestant had to eat five hard-boiled eggs and ride around the ar-mory balancing an egg on a spoon.William Musto won the race. Wel-lington Kennedy wag the winner of ashoe race.
Buster Williamson, a Texas cow-puneher, gave an exhibition of ridinga bucking horse. The horse is ownedby James Minniek, who has thirtyTexan horses quartered at Eatontown.Williamson is one of the beat bronchobusters in the West. John Dickinsongave an exhibition of high jumpingon horseback.
The troop polo team with RobertMason and Leo and Fred MeKee as itsmembers defeated the Freebooters ofRumson by a acor« of 4 ^ to 2. Theplaying of the two MeKees was es-pecially brilliant. The players onthe Freebooters • team were ThomasField, W. G, Stonebridge and JamesReynolds,
Otto Gautichy of WyMMida Enter-talatd Phantom Club la»t WMk.
The Phantom club of Highlands helda masquegade—barn^^anceHn—OttarGautachy'a barn last week. Wyman'sorchestra furnished music for dancing,which was continued until half.pasteleven, when a supper was served.Many of the guests were dressed asclowns, but a number of more elab-orate disguises were worn.
Among those present were Mr. andMrs. Fred Corse, Mr. and Mrs, OttoGautschy, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Gil-bert, Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert,Mr, and Mri, William Cottrell, Mr,and Mrs, Frank Layton, Mr. and Mrs,Ambrose Liming, Mr. and Mrs. EtnilKolmar and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.George Brooks, Mrs. Lottie Bransonand daughter, Mrs, Harry Foster,.Mrs. Viola White, Mrs. Edwin Cur-ranie. Misses Mamie and MargaretKielty, Dolly Hodge, Dora andjSer-trude Liming, Marie Gautschy, EdnaLoder, Pauline Cottrell, Sadie Rosen-baum, Mary Corse, Eva Siegel andDrusella Fritts, John Meinhardt, Wil-liam Koch, Emil Schroeder, John Mc-Gann, Manuel Bosenbaum, WilliamMines, Howard Johnson, Russell andElmer Miller, Grover Corse, Nat
4CrawIey, Joseph Hill and WilliamBush.
-—.—--»-»• —
aan BARE wi»sSchool Team Bats in rive Hung In
Xa»t Match la Commercial
The Red Bank commercial leagueended its season Friday night whenthe Insurance team bowled againstthe Standard, The Insurance mentook two games out of three. Theresult of Friday's games had no bear-
ti t d i f h
high school baseballteam won its third straight victory in jtiie East Jersey high school leagueaeries Saturday afternoon when it de-feated Neptune township school hy ascore of 0 to 2. The game was played
.at Asbury Park.Red Bank put the game on ice in
the first inning, when on hard hittingthey collected five runs. Five of theeleven hits which Red Bank made dur-ing the game were made in the firstinning, Hurley, first man up for RedBank, hit the first ball pitched forthree bases, Minton followed himwith a two bagger, scoring Hurley,Three singles and an error nettedfour more runs. Each member of theteam batted in this inning,
Matthews, who pitched for RedBank, was in great form. He struckout thirteen men and allowed only sixh i t s , • (•'•
ting onTh I
y g e s had no bearstanding of the teams,
fiThe Insurance men finished in firstplace, the (Jrocerg in second, Postoffleethird, Clothiers fourth, Public Serv-ice and Standard tied for fifth, REG-IBTER sixth and Telephone seventh.
Each member of-'the Insurance teamVgho-has bowled during the league sea-ion will receive a gold'medal and J, D.fitec of this team will in addition re-ceive, a medal for high score. Mr, Steebowled 242 in one game. The menwho .bowled on the Grocers' team willeach receive a silver medal. Thesemedals have been ordered and willprobably be presented at a dinner tobe held soon.
Play the Game Square!Some people are always looking for a little under-handed advantage over the other fellow. Inplaying cards, or in an adventure, or in a businessenterprise, they are always looking1 to see if theycant get just a little the best of the game.
Play the game square !
A business that's worth while isn't a business that'sfor today only, nor for tomorrow^ nor tor nextweek; but it's a business for a good many years tocome. The only way to succeed in buiiness is toplay the game square, Abe Lincoln had thismotto in mind when he said that you could foolsome of the people all of the time, and you couldfool all of the people some of the time, but thatyou couldn't fool all of the people all of the time,Lincoln's statement told the story in detail, butboiled down to brass tacks, Lincoln's statementsimply meant; "Play the Game Square!s>
It doesn't matter what kind of a 'business gameyou are running, folks get onto you pretty quickif you try to fool them. The man who runs hisbusiness on the plan of trying to fool people,usually fools nobody but himself. He may thinkhe is sharp and cunning, and his tricks may lasta little while, but it doesn't take long for folks to" get onto him," and then his race is run.
Fake statements, as Lincoln said, may fool all ofthe people some of the time, and may fool some ofthe people all of the time, but such things cantfool enough of the people enough of the time tomake a success and "ge t away with it," as theboys say.
I The reason The Register prints more Want Adver-tisem*nts than any other country weekly paper inthe United States is because it plays the gamesquare. No one is ever deceived about anythingconnected with The Register. Everyone whoputs an advertisem*nt in The Register knowsexactly into how many homes that advertisem*ntwill be carried. There is no "about so many,"or ' ' nearly so many," but it gives the exact facts.For instance, the circulation of The Registerduring the year ending January 1st, 1915, was5,402. The circulation of The Register for thesix months ending April 1st, 1915, was 5,468,Averaging five readers to a family, that givesover 27,000 readers of the paper.
That's a big army who look to The Register toget their wants supplied. These people needeverything, from eggs to automobiles, and fromwatch dogs to farms. Maybe they dont_needjPju
—dty-jtist what youTiave to offer, but among thisarmy there are sure to be some who will sooneror later want just what you have to offer. In someinstances the response is quick.
The cost is small. For 25 cents your advertise-ment is carried into over 5,400 homes. It's thecheapest and quickest and easiest way of gettingwants supplied that has yet been discovered.
IDDU.Man WfcM »40 CU**«* fey ACtlx
Vkttntay Mfkt-Iki Monty to MVn* *• MMUM UM 0omp«O7's A»-•Ml fWUftW FiUr.About $40 wua added to the treasury
of hook And luddur company el Oce-anic b i t Thumlay night, when u sup-per wag jriven in the truck houM underttie direction of the women's auxiliaryof the comptmy. One of the moat at-tractive features of the supper wnsthe beautiful table decorations. Theflowers were given by gardeners ofcountry estates in the vicinity of Oce-anic fund the decorations are said tohave been the finest ever displayed t ta function of this sort at Oceanic.
More than 2:)B diners turned out tothe affair, and about 25 suppers weredelivered at the homes of famllks whowere not pre»erit, The proceeds willbe used to finance the fire company'ssummer fair. Mrs, DeWitt Scott WMchairman of the supper committee.The offkeri of the auxiltiiry are:
I're«!dent~M)n. IVWilt Moott,Vlri> presidi'iii ,MIH. HlcBnor Slionlt-y.Swrotary—Mvf. Jehu HUVUCHB.Treasurer—MIH" AUKUKIUH JisfTrcj',The auxiliary will meet in the truck
house tonight to maku plans for thesummer fair. One of the articleswhich the women are making for thefair ii a quilt to bo known as the Oce-anic friendship quilt. It will consiBtof 49 blocks, the middle block of whichwill be made by Mia. Elizabeth Long-street, who is ninety years of age andwho is the eldest resident of Oceanic.The other blocks will be atari, and inthe middle of each star will be twonames. Each star will have eightpoints, on each of which will be ftnan\e. The quilt will be disposed ofon the co-operative plan, and this
urce of revenue will net the firemen8,
n n n m PABTT A? siu.rOBi).
Calves9 Liver
Sweet Breads
Calves' Brains
McNAIR'SMARKETS19 East Front St.,
Red Bank.Main Street,Fur Haven,
Mlia Dot B««l*r
Miss Dot Seeley of Belford gave ainner party to several friends Satur-
Oay nirfit. To« house wag decoratedin pink and kewpie dolls with pinksaahes wer« given as favors. Afterthe dinner music and general eocia-
to w«e enjoyed.rhe guests were Miss Aline White,
Mrs. Frank Grant. Harold D. WiU«Hand William H. Bennett of Belford;Misses Libbie Table, Cecil K, Weaver,May ConWin and Beatrice and HelenChamberlain, Leroy and Harry Chwn-berlain and Harry S. Jerrls of EedSank; Misses Lillian Foreland andMyrtle Quackenbuah, Raymond Gerry,George Jordan and Charles D. Thornof Atiantic Highlands; CharlesThrockmorton of Long Branch, M aOlive L, Eriekson and Dr, ArthwJalovaara of Mfttawan, Albert Mor-ford of New Monmouth and ClintonWilber of Fair Haven.
XitoUCAo Qicli Bay They Can Bent •Boy»- Team as Well M Outnidori Cua.
.The girls of the Leonardo highschool are planning for a b b l l
l hi
at Xiong- Branch.One Italian was shot twice and an-' were present
other was stabbed in a street %ht at i decorated the dlninpf "table.
p g o ebalteam thil year, which, they say, wilrbe able to defeat the boys' team. Theywill call themselves the U^atch-Your-Steps." Among those expected to bein the line-up are Anita and LouiseWillett of Port Monmouth, FloraWhite, Lillian Harris, Estelle Reedand Mildred Hyers-of Belford, HelenSickles of Navosink, Ruth Grossingerof Middletown, Pearl Murray of High-lands and Anna Kelly of New Mon-mouth.
Mr. and MM. BeafF A. »rladian4«r En-w--t»ttftlued in Cclobintlou of Wedding,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A, Priedlandevof Atlantic Highlands) who were re-eently married, had a wedding roaep-tion last week. Seventy-six persons
A jarire wedding ctike
Long Branch early Sunday morning.Dpminick But;nato. waa taken to thehospital with a bullet wound.in hisBead and another in his arm.
Dancingwas enjoyed and vocal selections Wererendered. Guy and Pennimoro Cooperand Frank Hoffman furnished themusic. Mr: and Mrs. Friedlander re-
Euceo, tlio 'stabled man, was locked up. I ceived several presents."
oinMlai Alma Schumacher of Long
Branch and William Koops of Weit-field were married at the bride's homeSunday by Rev. William I. Reed. Thebride was Attended by her sister. MissEmma Schumacher of Brooklyn.Charles Ivins of Pearl Elver, NewYork, was groomsman. The coupleleft soon after the ceremony for West-field.
Miss Vernie McKellip and HarryWilliams, both of Long Branch, warmarried Sunday afternoon at the heroof the groom's sister, Mrs. James ERiddle. Rev. Frederick B. Harriperformed the ceremony. Mr. andMrs. Riddle attended the couple,reception followed the ceremony;. Mr,'and Mrs. Williams are living with thgroom's parents for the present,
- - • • " • * < r , —
Atlmry Park Defoftt* £eng Branch.The Asbury Pork high school base-
ball team defeated the Long Branchteani Saturday by a score of 7 ,to 6Both teams played good ball. South,ard pitched for Asbury Pork and hel<his opponents to six hits. Thomas diethe twirling for Long Branch.
i t paya to adverti$e in THE RsaiiTB,
> Oomji»J>T
Plate Betf 9c lbPicnic Hams 10c 1b
Rugs From The Greatest Auction Sales
Jtr. kad Mr«. Ttanlmort O«opw WUA mOilctMties B«tnrd»y Might.
Mr. and Mrs. Fenniniori Cooper ofHeaddea'a Corner celebrated theirfifth wedding anniversary Saturdaynight by •ntertaining about thirtyfriend*. Th« evening wag ipent insociability and listening to musicDancing was also enjoyed.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam McKnifht and son Lester, Mr.and Mrs-'Qeorfe Kaney and children,
M ^ i r t h t HM T T n d ^ gdren, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cqoper^JIr.and Mrs. Louli Morris, Mrs. HaggleEstell, Mrs. Edward Bremyer, Mrs.Charles Smith, Mrs. Jame§ Scott,Mrs. Carrie Bremyer, Misses Marthaand Mabel Estell, James Henrehan,Fred Bremyer, Henry Field, DanielLarkin and Frank nannery.
Pour Trftot* of £mA Ann«it»d to H i tBorovgb bMTt WMt
The measure enlarging AtlanticHighlands was passed by the legisla-iure last week and was signed by thefovernor. The tracts taken from Mid-dletown township and added to At-lantic Highlands are the Ballin andLawrie tracts, Hilton Park and WaterWitch Park. Atlantic Highlandi -willassume a proportionate share of thedebt of Middletown township, based onthe assessed valuation of the landtaken into Atlantic Highlands.
< i m —
Blood PoUouag from. * a « u Than,John O. Bennett of Atlantic High-
lands is laid up with blood poisoning.Mr. Bennett is a nurseryman andabout two weeks ago he ran a rosethorn in a finger on hie right hand,^ k f t ^ a t e t T l T
of Alex Smith & Sons and S. Sanf ord will be on Mia at thinstore within the NEXT FEW DAYS,
The Largest Stocks. The Finest Patterns.The Lowest Price* on Record.
We^ave just received and offer now,' subject to sale, 500 New Rugs in room sizes;20,000 Rolls of Wall Paper with the new borders, all cut-out, ready for use; 2.000 ExtraHeavy Grass Rugs, in nearly all sizes; about 600 White Enamel and Brass Beds; 50 Rolls ofLinoleum; 100 Rolls of Matting; 400 Dressers, in oak, white enamel, walnut, forest green,fumed oak and mahogany.
^ t T r e g i ,and Sunday h«^ had the membertreated by Dr. Edwin Field of BedBank and Dr. J. H. VanMator of At-lantic Highlandi,
atThe Long Branch Cubans arrived at
Long Branch Sunday night after asuccessful trip through the South,where they met many of the bestteams in the big leagues. Sundaymorning they won * game at Petersonand they took another at Elizabeth inthe afternoon. The team is now prac-ticing daily on the Long Branchgrounds,
mmm- • - •
William MeKenna of Highlands wasinjured at Sandy Hook Monday morn-ing when his clothing caught in somemoving machinery and he ws§ thrownto the floor. He nws bruised and cutabout the body, but no' bones werebroken. Guards on the cog wheelswere all that saved him from beingground to death.
WtorJohn Woodward
fil lis repairing thet Th t l t
ard is p a gHighlands filter plant. The storm lastwinter undermined and weakened thebrick and maion work tank, and causedpart of the walls to fall. In someplaces the brick lay in masses in theplace where new walls are to bs built,and these piles were blasted out withdynamite, _. _ _ • "
Two Blba Sco*kaB.Charles GarJiart of Atlantic High-
lands broke two ribs in a fall from awagon in front of his home lastWednesday. Mr, Carhart was gettingout of the wagon when the horsestarted, throwing htm to the ground,Mr. Carhart was carried into thehouse, where Dr. B. E. Failing at-tended his injuries.™.
Our 50c Papers now cut to , 28e
Our 40c Papers now cut to 15e
Our 20c Papers now cut to 10c
Our 10c Papers now cut t o . , , , , , , . , . . , 2c
9x12 Seamless Wool Brussels at .$8,7$9xi 2 Heavy Axntinsters at. ,7#i.009x12 Seamless Wiltons a t . . . . . . . . . $20.009x12 Wool Fibre Rugs a t . , , .$4.98
BUNGALOW GRASS RUGS,These Rugs are.heavier and smoother than
most Rugs of this kind. The warp is strongerand the colors are water-proof. 12 very al-tractive colors and patterns to choose from, atprices never put in print before by any house,$8,50 Rugs, 9x12 ft., now '., .$S,SO$7.50 Rugs, 8x10 ft.» now .$4,80$4.75 Rugs, 6x 9 ft., now $3,00$1.40 Rugs, 3x 6 ft,, now 7*c4oc Rugs, 18 in, x 36 in., now,',
as illustrated; finish warranted to stay whiteand glossy, any size, now,, , , .$9,71
Regular price $14,50,
TO FORD OWNERS.I have opened a garage and repair shop for
Ford cars exclusively at the foot of Wharf ave-nue, near Steamboat Dock, Red Bank,
Formerly employed by W, 1. Mount, FordAgent for Monmouth and Middlesex counties/
y Blk#r.Arthar Covert, aged seven years,
son of flames Covert of Tinton Falli,was run down on the school groundsat that place last Thnr«day hy a bi-cycle ridden by Howard Jackson,'Arthur's leg was broken and he isunder treatment at tile Long Branchhospital.
Fumuhed Cottage* by the Season,
ONE A COMPLETE ftOME FOR $1 ,000 .Money'to Loui. Insunnce in Reliable Companies.
WHITE,Monmouth Street at Onpad, JRcd B«nlc« NT* J
•OtlOi,Notte« la hereby IIVIB that •»
cation has bean made to the couivjoll ]l oil
il]at has b n m e o the ouncl oil
the borough.-ot Red Bank, dated April]itth, lSlSTand algneii by G. A, Del*tuah.H, 4 DeMinring, EU» Culllngton, MMWilliam CulHngton, WiHiawO. BrowAlexander Lewis. William GniUMrtoWJUl»m C, Woloott, Howard FnViM,Hlgglneon, QBOTKQ H, Holmeti R M.-Vadervser, Albwt B, icott, W, L. MarrtHoA, C, Harrison, Minor Brown, mmBrown, Mri. jf, c. Sickle*, fastAi.,.Ohamberlaln, Ktbel M, Whiie, Harrtr iLaFettBL, D«borah Combs and John, ,Allen, rreeholders residing in the bor-ough of Red Bank, reauMUns that pro-]vision be made,by ordinance to lmpjo*o |floutli street by the placing or construct-ing of curbing in and along said Mtmet.
And further taK« notice that in ac-cordance with itaid application an or-dinance was lntro<l\icoil on t)ie 19th day-of April, 1916, by mud council providingfor the making of hnid lmprovomentH inthe manner tibove tnentiooed nppltea.ior."
And further tuko notlco that the coun-cil of sold borough will meet to rocdlVennfl iDnnlder objections retatlng to themaking of »al(l Improvements at thecouncil chamber in the borough huD, onthe third day of May. 1916, at 8:00.o'clurk p. m, ami If at the time unAplace aforesaid the owners of ono halfihtt properties fronting on said etr«ct tobe improved an above flesltnieii, do notobject in Writing to the making of aaidImprovomontB, sal<| council may p r lto piiftfl said ordinance directing -Impittvements to bo made,
e o t f C l e r k .
T H I RID BANK REQfSTIR. P«0« ThlrtMft. "
Mow Thay Art Work.d by DitUiitin Land Q|wr*ti«i»,
In modern warfare the MBKhUgbtla invaluable. Ou dark nUibU at amIt lit the only meuui of guardlDgagilnat torpedo bouu. which ita beainawill reveal at a dUtun«« of two mllM•nd more.
On •nor* It U tho oloctrtc aye of thearmy. It IN curried to nil part* of thefield of net Ion by motor truck, mid themotuf that propels the vehicle driventhe electric generator that HUppllei tut-current for the light.
Moil of thews fleld tanrehliRhU arenot directed by bund, for ench hist™-incut ia fitted with what U known it*the dlotiuit control. Two mniill motorsgovern the vertlcul nnd tho horiiontii!movements of the liubt. From tiieuiBU electric cnblo runs to the tttutloiiof the operator, who, IIHUOUKII he mnybe ttuvernl hundred feet uwny, cuuHUiid the niyH of tho light In any direc-tion he plenscH.
According to tho Navy nnd ArmyIIlUBtrntud, one ndvuntngo of this dl«-tnnt (tmtrol IN that tho object* pickedup by the bimiu of light CUM be Nijjhtfdmore quickly nnd uioro dufiiiitply, fo>if the operator stands behind the tightnnd IOOUB nlgng tho bcatu IIIM visionIS hampered by n luniliiuu« hiizc. A•ecoud inlvantago is that HID light runbe pi need in an cxpoHcd position without eniliuiBPring the men who run itWere the opcrr.tor and uHlcrr 1M.»K1I1C>
».-4H»J>«l'«4Hw they wiiuUl Uo ,«irtttluto reuelvo tho fire flmt IH HIITO t<j IK-pound upon n Mcarthlltrlit and wonUlauBer the inHtnnt the writes win Ufund
Th. Last •• t i l t Fought on tht toll afQrut Britain,
The last battle fought on the soil ofGreat Britain took place In the middleof tho eighteenth century.
While George 11, of England waa engaged in the war of the Austrian auccession Charles Edward, who was called the young Pretender, a grnndson of King James II, of England,lunded in Scotland and made two attempti to obtain the throne of bitnncestora. He was vletorioua In thebattle of Falkirk, but the Duke ofCumberland, son of George II,, buyingbeen rein lied from the continent totnke command of the king's forces, thePretender was entirely defeated atCulloden moor, a plain In Scotland,four miles from Inverness. This waithe last battle fought on the Island ofGreat Britain and took plnee April 10,1746, and It was also the last attempton the pnrt of the Stuart family torecover the throne of Great Britain,
Charles Edward Stuart escaped toFrance after he hod wandered for flvemonths in the highlands, pursued byhis enemies. Be died in name JanSO, 17M, The Duke of Cuaiburlnndgare no qunrter. The wounded wereall ilain, and the jalti of Englandwere lulled with priaonera, ttiimy of•wbonjl.^ere executed, Among thelatter unrflbor were Lords? Bulmerlno.KllmanibcU;* find Lovlt—rovnT beingthe last person who was beheaded inEna!«nd.-Phlindeiphia Press,
ofA elergyman, who was not averse to
an occasional Klan«, hired an Irishmanto clean out his cellar. The Irlihmanbagan his work, He brought forth nlot of •mpty whiiky bottles, and aa holifted each one he looked through It atthe sun. The preachir, who wai walk-ing on the lawn, saw him, and said:•'They are all dead ones, Pat."
"Th«y lire I" said Pat! "but, thereli wan good thing about It, they allhad the minister wid them whin theywere (lying."
"I am sorry, but I advertised for aSi-undinftviiin cook," said Mm. Whit*?.
"Luwd sake!" replied FarulyniaPearl Waddlei, "what difTunee do itmoke what a lady's 'ligion urn,so's she kin cook?'1
POBITIOW W A t f l B A !C l i i u i f f i ' i i r W I N I I C H | i i i n | i l n n : I w o
cxpi<ric>iif | . ; van iiiulii* i i w n r i ' i i a l i n ,euro box 171, Mnlnwnn, N. J.
W O T B IThree NIIIIII-M fur
llolnuh-l, N. J.
m BAI.B.HiUe. T. II. hills,
itn-il, Ik-dTO %wr.
room. -<J4Hunk,
TIiiNt Front
aicreiiii nii i ,Hood bicycle tires at 91.60, ut I.ou Tet-
ley's, Mechiuile t
H, l i T H O .Remover of dead animals, Red Bank,
S'. J, Telephone 129-J.
I V B I DB&TI TO BOAOXXI,Inn! IHIHH mill nil vermin. L'ull utH|ii!ii(j street, HMII HunU.
yci ir« 'I'. O,,
fonon An lunu,Topaolt and manure for sale, II. M.
Taylor, contractor, 84 Patera piaee, RedUank, Taiephuno connMtion,
AUTO FOB MIKE,H i i v c n - i H i « « r i i g i ' i ' r i i i l i i f u r h i m l iv <lny
n r h o u r ; " n r * t - i l i i « H H p r v l c i ' . i'i-iiHi>iiiililt'I i i t i H . I ' l i o n e 1T-SS" I t e d l i i i n k ,
wzma mand I'll wira for you, Fred K. Brower,oloctrlcal contractor, 72 Monmoulhatrcet, Had Bonk. Tel. SSI-W.
WANTED.A HeaiiiHtn'Bij t o mi iku diiyH' wi»i»i» a t
h e r iioiiii ' ; t-ut rc.-i'ly tn mnki1 . Aililn-MHM, Vtiix 31:1". l i ed l lni ik.
IA»DIOAM1 O A 1 B I X 8 B .MxpcMientcd liimlxcupit gnrdenpr
work by ilny. week nr inoiith. Apply toUnrr«t .1. Hmltli, Bolford, N, j .
PIAWO r o « BAJ.E.An uprlKht Jiiiini) fur HIIIC »t H Biii
(in nccniitit uf party ICIIVIIIK town.tlriBM I'liuin, Ixis :il3, lied Hiiiik.
MOTOl OTOLE1 FOB BALB.l i id i i i i i , nun t « i i nml t l i rei i Hpo'ilH.
L Uoy, Moi'iiiinilj H t r i e l ,L o u
COW F O R S A L E .1'iiMli row fur Hiilt;, fuuc y i i i r
John Uiihlol', I lo lmdc i , N. ,f.old.
DJUHaHAll lmpntvi ' iiiiiiitH. L-
liriiiniiii inil p l ace , l lml
BOOM. ,'iitriil lowition,llnnlc.
• tor t for. K»nt on Monmouth Btr«»t.Flno Htoru on Moninouth Htrrot, neiir
Ilrond Rtrent, for r«ht. (.ppiy to HodHank Itenl Kstato Co., lied Hunk.
omowwa rom BAI.II.h u n d r e d tiinUHBinl 1 ' i inci i ArK ' ' n -
tiiil nt id r i i l m e t t o flspttiiiKHH riowiiM, n i uHiid (wii yi ' i ira o ld , T I I « I I I » M H, I ' i i i ld,Hcsi Hiilik,
! wurklntci i | i | i l y In .1.' I t i ' i l i t ; inU,
BLAO B O O H S O ,I . i i i k y t i n n m l H I . I t • • I ' O U I H tiiII• !»•
W i i t c r p i ' c i o n n g • l i l c W H I I H . n u tMhhim.
If you iiru looking furIIIII'HI-"M from | 1 0 up to iliCuli i l r i i , -07 l luf l iur t Htri1'ln-liu r .H-M.
pi'cii)i.-li'"n M d '
, j ;cd JSiink,
1.1"i ' V l
M iI t i i i c ,
- . 1... . S p i l
1 1 1 I . , '' h il l i l l i .
T . l i lPARTY,
| Mi. 'l i i i t i l
"I l i U . t
* < > • J - I ,
ut 111., \ | . . l l . | ; i y
,\ Hl.I'll - il II . H t i l l i• l M ) l " r 't i i
l i | . H i t !'•
u i n i l i i i i l lir i i i . i i i n -l;.i'. Ill-, M l H I l i •!•
OL1AIWO AITS J>TBXV<KtdH nn<V ^|tintn' ctothlnjf el
dyed Hcntr •nit* [irntuMT (0 catit*.culled fur nnd dullsrrsd. It«d B«nk
Hti-nin Iiyn Work*, 24 VV«»l Front *trn«t!i|S Hhrt-WHlmry avonun. Mod Bank. Phon*Ronnvrllnnii
f -»
S T O K E A X D D W B t H H a A T OCEAMICl U l
rom BALE.
for rout: I'viilrtil luenli.t r i d b y r u i i d , H i i i t H b l e f i n ,11n u t i'.Ti per month, .Inmenu.eimie, N. ,1,— - - v -
Drieiniike n dandy peddler M «;IIIiiiid roomy. Address i j . l.aiinitowii, N. .1.
AuxjJItiry yawl, .10Nil7lend keel, «-b. p. I'llMiifor CIIMII at nnc«. Adi:ii:i, Hed Hunk,
I H I I I I I I K " iI . H J . i i n « «
III IKII I, j r .
ii, Kiil-
roa BALLH i i r i i d I t . i l k i - g M N f o r I M I M I I I I K .
