Aoe2 Bombard Cannon (2024)

1. Bombard Cannon | Age of Empires Series Wiki - Fandom

  • Availability chart · Tactics · Team bonuses · Changelog

  • The Bombard Cannon is a long-ranged gunpowder siege unit in Age of Empires II that can be trained at the Siege Workshop in the Imperial Age once Chemistry is researched. The unit has an upgrade, Houfnice, only available to the Bohemians. x means that the civilization gets Siege Engineers. Consequently, it can fully upgrade its Bombard Cannons. + means that the civilization gets at least one civilization or team bonus or a unique technology that benefits the combat strength of the Bombard Cannon.

2. Bombard Cannon (technology) | Age of Empires Series Wiki - Fandom

  • Bombard Cannon was a technology in Age of Empires II that could be researched at the Siege Workshop once the Imperial Age was reached.

  • Bombard Cannon was a technology in Age of Empires II that could be researched at the Siege Workshop once the Imperial Age was reached. Requiring Chemistry, it granted the training of Bombard Cannons. With the introduction of The Conquerors, the Bombard Cannon technology was removed from the game, meaning that Bombard Cannons become available once Chemistry is researched. In addition to Bombard Cannon, the Hand Cannon technology was also scrapped in The Conquerors. The Cannon Galleon technology w

3. Too many civs have access to bombard cannon - II - Discussion

4. AOE-II - best civilization to build Bombard Towers - AoEZone

  • Oct 11, 2013 · ... Bombard Cannons take less than a minute to destroy a Bombard Tower). So which civilization you would suggest to a player that want to push ...

  • Byzantines Chinese Koreans Spanish Teutons Turks Out of the civilizations that has acess to Bombard Tower, which one is the best when using them? What I mean is that you can't only build Bombard Towers if you don't have acess to nice units to protect them as they're easily destroyed (one Rams...

5. Bombard Cannon (unit) - Liquipedia Age of Empires Wiki

  • Sep 28, 2020 · The Bombard Cannon is an Age of Empires II siege unit.

  • The Bombard Cannon is an Age of Empires II siege unit.


  • Jul 23, 2003 · If he already have bombard cannons, flush him with skirms from 2 archeries. . None of us are free, one of us is chained.

7. AOE-II - What if Vikings got Bombard Cannon? OP? Not OP? | AoEZone

  • Jun 8, 2014 · Thirdly, it's not redundant. Bombard Cannons would give the Vikings an extra option for fighting enemy Siege. Currently, they can't stand up ...

  • That would give them Siege Ram, Onager, Heavy Scorp, and Bombard Cannon. The Teutons, Saracens, Celts, and Mongols all miss only one Siege tech. The only civ that gets that combo is the Persians, who miss Siege Engineers. Now historically, the Vikings didn't really use Siege weapons. So it...

8. Creating Giant Units Mods with SLX Studio and AGE - II

  • Jun 24, 2022 · To do this, I used the following software: Advanced Genie Editor (comes with AoE2:DE); SLX Studio. Part 1: SLX Studio The Bombard Cannon and its ...

  • Here’s a mod I created that makes Berber Bombard Cannons 4 times larger than regular Bombard Cannons: Because I wanted this custom unit to be unique only to the Berbers, I created new SMX files and units. To do this, I used the following software: Advanced Genie Editor (comes with AoE2:DE) SLX Studio Part 1: SLX Studio The Bombard Cannon and its projectile have 14 SMX graphics files that make up their animations. They are: p_ball_shadow_x1 and p_ball_shadow_x2 p_...

9. Trebuchet versus Bombard Cannon showdown - Age of Kings Heaven

  • Hello and welcome to the trebuchet vs bombard cannon showdown. I'll be your host and tester. These tests not only pit the treb vs the BC, but also show how ...

10. Bombard Cannon (technology) - Liquipedia Age of Empires Wiki

  • Dec 26, 2020 · Bombard Cannon is an Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings technology.

  • Bombard Cannon is an Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings technology.

11. Fire with Fire achievement in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

  • What isn't quick is the Craftsman who builds Bombard Cannons for you once you have transferred them 1000 food. He produces one Bombard Cannon approximately ...

  • How to unlock the Fire with Fire achievement in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. This achievement is worth 10 Gamerscore.

Aoe2 Bombard Cannon (2024)
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