T l i i i i n p M ' h s t r a i n . I ' I | n r h u i i - l i , - d ; W h i t .1 ' • • !< I n d i i i ' l t i K S " , -T .•"!«•. p e r i l . i / . i - n . I ' . I " ,H y m n i , l ' p p e r H r i i m l B I I I T ! , l i e i l I S , i n k ,
T O B B A L E .- r i m m t i l e l i u u s i - . a l l 1 M I I H I i v , -I l l m l e l g h t - I ' i i u m I n l i n e l i m H e a i
I ' i l l l l > I I I H I H b y i i p p l y l t i g t n
I d l t h . l l , i l l.'Ml'.'l' I',I,., f :,i.I'd ll.lllli,
l l VKAVB .OU« TI I IBi l | i ( i i l r i I . I : , h i m •. 1 H i
i h
SPRAYEDl | | o IV I- .- : 111 >"
• B D B A S K I A I » T U L O l ,r o o m in, KiHiixr Iiitililiiipr. i l t H t bf*«'"-l|» t r i ' i i t i i i i int . hrilr , | i cWILVIHK, ini inlci ir lnw, fm-lolNwi t rh mnkl i iK; K i- i i t l i-mrii 'n inuXtiN. I . in 'y I 'ultiy a n d M m . N e l l i elMiuni) 302-M.
SOUS* WAMTBD.U m i H e w a n t e d , i l l ••Hi' - l i i i l f I l i l l f l
r m i l l Hh re iVH l i i i i y , l . i l l l e H t l i t r , , r 1>,,,|l l . - l l lk N t i i l l i i n ; r i l l I I I H I I C I ! . f u r > i in : i | l f i , ' , , ! .
I $ l.1.'. pe i i n . . n t i i . H i j i t •• f n j ipt i i • u h i i - n , A i l i l i
i , l i i ' i l i i f i n l i .
MH H i o a l l
willIt vHun
FBEEl i N n I I m t u r 1 h i
h i I h l 4 \ 1,11 M I ,
i i ! j ; | y i> \ n i l ,i
IIH'IIIHIU i - i a l l h
ml IU Ill,nn
I [ i 1111 f
•-ii \ cHum m, N. .1.
.11. i l l 1.1.
,s v.( t i l l , I
t'\ i M N l i
I l k « i 111
A l i i . r h i i M . I tl
fi inl-'cil fiK i j l l i i i l o .
i |
: win HofllriK, Allen re:,tile, N. ,1.
B B F A I » B B .lhH. ! F i i r n l t i i r u o f ' a l l kliiilH r e p a i r e d . He-
Mix h i t i g a i n , s t o r i n g of a n t l q u o nnd niiiliiiguiiy fu r -i \ ;n\ I. biix , n i t u r c a Hpoc la l ty , i f u m y UI-UUHI-. j ' r u n t
n e a r S o u t h e r n r a i l r o a d . Red H a n k ,
8 PEB OBHT MOlTOAOEi FOB BALE,I ' l i t i l i i i n i t y i i i ; . . , | ; I I H I , i ; p r r i - , . n i ; i l i : » t
t u r n t K i i i - V . I l i i l j , i ; | . , | -K f i K ' 1 , i r . i i n . fi p f f t i n jc r l y u t K . ' H i i H h i i ih i l i . i , K i ' i i l i B l I H I K , N , J .
T i ' i i - i m n i ' i d i - r i i h
111; II i Ml m o l t , ,i t n p r u s r i l i . i ' i i p .
In. ,11, ,1Ml ii l l i ' l li ih i r t i . 'Hj ,
i x M l : ;
A nunillt1!forVii
t i l l i iml'nrii,
rom BALE.o f h o x h i i ' h .piiipoMi.M. App ly
Hi'i'oiid nuii . i i i . i l
i l l -I i r .
I l k
i dirtII. H.
W H O WA1TTB1 w o u l d l ike to llml
i i N . - N S ' I ' , i t i I I , I h i i i < l d o g ;t ' l i i n l u i ' i h i ^ j m i d w i i u l
l i a i c , ('. Miami, hos 22
A DOU?I M.i.i'l l i ' i i i iM f i i rH n i n i i i i i c w l m I Hl i;Uc him i;.n..i
N a s . ^ l n k , N. .1.
E I DRweet creaiii,
freshlinme-mnde putCharles A. MeiMiiMkey, Hephono 40:s-M Hod Hank.
BAIBT.puru milk from our ownbutter, buttermilk arid
i' ut1 t . - i
, . i l l i-Ii l i i s i ' i j
iw IJ.r. pi i- . i
l i i i n k .
Mi'iul , .S.I.
t :
ni liPB I',, i., (•
(hilly.| IIII'll
TOM BALE AT. ' N i l e S I . I I I I . . i ' i i i l . | i I I I
l « , f u r l e s - I I I , I I I h . i l f,! I H . I n i l . , f i l l ^ . V I 1 i i ^e e l l t . - r , u i h ; h t , ' I . ' ,I •• I I I I T , U e l n l l l 2 ' • . .
::i;: . It. d R i n k .
I I IU ' l t l l• f i . . - i i , f
w i l l , l u . i , . ,
. \ . l . l l . - s s H i l l
A . i i i r . s i n n ,
wAHuniibout for
i;! Onklim.1
OU rom BAIB.Hiilo. Cull in moinlnK lit.
Typi' writer tli-xk wiintHil. AdlTypi-wrltiT, box U13, Hed Hsink,
BE00sii HMDi
YCIn iiiii'
l i t
E00sii HMNot inn-, but six o* ul«lit,hou 'ri'tlcy's, Mechunlc Btrei't,
TWO PAlWVZmi WANTED,Two iiuliituiH wuiited ut uncf. Apply
in person to w, J.. Trunt, Uci'iinlr, oriiiklri'i'H Lock Box M5, Oi'i'iinlr, N. .1.
MONEY TO LOAHon first bond nnd mortgage on Impr seaproperty in Huma to •utttJOTTOwcrB, Al-ston Beekmiin, attorney, Hid Bank,
R I V E B , F I . A I A L O T S P O E S A L E .F o r Hiile rhi ' j ip. lotH :il mill :;;;, ui l i lvor
l ' l i i / a . MlddH'towii , .JOMr.n fi-i't. Applyto 1". Himll. A.i ' t ropolll i in n p ' i i i Hi.nm-.Ni'W y o r k Ci ty ,
i 1,000 WANTED.W t i i l l i l l . t l . i i i n i i i ! i i I ' l ' i . • . • l i t , o n A - l
t l t ' K t I l l i i r t K l l U i 1 , f r o m l i f t v ; l t •• p a i t s . N . .i l l 1 1 1 . 1 H I !••••• 1 I l I i H W . ' r . A i l i l l ' . - ^ H I " o l l l l i l . I I -
I h i l I t . i i l K u t i i t i ' , r i i r i ' h o \ 2 2 4 , H t I H i i n U ,
AUTO BVFFbY SHOP TOB BENT.IJiiiid chnuee for l ive until supp ly whop, A .
bent locution, Miiin s t r e e t ; MI IV ]Ht to ' eei vO c t o b c r I M I : | 1 0 | ie r m o n t h . H. U. Heck, tu run i o n lLakcwood , N. J .
MAW W A H T B D .l i ve ly eh ' lk tn HKHHI ill mil- uro-l i l n i i ' i i t m i i r k f l : M I U H I l i t i . i w 11• • w
i i n d H i i l e k i n : i e h l l i e » . A ] , -p l y t o J o h n I l i n t e l i i i i i i i i i , I t i l m s i i n . N . , 1 .
MOUSE rom »Bira,House for runt on Mei-liiinlc street,
Inuulre of Lorn Ketchrirn, Hod Hunk.
»o» msire,Slx-room houHo at UoGiinport.
of A. T, Cnslpr, Oceiinport, N, J,
SCULPTORSrStatues In England Netad Far prudt
Blunders In Modeling.Some df the statues In public placW
In Eu^oiid ate notable for certainunique symbols or glaring errors Inmodeling. One of the former Ulnd i§th* statue of Sir Anthony ABuIey atWimborne, Dorset. Carved out of oBtoiie at the feet of the figure 1« afnithfui roproseiittttion of a ciibbaKe,indlcRtlnK that Sir Anthony introducedthe %'egetobie from Holland intoEngland.
Even more peculinr is the carvingon one of the four rmuela on the QueenVictoria statue in George squnre, Glas-gow, The subject 1» the knighting ofJames Anderson, the lord provost ofthnt city. Aa no sword WIIH available
%the ceremony W«B performed with nnumbrella, and the substitute bus beencopied by the sculptor. This sutneBtatuo Is lncorrei't In one importantdetail. The Ktnti-lj iiose of I ho horseIs ncKntivpd by tho position of the hindlegs—a position which i« only possiblewhen a horH« is racing at full Bpeed,
Perhnps the worst ociucHtrlnn statueIn the wOrlA-19-fbtt-t-efeetetMn- front-of-
I'reslifor mile,
COW TOM BAI.E.four.ypiir-nld halter broko cowJohn Ghnler, Holmdul, N. J.
OIBt WAITTBD,White Klrl wuiited for Keneral houso-
work. Cull tit 220 Broad Ntieut, KedIJank,
CARDS DESIGMED.Carfli, originally ilesiBned for special
purpoaea; dlnnerM, blrthdayis, ftc, Studig,room 14, Eianer buUrtlnf, Rid Bank.
""itAiiiok rom BAM CHEAP.Hulf onhln luui'.i-h, -it ft., 0 ft, hcam,
0-huiMn i i i iwor OI IKI I IQ; fu l ly ciiiillipi'il.JiM-oiiunon'H bout ykrd, OIIHIPI', N, j .
BTOVE STORAGE.hr-t UB Htoiv your stove or
tli(> Huiniiier, L. Hrhwartz &to W, J, Hutton, Hioail
HOUSE worn SALE.n o m l Houml i l c l lve ry , I-M;H]
liorM- for Hiili- a t riKlit i>i'11• <•: icKooil UK'1. 11 • • il Hunk SliMiu62 W h i t e nti'i'i-t.
" f f.-irni-ti11 •• nmll .a i i i i i l ry ,
m i d d l enil oh!
WAHTBD,ii l i ed w n i i i n n
l i i i ly a n d
WAOOHB FOB 1ALE,' h i e l i i i i h i r I ' u i ' i . i i i i i ' i i i | , p u t \
a n 1 . n e I ' . i l l i i j m i n i w i i u u n , i n l i r - i tI ' n i i d l t i i i i i , u i t l l p u | . , s i T I I I ----li : i l " t r - - :• i t l i i r W . I U M I I S . - i n . I M I I I H - I I ; . | ' I I I . , > . M ,1 ' . , l u p i n . y , i ! . , . H I i • - i n , , . i .
CAHA8Y BIRDS.l l p i i l f •:!-, , . , | , | •; ,
. H r i . i i u •..-. | . , . | I I M u p .u u . e , m , i l i i i i l k e l M , t | , ,i l l l l H , . . | i - . , i l l \ V . I h .t r e i ' t , l i ' d l i n i i U .
OBT DA1Tto do your electrical work, and KO th»refor your electrical Mtippllos. "' 'I , ' U ' I - I I . .1 • il>*3 | , r i i i i i p t l y i i l t i i i . b ' dH n u i d N t r i e t . S w i f t i i i i l l . l i i n . . . i , . ,1. H e d H u n k . U M I e e i i i i o i i e , U 7 0 - Mi l e l l c e p h i i i i e , n ' { . \ S r .
t n . ,<)
1 N o
l i i h l -
l l ] IM,
ii keepin: in
Apply iii . l i - i i i t e
,\l i H.
K . e l e r , 'iTi \ V i i N h i n g t o i i K t l e . t, lU 'd H a n k ,
EAST TEB.MB.$100 down buy* pretty cotiiiBf In U l
Hunk, llvi' rooms nnd liuth: lot ,'ihxlSO;hnliinte like rent. Box 7S5, Hctl Hunk,
MTEW EMPLOYMElfT BUREAUfor white help. Help furniphecl for alliiccaslonH, both foiitgn rffTd domoHtlc.47 Washington Htrcot. Plione 311-M.
FOB BALK. Il-'nmlly ilrlviutt hoi'Me, |ii hands, Hind ;
ni i ' l K e i i t i n , t i l l h i i r i ioptu, I IMI-I ' I I I , Hoii i id,Moll l ' i lO H o p l i l l l K , ] . ]( l lul l toWII h o u l e v u f - l l ,( J e e i i n p o r t , N , ,1,
Bix wmwt OEirr MOKTOAOES, ;We havf Ht'vernl aiiiilli/uliuns for limns i
on Ke/uiHhurK proper ty (it U jier cent; ,$300 and up. Drown & Klngsland, !Keanaburg, N, J, > j
TO M T ,Two fiirnlHlied rooinw to let, with or
without bOiird, In prh i ih ; family, nilimprosem*ntH. T\ W, Hmlen, |n^ Ptj.irlstreet, net! IJank,
C Mi i i i dp l i i j iCoX. J
AOBKTS WASTED,11 y o u W e l l K Is 1 . 1 I u l f i T il h i l l i l i e « Hh u m . . l i i - n - S H l I y W i t h I n n p e r • • • - l i t
I . I ' i i r t i r i i l i i i ' N f r e e . A w h i i i y H u i i p l N ':,IH J l u l l r o e i i v e i i i i e , A H l n i r y l ' l i r k ,
rORD BUHABOUT rOB SALE.A 1 ' i . i i l l u i i i i l . i i i i i f u r s u i t ' . I n l i r M
r i i l i i i l t i o n , f o r c . l o i i r s . w i i i . l . « - | i i . I d ,h e w p i i i n t ; p r i e c v e r y r e . i « , . : i . i h l i ' .v e s l U ' . ' i l e . l l . i n U i u i H h ri i n ] IM i i o i , - , lH i l v e r . X . . 1 . P h . . l i e S H - S V .
' >ne d n n b l i ' -(I.to l l , w n l l l i l m a k el i ; i r n u f l i c " l l l t l l t i li i l i i l i g i iii1; nn11. 1'. OriKirc.l l u l I H e ,
M J i l ' I n u K l i l e. i i i g u i r ; i i l ^ ifu r i . i u u ' e r .
l i a r p h . , ,• I I npi'U'.I run.
.Mlil.jM i i l - y l . n i l l t ' i ! l l e l l i h i e k
I c i W I I , X . . 1 .
111 -
K. II.
FOB B A i E .Conk, auetioneer, will sellin-operty. rinisistliiK "f
i m l t w i i I n i i l U l l l o w s l i t < l e « i, a t J : ' J i J p . i n . , a l p u l i l l e i u i i
T J I M MEH WAHTBD..Wi l t l t . - i l . t w o . Sp i - f i i ' I l r e i i l i i . l i . i i l le
o i l i i H p a i a m i H a n . I m i e t u b u i i c l i , p a yt h e h i i n r h : n l « n t n n n w h n iTi i ' l 'T^f r i ri l ' l u i n g , i n l ' idu. - l u n r u e r e « . A d d r .\V. H. , I m x : l | : i , H e d . . a u k .
H A T O K I H O B O O S .I l i i r r o d r i v i i m u U i M M k i-utm f . i r l in t
; i n g , I , r e d f r o m p r U , . \ v l l i l l l n « 1' l i i i t c h f d fn r i i i - r i i lMi ' i ) s t n e k , O J c n l M
H i ' l t i n g u f i s , n r %\ p , . | . h u r n f i . i l , isi I . I I I I I M Hi . f fe l , i . i v e r l u i i k KRi -m, l i e d' H i . H i d i . n c i ' o n l l n l f - . M l l t ; r . , i , . i :
h I t'H,
BKpwliaotd SiUilady Waatefl.Kxperifnccd Hnleslauy wanti'd for Pat-
uriinyg. J, Vunko. 24 Broad street, RedBank,
SALESLADIES WAHTBD,dioM, (jxperlcnciid In ladii'H fur-
nixlilliK storu. 20 Broad street. RedB a t l k l • ^ - — _ _ -
BICYCLE TOS SALE.Ivor Johnson, eotild not tell from new,
in mot it Is, |"25. Lou Tetley, MechanicBtrect.
BIO MONEY BATESut Krtrtel & CO.'H market, Hod Rank,N. J., foi-eahih only, H>RM of spring lamb,sac. lh.
c DEAD ANIMALS.I remove dead nnimalw, horses and
cows, and pay II a head, Rlchnrd ConWui'side, N. J. Phone 340.F-41.
"THE GREAT FO-MPKIH CASE,"or mock trial, Will ht' held in th JUliuro Ucformed eluircli l-'ridny, April ;W,at N:00 p. ni.. for the henelH of the .Marl-boro lire company.
OAKLAND KUNABOUT FOB SAtB.A ly 1 :j OaUliiud ruiiiihoiit, e lec t rb 1
lightH iind self Ntiirter, for s;ile rn i^ni i -able . Kd. vonKat l i - i igel l , curuer J lmi-m o u t h Ktrcet and Mnplu ayeiini ' , li.-dBank,
O V E R L A N DFul ly eiiu
hiHiled and rfor n quiekI'M. vo i iKat teMaple iiVinu
muWABOUT FOB SAIB,piKil imd reeen i ly over -i i i i int td; TIIIH IS ii'hlf? huypu ieh i i s e r . Conie :it ulii'e.iiMell, .Miiuiiionth Ntreet imii, l ied IJiink.
C U D FABTT,f tiller the HUHplceM of O. iC, 8,, No, 70,
Red 13nnk, in tin- IClsner bulliling, Thiirs-duy evening, April aUtll. Tickots HOC,
WAWTED.Girl or plderlf woman wanted to ilo
K houRework. Apply to Mrs, J, Mor-ris, 114 West Front street, Red Bunk.
KATCKOfO EOOB.Park's Htraln trap-nested
Hocks, tlie best laying strain,country, 15 eKga |l.B0. IloyalLittle Silver, N. J.
Barredin theFarms,
HALF HOUSE TOS BENT.Half house for rent with improve-
ments, on Front street, near Went street.j For information apply to A. M. Weis, 90! West Fro'nt street.
T O » SALE. .My Miiryhiiii i t o n i a t o phmtH, e a r l y
CHijhiiKe idi i i i t s ; IIIKIJ R llnu aKsor tm. i i tof punsieH, iit O. I hi l lenbi ike ' s , e m n e i 'H i v e r s t r e e t nnd I.riKlitoii aveni ie , l i edliiinlt,
WTEBWATIOWAL OHB-TOH TBtJCK.Conipletfly ovorliiiiilijd and repainted.
HiiK extra rtur seat and top, aeetylenelamps; will he Bold at less than hulf rust.S'liinyhroiik Farm, Katontown. Phone2130'H.
rARMS WAHTED.lialry, fruit, puultry; hav.- luiyerw fur
l l u m l l i i u p e i l i e s . H e l i d p i i r t i e u I IIH i i n dt l i r e e t i i i u i. \ \ r i l l i n s l i e e t . t i e o r K v W .
. Z i u - l i t r . K i a d u a l e a u i ' i e i i l t u r l s l , 72 1 K i l l -i i e y h u l l i l l i i K , X e w a r k , N , ,J,
HOUSE TOB BENT.Kjiiali house on I.'i!isp"et avenue for
lent, fiirnlslu'd nr unfurnished: ninnlnKWilier; §:, per week furnishi'd. nr ftO periiiniitli unfiirnislio.]. Jlrp. \';inTiii«. i»Wnnhlf-y street. Heil liank.
r O B BAAt New Monmouth. house, store bund-
Inn , b.-irn, WiiKon lioiiRn a n d slifilN, w i t l itwo acres of Kiound; two minutes' w, IKfrom tlie trolley line or five- mlninnfrom the trolley junction. Apply to A DConover, New Monmoulh, N." J.
WINDOW OtEAHlNO,We niiike a specialty of rlennlng win-
flows of atores, ofllceH and private rest-(leneCB; also eeneral oillM cleaningHates roasonnhle. SatiHfactlon ^usirnn-teed, 24 West Flont str-H-t, with l e aBank steam dye works. Phone 1B.R,
HORSES AND CABBXAQEM, ~~IJarKiiiiiH for everyoiiM in horseH nnil
martM ut the fn i ted lONiireHs c.,'aKtahles. Hee maniiuer. M. Welch, at of-fice, corner Orange iind Xpsh*tt stieeiHNewark, N. .1, Telephone 41 ••;( liraui'liBrook, Open daily, Sundays int'ludcd
n i f WAHTED,Any kind of live poultry wanted; also
eggs; will pay a #ood price, H. Haft, 85Burden street, Red Bank. Tel. STS-W.
• I t t MOHBf SAVESat Krldel & Oo.'s market, Hed Bank,N, j , , for cash only, prime ribs of beef,20c. 1b,
MOMEY TO LOAN.Money to loan In BUBW to ault tor-
rowan on flrit bond and mortBaKe,A, L, Ivlna, Register building. Red Bank.
BIO MQWBT SAVEmat Kridel & Oo?H market, Ked Bank,N, J,, for cash only, lean plate of beef,10c. lh.
at Kridc.!N. J., for18o» "Ib.
MONET BAVkB& Ho.'s market, Ileil Bank,ciiBii only, lean chuck-roast.
SIO MONEY BATESat Krldel & Co.'s market, Hed Bank,
. J., for cash only, Swift's sugar cured14%c, Ib,
Trihitycolieife, Dulilln, to fLo memoryof King William 111. Among otherfntiltH, olio of the forelegs of tho horse1H straight'nud thu other curvod con-Nidt>nihl.v, yet hath UoofB meet wkloby gitlo nn the iiedestsil.—London Biiar6Moments.
Just'Why W# Snean,Sneezing may be due to one of a
number of cnusea. A bright light willeauie many people to sueezo. ns alio(.he pollen of certain plants, whil»tliBitfnro few people but will sneeze in theprewnee of dual. When you have ncold the HueesUng ts due to an utteniptby utUure to cure you. She la tryingto innlu" you HtieeKe for the name purpOMO thnt Bho \V.IIUU yoti to shiver—tugunurute h«(iit for wiirmliig the blooeluud jiii'Veutiiig you froiu tnlnug inori>cold-to hulp relieve the colU you DnveFjit one dooB not »uut«e wltu'iilx'uotii*.but witli the Piitlie body, UUIIIIK tinnet every niuKHe of the body niveH uJutnp. us it were It «oe» Into n sort orBpnsin Hint wanna the.euilru 8y«tem,-New Yorta
B*«uty of Zamboxi Fallt.To realize fully the wondrous benuty
of the Zambezi falls, Rhodesia, ou?must hare time to linger and watchthe eTer changing scene. The depthsof the chasm"'below are veiled fromgjgtat by the rising columns of opnlcent mist, and above the yawningBbyHi the eua glints and spnriciesweaving the drops Into a mngnlflccntrainbow. Throe hundred feet belowronri nnd bolls the Bwirliug flood iw Itemergeii from the Boiling Pot ritshinaon down the zigzag gorge between towertng cliffs of rook, narrow, Herteand of unfathomable depth,—AfiicniWorld. m _
Mod«rn p"My ancestors came over'In the May.
flower.""Te«r rejoined Mm Cttmrox.
understand that the fare wns reallyquite low. But, gracious me, the boutmust <haTe been terribly overcrowded."
- —Washington titar.
SIO MONEY SAVED,Krirtol & Co.'s murkt't. Hod Bntik,
•J., for CIHII only, Hsvlffw sugar curedhoulderH, ]0%o. In.
•1KB A i m MO5O 8WPP1IBB.AnythlliK you want in tlilH lliif nt the
lent piiOG, ut I,ou Tetlcy"s, Mechanicitreet.
W A W T B ,Alffilfrt nnil inl.xert luiy nml corn on Par
'tinted; caali. payment, I1. O. box US7,ed Blink,
BIOTOI.E FOB SAKE.'H ljleyi'le for sale, In Rood ortlnr;| 5 . .HarrlHOn shnmpaniire, LittleN. J /
ram BBira.Six rooms and bath, modern irnprove-
mintH, olpctric lights, excellent location.12$- Brunch avenue, opponlte Tower Hill.
HOUSE FOR BENT.Klght-room cottage at Wast oceanic
for rent, unfurniBlied; riiitiil price (liiptir inonth. Wil l iam II, Hlnte lmann.Phone 037 RuiiiBOn,
W H I M WTANDOTTBS.One-half of the -hrnc-diiiK f.-miilps of
our cel ibrnted sl i i i in; iiluiity .if ilniii t"riilsi" chlokH from thuiii thiM si'ii«m.Hiinnybrook Karm, Katontuwn. I'hcjiii!'M30-K.
PACXABD A U T O M O B t t B ffO» SALE.Tiiurlnu and llmuuHliie bodii'S. i-nn be
put in lint' niuclmnk'itl ordur for li t t lemoney, {'nr hiiM flvi.. aliunst new tlrps.Can he Kt-.n by amiointinfin with J.JClU'iiberK. 1'air llavi-h, X. J.
O A E B E N E f t A X S P O B i T B T M A K .PoHltion wanted by tliorfJiiKlily ex-
perienced man; marr ied ; no family; veryhest reference, Addri-SH Pou l t ryman ,box 313, Red Bank. .-. . •>
F O B B E N T .l u e , nine rooms, all improve-
ments'. 150 Monmouth street. Charles K,Cligmplln. Inqntre at 70 Oakland street.
" HATOHENO BOOS,Single comb" Bun Leghorns, heavy lay-
era and winners, |1.50 per setting. RoyalFarmn, Little BUyer, N. J. Phone J69.M,
910 REWARD Ifor the return of smhli yellnw femaledachshund, strayed April 12th. K. "L. \Lentllhon, Middletown, N, J. Phone:2T0-W MldQletown.
Columbia nve-paBHC-nger touring,, per-fect ruiinlnK condition, J1B0. H, Gold-ptone, 62S WeBtwoQd avenue, West Knd,N. J.
LADIES' AID ENTERTAINMENT.The ladies' aid of the 1'irst M. K,
church will hold an entertainment Inthe high school Monday evening, .May 17,AdmiMslon 25 cents.
SBftl TOUR OtD C ^ X I I B 1 0 tTB.Good prices paid lor old clothing. Call
or ijhornrTThB City—Pry—Clean!titf andreil
COWg AND l a O T E S r O B l A ..Jersey family cow, Hvu yuiirs mil. 1ml-
tfir broke, with two-wei-ks-fild (•alf, furHaW; nine S Piloted, 1^ wceUs uld; beufcow, 2 years old. \Y. H. Grlllln, Lirailu-volt, X." J.
g A T U S D A T CLEEK WAHTED.Kcut, bright , anililtluus youiitr man
aiiout IS years ; chance to advance, ifunders tand xelllnK sliuus unil HiKiik cst-r-llian so much the bi'ttur. Ularonei: White,
F I H B BBOOK.Hood cellar; :', 1.™on-hard. gruiH-K.Price $li()M, jliill
aymeii ts of |,"i..V. J,
TO M i l l .Neatly furnlslmd IsirKC rnom, south' rn
exiiosure, ni'idLTii bath; wfth ur withoutboard; two in family; refined nelghbnr-hoyd; very desirable fur man iinU, wifeor Kentlemeu wMhinij pli-aHant hom*oHiirrmindingH. Address iJox Ilfl IL,H1
: Hank.
i>t" Kiuuilil, applicintial lucutli'in.baliinri' inimthly i
'K KnrlKht. Oi'c-:iiilc,"
Carpi ' i i t iM's a n d jrei'.cral .inhhoi'N.tluii i tcH furnlKlu-il ; i i i i i i i i i y w u r k a «])<;-c i a l t y . lirciji u i a i-ai-d. Juyui ih L a k e ,"Ss_ Khrc-WHbiiry uv./niu-: J . A. "I'iillllpM.JO Wallace street. Red Hank.
BARGAIN.A six-room lioiiMe with an extra q
hit, plenty uf riniin fur Rarrton :mdI'lili-kfllis; within two initiutPs of trolley
: and short walk to Hed Hank. Pi iceI $2,b00; good iiii.H'U'HMH remain.' Francis! White Agency, Jlunmuuth street atHrnad.
MONMOUTH CO. FABM WANTED.Five to one hundred ucrt-H, wnu-ri-.l by
streiim, river or lake. Full partieulnrwm- nofHjotice taken, MnHt he it bargiilnfor CiiHh. AildrcfiK Monmouth, bux :!!",
I B I E ' S A BIO BARGAIN.An (jverliin 1 tuiirfng ear, electrically
equipped and priieticnlly as jiood_aii-nu\v,can he hoiiBht I'IKIU. If you want agood car for a little money HI-U thin one.Kd. vonKattenif.il, Rfd Iiank.
LOOKING FOB BARGAINS?If so, see our furniture and household
specialties. Kntlra contents of hotels,boarding houses and cottages bought forspot cash. Deliveries''free of charee.Schwartz's furniture stores, 108-110Wen Front street, earner Maple averue,Red Bank,
'Dyeing Works,Broad. Phono
y y9 JJeolinnlo67-J.
street, near,
BOOB TEAT WILL HATCH. ,a Comb White Leghorns, heavy
strain: no better winter layers. Poultry,Yards fiS Irving place. Phone 37-W RedBank,
srare,Have your washing done at the Jersey
Coast laundry. Family, waih, rough dry,60 cents; flat work Ironed, 16 cents.Phone 204 Bed Bank.
HOUSE TO LET, OB PART.Every improvement, electric lights;
large buck yard for garden; adults. In-quire of E. Bray, 24 Irving place, RedBank,
POBITIOH WAKTBD,Gardener and coachman wants posi-
tion, Miigle white man; thoroughly ex-porlenced in all branches, Address ir-wln, box 313, Red Bank1.
TOB SALE.Good cloned curriiiKe and a »et of K
douiilc hardens faff salu cheap for theWant of use; aixo gear of a three-tontrin-k, Thomas Dnwd, Atlantic Hlgh-liiiulH, N, J,
YACHT FOB SALE.Siictifley, mahoKniiy t.-uliln yacht,
ft,, 7 ft, beam; lii-lmrHe piiwertiii 1ft, wash basin, electric, light; coin-Iihte equipment, .leriilamon's boat yard,a i N; J.
SATOHJHO BOOS AHD BABY CHIOIIH 'KKU* for lHitcliiiiK, utility strain '.
Rhode Island Reils, heavy winter layers, '_jl per netting, $fi pet- lmudccd^alaoAlaold chirks $15 per liundn-d. JuniorYaidH, Hed' Bunk, Phone SOO-J,
' t i l " 1 C < t # I
Send for
Iron Works, 1307 Flatlron buildingYork City,
WAHTED.• An (jxpi'i-lenpfd Ktono^rapher and type-! writer: muit be rapid, acciirate 'andI PDHKBSM f'Xecjitive iilillitv. Apply per-sonally or by letter to Dr. H. II, Kline(.'(•.. 14 UriiiUl street, lied Hank.
LADIES', BOYS' AND GIRLB'Bceond hand shoeB, BOc, i»er paiv. Men'saecond hand HIIOPH, $1 and $1.2,i. CheiipJohn. Wharf avenue and East FrontHtreet,
PIERCE BICYCLE.Never before, in the history of hike-
lorn, Pierce for 125. Lou Tetley, Me-hanlo street,
. OTMSOUI f OR BALE.Studebaker rubber tire runabout, In
nod order, for sale cheap, C, W. .Tonoa,{olmdol, N. J,
O eon ro» SALE. .Miiiinsquan Snivel nnd bliiostono
icroenlnfrn; will deliver same, Charlesiurd. Red Bank,
)oen overhauled,lace, Red I3unkvi
triiekW. H.
foir::jtale; - justEly, Reckless
JOB BBK*^Six-room houie on Jjoeufit nvpnue, Ap
|dy to R. M. Hurley, 220 Shrewsburyivenue, lied Baiilt, *
STUDENT MISFIT COATS,11.25 up; second hand pants, $1 up,(Jlionp John, corner East Front streetind Wharf avenue.
AUTO SOB SA3B.E.Overrand runabout. 1813; overhauled,
•epaintedj bariraln, |aOO. 114 liruudwiiy,JOIIB Branch, N. J.
rom SAIB.His- .liatTOls of hfn manure nt (10 cents
per barrel; no dirt. T. K. Huylor, box130, Kntoutown, N, J,
FOB SALE.Two iloxon pairs of biinds,, painted
R , pood as new; sell for half price,tireenawalt, foot of Bank street, RedBank.
Olympia. Shoe and Bat Cleaning- Parlor,We clean, block and renovate all kinds .
of ladies' and gents' hats at lowestprices; ladies' liatsji specialty. 3VI EaitFront street. Red Bank. ( |
TOR SALE. !cjolden, Silver, Lady Amherst and
KnKlish pheasants; also eggs of tin;above named variety, Olenniary Farm,Riverside '.Drive, Red Bank.
FOB SAKE,Four-cylinder Pierce motorcycle for
sale, in first class condition. Apply atTurner's gurngc, 12 Borden street, RedBank,
W H f AKD TAHR FOB BALE.aasollne pump and tank for sale; ca-
pacity of tank, 275 gallons; tank_ andpump are brand new. Apply to D, H,Bennett, Fair Haven, N. J,
SHREWSBURY BX7EB FRONT LOT.One-half acre plot on Shrewsbury river
front for sale at most reasonable price.Plenty of shade trees; sandy beach. Ap-ply for terms to William H, Hlntelmann,Rumson, N. J.
*~~~~ HORSE TOB SALE.Hay hoi-Hi1," young, sound and kind,
l.r.OO'pmindH. work in any harness, pricelino, R, (', Fiii'KoiiH, Monmouth roadanil Parl<er avenue, W'cHi Long Branch,X." J, R. F. D.
FOR BENT,p hoiiHu im Brnad stroi't, allment^, will let fiirniMhed foror yearly rental unfurnished;
Khacle; burn suitable f»r Baraiie.dress Owner, box iiln, lied Bank,
im- isea- 'line !Ad-
Auotion Sale of Ocianio Rial Bitats.'rlie elKht-rnom tile house of Iho
Hritfliiu.p!cipert>% wlvich is to he sold atpublic auction April 2li, at :0i> p. m,,has all improvements; till' bath roomand ii snriiKe for one. automobile.
FOB M M 1aft«r..^Iay Nth •. liaK hardwood floor onfirst Hoor; ail Improvements: ono in roof ting' Burden und all kindsi of fruit;Hituated on I.Iarrls<on nvenue. For in-forination write or call aftor WorkinghouiH. If. ('. Hartley, 1<3 Hudson aye-nue, lied flank.
BEWABB 0 1 1 I E K6Y, 'Now is the tiini' to luok over your
Rcreeiis and Kcriien doors. I miikc anyfur windows, door«s i,ii,iall klmlH iif repairing;write for an eHtimate..Newman Hprlngs ave-
kiiid of screensliorches. Alsothine. Call or(lust, Urnberg,ime, Ileil Baitk,
HOUSE FOR BALE.Seven-room house for rent or sale, at
Little Silver, near railroad station; in-quire of George W, ArratitM, grocer, neardepot.
BOOKCASE AND BOOKS FOR iALE.Black walnut bookcase and books for
(ale; hooks nnd case antique; will bosold together or separnte, Mrs, O, C,Ay res, Locust Point, N, J,
BUY YOUB HAT NOWiTherg IB no use talking. The Real
Gorey Millinery Shop Is the place to (jet
6SQ.R.irtr Broad Btreot.
HOUSE JTOR BENT.House on FeterH place, all improve-
ments; lent reasonable. Thomas J. Man-in n Bon, M on mouth street. Phono
niv«UOBTBHboiKBBAH letters and compoHltitm written nt
reasonable prices. Dictation a Biiocialty.Apply at 123 Wallace street. Phone1070.J.
AOENCT. «handH and all other
if i iFirst-class r
hired iielp; also man and wife position onfarm, ,T, Miller, Eatontown, N. J. Phonoyl3B.Il.
BOOMS FOB BENT.Furnished rooms for rent, suitable for
light housekeeping. In private family,handy to station and cAnvcnlent to river.46 Rector place. Red_.Bank.
BOOS FOB OSingle and Rone Comb Rhode Island
Reds,' thoroughbred chickens, |4 perhundred; 00 rents per settinsr. LindenPoultry Kami, .\lsiin strt'ut, Ocoatiport,X. .1. Box l«:l.
FLAHET J « , CtftTIVATOB FOB BASEPlanet Jr. (Jingle wheel cultlvutnr, No.
Hi, with ime piiir stx-hu'h hoes; H cultl-valnr lceth, Jinvii1 plow, -2 raken Mini leafKiiard, $';!, lloraci! Vino, S Sunset avo-niif, Hed liaiik.
HOUSE FOB BAKE,Lot 60x1.50; house, bath and six rooms,
three IDxlB; liot and cold water,, gas and•coal stoves; Kelsey heat installed oneyear; near high school; price la.OOO., Ad-dress 176 South street, Red Bank,
TOB RENT.Six.room house for rent at once, J10
per month; situated on Walling avenue,Belford, near trolley and C, R, R, depot!C. L. Luker, Helt'ord, N. J.
KABION ATJTQ_Mniion touring car,
BOUSES FOB BENT.Two ..houses on Oakland street, seven
rooms each, at |ii5; house of six rnoiiiH,gas, water nnd toilet, |1H. Ued HankHeal Kstaio Co., Red Bank.
AUTO BARGAIN.1913 model K, M, F, ear, just fully
overhauled, for sale. Price $100 fori iiuick disposal, RoMal l>'arins. LittleHilver, NT J. Phone ifiB-Jl,
A BABOAnn.New bicycle, coaster brake, mud
guards, guaranteed, for 122, nt Lou Tet-ley's, Mechanic itreet.
MAT SOB BA36E.For "ale, timothy nnd mixed hay. Ap-
ils- to J. Stilwell Qrover, NewmanH road, riea Bonk. .
BET YOUB STOVESLet us repair your stoveB now,
ichwurt* & Son, Wut Front streetMaplo. avenue, Red Sank.
BUH.DIWO fOIIBlao 8x!l feet, Hijitablo for tool house,
work Bhop or motoroyole, Foxwoll'B, an' Monmouth street, _
BOY WAWTED.Boy wanted, IB yoarH old, to lenrn a
good trnde- Bteady work, Apply at 12HprliiK Htroet, Rod Bank,
A SO-foot inotorboat, fully equipped.Apply to Allfn Haviland, near foot ofWharf avenue, Red Bank,
WANTED.HouBO In or In walkltiK distaneo of
buBinCBB part of Red Bank. AddressHouse, took 313, Red Bank. -
WQm BALM OB UXOttANQE., •WavBrty plaoi lot for sale or
change, 4'SklDp fe«L A, i, Pnyne,Wnllaco mreet, Red Bank.
Second hand 1814 model touring DM,Rood condition, flno hill climber, 1260.P. O, Wcigand, Hailet, N, J.
com BAXB.Fine Victoria^ carrlnge, In flint elann
condition, new. for sale very cheap. JohnKvcrnham, Shrewsbury, N. J,
o «AB. oAnparagun curt for, sal*, new, With
W|de tires. J. Heyer ft Bon, Haitet. N..JMext to VatiMuter ft Welgand Tradinga
A. MINTZ,Horses and cows bought, sold and ex-
hanited. Fresh COWH a specialty, 337Oak Btreet, Perth A in hoy, N. J. Phone1328-W.
o O BOOM rOB Mira,In American Mechanics' hall, in the
Second national bunk buikllnr, for rentTuoBday nights. Apply to the Board ofTriiHtees.**'
FOB SENT,Part of houie, KBH, olectrio llghtH; all
Improvements; larite back yard; aduits.IiKluIre nt 43 Broad street,* Red Bank,J. WaWing. ^ _
1NOUBATOB FOB SALE.A 170-oRK EHHOX incubator, used for
one hutching: liiiruuiii at t\2. Apply toGeorge F. WilBOn, 187 Branch avenue,Hed Hank.
FOB BALE."Small building. 8x13 foot, suitable formall enr or niotoroyclo with HiUeear;
newly built, Addresa W. It., bak 313,Hed Bank.
QtMT. WANTED.Qlrl wonted for general houHework;
must bo good plain cook and laundress;small family. Addreas Girl, box 117,Red Bank.
WANTED.S00 dwt. of old sold. Old Bold bought
for cash or exehanRed for new goodi, L.a« la ReuBilll*, jeweler, 38 Bread street,Red Bank.
HUFMOBII.E WOS BAtB.Hupmobile runabout for siile cheap;
newly painted. Kd, yonKAttengell, cor-ner Mapltf avenue and Monmouth street.,Ittd Bank,
TOB BAXB; COST BOMB,Bergen place,, comfortable, cosy, eight
room cottaKo; nnmll Htnblc: plot 50x165.Bargain. Investigate. William A. Hop
l agent.
m i A T B BIIBIDBN011 FOB 8A£B.Between JCenliHburfe ami Atlantic
HlghlendH. near Hhoro, vuluo |4.000price $3,000. No iiKentB. For furtherInformation address Private Retddolice,box 313, Red Dunk. -'„
WANTED, ruaSIBHED HOUSE.Wanted by refined i couide, a Minnll
urnlslied IIOIHC or upartriicnt in nicelocation; referenccM exchaugod. AddrcrisU. A, M.", box 31*'., Red Bank,
KEANSBUBO LOTS FOB SAM.Lota In 'Keansbiirg to be Hold during
lie" month of February %t |100 each,worth $200, Knsy payments. Brown &Kingslnnd, Kennsburg, N, J,
rupainted niui looua line new, is fortit a sacrldre at lkl, vonKatten-
H, Monmouth street and Jlaple aye-Red Bank.
ana Stable—Brnneli ATenut,l''or Hiile, Hix-rnom cottage, good HIKO
stable, chicken houses, etc; an acre ofliiiiij or mure 1,1* desiriui; line Khailc andapple tie H; prlcu tight, Willium A.Hopping, agent, ^
HOUSES TO» SA1B AT AUCTION.Two new hiiiitraluwN and an eight-room
frnmc hiuifip with improvement.--:, of theHutllnK propfi'ty, will bo Hiild at publleaui-iiun, Alonday, April Liii, at :UO p. m.,ut UceiinlK N. .1.
FOH BAKE.Attractive houso ill Miunesliik park
fur Halo on oiisy ti'i-ms: nil improyi>-miintH, electric, lightN, sleinn bent. etc.liHIiiire nt I'ittciiMer'K market, i!!i iiroudstri.-i.-l, Ked Hank,
S O B B E N T .llnlf of double hoiiNe for rent on east
H C of Jlechanic Ntrei't; $n per month:i'Wly piipi'ivd and painted. Also tlvetH for jJiile, .itixi'IlS" foot, vei'y ri'ii«on-ilo, Inquiri ' a t 1HN .ili-clianic Htiect.
FOB, BENT.roiiins tuid buth, furnlwhud or mi- :
slii'd: nil linproyi-niciitM, four mlii-to river, out' mlnut" to trolley; will
suciitlcc to desirable par ty from May 1;Address Hiicrlflce, box HIH, ned Hank.
U P H O L S T E E E E ,Furniture iccovered nnd repaired, our.
tains, drapciicH ,aud Austrian Blinded;laying of carpet!', matting and litioleinn,Iiavniiport sofas, couches, mattreHueaand cUHliiouB made to order. IfattliiiidThoijjfion, 10 Wharf avenue, Hert Hiink,Telephone 010-J.
HAENESS TOM SAKE.Single set heavy hiindiiiade liarne«s,
Klnitle act light driving hacncHs, made byMoody of l'UHl Hauls, and double set ofmedium weight harness for sale cheapfor want of uxe: nil it) Hood nuiditIJJII.
i Apply to J, I, Monnky, 10 East Front ,utrci-t, Hed Hank.
WAHTED, i or str-.A middle aged woman would like n po- j White,
sltlon nH companion with aged couple orwidower; willing to do light hoiiMowork,AddreMM lira, II, Vanliiiveiiter, 115Thrnop avenue, New UruiiHwlek, X, J,
MOTORCYCLE.Twin cylinder K.\eelsinr iiiutoreyele
for Kiilo nt fi liiirgiilii to eiisli buyer;eiimpletely t>i|iilppi-d. with tandem at-taehuieiit, rreKt-u-Liio oiitllt, etc, II. L,Alwatur, 152 Maple aveniie, Hed Hunk.
C1AUTIE1II WANTS POSITION,Cliaiiffeiir,• mariied, wishes position in
private family; can furnish best of vef-I'leiiec; jjood meclianlc, la years' ex-Iierlence, careful driver, Hte(rdy,"f!ober,
i t y :[0 Will l:\\n iii.Hltlijii f o r ^rt
J%i _ !
y call or write CharterNtrci.t, Shrewsbury, N, J .
500 W H I T I I B O B O B K H B N I .'I'n niiike room we will Hell thciHO lieuH
out uf which we raiHi'd ,iiioHt of our\-.iiing wtiiek; iin^xcelli-il fur egg pro-diictluii i11111 vigiir; males IIIMO if wanted,
iiok Kai'in, iOntontown. l'liuue
UPHOI.3TEB.EB.Formerly with Herts Bros, and Arnola,
Constable Co,, New York, Furniture re-covered and repaired; awnings, ghadel,curtaiiiH, drapcrleH, laylnir of carp'ts,matting, linoleum. Mattresses and oueh-ions to order. McGraham. 37 East FrontBtreet, Red Bank. Telephone 14-J.
FOB SAI.E. "White l^fghoniH, Hiiode Islnnd HcdH,
Mlui'U Minnivns and ISiured I'lymoutliKiu-ks; ii huge number uf fine, Rtron«j,Ihrce-motiths-iild birds hatclied fromeggM Hulecled friyn heHt JerMey fai'iiiB;niiim needed for yiiiiimer Btnck; will «,>lint %\ per pair, l.audera'B poultry yards,Dceanport, N, .1,
BALE OB KENT.House of thirteen rooms for sale or
rent; all Improvements, located at ISOMaplo avenue. Apply to any agent oron tlie premises. J, W. Mount.
POSTS, IS OBNTS,Saweff clicHtnut fance posts, extra
lioavy, Get ready now for Hprini* fenc-ng;. Also chestnut planking, all
Hollywood Furrn, Everett, N. J.
OI.ABIPIED MILK.Free from all Nedlment. On and after
January 1st milk will be 10 cents perquart. Shrewsbury dairy. For infor-mation phone 49D-W Red Bank,
FOB BAIB.Black; Orpington OK(fB for hntchinR, |1
for IB: furmi'i'M1 chickenH nt furmers"nrlceR. MrH. Alexuiulnr. NutHwtimp road,Middletown, N, .1. Phone ijJS-.l.
PUBNIBHED BOOH WANTED.Wanted by refined ludy, a nicely fur
nlHhed room in prlvatu family, tilcuneighborhood; references exchantfed.Addresn Henrew, box S13, Heel Bnnk,
ABa TOTJMBIHa WOBX,Plumbing, heating and tinning work of
the beat kind donq quickly nnd at a reasonable flgtire. JUavla H. Bennett, DaNormandio avenue. Fair Haven, N. J.
BATS TOUB O&B OABPETB.Be«uUful revenibla ruga mode from
old carpets and ohenlllo portleree. Write(or clrcularn. American Rug Manufaotory, 296 Vermont, street, Brooklyn.
HELP WANTED.Two colori'd Kirl" an wnttrpsn nnd
clnuiiboiiuHliI In prlvutu faintly; younggirl IIH nurse: coirttH, farm baiiil.H andnumerouH otber phiceH. cull ut fi Wharfavenue, or phone 7^-.l, Red Hunk em-ployment office.
PLOWING AContract wanted for plowing, bar.wiiig_niiil fiirrowing a l'.j-iu're. corn
lold, F. Busse, Btoutwood Purli, nearted Hank, of address Contract Wanted,IOX ;n;i, iu-d l i u
NEW LOCATION.JTiix nunln, proprietor of the niiaran-
ton I'aiutlug compirny, lins moved hisstore to 117 Went Front street. Hig Re-
| lectliin of wall paper at reasonableprices. Paper hanging and palntlnc;also l i
DONT RAISE SCRUB BOOS,To introduce our pure bred U, I, C,
HWiue we will soil wtiineil pigH nt >>iicii • iiractically Immune from cholera.
\lsii yiiiilig boarH nnd bred HIIWM, Hunybrobk Farm, lOatoutown, liioue i\'A$
FOUtTBT WANTBD,Fifty to one hundred old fowls or
oai-tlng ohiekeiiH wanted every week.Will pay the highest market prices, alivoor dressed. IS, nietz & Son, grocers andbutolnHH, 12:) Went Front Street, liedUulik.
HATCHING EGGS.Hatching cggH at ifi per hundred, from
fancy Rhode Island liodH, Hnrred l'ly-"mouth Hocks, White Leghorns and 1'e-kin ducks. Sumiymeado l-'urms. Mill-stone, N. J. Telephone IS-F-la Belle-mead.
1TOBAY-ICIOOL E N T E B S I N M B K T ,The youiiK people of Grace M, !•:, Hun-
day-Mcbool will give an.cntertiiinuient inthe lecture room Friday night of thinweek, Viical, violin and Instrumentaliidos and other feuluri'S, Admlsslnti 111cents.
NEW DANCES.Syncopated Walk, The Globe Trot and
Opera Tango, etc, F.IHIO Parsona, expert Instructor In all ..ho modern dancoB,TuesdayH, Odd l<'ellows Hall, Residence1110 Brond Mtre«t, Plume 880-M for appointment. , .
I.EQAI. PAPERS." Affldnvitfl; iickuowledRmenta, loanos,
bond nnd mortRARCM, deedH, utclv piepared bx* I"*'. In my ofTlce froin PlKlito'clock to- Mix, Kdwnrd W, Wise,' justice•if the pence, room 7, IQlBiier buildingHad Unnk..
HOUSE TOB SALE OB BENT,Eiglit-room house, bath and improve-
ments; $500 down, balance payable aseiit. Also will rent house for summerf not Hold. Frank I laminar, contractor
and builder. Knstnlde park, Hed Hank,Phono 5UC-M.
POE SALE AT CALEB PABMS, ,Freehold road, Kntontown, N, J,; Fineiliiiility loose huy-, timothy anil clovermixed; gteel roller, hay kicker, 2 plows,lot of second hand lumber, posts, doomand windows; Brewstur brouglmm, pnloand Kiiafta, rubber tires, good us new;Hi:eWNter runabqut, light two-wheel ji>K-giliK cart, one hululled bushels torn onear.
Oood Opportunity for Blfflit Party.A seven-room house that cost 11,500
to build, witli nOxinti lot, on Mechanicstreet, for Hale for SI.N<Hi. Hiiiall pay-ment down; balance monthly paymentH.AuiliroHe Matthews, L'5i Mast Frontstreet. Red Hank,
BARGAINS.Norwich automatic chicken feeders,
chick dry mttsh feed hoppeiH, exhibitionpig coops and wire streteherH forHale. All Meeoud linnd. but In first CUISH
Half price. Hoyal Farms,J,
1 1 , 1 1 1 ; ^ K & A l l ^ . . > '
eonditlon, IILittle Silver,
DO TOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE?Of coui'Me you do, and 1 have just
what you wii tit. nt .lust the rijtht price.Come and sen my line of now and usedcars. We can get together. Have Humeexceptionally good liargalnH just now.Kd, voiiKuttcngell, Jiud Hank,
CABFENTSS WAWTED.Cariienter wanted for Hleady position
on Beiitlemau'M farnu must bo HinKleman, ilrst-eluss inechanlci olio preferredWho kiiowH Hiimetiiing about iiluiiiliInK,electrical work and painting; wagcH |40per mimth with bonrd. Address Carpenti'r, box Uin. Red Hullfe- •
DONT WAXK WHEN YOV OAK BIDE.Own your own car. At the price I am
homing my u«ed cars at noboily shouldwalk,' Come.and look over the lino oftiHod cars at hand. They have been re-cently overhauled and repainted and canbe liouRlit riKlit. Ed. vonKrtteiigoll,Monmouth •tri-ot, neii Honk.
PABKER HOMESTEAD rOB BEHT.I'arker homeptnnd property, ciniipi la-
in K about 15 acres, on corner of ShrowH-niry avenuu and tlie Newman Spring*oad, for rent. Limn Is especluny
iidapted to truck farming. IJCHS tliiui tvnllc from Ked Hank, Tho house linntwelve rooms. The usual farm out-buildings, all of which are in flno con-iltion, are oil the furin, H, Allen I'ar-
ker, lied Hank.
PUBLIC AUOTION SALE AT O0EANI0.One eight-room tile, hniisu witli ul\ Im-
provtmientH, garagi> on same for onft au-tomulille; one einht-room frame IIOHHOwith |m»rn\yinunts; tw'o slx-riiom huiiKU-lowH, Ii)cluiiiujf jiantry, with Imprnvo-mentw. will be sold nt public uuctlou onJlouday. April 20, 19]n, Condition* willbe made known on day of- Hale, TwobungnlnwB nnd tiln housu on ono tract,ICdwIn Hotllui,', yceiililc, N. J,
TO CI.OBE BBTATK.Fifty-elKht Heron of KOOII Itiml, about
threo miles from Red Hunk, nrj ISyui'-ttand Hcd Hunk road; ovor iinoihiilf ofJnnd rich m«ndmy Innd, will Jtrnw n»V-thiiiR; other hhlf llKht loiuu; Home linetlmbor and runnlnK hrook; no biiildlnMH,Will soil reasonable to rloso estfttB, Thl»In ii barKiiln for nnyotm intereitiNt Inohiokons and farming. If y/m nfe took-'lim for MoniHthinB goofl lot n«« hnAr'fiomyou. ,1, niiirk Conovor, real «»t«(|rbroker, Hod Bimk,
TOP SOIL FOR SALCGood •trans to,7»oll for •*!•. Prta*
•ents per load on tha pr«ml«e», *taeslnk Park, near Red P»nk, InquleJeorgt Ourtif, iupftrinundent, «M|oramiiti.
P«ll* Fourteen. THE RMI BANK RtQIfTIft
: ] >
•••(•Ma MttsafsriTHOMAS IRVING MOWN.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICKO a t F « * r . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . 11.80• U n i r m t l i f l . , . . . . , . , . . , . 76T h f i'« l i i . i i i l l iH ,*U
he ut't'()ni|)|ish<>(l when the promisesnrt> minlc, (lovi'mor Fielder days thatl d l I
yiiUife protniiicd unil ICHH a.
'i)iii)iliHlii'ii t h a n in a n y M'.sninn he h a slitc'ii through, 'the Republicansloi i trullci l tho !«'j>iHluturi: BuyhcM'o hurt lifi'ii « ittMul ilt'iil of
ciiiisti iii'tiv!' work mid tliut IMVIMIKO of|!M;, ci)iistrui-tiv« work the Kc|uil>|i-
i l l i I l i
• : it I • •} l i t l l n > | . n . . . t . i [ | i . i . , . ! l t . - d I ) , m l ; ,l i ' - r i i t i ' l ' i | : i - j i I h M I , I :
l u w i r T A L I
(('niiUniiril fruiu ])i1;)i' /,.)
W l u - i i J i m u - s !• ' . | - ' i i - | i | i - r w i n r u n -
n i i i k ' f o i | * u \ i - f i n i r . l i e \\:\<- cl i •••. I i l n - i l i i ' i
J I " | i | 11 (.-1 *• : , K i ' I i r l i i i i l i l t . " W c M i d n i W
\V il m i v i i ' l u u l l y i i i i l i l i«* ' l t i n - I i p m n -
c i a ! ^ o f N e w ,11 I a y t h a t t l i i -V I t i l ih t
n o m i n a t e a n d c l i - l I ' l i - l i l ' - r , n m l w i ; l i
I I , ' ' h i i j m t n u i a m . w i n !i t i n - J ' r i - M -
il l :it i , i u 1,0 . l u V s , W i n n l l ' i l W W l l s f l l l ' t i
w o i i l v.ii- Ia';<'n n-i l a w a n d w h a t he
tin; Ii'jmluturi'
O n e t h i n i ; i n n In1 l e l i e d on n s i ' c r -t a i n , a m i t h i n oiu- t i l i n g IH w i t h i n tliu
if i -ve iy nmi i . M o s t of t h eIs a l e ni 'eticil in Nt-w J t i 1 -
M-y a r e tint, nesv t h i n ^ . i w h i h h a v e(•(line 111» w i t h i n t h e p a n t y e a r . T h e y
H whi . Ii t h e (it'opk* ofl i av i> I j i ' e n d i ' M i a i i i l i i i K f u r
yeu.i i'.iui years, I'leviouH to thisyiai ihi- lleitiiKTiit:'. were in |iower intin- lepixiftntrt1 fur two yriira, anil ilur-inir one of these Years .lunics 1'",
of what i-i kiiid ultovv— -tliut tha pro-hiliitiuntHtM do not cart1 whether liquor
ld h l litold or not, they only wantwhich .nay no liquor will be gold, re-
of wluithur thpsu lawn Hr«or not. They would rather
a prohibition luw, with lota ofliquor MIIII, than to have a licviiao lawwith vi-ry little liquor Hold.
However that may be, the demandfor prohibition lawn U iiicrentiinKineryvsherc. Tho pivmture trti husi-
ti... ! . t : i t i
irtiwrnor. Thu tie*
, which requires thut mi.shall lie »Mf to Kivi' hist utrnontfk'iicy to the work in hand, startedthe movement. Thix work hus hewnKuinn on for u trviu'raliuu, with theresult that th« present generation isvastly 11)01 e i'llicient thiin uny liruviouit^eiieration, Miirhinvry hnn fxsori in-VLiituJ und ia in tlaily unv whirh ro-(|uiri'H (-(instant ulertnt'.sM on the partof the npiTnlorx. l-'ro<|U
• r . IM H n . OvOfffa ffNIM *t W»»»Front ItMat 0«l«br»u4 L«it Might,
Mr. and Mrs. George C.raune ofWest Front afreet were marriod sevenyeari afro last nieht, and at a wed-ding celebration lust night jome of thememberi of the St. Jamtt ' i Dramaticclub were present. Mr. Grauio iamanager of the flub, Dancing andmusic" were enjoyed until a Ute hour.Those present were Mr. and Mri, Kd-ward p'Flaherty, Mr. and Mrs. Fran-cis J, Egan, MIHM',1 Margaret Maloney,Beatrice DvKmn, Mnrion Conrad,_ Alice
hv the poojile of New •Iiir.iuy, any one of whom, if not up to thel t thi h ^ h h f l i ih
cd v t h e;id aliovi',l
not m-w things-
* 4 *
i - . v . ' f ] i ( i n I h e i n u l i m ' < i f a p p o i n t -
M w i i t . - 1 . w h e u - l - ' i c l d i - i - i i - i t n i a l l y p u t
j i ; . m a n y 1 > i • ! i i i • i : i t : r I n - C o u l d i n t o
• I ' l l - j " 1 ' • - , I l u i ' w ' C i u h - d | o > e e m i i i l i
« l i l f i T i - n •!• l i i t w i i i ! . l i s i i ; - . I - ' . I ' l e l d i r
. ' H i d i l l . ' : l a i i i i - p a t i - t o f t i n ' l t i - I i l l l i l i -
1 - , ' m • i ' l ' i W o u l d h a v e l i ' . i - d t h e J o b o f
I n n i l * i . * u \ e n i ' i r . A . - . I ' l i i ' l - | i ; i t U i ' i m i i l i .
< : i i i w i v l ' l h a " c a f l v f i ' J i t i - ' l p i f ' l t y i n u . h
t l i i - a n , i ' t l i i i i i ' , w l i i - h . l a t m ' K I 1 ' ,
! • ' j f l ' J i • t- 1111.-; i w h - ' i • . : 1 1 1 • < i , m i d w - i i i l d
h;Lsi• wl .oc l p r e t t y inn-h a 1,1 tho Willswhi rh rU-Mi'i1 IniH vot'icd, with theI't.i'Cptioli of tin," [ioliticul IIlt'UiiUI'Lii.Witli tlic I 'ol i t i-al . shoe on the; o the rfoot, a I'opuhli '-an (, 'ovcrnor wouldh:\-\- ilonc in p o l i t i ' a ! n u i t t e r s us, t.-iVct(,( , e t c , p r e t t y much everythii i jrW'lii'li I ' i i ' lder luif; (lone.
( tne 'if the lute.4 vt'tot-H of G<>v-ern i i r ]''i 'Ider w a s the veto of a meaM-ui(• v.-l.idi would ttivfi to jiiHtifOH ofthe peace power to ac t in CHKUH of IiKhn.id Mime vio la t ions . In nddi t ion tofie veto of thiK hill, Governor Fielderdeclared hiniKelf in Kympnthy with theleftri'tiori of the powers of tho ju.M-liut ' of this pcHte. 1'IIIH is cxantlyin lint' with the talk of everyone whois ;ifiiii(l of k'ttiiHr tho people rulethe.niKelveH, The justices of the peaceurf the only judicial officers in Ne.w.ici'Bt'y who nra elected by the people.I''or H number of years past, byhoth Republicans nncl numorratH, the•worl; of reducing the power of thul>(-op)e in rotrord to the administr'u-tun ui jUHticfc hiiB bi.«ti Ko'mK on.
athey l.ave lu'i-n (lemumlici for year.s.Why, then , did not .lani<<N I-', F ie lde r HH(.'"VeriiMi- and the lhi.nioeriitic. leu'ihla-t i i ie <luiin!r the |Hiht two yea rn enac ttiic ,-<!• niea.-uri---. into l aw? T h e y hudthe power, for they had both b r a n c h e s(if the li-|;i-.luiure ulid tlm t 'oVernur,T I K n why does ( i i ivcnior F ie lde r com-plain of the Kupiiblifuns for not do-in:: tb • very thuiU'H which (SoveiriorF ie lder a n d h i i p a r t y did no t do hint\ ( - a t • ' . '
highest notch of (•ilifiency, niipht notonly diimiiKe the machine, but niij;htimperil the liven of the other opcr-tors.
at DuKmn, .Sihmidt, I^ouise slu*ttery and HelenaHenderion, Rev, Joseph T. Caacy,John Gorman, William Ryan, JohnJIoKan and Mkhad Hynan.
will Ti«y M moi »o«l»lUtaT—It'i
-Mm* to B N U I em
(H>- Kilmund B.mon tlootl.)
In Thu Com-
Whit* Olrl ZiBrtft Tlurt and • ColoredGirl Al.o MI Ziuuftta Of tin Pl»o»—Louf Brtucb Man ronnfl Oullty of
Philip Feinwiit of SpriiiKWood ave-
The ati-wer to thisthe answer to
whyHUM vear.
Still nnothei* movcmeiit alonw thissame line is cauiied by the new luwsmaking the employers res,ponMiblu for j nue, AHbury I'lu)., wan convicted IstttlU'cidents which happen in their fac- : Thursday of nuunUuiiing a disorderlylories or which hnjipen to their work- houste. FeinHOt hud lured a youn^men. KmployerH will not take the white woman to the place und a col-vink of heavy dunuijieH which inuy he ored woman was also un inmate of
I caused through the indulgence in li- tlu- hoiiKo. ThU white girl und ft col-. i (juor of the men whom they employ. ' orod nwri who had b«m employed
1 " Hjnf'e th rnployeM1 liability laws ' there both tst if ied as to the chnr, . the employers' liability laws there both testifird ns to the chnr-,, . .. . . . (jueHtion W ) , n t j n t o ,,}?,.,.(, cniploycrK every- neter of the plum maintained by Fein-
tiie ui'puiiiii-ans urn not do ttH-su w |u . , . l ; j l i i v e i,e,.omc much more strii't Hot. This testimony was so revoltingihey were never i u ^ . j ^ . ^ , ^ viiifiloyw*. Tlmy <li»r« not in its ehnr«eter that Judge Lawrence
poivoually rmd financinlly on the bum= ; , , - , () tlamnKeH ore im- did not figure in the conviction, BSt i " S r t s i f l i . o f t h e b i K i n t e r e s t s w h i c h " • • . . . . . • - . " . . .con i' up for settlement ilure of every state.Loth sides work
was CODvictod of. . „ „ , , t- ...u-,.", • • • i «•••••••* i-i««i illegally at Long
party i« in power. A p ^ c e V a po= i The outlook iH that next year in a I Bnmch^ £ ^ u g S ^ ™ ^ f i g Ilitual fiKht is put up, m<l thin is a •number of states both political parties J"« *ney -e..nd ,?S and weekdaVarcai'fijrht so far us the little chaps ore ! will'declare in favor of prohibition. , " * - , »" wHh meal* and S S S
__....i . . .u . i i i , _„..;_,. ;_v... . A,, »«•„»* «,ni v,« ,r,,,Aa nBvf vonp fn i sometimes witn rncniB ana sometimes
AH for the prosecutions under thefish and (tame laws, muny of thene,prosecutions may he legal, hut theyiii-L- as unjust and as unrighteous asmany of the prosecutionK have beenunder the laws concerning the societyfor the prevention of cruelty to ani-
,i inals. This Hociuty should be wipedout of existence, and the fish and}»;imo commission should be wiped nutof existence ul.-o. The trenorn] lawsOf the state should be HUfueient tocope with any eases of cruelty toanimals, without trivintf uny privatesociety powers of prosecution, andwithout (riving this private societypower to tnlfe all fines which may beimposed under its acts. In the samflw;iy thu fish and iiame commissionshould be wiped out. The principleof uivine; fish and yame commissionersor their wai (lens power to brintr prose-cutions and impo:-c finoH is an out-rnue on the people of the state, juststs it is an outraite to permit a privateHO 'ietv jo (lojjhjs. '
ln.tl.ehfl of a n.sh and Kami? comnils-Kion, there should ho one man placedHi the head of u (lepfirtment for th«propitiation of Hhgllfihh, fish undjtiiiiie of all kiiiilN not lo provide sport,for the an trier or hunter, hut to nmkefish and (Jiinu; plentiful as a foodhiipply. The oik- man at the head ofthis department should he a man ofample knowledge and he should haveah.solulr power. Under s,iich a man,trained in hir' work, the shellfish ofthe state, and the ilsh of the state,Would be quadrupled in ten years'time, anfl th<> cnmi1 would lie KreatlyjncrenKed, instead if if much of tliuBIIPIHISII, fish und gnnio beinjr indanger of extin'.'tion, a;s nt present.
Neither party ^ give anything ? ™ r amore to the people than it can help, £>« fnnd the people get nothing unless the
h b l h t ll
only Hquor whleV was
^ f ^ n S ^ o S i d l r e ^ when ' order for persons who were gettmgt i m e e o m c s t(J makii prohibition a a menl at his restaurant.
T i ill hi« pohtirinns beheve their party will p a r t y m a t t e r . The question will thenbe HmaHhod unless they make f me • bo »H to whether such a plank will pet |toncesssions to the people. In those Vf)teR o r w m l o a e v o t e s for t h e party. ! —cases Uiev Rive as little as they can , t u n t i , t h c pOj i t;cai rnanaKers are ' confusion a. to l.y*l Amttotltyand still "save their faces. Many or= C o n v i n c e d t h a t a prohibition plank will S«ii4«iiti Withont » d l MMdir.ary ".en believe that the strife be- e t m o r e v o t c s t h a n i t w i U i o s c w;n p o t e r S i d n e y D u n n was reeently ap-tweon the Republican nnd Inmoc-rat.e r o h i b u l o n m national issue be pointed postmaster at Leonardo, for-partips for_fitato control of letrislu*tipn takm b i t h p t y merly "Lionardville, after the recenttweoii the Republican nnd Democratic
? for Ktato control of leKislu*tiofis leal, und they throw themselves into the strupple with jrroat ardor; hutliif uferests and thu bip politicianstit IILKU in comfort, knowing that theirinterests t rc safe RO lonft as the strifeis confined to the two parties, with nooutside1 elements "butting in." Underthese conditions it is no wpcliii-.'.il promises are alwajIt would be a wonder if they
, broken.; ™ ^o-o-ri-o-o——-
Old JudfS »na lT«w Jadfe Oreeteft Witli
death of Matthew Brown, A disputehas arisen between Mr. Dunn and therailroad eoneerninf; the transfer of themail between the poBtoffico and therailroad station. Mr. Dunn has puta plOMl DUptay in Court.
nuor John W. Slocum, the retirinK judOT ^ a new buildinK near the iitat»nthat of Monmouth county.-and Rulif V. for use as a P09toft.ce. He claimBrtatw,m I .iwrtmee the new iutliie of Mon- under the postoflicc regulations he has
mouth county were greeted with five no power and no authority to transferhuiw'haquotK of roaes and carnations | the maU from the "»lroad station towhen tliov ontcred «-ourt last Thurs. the postofflce, and that for him to do
. , . . , , , • , u dnv. The'old judpe and the new judge % would be a violation of the post-A disorderly and immoral house h ;J j , conHUltation before the ' oWee rules and laws The rai^ottdse WUH tried at Freehold last Thurs- »«",„;„„ of court in which nil tho ' company has refused to transfer the
day. The bouse was located at A«- t.r t,H iiow under' advisem*nt by tho ! m a H a n d fof two or three days thebury Park and the evidence was of c'Q'^^i were discussed. When they I Pe°P)o ot Lepnardo have had no mail
: such a character that_women w_ere C*X- lejvit.rccl the court—room—th«v—^found-r^ac^tiea^_J3iejnfl^tfiC_Kaa_J).ePlL_Efc.I clTRleil Troni tiiTTcourt room while the tun nr.wnrv li.mkpd on ihe iutlLfe's ferrod to the poBtoffice department at: trial was in procrcRS.- The principal . J ^ k
( l o w c r h U a n k e t I o n l n e J U U f c e , Washington for settlement, , It js saidevidence was irivc-n by an employee of i "" Qjjarjee, p Sexton and Elmer H ' that s tho Republican organiaation ofthe place and by a (tirl inmato. Be- :
Gurm]i the" new prosecutor and the ; Middletown township is preparing a
Of courw, nobody ii being fooltdby the brave talk of certain eritwhUal'iogre.t«ive», who aiaert that th« Pro-greHsive party will go right on, iabound to win in time, and that theywill never, nevfi go back to either ofthe old pnrtJrs,
Howuver much we regret it, wiinlBht »* well wlmit that tho Pro-gressive party i« dead, pust all hopeof levivMl,• We thought we were BtartinK •
great new party in 1912. History willrecall that it was a great and success-ful revolt against the rule of the Re-publican party by privilew. It waia great fight, and every rrogrmivewho fought unselfishly can be proudof bin port in it.
The one great cause for regret isthat we merely declared for the pallia-tion und regulation of privilege, whenthe need was for a party to aboli»hprivilege as the Tlepublican partyuholished Blavery. j
I firmly believe that, if we hod do-1clnred for abolishing privilege, nnd IjTor buginning with government owner-ship of railroads, telephones and tele-graphs, the Progressive party wouldnow be a cominK party with .sure vie- jtoi y aheadt instead al a 4i*appaiirinf?, Jhopelesfl party, j
We would not have polled so many jvotes in 1912, but wo would havestarted a real*party, as the Rtpubli-canB did in 1856,
But there's no use crying overspilled milk! The question now is,"What are wo ProgressiveB going todo?"
James G. Blauvelt of PateiBon hasbeen doing some thinking out loud onthis iubjeet in The Way, and I cannotdo better than to quote what he ha»been saying. In The Way of January81st, Mr. Blauvelt appeared to thinkthat the Democratic party "lookedgood" to a Fregreiiive, He igid:
"Now the Progressive who regards'government ownership' a§ importantcan easily ise the Republican party isno place for him. The Democraticparty, building a government railroadin Alaska and advocating the takingover of telegraph and telephone andextending the parcels port, IOOKS moreand more inviting, eipecially when wecontrast it with the reactionary viewsof the Republicans."
By March 21at Mr. Blauvelt hadseen the "other side" and anid in TheWay:
"Just now there are strong in-eentivea for former Progressives toreturn to the Republican party andrenew the contest with the stwd-patcrowd that was won and abandonedin tho great campaign of 1912,. "Had the Progressive party com.
mitted itself to government ownershipand declared that unemployment andthe holding of land out of use werewrongs the nation should correct, theparty would today be strong and vig-orous.
"But a policy of expediency pre-vailed, eo that when the first excite-ment wore off there was nothing tohold tho voters and they left. Never-theless they did a good work and areready to do more.
"It was certainly the best politicalmovement of this generation.
± K J learnedtJ
Br*ry week w« offnp you •rprrtlt U cut la lew ihin halt, Tfunot tnktntt Mvmimt* ot th«M offer*. Hemthe quality of our «oo.l, to oink« |h«M prtoM,•very kHicIa fuaranUeU.
M gwxla »t «nt, ulh.m
Hem.mb«r t l t d tob h !! njuit
r tlmt wa do notUverrthiR« U of Ui« b««t;
IH«lr« Fiiney Cre«m«r>'tOuttpr, per Ih,
W« «r# makliut a •pZdaliy "or Kmtry "HutUr'itn'il"kcg«!"Otialrfut to-cr™«lB» Mlea prov« ihat the pub)to KpprscUtu low prtrn »nd tao6 yu«l-Ity. Are yeu one of the iu»nyT if n»t yoM mt^i to HT» M m trlia.
IFor On« W««Jc B*ctnnlnK Th»rMiayP April
P o i t T o i l t i M , r t j u l a r 1 Oo p%g.,,,l )unhamii OiJCOanul, 10B pfc |Angci B ittthy H<-u<1 M m n n * l , 10c j i k j i . . . ,Anger's llaby l l rud K(K Konrilca, 10<- pkg .
Baby Head Hpu*liettl. 10c pk«.d Whuat, per pkg,
r uf Wheal, per l>l«n.l-'uil Crtani cl*tear, per lb.
LESS THAN COST!l-Mvc poiiridg of Husor for Mo, with each purrhiuie of SOe worlh or mort
of Ton nml ("olTm We i-uiiHnuo thlM offer for ono wcoh nior* to (rivo ovt-ry.orip nn (i|iportunity to BIVB our T«a« nml ('offwa a trial. You eunnot beatniif lirlcig fur the aiiftlitj' of the good*. Nil uuiiiim. So fancy ktu puy fur, Vou Mi't iiuBllty «n<l 'iu*ntlt>'.
LARD! LARDSSwift1* riire L,«ttf Lard. \>er Ih, l ie
NVe liiivi" IH'OII offering Furu Lard at Uila price for avwnl wevki.lona. utliLTH frilliiw,
RUMni'iT jlip priced quotedif iimiglit hoif,
Ciuiipliull1. fcm^n, i < « r , , , , T , l , , . | i v , i . v , , - . - . . i .Kslra value r«n ('urn, I'tm unil ToinatoeB, 3 forI*utch CU'iiHHtr, 3 for.J'ani'y I'ptutofH, per biwikotHllver Milk, por 1'inMiigniilia Siilk, n«r can.Vet Milk, tall Pun, 3 forPet Milk, small can. 6 forFancy WewtllvKU Lcmonii, ppF|n« MunaniiH, per UoBtn
YOURYuu tun nave money on every one of th(tni
FRUIT and VEGETABLES!Grape Fruit from 4o up. Fnney Florida, ani] California Orungoa, Pine-ea. Wine Kftp«, Bsiiawin and Newtown IHpjvin Apples' KfW Cabbage,
Nj>W I'otatoi'H, Ni-W Onions, J"rp.Mi AaparaKUfi, Rhubarb, UsdlHheii, hettum.Spinach, K«w liosl*. New Uarrots, Chlvea, Cuf'urabera, Tomato**, Egg Plant,and all otljs:r VegotaVilcs in an4 out of Hvanon
EQOS WAMTtD 24c Par 0 « X M la Trad* tor f trieily
maintaining an "immo nowthe evidunre showed that liquor was n\'m j n VourtKo!d in lnre;c quantitieK, nlthouKh Aa- ' * Vj-jno inrOnImry Park is under prohibition rule, ' "
p-« new assistant, were
cases to come beforethe now jud^c were three cases ofmen who had abandoned their wives.
Potion, to the departmenthat Mr. Dunn be fired aa poit-
The jury promptly found n verdict : '«'» «f them pleaded not guilty toof Rullty"ttml the proprietor of the «'mndonment. ihc thn'd nmn said heplncu will come up for sentence tomor- had abandoned hia wife but that heU . A I « Branch man, who waS ^d stood u reat many_th, R? up to
.convicted of sellinfT licjuor illegally,will also be arruijfned for sentence at
the first
years ago, when he could stand 'J no longer, and he took up hisand walked away. The man and
-. ana Mrs, Jo»epli GarrisonKeA Bnnksn, Have a Celebration.
. and Mrs. Joseph Garrison of, formerly of Red Bank, eele-their fortieth wedding anni»
Lie same t me. These were the first "">• " " " " » ' » " ; „ . , . „ • - . . > . . . « . . »..--•ase- tried by the new prosecutor and , the woman told conflifjtinff stories, orthey were the first eases tried before father, the man and the womanisT.,,i,.., ri,,4:f \ ' r . i n . 1 . . ^ ...,»i «*„_ ! lawyer told eonnictinK stories, juuge
versary a few days ago, Mr. Garrison44 d t f i
„ __.. -—-—-o.o-o-o-o-————.Another veto of Governor Field-
er's was his veto of tho meiisure pro-viding for tin1 submi.-i'-iion to thejiiiiple of the proposition to bulk] ande;-iubli.xli a hospital 'for consumptivesin cadi ('ounty. 'riiis bill was vetoedby (iovernor Fielder on the groiindth'it this ((liestion Hhould be setUeil liytl"1 freeholders und not by the peoj)le.
juilw Rulif V. Lawrence, and con- ! l ^ ^ ^ towt'thc^l"« ! Hcd Bank.
for 44 years served _aa pastor of vari-ous churchesHis wife was
for 44 years served pous churches in Monmouth county.
cases, as they may be a criterion i1 of his views on illegal liquor selling i: and on keeping disorderly houses. ' o n
two eaRCSin court im^ourt
Mlwtions were held in TUinoiBb f '
in,u_ cases was n n d n ° °*h?5
* * •I believe that this is nn absoluteh'
"wronR stand. I believe that the mat-•4ff—of -jJw—« t,ahHHhmcnfc- within^-fl-
' terday in
of K'••permanent hospital fort oc'ciipancy liy patients suf-
ferinp; from eonsiimpCion, which isnow recopiiw'd as a contagious or com-iniinicable dised^c, Hhould be left to thewill of the people of the county. Con-fiiiiiiptivet; Hhould be cared for, but thepeople of the comity should have aHay-so sin to whether they should hecared for in ii hospital eRtalilmhedwithin their own county, or whethertlu^se patients should be cared for inPpHfial institutions which may be lo-cated outside of the county.
* * * .I.nnt ywir a proposition was made in
Monmouth county to submit such aproposition to the people of the countyHt the election last fall, but this couldnot lie done because the law does notliermit.it. A measure wan introduced•providing for- this, and .was putthrough both branches of the .legisla-ture, only to lie vetoed by the govern-or, I believe that the people Hhould begiven every possible opportunity forself government; 1 believe that thepeople Khotild be consulted as to theirwishes in rofturd to public works ofevery kind, wherever it is possible todo so; and I believe that the peopleshould have a much wider opportunityin exproHfi their wishes in regard toproposed public,, action than they havent present.
# * *Governor Fielder apparently does
not believe in this principle. Neitherdo the Htand-pttt politicians of eitherthe Republican or the Democraticparty. But as for calling-GovernorFielder a "progressive Democrat," heappoaiH more to me like ono of thoseofficials who, to use the language of aHtump orator, "look* boldly into the
and puts the future behind him.'
s were held in TUinoiB yoH- f»»™ .«»" ™™lmivf' n n d n,° °*h?5y in n number of townH on' the .vordJct could have been rendered inr (luosUon and the prohibitionistB I V1"w oI t]}Q evidence.,, One of tho
c k d « considorablQ number of ;« ses was for iIleRal hqnor selhng attowns nnd cities whijih had previously j Unj^Mieh t j indihg_other case w yfefn^'wet." ThirtouTiSteB the con- pTtTOp inFWlmmoFBl house Bt Ai-stantly growing strength of the pro-
I hibition Bontimdnt. This sentimenti has been Kroatly increased by the wari measures of France, Russia and Eng-! land in regard to drinking during thej continuance of the war, This Bonti"
also greatly increased by tho
I-otn of 'Em Are Now Bunnlug ntBnnk and Vicinity.
Two more jitney buses will be addedtomorrow to W. H, Berdnn's line,
shall be totttl abstainers from liquor,* • #
The "people interested in prohibitionarc not so much interested in temper-ane'e as they are in prohibition. Theywant prohibition laws passed, whetherthey will be found effective or not.They would rather have a town underprohibition rule and have great quan-tities of liquor consumed there, thanto have a town under license rule andhave a comparatively small amount ofliquor consumed. . Tho "name" nndnot the "game"by them,
is what is demanded
* * N"
The legislature adjourned lant nightmid Governor I' ieldcr, nccording tont)Wfi|»apcr i/itorvieWH thin morning,Btftted thnt the B(-HHion htid been themost tedious nnd wearihome, withmore piornined uiul Ion u't'ornplinhed,thnt he had ever been through. To theordinary nifin, the nemUm ban bwn
(IwMt about fikt- memt of the other ICKIK-ntivf1 M'nmmn A lot of thi/iCH are
ajway* pr >miw<} and are never Jimim-p\]*bei\, s»n<\ th^y are not intended to
An instance of thifi is found at As-bury Park, and has been found therefor the part forty years. AsburyPark is."under absolute prohibitionlnws. The laws of Uio Btate declarethat no liquor shall be sold in Anbury•Park, nor within one mile of the OceanGrove gates. Besides that, most ofthe 'deeds to real estate in AsbttryPark provide that the land shall beforfeited to the former owner in cjiseliquor shall ever bo sold on the prow-1B08,
* + *
Branch. The buses are nowrunning on a fifteen-minute schedule.
Eric Gislcson is running a jitneybus line from Red Bank to Oceanportthrough Little Silver.
Another jitney bun line has beenstarted between Red Bank and Sea-bright by W. O. Crabtree and GeorgeBuckalew.
Arthur and William Taylor of Eat-ontown tire having two automobilesconverted into jitney busea, which theywill run between Red Bank and LongBranch.
These are the laws governing As-bury Park, und yet it is declared thatthere are more placd» in Asbury Parkwhere liquor is sold than there is inany other town of equal size in NewJersey. Prohibition in Anbury Parknot only does not ?iroHWt, but it tendsto increase the number of places whereliquor is sold, if thorp were a Jium-ber of licensed ploncH in Asbury Park,paying a high license fee, tnere islittle doubt bu« the number of drink-ing placed would quickly be reduced.
Perhaps the moat nnamoious featurtof liquor gelling in ABbury Park inthe fact that while it m illegal, noeffort JB ever made by temperancepeople to stop tho Hale of liquor there.%Aabury Park ii a concrete in-ttance
School PupU« will SaelMn forM«aal« Tomorrow WlfM,
An oratorical contest will be heldat the high school tomorrow night be-tween teams representing the ninthand tenth gradea and the eleventh andtwelfth grades. The contest is underthe management of Miw Leola Moore,elocution toucher at the school, andmedals will be given to the membersof tho •winning team, Leon Gordon,Harry Ivins, WiHinni Hendrieksonand Kenneth Weyand are the Bpeak-ora for the eleventh and' twelfthgrades. The ninth and tenth gradeswill have ns theii1 speakers DorothyLinson, Minnie Reed, MargueriteWyckoff w\d John Kumpel.
Oat to the BOM,John Garrity of HighlnndB WOB cut
on the finger while repairing a henhouse las^j.'WWnosday. A nlahk fellon his hjwid and the sharp edge of theboard made r, cut through to the boneon ono' of his flnRers, pr , J, J. Row-land droseed the'wound;
Mrs. Newiywed—I want a cook, butflhc muBt be capable,
Hend of the employment a$«ney—Madam, I have several on my bookscapable of anything.
largely attended, among thosebeing a number of former
county parishioners of Mr.Garrison.number of valuable" and useful pres-ents and many congratulations. Onoof the features of the party was thereading of a poem written py Mr.Garrison's eldest daughter, Mra. Jo-•btjph Kulp, wife oL the pastor of thfAtlantic Hlgblan&Methodist church.
at Brotherhood Bodiibls l l Won•by VagattTa Bide.
Ninety-two persons attended a so-ciablQield by the Red Bank Prelby.terlan Brotherhood Monday night.Many of them were from Shrewsbury,the members of the brotherhood ofthat place being special guests. Afdi"bate on woman suffrage was held,Leo HoniRman,. Harold Nevius, J.Prank Giffing and *Williani E. Morrisof Shrewsbury argued in favor ofvotes for -women, Henry C, Talmage,George H. Harton, Harold K. Allstromand Jomea D. OtterBon took the nega-tive side. The judges were H, WebsterLinson, William A, Hopping and Dan-iel H, Applegate, ana their decisionwas against woman suffrage.
The Rod Bankers accepted an In vita-tion to the Shrewsbury brotherhood'sannual summer clambake.
-»« *Trult Stan OMiaA.
Mrs, 0, H, Rogera of Mechanicstreet has closed 5«r fruit and to-bacco store on Monmouth street onaccount of sickness. She has offeredthe business for sale, "but if "her healthpermits she will reopen the store andcontinue it until a purchaser is found.
Boy'» moe Out <*ttk Oclf OlnD.
Williftm Truex, »on of WilliBtn A,Truex, Jr.,, of Hudson avenue, manaccidentally hit on the nose last weekby a golf club in the hands of WilsonCoe. A long gash WBB made, but Dr.Walter A. Rullman closed it withoutusing any stitches.
Edward Boyne of Mechanic streetand I.«roy-Chamberlain of Branch ave-nue were swimming in tho river yes-terday. They are the flrirt persons toenjoy this, sport in the Shrewsburythiw year.
• • - * •IL you want results you can get
them by advertising in T H E REGISTER.I t reaches the'people of this com-munity who have the money to buywhat y<tu have for sale. "Use thispaper if you want some of their busl-
That a new party cannot be organizedon anything but n radical platform.
"The Republican party is controlledtoday entirely by the stand-pat con-Borvativei of thePenrose-Cannon type,it is true; but that ought-not "to dis-courage any former Progressive, be-cause, first, nowhere js there a partycontrolled by those Bpeaktng withparty authority who. are for govern-ment ownership, or taxing idle landsinto use; and, secondly, the Bafnes-Penrose Btand-patterB will not be ableto maintain control in a contest be-tween their stand-patism and a realeconomic idea, guch as governmentownership.
"They have no control over thevoters, AB long ns the former Pro-gressives stay out the stand-patterswill have undisputed control pi thatformidable party. The minute theformer Progressives return, pleasingtheir principles forward, the stand-pat control is nt least in dispute, andthe way to ultimate success for themodern progresgive ideag is opened,
"There is no ©aRy way, but there isthis direct way of splendid promise.Locally we find many former Pro-gregaiveB taking the view that theycan bept advance thest ideas by re-joining the Republican party and sup-porting candidates iB the pruaarieftpledged to this" "
"Former Progreisivef, in returningto the Republican .fold, are not return-ing with their hostility to the stand*patten in any way abated. We couldgo back and put up a set of candidatesfor assemblymen, and other legislativeoffices, making a good ihowing and aprobability that some would be nom-inated. This i$ the form the Pro-gressive movement , evidently willeventually take throughout the nation^and we might just at well start thecampaign along these lines now forthe fall and fight it out on this lineuntil it wing.
"If this course ia followed we"couldprobably in the national convention in1916 make G. 0. P. mean the Govern-ment Ownership Party,"
And jurt to show that he is not"eating humble pie," the redoubtableBlauvelt makes this observation inThe Way of March 28th:
•'The BiEnincant thing is that if theformer Progressives decide to go backto the Republican party they are notgoing buck with their tails betweentheir legs, but with heads up, carryingtheir banners of Government Owner-ship and Hone Rule Taxation.*'
& subsequent issues of Th« Com-mon Good, I shall present other medi-tations on "Where Will the Progres-re Wil t e
BDMUND B.sives Go?
Appolntm»irt« toDr. J. Oliver McDonald of Mercer
county, Bon ef'Chsrles F. McDonald «fEngliantown, WAS appointed yesterdayas a member of the department ofhealth in New Jersey % GoiwnorFielder. Charles A. Steele of Eaton-town was appointed a member of theboard of conservation and develop-ment Mr. Steele was formerly amember of the state forest commis-sion. Tbore is no «*kuy with eitherjob.
We wiB o t k uefriends and neighborn and alsoAncient Order of Hibernians and *Holy Name society for their manyacts of kindness to us at the death Ofour beloved husband, son and brother.
M "E C
0»rfl otto thank our numerous
WORKING CLOTHES AND SHOES.Farm work has begun, Carpenters, masons and
workers of all kinds aw getting busy.'Buy clothes and shoes suited to your work.We sell suits that look well and wear like iron.
Good enough for Sunday; durable enough for tike hardestkind of work. *
Two Prices, $9-75 Mid $12.75.We sell shoes—strong, durablt, good lookers.
Two Prices, $1.95 and $2.95.
Store open nights till 8:80, Saturday nights till 11:30.
No. 25 West Front Street, Near Broad Street, Red Bank,
HOW! n o i l CH30A&0.
D, Coop«r iwid Clisrlei X, OlMtAdvUe on I l H i for JaokinKe Brid*«.
GoprgeD, Cooper of Eed Bank, t b *Monmouth county engineer, andCharles E. Close of Matawan, clerk ofthe board of freeholders, returnedhome Monday from their trip toChicago, where they went to decide onplans for a bridge near Keyport,The bridge ig to be built over Matawancreekj and ia to be paid for jointly bythe Heyport trolley company and thecounty of Monmouth, The plarTi forthe bridge ar« being drawn by theStrauss Bascule bridge company, andMr, Cooper and Mr. Close spent twodayi in the offieos of this engineeringconcern deciding upon the details ofthe bridge. The bridge will be of thelift or •"jack-knife" pattern, and willbe the first bridge of its kind to beerected in Monmouth county, The ex-penses of Mr. Cooper and Mr. Closeto Chicago were paid equally by thetrolley company and by the county.
rlfty ot BnUrtdlwntnt Ln Arrow*mlthPoit Booms.
The women's auxiliary of the Sons« n a n o tne sons ofTeteranii
held a joint entertainment Mondaynight in celebration of Belgium Day inArrowgmith Post rooma in the Childbuildjng. The entertainment beganwith the formal opening ceremonies ofthe auxiliary, an impressive feature ofwhich was the aallitf to the flag, The
Erogram comprised piano solos byiiss Constance Durham and Miss
Marion Sherman, readings by MissPeart Wordfin, Misi Ursula Earl, Mr»,Hattie "Wyrtbg, Wflluun P . DurhaiBand Lionel G. Harrison, solos fay MiasEvelyn Chandler and Miis Lydia Mc-Queen, witt piano accompaniment byMilt Adele Chandler; recitations byMigB Chandler and Miss Minnie Reed,and a speech by Gapt Charlei B, par-sons. The festivities wound updancing.
u t t i . now* •»« Mria «»*• • « M « « H Mwith »«m«« ma, B u ^ f .
l laie U, D«y of Wallace istwrt h«da Burpriae party Friday night whichwas attended by abont Iweato giriiand boys. Ounei and children'sdances form»d most of the pleaiure ofthe evening, Prbww ta ti»e gwnea werewon by Lydia Applegnte. AUaa Min-ton and Boy Henry. Others presentwere Helen Linton, Ethel Fix, JPIor-ence FinWesteln, Marion Many, Paul-ine Spritzler. Pauline Cartmon, AlmaKaneyy, Rflbeeca Hal«tead, GUdyaHayward, Eobert Unton, Given Hen-drickton, Amzl Clemana, WilliamKeyno and ftafoa Hal»tea«L
The sewinVr circle ,«f St. Jamei'schurch will fiold a «uchre party to-night «t £harle« Hoffman's on WestFront atreet. The money from t$i«party will be used by the sewiig circleto buy Bewiniz.material*, and themoney from tHraale «f the articlestuade will be given to the ehnrch.
•*•*Ho Work en Taiamft. Wattrway.
Th^legi«rtatore on Monday night re-futed to continue work oh tbe inlandwaterway «f the stated nUbougb Sen-ator Ackerson made a strong effortlor the tUto to complete the Inlandwaterway from Buy Bead to the'Man Afiqnan river.
The Rigta Place to Buy Dcair-|blea
MiWcr Parlors,
12 Bread Street,
Sealed bids •wanted by the Shrewi-bury townnhip committee for gravel,ing the road known as Willow Drive,beginning at the northerly side o£George Quaekenbush's store and ex-tending southerly to the wegfc side o£GBOrge ArrantB1 itore, near Little Sil-ver depot, a distance «f 4919 feet or.].931 miles.
Before laying a e gravel, ti»way shall be scraped and crowned.
The gravel shall be spread along thecenter of the roadway to a width offourteen (14) feet and a depth of six(8) inches at the center (loose mea-sure) and two (2) inches at the tide(loose measure.)
The work of aeraping the roadway,spreading the gravel and the quality,vf the gravel ihail beliwbjtct to theapproval it the township committee,
Centraetara • « requeited to bW onboth Allenwood gravel or equal, andHopping gravel or e(iual.
Contractors must furnish samples ofgravel upon which toey bid.
Bids will be opened at the boroughhall in Red Bank, N, J., on Thursdayafternoon, May fith, 191B.
All bids must be in the hands ofGeorge H. Lippincott, townihip clerk,on or before Z>, 80 F« M. of the abovedate.
A certified check for 20 per cent ofthe amount of the bid must accompanyeach bid.
The tewaihip committee reserve!tile right t* reject any or a]l bMB,
AARON AEMSTRpNO,' v Chairman,
GIORGES H, LIPHNpOTT,« Township Clerk,
The annual pnlUlo «icamtnaUon ot altBtalllon* offoretl for braedinf nurpoaesln Monmooth county, N. J.. wllf be heldat Had Bank, >f, Jn nt the Globe hotelntnblow on Monday, May 10th. 1915, ata:00 o'clock p. m.
Th t l l l IThe alte t l l o o IRW ^rnvld«« *hat alt »*»1liana ofltoreil fqr public service ln this•tut* be assembled each year, and ev»ryparson, Urm or oomMuy. i« hereby uotl-nerl to.'present their sUlUonn for »uchnxfttnlnaUod before the Examiningxsoaro. t_ All MOtrtw, oerUncates o* reftiBtm-tl«n. thtp«t*r*. ptrtnit* or Moons* certi-ficate* m«»t ht presented to the Secre-tary at Uie Board for inspection *ndUbuU*lo« on that date
« - . • - , * . , . •
Mr, Htrrkk of N i v Yorkput of last week with George Truexu Broad street.
U I M Lulu Scott, A linotype oper-ator In Bakar'i job printing wUb-ibhment at Newark and a former
rl of THI KBOima, it •pend-* vacation of two wMka a t bar
at Had Bank.Mr. and Mn, Charles Roblnaen,
who w i n recently married, havt start-•d floutMkMplnr in imbtHh X, Dcgen-ring'• houM on Whit* itrMt.
Erneit Kerr of Newark hai rantedMrs. J e t e r J, HeGUss'i houta onEiveraldt Drlv« for th« iummer, TherenUl wai made by William A. Bop-ping.
John McNeil of Bridge avenue iiemployed as •tenographtr in AlbertL, Ivim'a real e»taU> and insuranceoffice.
Mr. and Mri, John Kearney ofShrewsbury avenue spent part of lastweak with Mr, Kearney's niece, Mn.John Kearney, Jr., of Flatbuih,
The Standard oil company hasbought an automobile for the use ofHa aalMman, William F. Cogan ofWcatiide avenue.
James Hogan, Leroy Kearney, JohnMcNeil and Floyd Mullen are newnembort of the choir of St. Jamei'gchurch.
Joseph G. Eseholhaeh ia building afence in the rear of his Columbia hotelproperty on West Front street arid iimoving two outbuidingi from the rearof his property to Water itreut,
Henry Woodi of Peters place is sickWith rheumatism,
Mr, and Mr». Jamog Cooper, Jr., ofIrving place, will leave Friday forTitusville, Florida, where they will•pend about n month whh their son,Gparge Vttnderveer Cooper, While inthe South they will visit Palm Beachand other placus of interest,
Harry Tilton, who has been con-ducting a blacksmith shop on Wharf•venue, moved to Tinton Falli yester-day, where he will conduct the shopformerly occupied by James Walsh,
Mr. and Mra. William H, Downes"pod daughter Florence of West
Hampton, Long Island, spent part ofb i t week with Mr. and Mrs, GeorgePey of Shrewsbury avenue,
Mr, and Mrs, John H. Cook, Jr.,of Newman Spring* road, ipent Sun-day at Lakewood,
William Clayton and Misses lonaand Mabel Clayton of Lakewood andMr, and Mrs, George Moxley of FairHaven were Sunday visitors of Mra.Thomas Walling of Shrewsbury ave-nue.
Miss Olive Peginedfl of NewmanSprings road has returned from avisit with friends at Aibury Park.
John Thompkins of Brooklyn spentfriday with his sister, Mrs, Harry Os-born of Bank street.
Sigmund Sail has returned from avisit to New York and will again beemployed in the store conducted by hisbrother, Joseph Salz, when it is re-opened,
Walter Selie, the three-year-old sonof Walter Salic of Bank street, fell inthe river at the foot of Locust avenuewhile his fathtr was fishing thereSunday. Mr, Selic pulled the ooy outand after he had put on some clothesloaned by Mra. Joseph Bosk ey he wastaken home, ' ~~_
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Beats ofSouth Amboy* spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Harry Osborn of Bank•treet.
Mrs. Frank N, Worth of Canalitreet and uncle, Humphrey Haywardof Wharf avenue, spent a few days ofla«t week with relatives- at Jersey
. City. = __ «_-Miss Virginia DuMont of Navesmk
1» working ai saleslady in H. G, Fel-lows'i millinery store on Broad itreet.
Mra. Cecil W, Ledlard of Keans-burg is working in Mrs. Hannah A.
'Gi'reyV "millinery ~ store on Broadttreet.
Miss Marguerite McCue of Shrews
•oes-an TOAboat 100 V M M M Attend »»o«ptlon tot
FM* M. l M U r Fltdmy HlCbV-M Mia Wnmumua to Mn. »«•-
A farewell reception was tenderedto B«v. Fred N, Bander and family atthe chapel of the Holmdel Reformedchurch last Friday night. Mr, Bae-dor will begin his duties as paitor oftht R«form#d church at Peapack, NewJersey, tho flrit of May. He willpream a farewell sermon next Sun-day,""About 100 persona attended thofartwili reception, an attractive fea-ture of which wai the floral decor-utioni. Kev, W, P, Chane, pastor ofthe Holmdel Baptist church, and Rev.Charlea Palmar, paitor of the lie-formed church at Marlboro, madeshort addreises expressing rejeretover Holmdol'i loss in the removal ofMr, Baeder. The latter made a briefresponse, A very fine supper WOHserved, after which the time-was spentin general sociability.
The church officials at a meeting afew days ago adopted resolutions of re-grot over Mr, Boeder's departure andordered thorn spread on the churchminutes. As a token of their esteemthe women of the church presentedMrs. Baeder with u purse of gold lastFriday afternoon.
BheHorse ThiefHow He Was Saved,
By M. H. WORSLEY.Copyright by Frank A, Mun»y Co.tutittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
n T U e *ii "M I T . 1 : , n o r . n :niVn»-.
a l t h o t l g b lii' '& i n ' t i i l i l u t i i c d f i r t u n n y . "
" W i l l th«<re « i m i In T II i it ii I n i i i i - ( f u l l
bli« b p t w w i i h l i n i i i i d Mn u 1 f i > - "
" I t o t h e y a n y , " HIU> M i M i w i r c l
" I s l l r i i n t c i n o U i i i K f " f l i l i u 1 ; "
" A m a n r u n I i i tTn i i i t u l a l u ! h i ' l a w
I n t o h l B OWi i h i i i i i U w l i i ' i i l i r ' h U d i "
In" A w k k » l i ! ! ( l " A m i s l i i ' i n . i l i l i - Ut i l l * d l l ' t ' i ' t l t i l l O f t i l l ' h l K l U l M l i i U i i
T h u l i i a n l i i i p c i l t o l a w f i u t . I l l s c j
wi ' i 'o r i v o t e d mi I ICIH,
t lnil HIH1 IN
bury has returned home after visitingher sister, Mrs. Joseph Cooper ofShrewsbury avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodgeri ofWashington street have been visitingtheir son, Samuel E, Rodgers ofShrewsbury.
Dr, James M. Taylor of, Colgateuniversity has returned home aftervisiting hia niece, Mrs. Ada Conoverof Wallace ttreet.
Mrs. William Maloney and daugh-ter of Jersey City have returned homeafter spending several days with Mrs.Maloney's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Peter F. Lang of Shrewsbury avenue.
Miss Marion Sherman of Petersplace was a recent guest of MisB I s -telle Moore of Brooklyn.
njra. Samuel E. Coggins of WestFront street has bought an Oaklandtouring automobile,
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson anddaughter of Shrewsbury avenue spentSunday with Mrs, Johnson's parentsat jelford.
Th» Motto of tha rir»t M.tUodl»t Ohurohof Sail I n k U ••7ri«naUn«li."
The topic of the discourse at theFirst Methodist church for the nextthree Sunday nights will deal with lifebeyond the grave. Next Sunday nightthe topic will be "Why All Men Be-lieve in the Future Life." The follow-Ing Sunday night the sermon will beon "Between Death and the Resurrec-tion," and the third Sunday night thetopic will be "Mother, Home andHeaven." An attractive musical pro-gram will be presented by the choireach Sunday night. George S. Collins,the director of mugic, is preparingsome unusual musical features, whichwill be presented at a Sunday servicein a short time. The topic for nextSunday morning will be "The Wit-ness," and the sermon will be an ex-position and enforcement of- Jesus'awords to His disciples, "Ye Are MyWitnesses of These Things," Mr.
I Sloan desires attention called to thefact that the motto of the First Meth-odist church is friendliness, that theseats of the church are all free, andthat the officials are glad to show everycourtesy to viiitors.
The topic at the prayer service atthe Reformed church tonight will be"Persona! Work," and the theme willbe "Christ as a Personal Worker."Tomorrow afternoon the members ofthe ladies' aid society will arm them-selves with thimbles and scissors andwill go to Mrs, Roland Crease's onOakland street, where they will sewfor the fair. Sunday morning Rev.Lester G. Leggett will preach on"Saved to Serve," and at night a BillySunday service will be held. A de-scription will be given of the taber-nacle at Paterson where the revival isbeing held, of the crowds which attendthe services, and of the work ueingdone there, A chorus of forty voiceswill sing the songs popular at themeetings, among the songs being"Brighten the Corner Where YouAre." In addition to the sermon therewill -be^oloa, duets and-picturaa,
The women's missionary union ofthe clasais of Monmouth will meet atthe Reformed church of Red Banknext Wednesday. The morning sessionwill be a business meeting and an ad-dress will hfi given by Mrs. JamesGraham of Albany. At the afternoonsession addresses will be given by Dr.
Ely Xirby oi JIojMflfiuth ititi#t andEdward A. M»son of Pearl street aresuffering with rlwumatigm,
Louis Soffel -of Jersey City is visit-ing" his broiler, Augustus Soffel ofBridge avenue, who ii sick wiui pneu-monia.
Mra. G. A. Schwarta of Broad streetI i on a visit to Ban Francisco.
William Maloney and family havemoved from Canal street to one ofWilliam Wilbar's houses a t FairHaven.
John Tetley and Irving Finch, Jr.,rode their bicycles to Asbury ParkSaturday, where they visited relatives•nd cabled on Miss Graple, a teacher mthe Red Bank school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden MeClaskey ofHudson avenue spent Monday at NewYork.,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Moselle ofOakland atreet visited friends at Pat-terson over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ely of Wal-lace street are spending ten days atWashington.,
Mrs. Samuel E. Coggins, Mr, and• Mrs. Jacob Degenring, Harry Smock,Jr., and Mrs. Leon de la Reussilletook a trip Sunday in Mn. Coggins'snew automobile to Hoboken, wherethey attended a birthday celebrationlor MrV Smock's father, Harry Smock.
Walter Thompion, Jr., son of Wal-ter Thompson of Locust avenae, hairecovered from pneumonia,
Mrs. Howard Higginson of Southitreet is out again after, having beenconfined to the hoUBe with grip.
Mrs. Anna Hackett of Locust ave-nue ' i s slowly recovering from grip,with which riie has been tick threeweeks. u
Bichard Deevey hae moved fromEntontown to Fran]f^ Pittenger'shouse at Minnesink Park, in Mipdle-town township. The house in whichhe moved was vacated by George H,Hale, formerly of Rumson, who baagone to Bristol, Conn., where he isemployed BB superintendent of a largeestate. Mr. D«evey trains LemKetcham'a trotting horses.
Harry Gimlet of Bridge avenue was• New York visitor Monday.
Mrs, Sarah McCue of Matawiin hasbeen spending a few days with Mrs-C. W. Bennett of Herbert street. •
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacKeUar ofi i i Mr.
Ida Scudder of India and by Miss C,H, Lawrence. These speakers willrepresent the board of foreign mis-sions of the Reformed church. Thewomen of the church wjll serve lunch-eon to the delegates and the meet-ing! will be open to the public,
The women's missionary union ofthe classis of Monmouth will meet inthe Red Bank Reformed church nextWednesday. Meetings will be held at10.80 A. M, and 2:00 P. M. Mrs.Jnmes Graham will speak in the morn-ing and Dr. Ida Scudder of India willmake an address in the afternoon.Miss O. H. Lawrence will representthe foreign board.
The anthems to be sung by theMethodist church next Sunday will be"Eyes Hath Not Seen," "The GoodShepherd" and "Nearer My God toThee."
The fourth of a series of entertain-ments given by the young people ofGrace Sunday-school will be held in
litt-tnrfl rnam Friday night of thinweek. The program .wilLcottsist ofvocal, instrumental and violin solos,Grecian poses, tableaus and ft sketchentitled "Queen Ann Cottages."%
The first of a series of euchres to be
?;iven by the newing society in con-unction with tiie Rosary confrater-
nity of St. James's church will be heldat Mra, Charles Hoffman'a on WestFront itreet tonight. The committeeincludes Mra. Hoffman, Mrs, DavidLeroy, Mrs. Peter Lang, Mrs, .GeorgeConrad, Mrs. Richard Tobin, Mrs.George Grause, Mrs. George J. Daly,Mrs. John Carroll and Mrs, JamesJackson,
A township Sundny-school rally willbe held in the First Methodist churchon Tuesday night. May 4th. SecretaryI. B. Burgess and Rev. Charles O.Wright of Ridgewoqd will make ad-dregiei, A fifteen minute' sonf servicewill be led by a choir and orchestra.
The subject at Grace church nextSunday morning'will be "God's Oasisin tiie Desert" and at night the thirdaefmon on "At Whosi Door Shall WeLay the Blame for the War" will bepreached. The women of the churchare meeting this afternoon at theparsonage. Mra, James Lord will givea reading on "Pollyanna Grows Up."
The Trinity church veitry will meettonight to decide on means of payingoff the deflct in the miaaionary-«ppro-priation. . ,
MWIH BUoluuio Mulng Triad foe Kill-ing His Broth«r-in-t«w.
Edward Stachano is being tried be-fore Judge Kaliseh at Freehold for themurder of John Sherlock in Atlantictownship last December. Stachanowa,s Sherlock's brother-in-law. Sher-lock was killed with a heavy club andhis body was dragged to a ditch,where it was concealed by some brush.Stachanap represented by Thomas P.Fay and the state's case is being takencare of by Prosecutor Sexton and hisassistant, Elmer H. Geran.
Tha winter bni\ brokuu earlier ttinnusual, and betwuru the nuuryst pointof clvllluitlou and tlie BUUCW ntr«ti-'he(la wait*1 nf Klwiulug Hiiuwi.
As the girl euaiu from behind the•Illicit, liuulliiK the lirusUwotKl after!KT, tlR> soft j i t aiNtiiut pad-nud ofu runiHT's feet in tliu BIIOW caused IUT,to throw her lu-uil liHs-k and lUU-u Inteutly.
Hluwly flip jiirl, \wr fuco nlni'mt ii#*whkUi MM till1 Miiow, ilropptd tho bnitjliwotxl unil i-vi'Pt Into tht' nbuck, iiml hurfingers felt fur (lie lioltH ou tlie tlfioi'.Hut H1H> WUN too lute!
A innii'H nrni WIIH thrust into theopijulnii hotwet'ii tUo door and tin-jiUuli. Hlii> piiNlii'd nt tlit* door with nilhiT Ntri-iiKth, bill did not u)ter a word.
"For ({ini'M Hiikc, (five tii'o a fljjlitfugrlmnrf!" tho IDUII ftronnod.
She Hti'iiiitHl buck,"The BlieHff! Illdo Jnc!""They're here!" Bile sakl quickly nw
tbe Hhoutliig of n dozi'ii men WUNheard, "Ck<t bi'hlud that curtuiu, I'mgoing to light tho lninp. Don't moveor get skecred into Bhootlng,"
"No tricks,' niliid!" snld the mnn."This isn't a kld'H gnmo I'm playing,I've got you covered, niifl if you glvuthem so much as a wink I"—
A thundering at the door closed h!«mouth. Ho stepped quickly behind thecurtain, a silt fanlf an inch In lengthaffording him a view of the scene atthe door.
The girl lit the lamp, then carelesslydrew back tno bolta.
The mnn nt tho door leaped lightlyfrom his saddle and politely raised nlshut. His companions drew back theirhorses and waited.
"I apologize for having disturbed awoman at this time of night, but we'relooking for an ex-frulghtor by the nameqf Joe Gregar, 'Llfte*' a horse somenilles back and not the first by a goodmany. He's given us a mighty goodrun for the money, but I reckon we'vetreed him."
"You're tho now sheriff, aren't you?"There was biting irony in her voice."We've hoard about you in these parts.Something .brnnd new from Boston,eh 1 Cnme out here to show them howto rope in Brunte Heath, djdn't you?Is it Brunte that you're after?"
"Brunte can wait. We'll take Gregarto go on with. Like as not they're oneand the same."
"Is your sense of manliness as grentOS your sense of justice? Perhapsyou'd like to search my shack?"
"It's my duty," ho Btnmmerea, "mucuas I may regret it."
She Btepped back from the door andwalked slowly to the other side of theWorn. STio Btooped over a BHa¥eaown7then turned and glanced at the man inthe doorway.
He was watching her curiously.Something beneath the clothes on theshakedown Stirred uneasily. She whis-pered soothingly and drew down tueshoot. The man at the door saw theflushed fnce of a suffering girl child.The woninn recroased tbe floor,
"Is that your mnn?" she askedbrokenly, "Would you like to searchfurther?"
"No," he said; "I'll take your -wordIf you'll take my apologies. What Isit? Can't be fever tliis weather, buther face ia flushed."
"Broke her arm," said the woman,"and it's set badly,"
The mnn behind the curtain waitedtill the sheriff had gone and then camefrom his hiding place.
"Why flldn't you tell'mo?" he asked,nodding at the shakedown. "Is it yourkiddy?"
"No- my niece.""Let me have a look at her arm."He went over to the shakedown and
gently turned aside the clothes. Thechild looked up Into his face and seem-
" I » o y o u Ui '-J in t u hii_v
B r u i i t i ; H i - i i t l i H i - k l l i l V "
" Y C H , " B « U 1 t l i t - \ s i i i i i i i i i d i ' l l t i c t - i i t f l y .
" W h e r e U li»->"" I I« h a s RUIU> in fcti h tlii< diK-tur."" A u d tl»P diiitoi1 in th i r ty HIIICM nwuy
If ln ' '8 a f o i i t ! " lli« w i i i i i n t l w (kM'f
• l id l o o k e d o u t , " A m i It H HiiiiwlilM
lU'i-i-o!" h e inli l i 'd In n w h l h p i ' r ,
" l i o w ' i l i e i i i i i i i i i i cdf"
" O n t h « l i o i K ' i lu- HhiTlff w n n t i ' i l h i m
for . I t WUi 111-; o n l y cliiiiii 'f, H I H o w n
( l i ed a m o n t h iigii, a m i lu> WMH
t i l l t in - hiii i i iK lu ' fo i 'o l i u y h i K
T h e fnre of tin- mnti wns u sti idy InlN'WU(l»>rmcm. JI»- i-tos^cd tho Ilnor Int l i i» K h i i k i H l o w n m i d 1<jiiki-il sit t l i t . Nlo t ' j ) -
l i iK c h i l d .
" L i f t e d a h o i - s . i t o rUh- t h i r t y i n i h ' N
I n t h l H w e a f i i f r t o s a v e h i n k i l l ! " J l r
t i i i i H ' d a w n y f r o m th i> I H M I . " A n d i t o o : l
l u c k t o y o u , l l i - u i i t i - : ' ' hi> i n i i t t i ' i v i l ,
"You'd rlHk your own m>ok for him?"said tho mail iiiVHcnily.
1 UiiMy. VCH."tliuir vyt-s mut andwas HUnn>tlilny moru
hi". Then his lip*that luul bi'i-nthno rufumil
"For liliu iiml il1'or a muuii'iit
Npnki', Aud thuritlinn admlratiini Inuppued, aud the iiudlHiurbiiig him for HDUlo!igi>r to be ••ontrolli'd.
"Wliat ' i Bniiiti' Hcntli ti> you?" In-BMked. And tlii' Klluut-u that fullowwlwas charged with fours and doubts forboth of them.
"I'm his Bister," she said (it last. Andit was Impossible to iniHuiKioVsluiid thedeep breatii that left Ills lips.
"And a siBter whom hv ounht to beproud of," he siild without reserve.
"Bet the sheriff wouldn't think HO,""I'm not so Bure," he said thought-
fully.lie wai sitting there gazing at her
when suddenly the strained call of adog-wolf reached them. With a cry ofjoy she sprang to the door and threwit open.
A man, slight of stature, yet seeming-ly of •trength, judging by the way inwhich he hauled his tired horsethrough the BIIOW, was coining towardthe shack. The woman mn to meethim, kUsed him affectionately anddrew him into the humble apartment.The man alrendy there rose to meethini, but the woman was the first tospeak,
"A man by the name of Joe Gregar,Brunte,** she said. "Ho came Ueruwith the sheriff on hts heels, and Igave him a chance, I know that you'dsay it was the right thing to do,"
"Mebbe it was, mebbo it wasn't," hosaid, staring hard at the stranger,"HOW'B the gal?"' His eyes were Btlllfixed on those of tho other man, "Howlong have you been in this country?"he asked in a suspicious voice,
"Long enough to know a man whenI see one. Your horse has slipped hi«halter, Brante Heath."
•urprlMd On Mia Blrthd»y.George C. 1). Hurley, Jr. , of Hiidyi1
i i v c m i f , W H H 2Fi y i ' i i r w ( ( Id l i i h l I ' l i i l u v ,
and thnt night n mmilu-r of frii'iulHi iml r i ' lnt iv« 'H ( n i v c liiin n hu i ' |> r i» rn u r t y , A g e n e r a l tuifinl t m i i 1 w a s c i \ -j o y t ' i i , w i t h it iuhii1 mil l M n t n m ' . AhilplU'l- WttS W'fVl'll lit ! 11 i 111 i 1K11 ! , t i l l 't i i i i in u t t r a i ' t i u i i lu - inu ;i I n i ^ c l u p i h .d a y c a k u imiili- b y M r . l l u r i o y ' «m o t h f i - .
AniDii t r t in- t'lii 'atM wfi ' t - M r . m u lM T H . C W , B i ' i m t ' U i iml i h i h l i i ' i i N t l -lii1, C o r n e l i a , l l y n i t 1 a m i l i i i n y ; M r .m i d M T M . J u H c p h C r a i ^ t . .Mr. a n d M i > .I'l'Oil l l i i r l i ' y mil l w in 111111.-. t > 11, M r . a m iM r n , A . (.'. H i i i i i y , . ! r . , a m i i l iui j iht i 'VZoo, Mr . and Mrs , ( looivv ('. l>. Huil*'y ami wm i k o i K c '!il. MI'H. M a r j . a r . tH u r l e y , ^Irw. Samui ' l C m i ^ , Mr:,.P r a l l I ' l ' i r i in ' , IIIKIMIM Allen, l l i i iohlIHiwi'ti, l l a ru l i l l l u r h y and H a r r y( i i n d i r . __
Sold Hii Figi,
K d w n r d A, Howmaii of Li t t le Sil-ver a d v e r t i s e d l a s t wi*>k t h a t lio luid100 'young pigM for Kali1. On Munda\he notified T i n ; UKIMSTKK not to repea ttho adygrtiHi-nieiit, a s lu> liad holcl nl-nioHt all the pitrn and liu e x p f t i ' i l ther i 'mujnin i ; pinn would be hold witliititho next day or two.
MrH. S. L. C'liikutu'i' of Washingtonsitrcut WIIH HH yearn old lawt Tliurwday.Khe received handsome birthday Kift^and n. shujver of pustnl cards frontfriends in Ked Bank, Hound Brooknnd other plai'es. Mrn. Chikener isblind, but othurwisi1 H)IO IH in jjoodhealth.
V U i t o r i a t t U e B i g T a i r ,
Recent Monmouth county visitors tothe I'ansimn-l'ni'inf exposition wereMr, nnd Mrs, Lewis S."Thompson ofLineroft, Charles Kelly and N, H.Tuttlo of Allo.nhurHt and Mr. tuid Mrs;.L. n» ronwardt'n and Dr. and MissAldoyof,Ocean Grove.
B I R T H S .n i ' . H K . — A t Hi l l ri;ml(,
A p r i l -Jiilh, Mrn . I I I T I U U I Ifin
Hi' k,
K.MLl:V—At ]-Uirni'rnt<i\vii. mi I'liilay,Aiirll Bth, Mrs, c:!iHi!t« ICml'-y, of H sun.
IlAJUIONli ,—At lliilimli'l, (in HuiiiJiiy,Ai>ril IStli, .Mrs. Jiuiii'H Ihininiiincl, of nillnlgiiter.
HAXCl:.—At Ki-0'Oiolil, on Sunilnv,A])rll n t h , Mrs. ClifCiiiil Hiiiiee, ot uilaugli t ir .
WAHKOW.—At Tli-il Uiiiik, on Kun-ilny, April iisth, Mrn, 1'niil Wiisknw, 'if a(laughter.
door Blmultnneously, Heath's nnd thewoman's, And it cold official voiceturned them back again,
"Put up your handa, Brunto Henth,I've got you covered, and it .wouldn'tbe easy to mtsa from tills distance!"
"I thought that I recognized you,"Bald Brunte, atretchinghiB hands abovehis head and smiling bitterly as thebarrel of the revolver almost bruBluHlhis nose. "Nan, little gal, they've play-ed It low down on you this time. Haveyou been properly Introduced to thonew sheriff?"
The sheriff thrust his revolver intoits holster and held out his hand toth6 man,
"I did manage to take you withoutfiring a shot, Brunte," he said with alaugh, "Bear that in mind, will you?Because one of these days you mayhear the fellows chipping the newsheriff, and then you can—well, youcan butt in and say thnt ho wasn'tquite as green as he looked. I don'tknow what you've got In the pack forthe little girl, but if it's a doll to jilnywith it will do her more good thanmedicine. Keep her arm in the splintsfor a couple of weeks nnd keep your
mi Hatllriiay, April 17th, by Hiv. JiinujHI^nrd, Miss'Cnrn, A. HarllnB anil AniuryiJ. OBhorn, both of Ileil JiunU.
IIANKIXKON — rATTHHSOX, — AtWent i'tirniB, on Siitunlay, April 17th,. byRev. Harrison Decker, .Miss JJiniriiL Han.klnHon of Kast KiH-mingiialc and OscarPatterson of West Farms.
JOHNSON—COOK.—At ABbury Park,iin Wednusday, April 14th, by .Hi el lee,lohn A. Borclen, Miss Annii A. Juhnsonof Anbury I'sirk and .lurdim H. Uook otLoliK Urnhdi.
JOSTK—HPKUILL,—At Aslmry Furk,mi Wednesday. April inth, by ltcv. l-'run-fis SirCliiskvy, MINH Anna Jnsti- nf As-bury Park and William T. Hjiruill of ll»'JHank.
LOrilC—SHAI1P.—At Katnntowii, ftt)Wednesday, April 14th, liy Rev. Hurttin,7. K, Way" Miss Jenniu Lore and Samuel1). Sharp, both of Iti;il Uank.
.M'KKLI.Il1 — WILLIAMS. — At LonRnrancl i , on Sunday, April IStli, by ]li'v.1'reaoriek LS, Harr i s . MIHS N'prnio IMc-Kcllip and Hurry William^,' both of LonBBranch,
P A L M K R - CABS.—At W r s t LongBraiH'h. on Sunday, April IStli, by Rev.J. Wliltton, MiRB Kllcn J. I'alnior nfWi>Kt IJOIIK Braticli and Will iam fi, Cassof Long Urancli,
PAUKEK-HARTSni lOVI- : .—At StonefTi_nrrh,_iin Tiiesilnv. Anrll liutli. liy lii^v..lolin t*. Lord, MIHK FIUHKIC Jlabcl Par-kfr and Charles Hni'tHgruvti, both otHiKhiandM.
SrnuiIAnHKn—KOOPS.—At LongBranch, on Sunday, April ISlh, by lir-.v.Wllliani I. Reud, Miss Alma Schumacherof Lonjf IJraiioh and William Knoi)s ofWcstlielil,
THOMPSON—JOXKS.—At ItPd Hank,on Wuiljirsilay, April 1 Hit, by iiev. Julin-Him IJ. Miner, MIHH Kilitli Tlinmpsoii ofLlnornft aiid Cec'll Joni's Of Kveri'tt.
JITITK—HOIIKX.—At New Monmoutli,on Suiuiiiy, April IStli, by Rev, janieH !•',MoriiHon, Miss Kathevino ICliniilietli Jlr-I'UB and Arnold Builen, both o£ AtlanticHit'IilandH.
to Xaaniia
Mies Lucy Perkins, who is employedoa * maid by W. I. Kelly of AtlanticHighlands, went insane Uat w«ek.She was taken to Trenton by Chief ofEolic# J«hn B. fln^dekar, whare aheUna committed to fh« state hospitalf or the in«nV . - - •
"Are you the doctor monf1 uhfi a»k.ed. He nodded reassuringly and com-meuced tenderly to remove the bandOgeB.
"Set!" he muttered. "It hasn't hada chance to set. Who made thenesplints?"
"I did," iaid the woman, "It was thebeBt I could do."
"Xou can't expect a woman to beclever fit everything," ho mused. "Giveme that box," With the old of hisjockknlfe he fashioned the splints andenst rotiud for a illng. "Now thatbelt," ho commanded. Indicating nman's cartridge bolt hanging behindthe door.
Mechanically she handed it to Aim,and, thotigh the muioles of her face didnot move, she saw the look of iurprlaothat cnnie into his eyea as he took thebelt in his nngcra and turned it over.Within naif an hour the child waiBleeping iwacefullj.
'Tin obliged to you," MAA tM wo».an. "Are we quits}"
"I should like to think so," he re-plied, moving toward the floor,
"There are a couple of hone rogt Inthe otUer room," ahe said quietly. "Thedrifts would give you lepa of a chancethan the ahtrtff did,"
Embarrasament showed lteelf in thetwitching of hie flagen,
"I BhaU rit up with the chllfl," sheadded.
"Thanhs." Hie hand was o n t t idoor lending Into the other apartment"I hope that Bmnte Heath, wtao*Terhe Is, will have half my luck."
"I hope so," she whispered. "He de-serves It."
"You teem to know something aboutBrunteV lie naid.
She was Hitting on tho aide of theshakedown, and her eyes met his fair-ly1 aud squarely.
"I know that he's neiter Mid a squareOwl, If that's what you mean."
"H«'s married, isn't he?""So I've heard.""Wealthy woman t<x>T""Wealthy—but fine Isn't much of a
woman. He was n good and straightman -when she left trim." J
. "'And then bo took' to horse lifting?"
heart up for good. That little girt onthe shnkedown Is worth working for—honest work! I shall come back oneof these days"—he glanced meaninglyat the woman—"to see how the patientis progressing,"
He walked to the door and lookedback.
Brunto Heart was bending over hislittle girl. The woman was standingtransfixed in the center of the room.The sheriff held up a finger, and shewent to him RB one in a dream.
"It is probable that they'll be want=ing a new sheriff," he laughed, "butI want yon to believe that I feel itwas worth it,"
She gave htm a sweet smile, and allthat she said wai:
"Come back!"
DEATHS.BATiniCli,—In Mitldltjtnwn tnwnHiii]i,
on Momlay, April 1'JUi, MrH. JCuKiblaUarlifi', agt'il bO yuui'H.
BATTKX.^At tlie LonK Dnuuli hos-pltiil, Jamos Batten of Anbury Park. ,•
BENNETT,—At Neptuni- City, onThiirsdiiy, Aiirll IHtli, Jlrn, Duburah J,BonniHt, aged B yuars,
BiCKnS.—At Mew -Britain, Connecti-cut, on Saturday, April 10th, Mra, MaryUsers, agutl 37 years.
HHUVV].*rt:—At Karmingilale, on Wun-day, April 11th, CaeurKt! W. Brower, aged72 years,
nuCK.—At Frepliold, on I'riday, Anril9th, SU'S, Amelia Duck, aKWd S2 yoars,
OI-IAMPOLIJION. •— In France, onJFarch. 23d, Andre C, Chainijollloli, for-inerly of New York, nifid H4 yciii'M.
CUAFIK.—At Long Branch, on TIiurH-day, April lath, Mrs, Daniel H. Clark,agejl 5!i years,
The Plane'! Seven Octaves.Pianos of atandard slzo have a kej
board of seven octaves and three notes-Ofty-two wnlto keys. There la oreason for thi« limit Am it is, thekeys at eirhi>r end of the keyboard arerarely used, and the tones that cannow be produced, from the lowest tothe highest. Include ail thnt have anydefinite niufUcal value to the hunmnear. If the ceatptmt of the keyboiv^were eiteoded the added keys wouldproduce sounds or noises without anymusical slgntflcanra It la possible forthe hninnn ear to perceive sounds overa range of about eleven octaves, butthe production uf musical bounds i*confined to the seven and onu-thlrd oc
DAVISOX.—-At Jersey City, on Mon-day, April 12th, 1-U-nry P. Duvlson, for-merly of Freeliold, . ,
IJOMIXICK.—At MfitnWfin, on Weil-neHilay, April 14th, MIHH Kina J, IJom-iiilcU.'ugod 20 years,
I-'l^pOlJ.—At I-'ulr Haven, on Sntur-duy. April 17th, Mlclincl Klooil, ugeil 0!)years, S montliH.
PI1KY.—At IjonR Branch, nn Tluirs-day, April 15th, JoHepii JC. Froy, at?ea 4Hyt'iii'B.
HANSON,—At FreolioHl, on Monilnj-,April IZtli, John, flve-inontliH-oId Hun ofSamufl Hnnsoh,
KAHLE.—In Pctinsylvanin, on Wtcl-iiesdny, April 14tli, Svtllinm Kiiiile ofLiting Brnncli, aijed 44 yi-ars.
LANK.—At Tennent. on Sunday, Apiillltii, Jagob C. Lanti, «(jtHl 41 yearn,
MALONEY.—At WlekatunU, on Sun.day. April ilth', Kdwartl Maloney, nBtiJ40 years.
MOFKI5TT.—At Kingston, on Monday.April lath, Kev. William W, MofCett,affod §1 years.
RUE.—At Allpntnwn, on Thurflday.April 8tll, Mrs, Ciiurlottg Itufi .Utf«!il SLfyears.
TIIOMPSON.-*At KnBllshtowii, onTuesday, April 13th, MIHM Mary A..Thompson, aited 7It ycarH,
THOrtPL].—At HiKhlantls, on Thurs-«lay, April luth, ThoniaH Tiioipo, tigM inyears,
WIUTl'3.—At RlirewHliury, on Tliurs-day, April IBth, Cliarlea 1,, While, affOd08 years.
WOODWARD.—At Cream Kid TP, onWednesday. April 14th, llrH, lluniiaJi S,Woodwurd, used 68 years.
It's UnwiseTo Stop Saving
just bei-auBo you have some money in the bank. Ifsii'km'ss or other trouble eoim-s to you, or if pleaaurubeckons to you, the. liunk balance that you have won'tlast lontf. Make it a point to save soinethinK everyweek ami deposit Hit* money in the Special IntercutDepartment of the strong, i".irefully manajjed and
courteously conducted
Red Bank Trust CompanyBroad and Wallace Sts., Red Bank, N. J.
Interest Paid on Accounts Subject to Checks
Br««d Ralaor."Oh, dear," gronned the young wtfo,
•1 donft know what to use to raise mybread. I've tried everything."
"A derrick and a couple of Jock-screws ought to do it." thought herbuttband. but toe didn't say it aloud.-BoBtou Transcript
Old diatom.In Pern It waa once tb« cuBtom for
domentlc aerviinto to bate two of tbeir«pper front t t t tb Mctnfitad. Tbjtr abwnce indicated Mrntod*.
OUBBENOT.lineton, D. r , Ajuil titli . 191."
WHUHISAa. by »atlHfactiu v i-\ld<>ni<•prusi'ntoil to tho uniloiMlKiit ii. It I1'1"bt't n made to appem tliat "The Bt-condNational Hank nf Kcd Bank." loontcdIn tlio town <>f lt^d It.ink, In the iio«nt\of Moiiinouth and Htntf of New .h-r-BOV. IIIIB toniplli'd with all 'tho jno-\lslonH of tho Act of CoiiKreH-i "totriable national b.mkmi; iiHMOrlatlnnito t-xtond thi'lr nn-poiate exlHtcni-r,and for othei puu'oni H," uppiu\rtlJulv I i 1KK2. HB nnicmlid by tn<* tt(-tiippio\ed Aintl 12. 1!M) .XOW, THKHKroitK, f, John Kkelton
WlllhmiH, t'oiiiptmlh I of tin- rimoiu'y,iln linrtby i-eillfv tbiit •Tin- Si'iond Nil-tlixml ll.i'nk of Itrd linnk," loi ntcil In Ihntown of Ked Hank, in tin- county ofMoimioutli and »tati' of New .Tiimiy, IHnnthoil/cd to IIIIMI iiii ri HHIOII foi thelipilod HiieoIilLil In its nmondnl lirtlclfftof iiHHiu tntlim niiiiiflv, until flosi> ofIIUMIIHMH on Apill Iti, 1li:tr>
In tfsttinony win n of vllni'm m\ hfindnnd Heal of olllee thli Mi'\i-nto»'Hth clay
CHi-iiU11' JDILM SKKL.TON WILLIAMS,Coinptrolle^ of Iho Ourronry.
Olfarter No. "2C N o l^M
The - "BusinessMan
appreciates thestyleful but com-fortable lines andserviceable construction of the Burt &Packard " Korrect Shape " shoes. Nowis a fine time for any one who hasnever worn them to get •acquainted—the new Summer styles are in,
ALBERT S, MILLER,No. 18 Broad Street, Red Bank, N, J,
Cheap John's Specials,Nobby Dress Suits, $6.50 to $11.75All kinds of fine pants to match your Sunday Coat
at fair prices.Khaki Pants, fine for work 75c and 95cBalbriggan Shirts and Drawers 20c eachMen's Union Suits, the right hind 50cBoy's Union Suits *„,... w . . 2SeOur Work or Dress Shirts cant be beat.We have ail kinds, We save you a little.Dont forget our $1.65 shoes, they are the best
that was ever bought for the money.Our $2.00 Work Shoes cant be beat.Overalls and Jumpers, the kind that wear, 45c each
Cor. Wharf Ave. and East Front St., Red Bank.Open Evenings Till 8 O'Clock. Saturday* 12 O'CIocW.
TBtlRSPAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAYThe Pride of the Flowery Kingdom
The Kuma TrioIn a Novel Talking Magic and
Mystery OfferingWith Special Elaborate Scenic Effecti
3-OTHER STAR ACTS-3And The Usual Film Play Feature* ;FRIDAY THE MASTER KEY
ALWAY5 A BIBj i lit. * •" *"*'.
One TouchOf Nature
How a Noncombatont Became;;
an Advocate of Force, «•
By ETHEL COLSON«#• Copyright liy Flunk A, Mun«ay Co.
nil run" nfiuRobert
"Yoirro mlstiikpn, honey! 'Uniteforce' doesn't iihvnys ppell lirutsillty.mid there nre times when It's us iieceB-Kiiiy iiH liroiitlilni;. I don't believe Incruelty to n«lninls, but there nre h«-111:111 brutes who elm only be h.indledby mnin Mtrengtli, nnd there nru situa-tions thnt on 11 only be Htrnlghtenod outby did of the huninn fist,"
"1 cnii't believe It, Hubert"—ond Syl-via's gentle eyes 0:11110 their ncnrest toflnnlilng. "Mind In more powerful tliiuiiii;itter, spirit stronger tlnin seusntlon.Soul spoil ks to soul, and the naturalt'oinnmnder on 11 couiiunnd aljedleiup,when necessary, without nppealiiii; tuthe physical HIIIO either of himself orJus fellows. Tile energy ospeJ\de*l InJigii|iii|f, if jinipurly expendei! acwrd-inn to spiritual, iioiirtislstmit iiietliods,would penoerully oomiuer the world!"
"IYrlinps," was the innn's quiet re-juinder. "But I wouldn't Hko to trustto thoHo methods In n case of mob vi<i.leiice, for exninple, XonresistjineeHoiiiidH nice, hnney, nnd 1 hope I'm noinert; sluj.'tri'i% but the ho.ulthy niiin who
'^Desn't light nt limes 1snn laiut or ncoward. If I were thnt kind of n fel-low nt heart you'd feel it 11 ml despiseme, though you think you wouldn't.Your ideas mid theories are all right,fiylvln, In connection with sweet, yield-ing llttlu pence, enthusiasts like your-self, but you murk my words, honey,tho time? will come when you'll no-knowledge force necessary, and I onlybopo that I'll bo there!"
"Well, I hope you won't," said SylTla•firmly, "for I want to keep on lovingyou, Robert, nnd I don't think," morefirmly, but with n disarming smile,•'that even you could make me loveyou if I saw you lighting. You knowbow I ionthe nnd detest and abhor onddespise n man who cun't control hisanimal passions, -who tries to bend an-other by brute strength to his owniwill. Whnt nre our intellects given nslor it not to use -them, and what's theuse of spiritual nnd mtjntul training IfIt doosn't tench us to live In and to ourhighest possibilities?
"But there's no use In our nrgulng,"na nobert's mouth set in a straight nudsteady line, "because." another dlsnrm.ing smile, "the time evidently baa notcome for me to convert "you, Andmeanwhile my, dear boys will be wait-Ing for me if we don't ,^nrt rfgHtaway." ' '"*
"All right, I'll benready. when younre," retorted Robert. And SylTla trip,ped gftyij" upstairs.
The episode was characteristic.Sylvia, highly strung child of'com-
fortable parents, was an odd offshoot
tenetselinl;fi»r enknew
pirueaii? Tlii,' l iWu wbig, hearty, ns (Inn
mill conllrineU n "»iinple Uve^" us «hewas transeendeiiliil, able, physicallyami mentally, to hold Sylvia in thu hol-low of his hiunl.
Though she Htrugfrlei! Ufa* nud harditKailiNt the eouvli'tlou, Sylvia knewhim for her muster at night.
To do her jiiMtlee, however, shetied biavely nwninst the Browing 1to eiipitiiiiite to HilllugH,
Every time tln> hitter, loving, loudvoiced, confident, returned from 0110of the engineering "Jobs" from wlilolihe drew ssiiUfaotlon ami siisttMianee.Sylvia, 1'1'cliiig her fiite 11 little nearer,endeavored to chill him to it 11 Icicle, tcsend him (inlte out of her orbit,
lint Hillings WIN iiinde (if Htuff tin:even for her mnrtyr umterin!Isiu. Ihi hilled the strangeand (Hilts In which Sylvia rev-nit. |>;irmloxicMlly, lie loved her |ilii'Miim; tlieni, And In* alwaysnot only what ho want ml, but
illvJ.i linw to get If.Sylvia, nt Ili'st condescending to ar
guc wllli him In behalf of the furredMini feathered "little brothers" he Nimiwith mich ruthlesH enjoyment, presi*tly fiiuiid herself reltictantly enjoyini;his KOs'ieiy. Hy mid by It Heomed nJ Ifshe iiilKht dn "the cause" non\ sorvlivby cliMiiijing his opinion!*. And by thetime HIH" knew llohcrt's prlnelplos—orlack <if (hem-as Inerndlcably luuniitirdns her n\vn —she couldn't live withouthim, So they beeanie engngeiL
lOvcryhmly, InrliHlinj; Sylvi.-t, won-tiered how the nlTair wunld turn out—pverybody. that 1H, but Sylvia's calmlyjoyous nance, Hubert know no treinorrt,no fear*).
"Leave her nlone. blrss her heart!"he adlured Sylvia's parouts when theiattur. glad In tho betroflial but fearfulMM to its future, nil things oonsidereil.ROiitly suggested thnt Sylvia was nut(111It0 like lew?! (•onunouiilace maidens.
"Leavo her alone! 1 don't want herto let go a HiiiKie fact or fancy Rliclikes for iiiy sake—until sii|>'N ready tndo HO. If her queer 'pvliu.-iplos' makeher happy, why sliotildn't HIIO enjoythem? I don't care how much sheloves nil the rest of the world, so longns she loves 1110 more."
Privately, the young man was of theopinion Hint marriage, culminating'In'tho mothrrhood she so highly revered,would change Sylvia, makolior not lossjjood, but more normal. But ho snidnothing, ijnturally, of this theory.
lie only went on loving Sylvia huge-ly, spending every available momentwith her, obeying such of* her, com-luundfl and wishes na were possible tolinn, sharing her beliefs and practiceswhenever he could, evading issues thatpromHcd to prove argumentative'orstormy. This was most difficult whenit enmo to questions of physical prow-oss and war.
Ifike most liirge men, Robert waspeaceable by nature, but ho believed Inthe timely and judicious laying on of-Bands and that in order to enjoy peaceit frequently was necessary to fightfor it.
Sylvia as a noncombatflnt extremistearnestly desired to convict him of er-ror in this direction, Sometimes itseemed to her as if she simply mustsucceed since she found herself equal-ly unable to face the prospect of lifecrowned by or bereft of her dearfljjhler,
51io clinjux cnrnlTorrfho Sunday afternoon when Sylvia, who, seared oiher lifo in thu dark and of all masculine strangers, worked several evenings n week with the larger lads of itslum settlement, broke on* the recordedconversation to conduct a "boys* peacemeeting" in the club liall,
Robert bad consented to accompanyhor, though bo hated slums and peacemeetings, because it was his onlychance of spending the occupied timewith Sylvia, wlioiii since on the mor-row he must cwny for another long"job" lie would not see again for sev-eral weeks, <•
They went through a neighborhoodhe mentally characterized as "rotten,11
resolving that once Sylvia was hiswife, he'd stop her going to suchplaces if they had to move to thoRocky mountains,
Sylvia, born aristocrat, sedulouslypersuaded herself that she loTed^tbesoiled, unkempt men and women.^rhoshared the stuffy street car with them.nijlinsip, born democrat, not in theleant (ibjeeting to work or even lifewith lii.s social and educational infe-rioiK, found the prevailing atmosphereof beer, wliiMky, friod onions, stale to-haeco and unclean clothing partieular-
Thou, •ffvTIfllini Tile TuTpftaed eon-diictui'H query of "Here—whuff eat-in' you?" ho Hlnxlo buck to Sylvia—(lie crowd in the alalu pacilng respect-fully before' liliu—eourteou.Hiy beckou-cd Her to I'INC, lifted liU hat galhiutlyto lili MtHI blUMhiim bunellclary, and,VvtlHisvtHl by iipprovlttK glaiict'a fromI he men, the adulatory gii?,e of tilewoiiioii left bohliKl, mndi! his way fromthe car.
The conductor repeated ills qucittluiMiis to tliu cause of the illHturbance, but
N paid no more atlindoii to him
iu all but personal appearance. Fromher very birth she had been dveron.flowed with principles, not to say scru-ples.
Her father early remarked of horcoucerulug the former that, wherensmoat people treated principles likeplus, turning the points carefullyaway frost a possJbTe danger lino, Syl.via BO turned hers that they not onlypricked her own conscience, but nlscevery one who enmo within her per-sonal radius.
I>ntw he decided that only the girl'slovo of fun and intrinsic sweetnesssaved her from prlgglshness, n tend-ency from which many-of her friendsdid not consider her entirely exempt.
Iu early childhood Sylvia'a too sen-sitive conscience kept both herself nudher mother thin and nervous. Sh«grew up, again to quota her loving po-tternnl parent, 0 "universal believer,"
Religious devotionallsm, as a mattercourse, fascinated Sylvia. Vogeta-
_ Uulsiu, nutl-vlvlsectiou, peace prln-'cli>l«8, dress reform, public hygieno.flU w«a grist that came to her Bpiritualmill.
BUo went cold In waiter becaustf' oftUe conviction that it was wrong tokill animals for furs; BIIC wont hungrywhen away from home because shewould wit no foo(J produced at cost oflife. For similar reiiBons slio wore HIIUftnd woolen gloves—with io:ithlug,
The harder, inoro tryitii; a belief, etheory, the more nrdontly Sylvia es|>oiuieU it. 1-ovlng peace above all
aim fought daily for her prln
Tlieao things being so, it wus uatu-Inevitable, tiuit Bho Hliould
• • "
Sylvia, divining his state of mind.tried to talk on sweetly, but was sorelyhindered by the crowded condition ofthe car, the perpetual' ehaiiRO of occu-pants, the general discomfort of thesituation. „<*
Robert, stauHlng straight and stiffVfore her, fending her as well ngmight be from the unpleasant throng,preserved for the most part a silencethat he strove not to render grim.
ITo regarded his fellow passengerswith a forbidding stare, especially thehi jr. loud, overdressed bully who sat nlittle to Sylvia's right, «
Between Sylvia nnd the bully sat n.rouiig girl, ehy, modest, charming,whose attention the bullv was deter:
mined to attract. The more persistent,ly she refused to be cognizant of hisexistence the move persistently hepressed his repulsive presence uponher.
At last the girl, nervous almost todistraction, pretended to search herpocketbook for something nnd In sodoing dislodged a stray uicltel. Thiswas the bully's chance.
Retrieving the coin from beneath thefeet of those in the aisle, ho handed itback to the loser, with a word andsmile that sent the hot blood coursingto her very forehead.
As the girl, frightened and furious,rose to leave her seat the bully spokeagain, laying a bold,, restmiiiYug handupon her arm. The ihr! quivered help-lessly, divided between gj ' i th andteam, • *™
Sylvia saw and blushed almost OBvividly as tho bully's victim, Otherpeople saw and frowned or snickered.according to temperament.
Hillings saw nnd recognized nt onceIlls duty, his opportunity, his outletand his desire,
Grasping the bully by thecollnr, hoyanked him from his sent, bunged himdown upon Ills knees.before tho insult-ed girl, dragged liim, fighting nndsweating fiercely, through tho crowdof amused, admiring spectators out ofthe ear door, across the platform, and—threw him over the rear rail, f
thui( T.0 tiii: viLiujUiSiiuu uuiiy, '\vliocould be discerned desperately gestlcti'latliig and striving to overtake tho curin the distance.
He simply, silently, assisted Sylviato the ground nnd escorted her to thesidewalk. They had taken some stepsbefore Sylvia spoke.
Then—tho surprise of his life cameto Robert Billings.
He hail expected stern, possibly tear-fill reproof and..reproaches- -He felt alittle guilty as to Indulging in any kindof physical "trouble" in the presenceof ladies, justifiable, even necessary ashe felt his late action to have been.
But—the face that Sylvia turned to-ward him was radiant, adoring, andher voice, if a little shaky, was tenderly soft and sweet,
"Robert," she began, then drew him,with a pretty air of mystery, towardthe darkened doorway that led to adarker hall and flight of stairs.
Wondering, perplexed, he followed Insilence, Sylvia stepped inside, waitedfor him to join her, quietly closed thedoor. •
Then, waving his head downward—sheL JwasL ,batTJi_Jittbi.,thingT-whlle-ier-lover stood sis feet two—she laid gen-tie hands on his shoulders, blushed andsoftly suggested:
"Please sliut your eyes."Still wondering, more puzKledj' he
obeyed, and Sylvia, her face like a rose.,her oyoa misty yet Btarlike, bestowedupon him a thistledown kiss— the firstshe had ever offered.
"Hobert, dear," she explained whenthe caress having been returned withvigor and compound Interest, she wasagain in a position to speak plainly—"Robert,, dear, I can't tell you iiownoble and line you looked %s you cameto that poor girl's rescue! rerhaps"—with tleotlug and tardy recollection ofthe endangered peace principles—"thathorrid wretch might have minded ifjou'd merely spoken to him; but, then,(perhaps lie mightn't; and, anyway, bedeserved a lesson.
"Robert," with increasing fervor,•'you know how proud and fond I'vealways been of you. I shouldn't bewearing your ring otherwise. Butyou've opened my eyes this afternoon,dearest; and I don't think, honestly undtruly"—another luring gesture and ncaress not quite BO ephemeral In char-acter—"that I've ever really loved youlief ore!"
At «Ma Monpitiu.
An old South Carolina! darky waiBent to the hospital of St. Xnvier inCharleston, One of the gentle, blnck-obud sisters put a thermometer In hisnouth to take his temperiiture, Pre«-ntly, when the doctor made hisounds, ho -mid: "Well, Nathan, how
Jo you feel?" ''1 feel right tol'ble, boss."'Have you hod any nourishment?"
'What did you have?"'A luily done gimme a piece of glass
to suck, boss."
In H»r r»th#i'» Oar,
"Where wore you last night?"k i one girl of another,"I was out riding with father in his
car.""Hut I didn't know your father hnd
nn automobile.""He hain't; ho is a motorman,"
"Are you going to the mugicale attho Robinson's tonight? '
"I dont know. Aro they going tohave music or is Josephine going toHing?"
* • f u WUlia*.It WM her "At hom«" day, and in
the awkward interval juit before t«»wus servtd the conversation bffran toflag. She WHB racking her brain in aneffort to provide iomt diversion forher gueRtR, and at last an idea •truckher. Turning to the dull, rotund,newly rich gentleman beside her shenaked: "Would you like a aonutu be-fore tea?"
"Thank*, thanka, awfully," was thereply. "I've hnd two on my wuy hero,but 1 dont njinti if I have another."
A Truthful •ttibtad,"Does your husband over He to
you?""Never,""How do you know? '"Ho tells me that 1 do not look a
day older than I did when he marriedme twenty years ago, and if ho doesn'tlie about tnat I dont think vhe wouldabout leas important matten,"
. m • m-Monty Valkl.
"Money talks, I tell you, moneytalks,"
"Yes, I know it does. I marriedmoney,"
W&J. SLOAN EThe Largest Display of
SUMMER RUGSewer presented by this establishmentIn our greatly enlarged Department of Domestic Rugs we arc
now showing a profusion of artistic effects in appropriate Floor Cov-
erings for every kind of Summer Home—from the large Country
House to the small Cottage and Bungalow,
*'Rag Rugs in novel effects—17 different kinds; many novelties",
special sizes to order.Rugs for PoreAes—Imported and domestic; 8 different kinds;
rectangular, square, and oval.
Seamless Chenille Rugs— "Chaumont" and other qualities,
Wilton Rugs'-Foreign and domestic; 12 different kinds; hun-dreds of designs.
Body Brussels Rugs—-Patterni of decorative ejtcellence,
Bath Room Rugs—Domestic and imported; wool, mohair andcotton,
Axminsttr Rugs— Durable and inexpensive,
China and Japan Mattings, Cocoa Mats."Tuxmdo", Carpet Sweep0rs~$3.2S each.
Special Values in Wilton Rugs—Sat 9 ft. x 12 ft..at $30, $37 and $46,75; reduced from $39, $45 and $60.
Special Values in Brussels Rugs—$iM9ii. % 12 ft,,at $21.75^reduced from $28,25 and $32,50.
Scotch Style Wool Art Rugs at Special Prices. s
"Invincible" Electric Vacuum CleanersEight Portable Models. Stationary Plants UMtalled,
A YUtUm of tkt Wat."Madam," saM tha tattcrtd «nd
torn supplicant to tho benevolent ladywho amwered hii timid rap at thadoor, "have you any old clothw youcan spare for an unfortunate victimof the European wart"
"I think I have, my poor man? buthow doei thin happen? You can nothuve been in thii war, surely,"
"No, madam," humbly replied thesufferer; "hut my wife hug tent allmy clothes to the Belgians,"
Quut_HRV« you ahaan—hie—*nj^-•hinf my frlen' Boiworih latelyt
Hotel cl«rk—H« wsi hart half «nhour ago. '
Gutit—Wui '« 'lone—hie—nwls ' • -»
t mw a r n la* W M
Sapliieh—Clevirt Oh, vtryi Why,•he haa Eraini enough for two.
MUt Keen—Tha» aha't jui t th« girlyou ought to* tnarry.
The Oriental Store,
Announce the Continuation of Their Annual
Sale of Canton ChinaDuring the month of April we are offering the popu-
lar "blue and white" Canton Chinaware at a discountof 25% off regular prices.
For over half a century Vant'ine's has been the head-quarters in this country for Canton China, and in no otherestablishment in the United States may be found such acomplete assortment as we always carry in stock.
Following U B brief list of the reduced prices iRegular
i.BO dp i . §4 ,88 flo*.
flat, 10" 1i, flat, «" a,i0 " 1.S8
Meat DUhei, oblong. , »~"l0". . . . SO e«, ,68 '••Sir»t Dlihoi. oblong,
II" «,00 " 4.50 "BOUD Turpon, with
«*nd« • / • . . . . . . . *.O9 " 3,00 "C u v t r i i l D l i h ," iqunre. $- •. 1,60 » 1.13 «Covtred Plih, oval,
li» , , . , . , , . 1.00 " 2,15 "Covered Dl«h, oval,
g» 1.25 " ,04 "Salad Bowl , %*.O9 " 1,50 "Bakum. oblong, B".. 1.00 " ,75 "Bakort, OblonB. 11". 1.50 " 1,18 "Piteho™, 1 qt i.BO " 1.1S "
, . . . „ , , , 4 qt 2.S0 6*.Coffee Cupi ftaJ
Fimnrj , e x t r ahandU'd, h i g h ,•Hi" . , . , . . . , , , . . . T.50 i o i
Coffee Cupi andSaucer*, hnndl.J,low. i U", t.50 "
I d C u p 1 anilPaueeri, ( U nb a n died, h 1 1 h,SiJ4" .IT.IO "
T e a C u p * n n tlHaucpFi, handled,low, 314" 6,SO "
CoRt-e Pot. l /» . . ' . . . . S,00#*.ColTeP Piit. • / • . . 8.00 "B i n u n , handled,
i/l . . . , , , , , 1.00 "6 » K » r I, liiinilli J,
! / • 1.50 "
Price,1.8S ••.
5,88 M
4,88 «2.25 »«.jO "
,75 «
No Mail Orcleri Filled. Koao mm C. O, D.or on Approval.
A. A.VANTINE & CO., Inc.Fifth Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street, New York. •
BEST PAYING RAILROAD.It's a Little One. Built of Scrap Iron
on Wooden Rails,Tho railroad film pays the biggest
dividcodii on tbo capital invested is,according to the Technical World mng-Qziiio, the Grnnd lalaud rnlirond. It Isin nortborn Albertn, Cunndo, 200 milesfrom any trunk line or feed.
It Is only a quarter of n mile longond built of Bcrop Iron on woodenrnlla. Ita rolling stocu conalsta of twobattered freight enra, which ore push-ed along the rood by the men who shiptie freight, no locomotives being used.
The freight thnt Is bundled on thtaroad conslata principally of furs^ whichore towed up tho Atunbaska river onBCOW8 hauled by men, are laden ontho cars, pushed down the railroad and•hipped flgnln on other scowi, jhej*fibxclrcumTentlng the dangereFm Urnndrapids. Returning, the scowa carry allBorU of freight for the Hudson Bnycompauy'a factors nnd are floated downthe river.
The Hudson Bny company charges$2.60 a ton for all freight on this littlerailroad, and the shipper must handlehis OWD goods and posh the can him-self.
. Battleships Now and Then,A battleship today la not tho same as
a battleship in Nelson's day. The oldWooilon throe decker could only be de'Ntroj'rd by long and Uosperato closequarter fl^liting. .It would stand hoursof buttering. It would take hundredsof shot Mini Htlll be capable of fighting.But today 0110 unlucky shot, one blowfrom a torpedo, tuid the great fightinguiaihliie Is a heap of scrap iron,—Lon-don GranUlc,
To~W«arLendera—Say, £'?* been carrying
those 1. O. O.'i of years until th»y ore•bout worn out Burrows-Sorry, oldmaa. Next time I'lk use better pap«r.
'r. I t pays to advertise in THE REQISTEH,
—Advertisem*nt. . '
If You Pay $10 or $12a Month Rent
You can purchase one of thesehouses with the same money youare now spending for rent, Asmall deposit down, balance sameas rent,
22x24 feet, ground dimension,plenty of closet room, water andelectric lights and a plot ofground 50x100 feet or 75x100feet, clear title guaranteed, for$1,450.
You must see them to appre-ciate them.
DIRECTIONS!Take Highlands car at Red Bank,
leave ea,r one block this side of Head-den's Corner, walk east to R, R.Crossmg,
Opposite The Beautiful Strauss Mansion,
AgenU on Ground DnUy. Sundayt Included.Or S«« Yoiuf Own Broker. •
HE ( f t ! t BOETTK CO.,^ 828 BROAD STREET,
(MAU l A U I .
VekMm, Jr., Mfl M Mto W*«~-M«w Xouwmtti
VMom to OIT« anttrtAinnunt*4nM4»y Mfkt,
Fiihtrnwn ftt Btlford and PortMonmouth report •maU MtekM «f•had, harring And MU In Uwir fykeneta this y«ar compared with lMtyear's eiwrn. Tht fishermen aresetting out their poundi this week,John Watson of B«lford set a poundnet lMt we«k, «nd h« will »et anotherthis WMk,
The engagement of Mlu MarthaHill, daughter of Gui Hl]l of Locu»tPoint, to Robert Johnion, Jr., ofNaveiink, son of Robert Johnson, w uAnnounced last week, Mr. Johnionis under contract te play botballwith a Worcetter, Mauaehutetta,teanvand th* season lasta until nearlytiie end of September. The weddiwill take place in St. Agnea'i Cahome. Mill Hill WM educated in aconvent at Washington, S, C. Herfather, Gun Hill, U a theatrical nan,and BUged the famout comedy, "Muttand Jeff,"
The ushers' union of the New Mon-mouth Baptist church will hold amusical enUrtainment next Wednes-day night. The committee in charge ofthe entertainment mmim of WilburW, Coddington, Curtii Wallinf,George Acker and Albert W, Merloni,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J, Eaattnond ofPort Monmouth had a honwwannlnrparty Saturday nigfc£Mr. Eaatmondand nil bride, who waa Miss Olga Tinof Port Monmouth, wen married lastSeptember, but haw just recentlystarted housekeeping. Some of tMglltt they received at their house-warming were a kitchen range, tad-clothing, silverware, furniture, dishesand kitchen utensil*. The guestswere Mr, and MM. Adelbtrt Howard,Mr, and Mrs. George H. Day, Mr, 1MMn. Roy E, Day, Mr, and MM,Charles V, Eaetmond. Mrs. Louis*Peteler, Mri, Harry Alfred. Mill Lil-lian Day, William fill, Ch. rU Boehrn,Albert Byrne and Burnett Carhart.
Mrs, John M, Johnson of Navesinkcelebrated her birthday with m partylast Thursday afternoon. Mn, John-son entertained a number of womanfriends and a general social time WMenjoyed, Mri, Johnion received giftsof potted panties, cut carnation! andother floweri. Those pnunt w««Mrs, Susan Andrew, Mrs. AngrilneJohnson, Mrs. Ella Brainard, Mn,George F« Smith, Mrs, Omar Sickles,Mrs, Celia Leonard, Mrs. ArthurJohnson, Mra. Henrietta Swan, MissKate Davis and Mist Jennie Creamer,
Bert Johnson of Harmony receiveda surprise birthday party from aboutthirty of his school friends b i t Thurs-day night, Denise Beyer and CharlesFort showed some late dancing jtcpe,and Miss Louise Heyer sans a BOIO.Dancing and games wen enjoyed un-til midnight. Miss Hdgn Heyer ofBelfwd drove with a party of friendsto the party, and on the way homethe horse became balky. They werenearly two hours getting home,
• The farmers in the township aretaking advantage of the fine weather.The truck farmers are out in forceplanting their patches for the earlytrade. Some of the Navesink truckers
s who have,teen ynusttilly active areThomas Curtis, Frank Bower, Rev,George F, Smith, Milbury Stearns,Joe Johnson, Joseph Hallem, George^JJteii
has been canvassing the village thepast week for old magazines. Shehai a market for all these, and themoney U turned over to the Metho-dist church,
Mr, and Mrs, Edward Butlay ofPort Monmouth spent last Wednes-day at Philadelphia, Mr. Butlay hasbeta enjoying a week's vacation fromhia duties aa fireman on the Centralrailroad.
Work has been started on WalterE. Walling* new stucco house at PortMonmouth. The house will be builtof hollow tile, and J. Henry Wallingin doing the maaon work.
MAX Ekoskey, who has been em-ployed the past four yean by HarryWhite of Belford, has left Mr. White'semploy and he is now working forJohn Watson of Belford.
William Steams of Navesink, anemployee of Lester A, Sickles, willgo to Aabury Park next Tuesday totake an examination for an automo-bile driver** license.
Mrs. Mama Pop* of Little Silverreturned home last Thursday afterhaving •pant * few days with herparents, Mr. and Mrs, 0, H, Greeneof Nartsink.
Mrs, Ella Hampton and her mother,Mrs, Isabella Scott of Newark, arevisiting Mrg, Scott's granddaughter,Miai Minnie C. Frost of New lion-mouth.
William E, Bunn, Rev, Lester G,Leggett and Henry McLean of RedBank weqt visitors at the NaveainkMethodist parsonage yesterday alter,noon.
Miss lona Curtis of Navesink, anight operator at the Atlantic High-lands telephone once, spent Saturdayand Sunday with ber sister at Brook-lyn.
Captain Nathan Brown of Balford,who has been laid up most of the win-tar with pneumonia and other rick*AMI, U "on deck" again at his store.
Mr. and Mrg, Joseph F, Andrewand Dr, Brummel Andrew of Pater-son have been spending a few daysat the formers' home htm.
Captain Chactet Hobba of Belfordhas been spending a few days with hisfriend, Captain Edward Lee, aboardthe stMmtr Fulton Markat-• Mr, and Mrs, Parker Johnson ofMew York spent Sunday with Mrs,Johnson's parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. E,Burdge of Locust Point.
Mr. and Mrs, Warren K. Francisof Nutley motored to Port MonmouthSunday to visit Mrs. Francis's sinter,Mra. D, T. Hendrickson.
Miss Helm Coe and Harold Cod-dington of Fort Monmouth attendedtfie show of "Carmen" at New Yorklast Tuesday,
Miss Edith Reatherington of Pe-quannoek, New Jersey, is visitingMiss Ethel VanZee of New Mon-mouth.
LesterfinishedDankl W,place.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Albert Mount ofLocust Point were recent visitors ofRev, and Mrs.. J, B. Shaw of LittleSilver.
Mrs. Helen LaBrecque of northernNew York state is visiting Mrs, Isa-dore Walling of Port Monmouth,
R, N, Hurd, Mrs, Mary E*ed and
C. Wallinf of Pelford hasInting tt»e interior ofnNote's store at that
Linzmayfir.Captain Thomaa, Dumont of
eink will be missed by hii~manyfriends on the Keansburg steamboat*this summer. He has had charge ofthe boats, of the Keansburg steam-boat company aver since they began.running, but he is now unable to seeafter an unsuccessful operation at aNew York hospital for the removal ofa cataract mm one we,
Mr. and Mrs, William Gentsch ofBrooklyn have been visiting Mr. andMn. Harry Harris of Belford, Dur-ing hit visit, Mr. Gentsch has re-painted the outbuildings on Mr. Har-ris's place. Mr, Harris Is having ahedge set out «n the front and aide ofhis lawn by Joseph Thompson.
Rev. Archibald H. Stitpnln will givea ttereoptieon lecture in the NewMonmouth Baptist church Sundaynight. The topic for prayer-mtettegFriday night will bt "What Am IKeeping Back That I Owe to God?"Four new electric lights have been in-stalled back of the pulpit., '
Mrs, Lester A, Sickle* of Navesinkwas operated on Monday by Dr, B. E,railing for the removal of an in-growing toe-nail. Monday afternoonMrH. Sickles was leaning on a glaiicounter in her husband's More whenthe counter gave way beneath her.She escaped Injury,
ion Paddock aw4Flatbueh «p«jt
Mrs. James Duane are occupying theirsummer homes at Locust Point,
Mrs, George Ryno of Belford re-ceived a gift of a baby girl from thestork last Saturday morning,
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis of Orangecounty, New York, is visiting Mrs,Susan Andrew of.SaveBink.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank LinBmayer ofik visited friends-and-jela-
tiv«g at Navesink last week.W, H, Meant has returned to his
summer homeTfriJoeuitrPoint aftera short trip to Chicago.
Mr, and Mrs, George Palmer ofNaveiink spent part of last week withfriends at New York.
Oswald Seattle of Hoboken .has beenvisiting his sister, Mrs. Antonius Gib.son of Belford,
Mrs, Georgie Sickles of RiversideDrive visited friends at Navesink lastThursday,
Mrs, Arthur Curtis of Navesink•pent yesterday with friends at BedBank,
Peter Tallman of New York was aNavesink visitor last Friday.
George Halsey of Belford is laid upwitW abscesses on his neck,
Mrs, Edgar P. Martin of Port Mon-mouth is on the sick list. .
Mr, arid Mrs, ....George—Church— of
nuui vaws.
Willett of Port Monmouth. Mr, Pad-dock gained notoriety about a yearago when his uncle left him a biglegacy, and he became known as "theMillionaire Kid."
Mrs. Frank Grant of Belford enter-tained Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ben-nett, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Seeley,MUs Dot Seelty. William II. Seeley,William H, Bennett arid Harry Ben-nett of Belford and John E. Seeley ofNew York at dinner on Sunday,
A small five started in tht Platt-mount woods last •huriday, and allafternoon the Stone Church sectionwas enshrouded in smoke while resi-dents were beating out the flames.The blase was put out without call-ing out tile firemen.
The three patriotic lodges of Bel-ford will hold a masquerade and par-celi post sociable in J. E. Johnson'*hall at thai place tomorrow night, Asmall admission Will be charged, andthfs wili1neiude-fche price of «fi»ah.menti.
The condition of Mrs. dareneeMarvin of Belford, who attemptedsuicide two weeks ago and who It nowat tile Long Branch hospital, is con-siderably imorovorf and she is «K-t>ected home In a short time,
A delegation from the NaveainkMethodist Epworth league will attenda sociable at the Uttle Silver Metho-dist pargonage Friday night, Theywill make the trip in Albert Burdgersautomobile track.
Mm Ernest PftTMn of Tottenvillespent last Thursday with Mrs. J.
'Henry Walling of Port Monmouth.Mr. nnd Mra. Walling and Miss Ber-nice Boyd spent Sunday with relativesat Tottenville.
Mre. Joseph I>in*mayer and sonsJoseph and Adam returned to theirhomes at Navesink Monday nightafter bavins tpent a week with rela-tives at Oyster Bay, New York.
Mrs. Robert Seeley-and son Robert)Mrs. Amanda Wilson and Mrs. T. J.Coaler of Port Monmouth spent Fri-tiny with Mrs. Carter's aintaiY Mrs.John E, Vanderbjlt of Keyport.
Elwood F. Murphy «f Port Mon-mouth has sold about two hundred
-younjt chicks to Mra. Charlotte Mur-phy. Mr. Murphy will raise White
M i OdnuniBBion MVottmaatef,
Henry Neinstead received hit com-mission M pesbnaster Monday morn-ing. The poatoffice fixtures will prob-ably be changed from Richard Luf-burrow'i store to Mr. Neinitead's•tort this week, '
Agiutlon is strong in the villagefor a petition to he sent to the trolley
compelling the company to
Wonderful Economies Arranged on Spring and Summer WearSpecial Values in
Undermuslins.For example, Women's 39cGowns.made of good quality'eusbric, o«atly trimmed,
Women't25cMercer-ized Hosiery, Special
17c or 3 pairsfor 50c,
In black only in all size*,double heels and torn.
New Voile and Organdie Waists,Special l i e .
Some of all-over embroidery, others trimmedwith shadow and filet lace and embroidery; alsoplain tailored styles, all sizes.
New Spring Coats at $4.95and $6,75.
A new lot showing all-wool Serges and Shep-herd Plaids in all the new shades for Spring andSummer* Coats are trimmed with Peau de CygneSilk, all lizes,
MorelGoodlNews oflDreM Skirts atOur Special Price $1.95.
**^Abottt a dozen styles for choice of ShepherdChecks, Covert Cloth and black and blue Serges*full flare, belt and pocket effects.
Bleached Sheets, Special 59c.Full Bleached Sheets, standard make, no dress-
ing, full size.
Bed Spreads, Special 83c.Large size crocheted Bed Spreads in extra
heavy qualities.
Women's SUk Hosiery 28c and 47c.Silk more than half up.
Woman's Cotton Gauze VestsPlain and lace trimmed, also shaped with wing
sleeves and sleevelesi, regular and extra sizes.
Combination Suits, Special 49c , 69c, 75c,95c anil $1 .49 .
Made of fine nainsook, beautifully trimmedwith fine lace and embroidery, excellent values.
Woman's Muslin Petticoat* at 25c, 39c,49c? 69c, 95c and up
Made of fine Cambric andand embroidery.
Sale of Domestic and Wash Goods.10c Bleached Sheeting, standard make, 38
inches wide. Special 6>4c.
Bleached Towelingwith red borders, Special yard 4c.
50c Table Damask, Special 33c.Mercerized Table Damask, different patterns.
25c Bath Towels, Special 15c.Extra large size and heavy Bath Towels, hem-
med, only 4 to a customer.
Nil* m% A3C, d 9 C |up to $3 ,95 , ScrI nainsook, deep lace I ^n
I neatfo
Limn Cra*h, Special at 8He.Irish Linen Crash, 17 inches wide,- heavy.
Scrim Curtains, Special 69c and 95c .White or Arabian ahades, trimmed with
lace insertion.
Just ArrivedA special lot of suits in the most fashionable designs, smartly cut insemi and form fltting models. Some with patch pockets and wide roll-ing lapels.These suits were intended for twenty dollara and exceptional value.
For Thursday, Friday and Saturday
• II
We can top you off with ft nvhead piece, either derby or asoft one,
$2.00, $2,50, $3,00
We?ve been told our line ofshirts are the prettiest everseen, we think so ourselves.Worth your while to see them.
Our Dollar Shirta^doUat and a half value
SCHENCKint 0 Ifardware
usher u IlustlerLawn Mowers S2.7O up
Self. Adjusting
Ball Beaiing
OpenEveninp tmn Saturdays
Until 11 P. M.
69 Broad 5treet>iOpposite Monmouth Street,RED BANK, N. J.
• • • • • • • • • <
lice chief, and their troubles will beaired at a public meeting,
Thursday, May 2Qth, has been setas the date for a hearing on the billof Col. William N, Barbour for theloss of some ducks, which Mr. Bar-bour claims were killed bydogs, Mr.Barbour's lawyer, Fred W, Hope ofBed Bank, wUl attend the meeting.
Bills amounting to $278.63 wereordered Said.
Mra. William Naughton, who hasbeen sick with a nervous breakdown,is jrraduf'Jly improving
Mrs, Harry Collins is visiting inConnectttut,
Dr. John Veitor spent Saturday at
T&nt HA.VEW n w i ,
gcMolhouse hflj, A New York automobilist broke a spring in hia autowhen he went over the crossing Sun-day afternoon. -
Mr. and Mre. Arthur Berrian ofNew York spent Monday at the Vil-lage Inn. Thomas Thompson of Lake-wood is visiting his brother, RalphThompson of the .inn.
Miss Helen Mount of Orange, andClarissa and Ralph Johnson ofShrewsbury, spent Sunday with MissMarion Dickinson.
Mr, and Mrs, Elijah M, Owen anddaughter Gatherine of New Yorkspent Saturday and Sunday at theirsummer home here.
The men of the Bed BUI Methodistchurch gave a sociable at th» churchlast Thursday night. Over afty per-sons w«re present, and the affair wasa great financial succesB. The fourthquarterly conference of the church
Ul be held next Sunday night. Rev.Eirt ill h Ti f
Ms summer home here.• having
wUl b held n e t y gJohn EirtW will preach Tiis farewell
h t ti He has been
been laid up several Months by sness.
The foof of Good Will MethodJstchurch is being resbingled and a fenceis being built in front of the property.
Police Captain Patrick H. Mcttairtf New York has bj^n visiting Fran«ois Biuker.
Some one took Henry Wright's boata few nights ago, but it was found afew days later half a mUe from theplace where it is usually anchored,
Mrs. Dennis Martin is laid up withgrip.
Van Allen Soule will run,his bus toPaterson. Sunday to accommodatepeople who want to hear Billy Sunday,
The second annual reception of theOceanic tennis club was held Fridaynight in the pariah house. About 100persons were present, friends of themembers coming from New York,. RedBank, Seabright and other towns.Music was furnished by Hopping'sorchestra of Red Bank. Solos were
o n t mag* muA to • • piniBh»ain About Two W H O .
Thomas N. McCarter's bridge overRidge road will be completed in abouttwo weeks.
William Green of Red Bank hasleased Charles Cooper's house on Pearlstreet for five years.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Be Witt havereturned to their summer home onPearl street after their theatrical sea-son.
Alvin Parker is working in FrankPittenger's meat market at 'Red Bank,
Lee Martin left today for Balti-more, whare he will attend conference,
Harry Dennis will start his milk
Aabury Park ItalUn mtm&m Two Bullet*in Kli S«M,
Frank Marchesano of Asbury Parkfired two bullets in his head in an at-tempt to commit suicide Friday night.He was taken to the Long Branch hos-pital, where one of the bullets wasremoved. The other is still embeddedin his skull, Marehesano was able toleave the hospital today. Despondencydue to his Inability to get work wasthe cause for the Italian's attempt toend his life, Marchesano was con-victed of -killing Constable WilliamHodges in August, 1906, He was sen-tenced to twenty years in state prisonbut was paroled last December, ,
A Full
Line of
Lawn MowersWall Paper from S CENTS DOUBLE ROLL and upward
Oatmeal Wall Paper 30c rollMost complete stock of Paints for all purpose* at the
R e d B a n k , N . ,AND
Monmouth Street
AU Trolleyi F»«M the Dow
charge for his fourth fear,John H«ath of Brooklyn spent Sun
day with his mother, Mrs, MargaretHeath of this place. ,
John Hicks has moved from AlbertBrokenbaugh's house to CatherineHeath's "Magnolia" house.
"Black Jot." • colored singer fromthe South, will give a concert at theMethodist church Friday jiight.
mmuow raws.Council Vaattay ftftit Thnr«a«y »l»ht
WM H V»ry Short ««• . -The meeting of the mayor and coun-
cil last Thursday night lasted onlyhalf an hour. Tho ladies' auxiliaryof Oceanic hook and bidder companyserved^* Dutch supper oh the firstfloor 4pthe firchouoe. Some of theborough officials partook of the sup-per and this made the council meetinglate in getting started.
Samuel Longstreet made applicationfor a job as policeman. The applica-tion was filed.
Exempt firemen's certificates weregranted to Albert M. Stryker and Al-fred R. Roach. They are members ofOceanic book and ladder company.
The noWcam*n«f the borough axe atodds with Charles F. briggg, the po-
Mullen and Mils Lois McKay,he pianist and accompanist was
Mrs, Liloyd Wheeler, At intervalsMjst Kimball of New York, a pro-fessional elecutionist, gave readingsand solos, Dancing followed laterwith refreshments. The parish housewas decorated with potted and cutflowers.
The annual meeting of the Presby-terian church will bo held in the parishhome tonight to hear reports of thedifferent departments and elect of-ficers for the church. After the busi-ness is finished there will be a socialhour in charge of the ladies* aid so-ciety.
The Pinafore club of New York hasopened its camp on the Shrewsburyriver. About 25 members are at thecabins.
The home department of the Pres-byterian Sunday-school gave a socialto ita members Thursday night In theparish house. About 45 members werepresent. An effort will be made todouble the membership, * ,•
Remember that every added sub-scriber helps make THE REGISTER bet-tor for everybody. Turn over » newleaf and become a member of THERBQUTBR'S vast army of over 27,000readers.—/ • -•
Theodore Davis and family of At-lantic Highlands visited Mrs, DeborahA, Smith Monday of last week,
Rev, and Mrs, John Alger are vis-iting their son, Dr, George Algor ofPaterson,
Mrs, William Curchin has recoveredfrom sickness?
An orange supper will be held inthe basem*nt of the Methodist churchFriday night.
The ladies' aid society will meet atMrs. Edgar Smith's tomorrow night,
Harry Angelo and family havemoved in their cottage on the riverbank.
William Knight has rented theCleary cottage on Pearl street for thesummer,
Mrs, Edward Myers, who was op-erated on at Ann May hospital atSpring Lake last week, has returnedhome,
Charles Myers had a surprise partylast Friday night.-Mrs,--Raymond Doughty Jias recov-
ered from grip,Mrs, D. A. Smith, who recently
broke her arm, is improving rapidly.Miss Malvina Curchin is sick with
tonsilitis,Walter Whelan of New York is
spending several ! days with hisbrother, John Whelan.
William Mahon is recovering fromgrip. I
Mrs, T, F, Walters has proved herefrom New York for the summer,
E. H, Wilber is repainting one ofhis houses on Pearl street.
Nelson & Wesson hove finished theirtheatrical work for the season and arehere for the summer,
McNair's meat market has been re-pahrted. •.. • . , -., . . , , .
William Hohman has moved from ahouse on the river front to Kemp ave-nue ' •
(•oaf Brunch Qlrl "We3».
Miss Ellen J, Palmer, daughter ofWilliam E. Palmer of ' West LongBranch, become the bvfde of WilliamG, Cass of Long Branch on Sunday,Tlio ceremony WRS performed by Rev,J. Whitton. Miss Ljllian Palmer, asister of the'bride,"WHS bridesmaidand. Welter Palmer, the bride'sbrother, was groomsman.
Expert-Custom Shoe Maker.76 Monmomtt MvMt, BMC ifapla
BBS BANK, N. 3.Oldest established Shoe Repair Shop on
Monmouth Street, Established 1893,Shoe Repairing In All Its Branches a
specialty. Work dono at Short Notice.All Solea Hand Sewed,
Positively the Beit Bhoo Repairing InTown,
Your Patronage Solicited,
A True Tonicis one that assists Nature.Regular and natural action ofthe stomach, liver, kidneys andbowels will keep you well andfit, and this action ispromoted by
n * Until Sab of Air Mttidsi In tki WorU,M l t o lW l » K
There is no investment so secure and noprofitable as the purchase of real estate in a growing town.
Lots in Red Bank everywhere have advanced rapidlyprice during the past few years. They will advance fasterever in the years to come, for the town is growing fasterever.
We have some fine lots at Newman Springs, just be;Westside, which we can sell at $225 each.
Lots at Westside which sold for |200 each three oryears are bringing $400 and $500 now. Some of theseWestside lots have been sold at |600.
Buy one of these lots at $225 and get some of theof real estate for yourself.
Monthly payments if you want to pay that way.
The Red Bank Real EstateSecond National Bank Building, Red Bank.
Ask for
HORLICK'STim Original
MAjLtED-Mll^K-Or You May Qef a Substitute
TM NourishingFooti'DHnkfor Ail Ages
AH Fountains — Druggists.Take a Package Home
Look for the Big Yellow
No, 68 Broad Street, Red Bank,
Near Monmouth Street.
Mi. -
' » !
Claia a»T« » Play rrtilny iMfht and OIMFM * Mlc* Sum—KoynlAnumin Kodf* to Bold O«ui»« FridayWlfht After MwUnif.A subscription list Is being ciicu-
l*Md among the merchants to provideftwds for the Memorial dny ielebru-tkm which in being planned by theSans of Veterans, nsMMed by most ofDM fraternal nnd ao.'iiil organizationsof the borough. A meeting was hi-ldFriday night nt the Kmnis of the lodgeto make fuithrr plans.
The play, "Leave it to 1'olly." givenby the mernbei.s of the j:i atiuatuij.-.class of the high school I'riday ni^htin the high school auditonum was a
tochers, Misses Hilda Welles andMmiy I'J. Kulton, who I'oarhed thecJniis. Music was furnished bv thehigh school orchestra under the leader-ship of 1'rof. (leoige Lolvr.
Orator Charles \V. Moore of thoKoynl Ar.-anuin lodge has arrangedfor a schedule of .--ininn games to fol-low the legulni" meeting of the coun-cil Friday e\rning. Ainonir the raceswill lie :x potato ra -e, tlnet'-leggeilrace, peanut mco nnd wheelbarrowrace. First, se.-ond and tlmd piizt">will be awirded in eaih e\ent. Fol-lowing the-e events a luncheon \\ ill beServed. Coronal eouneil ha. bivnawarded a .set of deinee banners us aprize for attaining the l.ngest netgain in membeislnp of any eouneil mthe county (luring the je:iv (.nduigApril 1st. The prize was awarded bythe Grand coumul of the oide).
Miss EKie M. Cuiti.i was the overSunday guest of fiirnds at Newaik.
Mrs. John -S. llendnckson. MissAlva Hcndrif'KKiin and J. Haloid Hen-driekson were the Sunday quests ofMJ\ and Mis. A. Cadoo. -lr. and familyat Summit.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bronkhurst ofNew York spent Sunday with Mrs.Bronkhurst's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs,Charles Miller, Sr., of West Keyport.
Dr. A. Petler is having his hou.su onFirgt street painted.
Mrs. L. Vnughn spent Sunday ntFarminjrdale.
Miss Edith V. Walling spent Fri-day at Freehold with Miss Ella Ar-rowsmith.
Miag Minnie Bauer is noting asclerk in the postoffiee in the absence ofAssistant Postmaster H. VVymanBirkbeck, who left Thursday for amonth's trip to California.„ Mrs. Rodney C. Drrre and son arespending a month with relatives atEast Palestine, Ohio.
Lewis Barbel' is confined to hishome at East Keyport with sickness.
, Mr. «»rt Mra. J, • . Ol»r* Kaurtiiocd •«I • I*«rty Vufadajr at Xiaat W««k.
I Mr. und Mrs, J, V. Clark gave »I party Tuesday of last week for Mrs,Clara Stout. About 4i> perKonH weni
'present and spent u delightful even-ing in sociability and listening tomusic, Roy Chumbeihun atnl
Mrs. John S. Hendrickson and Mrs. ! a *•"?_ to
AugustUH Abeam rendered a vocalduet. Miss .lean t'onover, Minn Lu-ella Croydon, MINN Kathleen and lien-jtunin Lufburrow and MI*H. Stout gavepinno selections and Mrs, Klla Hedlesung a, solo. In the guiiien wbich wereplayed prizes were awarded to MissAlida Conover of Wickatunk and Her-bert West of Keyport. Other* presentwere Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I*. Liiywter,William and Hiu\y (\>e of Port Mon-mouth, L. 1), Hoherts, Miss l>ura Hob.erts, Mr. and Mrs. V, V. Clark, HoyClark, Misses Hulda 1'eterson, FannieC-owles, iIoKie Cowles, Carrie Carhart,Floieme neNikeand Florence Kruser,Mrs. Frank P. Sproul, Mr. nnd Mrs.Charles Lufburrow, A. V, Walling andIJOOII Schenck. Mrs. Stout )« one ofthe best woman farmers in the vicin-ity of Ha/.U't. Slie has a prosperousfruit and truck farm.
The ladies' auxiliary of Hamlet tirecompany pave a musical entertain-ment and comedy, "Our Aunt fromCalifornia," in the fi rehouse lastWednesday, About l"nt persons werepresent. Those who took part in theentertainment were Mrs, Ilvelyu Luf.burrow, Hnttie S. Webster, Kdna M.Weipand, Josit1 A. Cowles, Carrie E.Webster and Nellie F, I'uling, Mrs,Frank M. little. Mrs. Frank I'. Sproul,MIH, Timothy WidlinK, MrH. II. AlvinWallintr, Mrs. P, Otto WeiKrtnd, Ben-jnmin Ltifburrow, Harry J. Poling andFred V. Croes.
Miss Marie E, Wallinn is visitingfriends at New York,
Mips Louise W, Ivinyi of New Yorkspent the week-end with her mother,Mrs, A. Ivins.
Mrs, Edward R, Pescux has re-turned home from a visit with Hobo-kon relatives.
Rain-jn-the-Face, an Indian who isspending the summer at Keyport,gave an entertainment in the firehouseFriday,
Mrs. Anna Lisk, who is visiting hersister, Mrs. John L, T. Webster, wasstricken with apoplexy on M^onday.She is able to be down stairs now,
: Miss Mary M, MeFarland has re-' turned.to'her home at Port Richmondafter vSpending the week with herfather, William MeFarland.
I Ralph M, Fox of New York spentI several days last week with William' MeFarland.! Mr. and Mrs, William E. Erb ofj Brnnchville nro visiting Mr. and Mrs,Ira Carhart,
P, Otto Weigand has returned from
John W, Whitbeck were visitors atNew York yesterday.
Mrs. Elmer E. Morris was a visitorin Red Bank Fj-iday.
Miss Ettyo «. Wyckoff spent Satur-day with friends at Freehold.
Miss Belle Ro«evear spent severaldays last week with her sister, Mrs,John H. Jewett of Plainfield.
Mrs. Wallace A. Jack and son ofBrooklyn spent several days last w'eekwith Blrs. Jack's parents, Mr. andMrg. John Templeton.• Morace S. Burrowes is having hishouse oh Broad street painted, AllenPoling is doing the work.
Mr. and I*Irs, W. L. Conover, wholive at Brooklyn during the winter,
dd hi
Miss Reta Xiquos of Port Richmond,visited Mrs. Harry A. Simonson onFriday.
Miss Margaret Kelah of I,ocustPoint is visiting Mrs, Harvey Hyer.
Mftpl« farm on the RumBon road, loftyesterday for Eugene, Oregon, whereho will engage in sheep funning. Mrs.Smith and hop children, with the ex-ception of Helen, have jroiie to NewYork. Helen will live with Mra. L*B-tor C, I^ovott till school dows for theHVtmmcr vueation. Mr, I'atsons, them>W owner of the farm, hiiM _movedwith his family from Mount Vvriwn,New York, to Maple fiirm,
Kmer«on Quai'keniuiHh took Mr. nndMrs. Myrou L. t'umphell, Mra. How-ard 1. Hiince and Mr. Applegate in hiHautomobile to H funeriil ut Imlny.stownon Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. George V, HolmeH areat their home hero, after spending thewinter lit Clear Water, Florida.
Mrs, Ijouise Newman ia having herproperty on the corner of the Kum^onroad and Itiverview avenue oleart-d ofbrush and is making other improve-ments.
William Ward has quit going to theRed Bunk high school and i« work-Ing ng a chauffeur for William T,Getty.
55. Bernard Bennett and family ofNow York are at Silver Bay house atLittle Silver Point for the summer.
Mrs. W, Tabor Parker nnd herdaughter Susie are home from Sum-mervilie. South Carolina, where theyspent the winter,
W. L. Rathbun of New York is nthis summer home at Little SilverPoint,
David S, Jones of New York spentthe week end nt his summer homehere,
Walter Worden bought a bicyclefrom Harrison Shampanore last week,
American Mcelianioi CtUbrnte TheirSeventeenth Anni-ser»aiy.
The American Mechanics cclebrntedthe seventeenth anniversary of theirlodge Monday night with a sociable atwhich dancing waa the principal pas-time.
Edward Champlin is slowly recov-ering from pneumonia.
William Koseh and Edward Van-Dyke spent Sunday at Lakewood,
Fred Day and family spent part oflast week at Newark, where Mrs. Dayhas been under treatment for blind-ness. She returned home with thefamily. The doctors hope to restorethe sight of one of her eyes,
Mrs, John Rhodes will move fromMiss Libbie Welch's house on Mainstreet to one of the DuBois houses onthe same street. The house to whichMrs. Khoades will move is now occu-pied by Lloyd Sickles, who will movein the Ward house on Mill street.
Mrs. Ellen Midgley will leave Sun-day for Brooklyn, where she will spendthree weeks with her son, Frank Midg-loy.
Mortimer D. W. Bambergev spentSaturday and Sunday at Lakewood,where he took part in a polo tourna-ment. His polo ponies and horsetrainers were with him.
live at Brooklyn during the winter,spent the weed-end at their summerremdenne at Y\*est Keyport.
C k ill b b
HF*e yp
Claan-up week will be observed herethe fir*t^veekin41aj^^ttrebemgaTranged for by the Keyport improve-ment association, and they will bea 'ded by the borough officials, who willhave additional wagons to cart awaythe rubbish.
A muaicale was given In Calvarychnrch last night by the Ocean Park-way glee club assisted by local talent,jrhose who took part from this place
.were Clarence Templeton, E. KennethHoose and Miss Florence Lehn.
The regular meeting of the boroughcouncil will be held Monday night andthe hearing on the Main street side.walk ordinance will be held at thattime.
Mrs. L. Brower Wallinjr entertainedthe Keyport literary club Friday af-ternoon at Odd Fellows' hall.
Miss Hazil Lee has accepted a posi-tion as telephone operator, in the cen-
; tral office at Matawan.i Mrs. Walter Varian of Fordhami was the guest last week of her parents,' Mr. and Mii. L. Brower Wallirig.I Misses Alva and Fiances Decker of1 Port Richmond, S. 1., spent several
days last week here with their aunt,'' Mrs. Chailes V. Hi user,
Daniel M. Decker organized a men'sbible elas-5 Sunday at Calvary church.The class is the lesult of the supper
. and men's meeting le.ently held at thechurch.
The second annual concert of theJ_ Keyport conceit orchestra was given
Monday night at the Surf theater be-fore a crowded house, and was a suc-cess financially.
The minstrel to be given May 10that the Surf theater under the auspicesof the Keyport silver band and theKeyport yacht club will be one of thebest evei i:i\en in this borough, Wil-liam V. Knapp is managing the affair.Those who \w!l take part are GeorgeS. H>ei, \UA E. Yail, Andrew B.Campbell, "Bill" Hallum, LonnleHayes, "HiA-" White, Lloyd F. Arm-Ktrong, Lloyd E co*kelet, Joe H. Ack-ery, "Bill" Knapp, Fred V. Cross,Harry FeUunt, <Hoige S. Hyer, Al-bert M. Haigh, Mose-, Jaffe, ClarenceR. Templeton, William Pries, John J.Campbell, Richard Uurrqwes, GarrettJ. McKeen, F. W. Hider, George Pease,Thcmas Davern and Miss Elsa Bauer.A short farce will be staged. Themusic'for the affair will be furnishedby the Keypo;t silver band.
The pubh; utilities commission hasordered the Centi al i ailroad to stationa flagman at the Broad streetrcrossing
1 of the railroad heie from May 15th to>)«yeraber l i t . The order-is the result
^ of the borough council's request thatth» commission take aonie action in
- tile matter as the crossing is a danger-Ou» one.
j . Rev. P. T. B. Reynolds and ArthurS. VanBuskirk have been elected deie-gates of the Reformed church ei the
I I of Monmouth to the particular, which will be held at Hoboken4th.•8. A. W. Hand entertained hepy-8chool claps of boyi Thursday
it at her home. Amon? thoae pres«e Kenneth Hand, Ronald Bain-
MiHard Brown, John Carter, RoyIk, Ernest Walling, Ayfch.ur Con-Oifford Poling, Harold Tlee and>q Wyckoflf.n 8. Matthews, Jr., and Llpyd E.^t were visitors in Newark Sat-
mws.Two SiW Autoi—Joi«pU White ftaft KisMotorcycle—Summer Bcslilents Hero.
Cyrenius Worthley bought an auto-mobile last week for his daughter.Miss Jennie A. Worthley.
Mrs. William L, Borden has a newautomobile.
Joseph White bought a motorcyclelast week to ride to and from his jobas clerk in Doi-emua's store at BedBank. After taking one ride on it,Sir. White declared that motorcyclesjverejc te tnnl-CDiitjiaptiona^nd^th at-hewanted nothing more to do with them.He traded his machine the next dayfor a bicycle.
An old horse owned by Myron L.Campbell was taken sick last weekand was shot to put it out of its mis-ery.
Frank Smith, who recently sold his
Una Wont Sell Hii ZiBnd to theBoroag'li How.
Elias Goldsmith of Keyport, whor*cently agreed to take SL100 fromthe borough lor » strip of land*at thecorner of Broad and Front streets, hasno%y refused to accept the offer. Thestrip of land has been used as a side-walk for many years and all previousowners to the property relinquishedclaim tp the ground, but they did notdeed it to the borough. Mr. Goldsmithbaa tried to put up fences and build-4ngff-bTit~fo^ttr^hBr~bEeTr~pTeverrwdftrom doing so, He has refused to paytaxes on the property since 1913, andwhen the collector decided to sell theproperty for taxes Mr/ Goldsmith se-cured an injunction which preventedthe collector from making the sale.The matter will now be fought out inthe courts,
' • • • • • • . « * • « • • • • * • » < : K • • t • • « • # • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ANK, «•-« M
Little Silver, N, / , April 21, 1918,
To My Customers and the readera of The Register!Dear Friends s The object of this letter-advertisem*nt la to call
your attention to the fact that It is time to think about yourSPRING PLANTING, and especially the hardy planta, or "•old-faehioned11
flowers, such as Hollyhocks, Phlox, foxgloves. Iris and many otheroof this olaes of plants. If you have not received my catalog thiflSpring I shall be glad to nail you a copy on your request.
POT GROWN VEGETABLE PLANTS is another specialty of mine, and moatof you know the advantage of planting pot grown tomatoes, rather thanthe small plants from the seed bed; and of course everybody plantsthe pot grown egg plants and pepper planta. Last season I rememberseveral customers were disappointed because they oould not get theegg plants and pepper plants when they came for them—that is why Imention the matter now, order your plants NOW, and then you will besure to have them when you want them.
Have you any vases or window or porch boxes that you will wantfilled with flowering plants and vines? I make a specialty of thiswork also, and will be pleased to have the privilege of making youa price on any work of thia kind that you may want done—but pleaseplace the order early—don't wait until the'day you want the workdone, let me figure on the job NOW,
GERANIUMS FOR 7 CENTS, WHY PAY 10 CENTS? Many who read this vletter will remember seeing the above heading in oy advertisem*ntslast May—a large number of people were successful in getting allthey wanted of these bargain Geraniums, There were many who had tobe turned away disappointed because they came after all were sold.Don't wait until Memorial Day to get your order in for Geraniums, doit now, it is not a bit too early, and then YOU WILL BE SURE OFGETTING YOUR GERANIUMS WHEN YOU WANT THEM, On all Reserve ordersall I ask is 25°o of the amount paid when the order is given andbalance when you get the plants. This method protects you and mealso,
VISITORS WELCOME—HOW TO REACH OUR PLACE, Many have said they hadsome difficulty in finding our place % for the benefit of those whomay not be familar with this section I will give these directions.If from Red Bank, come out Branch Avenue to Rumson Road, then toSeven Bridge Road (or Riverview Ave,») then up this road about onemile toward Long Branch you will see the sign at the entrance of theplace, from Long Branch, the place la near the white drawbridge,
Watch for my advertisem*nts each week in this paper, you can notafford to miss thenu Call, write or phone,' any way so we get yourorder and save you money.
Yours very respectfully.
Io« EvangeJine Stiles, daughter ofb Stiles of Ocean Grove, was mar-
to Marcellus .Parker of Mana-i Monday morning. The cere-was performed at Agbury Park
Jcs?e Hermann. After ajourney to the South, they
t housekeeping at Manasquan.
H, S. TERHUNE. President. C, B. WARDELL, Cashier,
No, 6440.
cCOMMENCING ON MAY FIRST next this Bank will open aSPECIAL DEPAETMENT paying interest at the rate o£8 per cent, per annum, on all money deposited therein.
Thus affording to our many patrons and the public in general'anopportunity to place their money in a strong, conservative bank, ofover eighty-flve years' successful experience.
In connection with the above announcement attention is called to thefact that the FARMERS AND MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OP
MAT AW AN has been in operation under practically the same man-agement without a day's interruption for a period of over eighty-five
That the primary object of those in control has been and is to safe-guard money deposited by its patrons, Its surplus and profits havenot been divided among its stockholders, but retained as a guaran-tee of its stability to its patrons and a safeguard to its depositors^
The directors of this institution are experienced in the banking busi-ness, they fully appreciate that a large surplus is the surest guarantythat a bank can offer to its depositors,*
New accounts are herewith solicited.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent from $2.00 up,
HENRY S. TERHUNE, President,
James L, Terhune,Andrew J, Cartan,
Henry S, Terhune,Henry H, Longstreet,
P. J. Devlin,
Charles H, Wardell,Richard W, Herbert,
To The Best of Our Knowledge This Is The Greatest Sale Of
In this group we have placed Forty-Eight Suits and Fifty-Two Coats, allmade of stripy all wool materials in a variety of choice colorings. In both Coatsand Suits are a few that were carried over from hist season, but the styles aresuch that you can still get a great deal of comfortable wear out of them, andsave at least $10.00 on your purchase. You will also find in the lot new stylishCoats made of Black and White Checks, Navy and Black Serge and Covert Cloth.Any description we might undertake here would not do justice to the greatvalues offered in this group at
TAFFETA SILK GIRDLES,just received. uemj^lda^Girdle^fliade-of^
TaffelOnik, full gathered and trimmed withcovered buttons of same material, eleven shadesto choose from, priced low at 80c
CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES,Girls' Dresses, made of Ginghams and
Chambrays, in plain colors, stripes, plaids andchecks, dozens of styles to choose from, in-cluding suspender and middy diesses, for ages6 to 14 years, wonderful valuespt
79c, $1.00, $1.25.
DRESS LINENS.A very much wanted material for* drftses,
skirts, blouses and children^ wear. This is ayarn dyed cloth of foreign make,. 36 incheswide, that we bought below the market value.You will therefore save about 8c. per yard.Twelve shades to select from, at per yd.. .3Sc
—7-fhrbest; Ribbon value we've ever offered.AIT silk Satin Ribbon, t% inches wide, every,desirable shade jjsed this season will be foundin the lot. A quality that has always sold at35c per yard, special for a week at yd 2Se
EXTRA CORSET VALUE.Corsets made of twilled coutil, a new low
bust model, embroidery trimmed top, linendraw string, four good hose supporters, extrastay hook; in every way.equal to any 75c Cor-set sold anywhere, our special .price 43c
SPRING NOVELTIES,Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs with colored
borders; also tace trimmed .25cKid Belts, black and white effects, for dress
and coats, very pretty designs, at, .25c and 80sShur Lok Bags. A hand bag with the lock
that prevents loss. You should see the bigvalueftat. $1.00, $1.50, $1.08
J •• ,
- • „ -5 •